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Culture- one of the important bases that define and influence a society.

Voice over- Culture refers to the set of beliefs,ideas,values practice,knowledge,history and shared

experiences,attitudes,as well as material objects and possessions accumulated over time ans shared by the

members of society.

Two Primary Categories of culture:

Material Culture
Voice over: is composed of the physical or tangible objects produced,shared and utilized whitin society such as

tools or implements, paintings and other work of art,architectural styles,weaponry and toys.

Nonmaterial Culture
Voice over: consists of intangible properties and elements of society that influence the patterns of action and

behavior of its members.

Four vital cultural components

Voice over: it refers to things that convey or represent an idea or meaning


Voice over: Language is a set of symbols that enables the people to communicate verbally and nonverbally.

Voice over: are shared ideas, principles and norms that provide standards to pertain what is

right or wrong.


Voice over: Norms are shared rules of conduct that determine specific behavior among the


Voice over: There are various categories of norms according to their social importance, first is
Folkways which is norms that may be violated without serious consequences. While mores are

norms with moral connotations and Laws are norms that are legally enacted and enforced.

Voice over: The process of culture and identity within society is facilitated through

socialization and enculturation.


Voice over: socialization refers to the lifelong process of forging identity through social

interaction. Language and social agents also contributes to the socialization of the individual.

Voice over: refers to the process of socialization whereby a person becomes part of another's



Voice over: Context is one of the elements of culture.

Voice over: It refers to particular circumstances of a certain culture and is defined by location,

weather, time period. For us to become aware of the whole context of our culture we need to

understand that some of our culture are shared, contested, indigenous and others are


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