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23rd May, 2018

To Whom It May Concern

I regret to inform you that I am unable to continue with the payment of school fees due
to some unfortunate circumstances that I am currently facing. I am writing this letter to
request a fee reduction as I have been subject to severe financial hardship over the last
couple of months and I am struggling to meet my obligations.

The present difficult economic situation in our country has caused decline in income and
consequent low standard of life. I am not an exception from this situation which has
thrown my financial status into complete disarray. Moreover, there is inflation in the
market and the prices of the commodities are exorbitant. As a result, with the decline of
income and rise in expenses, my financial soundness has of late deteriorated. The rise in
the cost of living is only aggravating the situation. In this unstable financial predicament,
I have been unable to deposit last three installments (February, March and April) of
Zohin in a timely fashion. Presently, I am also not in a position to pay the outstanding
dues unless a significant amount of remission on the dues and extension of a period of
time is given.

My son, Zohin Raunaq Karim is a part of this esteemed institution for the last four years
and always emerges with flying colors in his school exams. I would obviously love my
son to continue his further education at this school unhampered.

I hope to recover from this financial distress soon and I will resume my regular monthly

Hence, I hope that you would extend your kind cooperation in the matter of prosecuting
his studies in this school by way of granting me a 50% reduction on dues in addition to
the exemption of late penal charge and extension of three weeks time to make the

I implore you to consider my case favorably and acknowledge my request. For this act of
kindness, I shall always be obliged. I will be awaiting your positive response.

Thank you for your kind consideration in my time of difficulty.


(Md. Bazlul Karim)
Father of Zohin Raunaq Karim
Class Two (Yellow)

To whom it may concern

July 2, 2017
International Turkish Hope School
Plot: 7 Rd No. 6
Dhaka 1230

Subject: Application regarding 70% scholarship.

At the outset let me thank you for your financial support for my children’s education over
the past 3 (three) years. / At the outset let me thank you for catering for a nurturing
environment and rightful education for my children over the past 3 (three) years. I
preferred your school for my son and daughter considering it as one of the top-notch
ones for schooling in Dhaka.

I shifted them from their previous school to this one considering it as one of the top-
notch ones for schooling in Dhaka.

My two children; Juthika Basharat Karim and Zohin Rauaq Karim have been promoted to
class 6 (six) and class 2 (two) respectively with flying colours. I had been a teacher at
ITHS for three years since September 2013 to July 2016 and as a teacher, I was granted
70% scholarship for my kids’ education from your trust. Because of your support, I could
easily afford their education at ITHS and I also love to continue their further studies

These days, the prices of commodities keep on hovering and the inflation in the free
market economy has caused decrease in income and consequent low standard of life. I
am not an exception from this situation and also face financial hardship. In this current
predicament, education of my son and daughter at ITHS would be impossible without
70% scholarship.

I implore you that you will kindly sponsor my kids studies with a full 70% fee concession
this academic year and the years to come they will be studying here. I would remain
thankful for this act of generosity.

I may assure you that my kids will always prove worthy of your benign consideration and
bring laurels to your school. I am sure that education program at ITHS is going to
become an even better learning milieu because of your support.

I am thankful to you once again for your time and consideration.

16th July, 2016

From: Md. Rezaul Karim

Parent of Riasat Al Din, Class 8, ITHS No:4032, Roll:31257

To: The Principal

International Turkish Hope School
Uttara, Dhaka – 1230

Regarding tuition fee waiver

Dear Principal,
On behalf of my son, Riasat Al Din, I would like to apply for Tuition Fee Waiver. Riasat
belongs to class 8 at your institution and he is very happy studying here. However, the
present difficult economic situation in our country has caused decrease in income and
consequent low standard of life. I am not an exception from this situation and also face
financial hardship.

Further, I would like to inform you that I am a businessman and the sole earner of my
family. The recent downfall of my business has thrown my present financial condition
into complete disarray. I have been a big short of cash lately. There is also inflation in
the market and the prices of the commodities are exorbitant. With the decline of income
and rise in expenses it has been very difficult for me to defray the minimum household
expenses. So, in this unstable financial situation, it is tough on my part to afford to pay
high tuition fees of Riasat at your school. I would obviously love my son to continue his
education at this school undisturbed. If he has to discontinue his education in your noble
school, it will be a great shock for him.

It is mentionable that English Teacher, Mr. Bazlul Karim is my friend and he

recommended your school for my son. Riasat is an ex-student of Maple Leaf
International School. He is a bright student. He is a well disciplined and sincere boy. He
has been promoted to class 8 with flying colours.

On the basis of the stated reasons, I request you to waive 50% of his tuition fees to enable
him to pursue his studies further at your institution. I promise that my son will not disappoint
you. I am very much sure that my son will take advantage of this help and will bring
renown to your institution.

I hope that the said grant will be waived from your esteemed trust. For this act of
kindness, I shall always be obliged.

Hoping for your deepest understanding concerning this matter.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Gratefully yours,

(Md. Rezaul Karim)


(Md. Bazlul Karim)

To whom it may concern

July 2, 2017
International Turkish Hope School
Plot# 7, Road# 6

Subject: Application regarding extension of 70% scholarship.

At the outset let me thank you for your support and care for my children’s education
over the past 3 (three) years at ITHS. My two children; Juthika Basharat Karim and
Zohin Rauaq Karim have been promoted to class 6 (six) and class 2 (two) respectively
with flying colours. I had been a teacher at ITHS for three years since September 2013
to July 2016 and as a teacher, I was granted 70% scholarship for my kids’ education
from your trust. Because of your support, I could easily afford their education at ITHS
and I also love to continue their further studies here.
These days, the prices of commodities keep on hovering and the inflation in the free
market economy has caused decrease in income and consequent low standard of life. I
am not an exception from this situation and also face financial distress. In this current
predicament, education of my son and daughter at ITHS would be impossible without
70% scholarship.

Under these circumstances, I implore you to sponsor their studies with a full 70% fee
concession this academic year and the years to come they will be studying here. I would
remain thankful for this act of generosity.

I may assure you that my kids will always prove worthy of your benign consideration. I
am sure that education program at ITHS is going to become an even better learning
milieu because of your support.

I am thankful to you once again for your time and consideration.


(Md. Bazlul Karim)

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