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Name: Basit Ali Jadoon 1935381

What is De-ethnicization? Give example.
De-ethnicization refers to the “undoing” of social boundaries aiming to protect the integrity of (presumed)
ethnic-cultural heritages. It is the act or process of ceasing to be ethnic or depatronizing your culture and
undoing the practices, rites, customs and other processes associated with it. In other words, De-
ethnicization refers to the process whereby a product formerly associated with a specific ethnic group is
detached from its roots and marketed to other subcultures. It is believed that one major cause why this
phenomenon occurred is globalization since people are now embracing modernization, enrolling to formal
education and trying to embrace mobility and living the lifestyle of the city. They tend to deethnicze their
culture; other factors associated which led people to deethicize are assimilation and acculturation, cultural
and linguistic hegemony, social distance from your own culture and etc.

There have been many products throughout time that have been made for one ethnicity but have become
popular in another ethnicity. One popular product that was made for one ethnicity but is now popular
elsewhere is the ever-favorite pizza. The idea of pizza stemmed from Greece where they would put their
preferred toppings on flatbreads.
This idea spread to Italy where they started putting the signature tomato sauce and cheese on it and called
it pizza, thus the birth of one of the world’s favorite foods.  In 1905 pizza was introduced in New York in
attempts to attract Italian immigrants. It didn’t catch on with the nation quickly though. It wasn’t until the
late 1950’s that pizza restaurants started popping up all over.Now, over 3 billion pizzas are sold every
year in a $35 billion a year industry in the US alone.
Another example is New Year celebration on the evening of 31 December. It was common in western
area of world. However, due to globalization, now, in many countries, New Year’s celebrations
begin on the evening of December 31—New Year’s Eve—and continue into the early hours
of January 1.

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