Aleegation, Coup in Turkey

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April 27, 2017

H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

President of the Republic of Turkey
T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Genel Sekreterliği 06689 Çankaya,
Ankara, Turkey

Through: Devrim Öztürk

Road No: 2 House No: 7
Baridhara, Dhaka- 1212

Honorable Ambassador Öztürk / President Erdogan

Allow me to apprise you, Your Excellency, of Gullenist reaction living in Bansgladesh after
the failed army coup mounted in Turkey to thwart the regime of ruling government. Thanks
God! You have been able to tackle it successfully. As a big fan of Erdogan, we have deep
respect for him and we cannot accept any bitter criticism about him. Some unpatriotic
Turkish people, so called Gullenists or Gullen followers in Bangledesh are ruining the image
of him. We can see these activities of Hizmet are spreading rumor about Mr. Erdogan. They
allege that Erdogan is dictator and his government is killing the people those who oppose
his doctorial rule.

International Turkish Hope School in Dhaka is a den or depot of Gullen followers. Their duty
is to motivate the people of Bangladesdh to enjoin Hizmet. They often have their routine
rendezvous with them here in the capital city. They organize weekly meeting in the school
compound in the name of Sobbeth to inculcate the Gulenist views among boarding students
of this institution. They brainwash young chaps to indoctrinate their views to them. They
have also several branches in different parts of this country to do the same. Their actual
purpose of this mission still remains a mystery and a recondite affair.

Gullen followers are also trying to make an alloy with the ruling party of Bangladesh. They
are pouring money in handfuls to influence government high officials and political leaders
here. They often organize various programs and throw parties. These people remain busy
arranging feasts and celebrations rather than providing quality education to the students. It
can be said that the school is overflowed with feasts and festivities. Parents and guardians
are invited there. Sumptuous food items are served lavishly to entertain them. What is the
source of money? This is a big question.

The Principal and the Chairman of the management committee of ITHS Bedrettin Suata
and his cohorts including the principal, the section heads Zubayer Bayram, many deputy
heads are the main culprits to mar the image of Erdogan regime. They are spreading the
propaganda about Erdogan in Bangladesh. The whole Turkish teaching team and other
Turkish people living here are involved in this game. I think your competent detectives can
detect the conspirators of Erdogan in Bangladesh. Please send expert personnel in disguise
to interrogate Zubayer Bayram, Section Head, Senior Boys of ITHS to discover clues of
conspiracy. I hope you will find a lot of clues from him. Please delegate someone to
investigate the matter to prove the veracity.

About recent coup the Gullen supporters in Bangladesh are making a story that the Turkey
coup is nothing but a drama and it may have been 'staged' by Erdogan regime as a
conspiracy against Gullen. They condemn the coup attempt as treason. They mentioned,
“The coup appears to be poorly planned and everything seems to be playing into Erdogan’s
hands.” Thus they are pinning the blame of coup on Erdogan.

They are lambasting that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a very authoritarian ruler. They add; “He
consults no one in making decisions and his authoritarian and arrogant style has caused the
current exasperation in Turkey.”

They are also passing comments on his past life. They mentioned, “Erdogan sold lemonade
and sesame buns on the streets of Istanbul's rougher districts to earn extra cash in his teen
age. He has come from a humble background but there’s nothing humble about him or his
lifestyle now. Despite the fact that Turkey is in a state of turmoil, Erdogan and his family
lead a life of luxury.”

They are also spreading propaganda using that his wife, Emine Erdogan, claims to live a
'humble and modest' life with strict Muslim values whereas she in the meanwhile, drinks
special white tea that costs more than $1,900 a kilo in gold leaf glasses worth $300
each. They are also telling, “Her tyrant husband President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
amassed a £139million fortune with at least three palaces across Turkey while his
'shopaholic' wife Emine likes nothing more than spending money.” They also add that
Erdogan is a notorious and corrupt person. They also add that Erdogan is a notorious and
corrupt person.

Further, they mentions, “His children allegedly swim in luxury" — a luxury they can hardly
justify with their father’s 50,000 euro ($55,025) annual salary as head of state. One of
Erdogan’s sons, Ahmet is worth some $80 million illegally. His younger son, Bilal is ill
famous for his connection with shady and criminal deals in Turkey.”

Their story of Erdogan’s palace made by them cannot be overlooked. They are saying,
“Erdogan built 1,000 — room palace in defiance of a court order on protected land. He
spent vast amount of money on construction and decoration of the palace and the
continuous maintenance of the same.” These are the brief notes to avoid the voluminous of

They are campaigning to tarnish the image of your government. Some of the Gullenist
followers, involved in Turkish Hope School can be extradited to Turkey from Bangladesh to
ask them about the propaganda about you. You can quiz their families or relatives living in
Turkey about their conspiracy against your in Bangladesh.

We want to remain anonymous for some reasons. Finally, we request your honour to
investigate the matter to take immediate measures to bring the culprits to book. We will be
awaiting your early action in this regard. We regret the inordinate delay to submit the letter.

Respectfully submitted,

Yours faithfully,

Fans of Erdogan

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