Five X Six - Thirty - Three X Twenty - Sixty - : B) 5 X - 6 - 30 - C) - 3 X - 20 - 60

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Institución Educativa Parroquial ficha#23

“Niño Jesús”
I. VERB – ING (+ AND -): Match with a line
a) Pintar 1) Walk
b) Caminar 2) Draw
c) Nadar 3) Paint
d) Cortar 4) Cut
e) Dibujar 5) Swim

II. VERB – ING (+ AND -): Put in order:

a) am/painting/I/paper/the 🡪 ______I am painting the paper______________________________________
b) dancing/are/in/school/the/We 🡪 _____we are dancing in the school_____________________________________
c) are/the/swimming/They/in/pool 🡪 ___they are swimming in the pool_____________________________________
d) is/She/her/car/washing 🡪 ________she is washing her car__________________________________________

III. VERB – ING (+ AND -): Translate the lecture:

● Now, my sister is writing in her diary. My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my father is working in his bedroom. Also,
my cousin is swimming in the pool and I am playing in the pool.
● Ahora, mi hermana está escribiendo en su diario. Mi madre está cocinando en la cocina y mi padre está trabajando en su
dormitorio. Tambien, mi primo es nadando en la piscina y yo estoy jugando en la piscina

IV. VERB – ING (+ AND -): Create sentences with these verbs:
a. Dancing:
(+): ___i am dancing in the class_________________________________________________________
(-): ____i am not dancing in the class_______________________________________________________

b. Walking:
(+): ______he are walking in the park______________________________________________________
(-): ______he are not walking in the park.______________________________________________________

1. The ball is __in____ the box.

2. The ball is ___on___ the box.

3. The ball is __under____ the box.

b) 5 x _6__ = 30____
● Put the numbers that are in English, in each
five x six = _thirty______
a) 7 x _3 = 21__ c) _3 x _20_ = _60_____
seven x three = twenty one three x twenty = __sixty___
Institución Educativa Parroquial ficha#23
“Niño Jesús”
d) _10 x _10 =_100
ten x ten = _one hundred_
e) __4__ x_12 = __48_____
four x twelve = _forty eight
f) ___6__ x _4_ = ___24_
six x four = _____twenty four_
g) ___8__ x _10_____ = _80_
eight x ten = _eighty_

● Put the names of the numbers in each box.

a) forty four x two_ = _eighty eight
44 x 2 = 88
b) _fourteen_ x three_ = forty
14 x 3 = 42
c) ten_ x _six_ = sixty___
10 x 6 = 60
d) _nine__ x ___five_ = __forty five
9 x 5 = 45
e) eight_ x ___two_ = __sixteen_
8 x 2 = 16
f) _five_ x __four___ = _twenty
5 x 4 = 20
g) _ fifteen__ x __two = _ thirty_
15 x 2 = 30

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