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STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES uae. MIS Ute _ hereby declare that no immovable and movable property, including bonds, shares, cenificates, securities, insurance policies and jewetry, other than ‘specified herein below, is held by me, my spouse(s) and dependent Chiigren at the time of my assumption of office of Adviser lo the Prime Minister / Special Assistant to the Prime Minister. ASSETS. ASSET Cost of Aaset REWARKS, 1 2 3 1, IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ‘Open plots, houses, apartments, commercial uildings, under construction properties, agricultural property, etc (a) Held within Pakistan* (0) Held outside Pakistan* OL Nee MOVABLE ASSETS fa) Business Capital within Pakistan (Name of Business No (@) Capital amount eke b) Business Capital outide Pakistan | (Name of Business (il) Capital amount No (c} Assets brought or remitted from outside Pakistan (Bank drats/Remittances ii) Machinery N Sacl i) Other Delaits to be ancexed ASSET from abe (e) Investments | eStock and Shares (i) Debentures {t) National Investment (Unit) Trust Gu) ICP Certifiestes () National Savings Schemes = Defence Savings Certificate - Special Savings Certificate ~ Regular Income Ceniticate Unsecured loans Mortgages Any other wy way wi) (f) Motor Vehicles** i Make Model i Hepa Ca & Reg. {g) Jewelry, ete, () Weight i) Description. (h) Gash and Bank Accounts" W Gash in hand {i} Cash ot Bank ‘Account No, Bank & Branch Current Deposit Saving Olners Depost__ (i) Furniture. Fittings & articles of personel use | Gy Assets transferred to any person | 41) Without aslequate consideration, of | ta) by revocable transfer (ky Any other assets ‘peste be Soroxes Pie eu shes necessan, + | ~"j@) Assets brought out of remitiances /— LE 6 2244) In REMARKS | ae vn ; LIABILITIES ‘TASTES AMOUNT REMARKS (Mortgages secured on Property orfand (i) Unsecured Loans owing > 23,9 AS 7Y Gi) Bank Overdraft (vy) Bank Loans (¥) Amounts due under Hire Purchase Agreement (vi) House Bullding Loans (vil) Advances from Provident Funds etc. (wil) Otter debts duet (%)_Liaailties in the name of dependent Children (in respect of assets standing ir their namnes) . Total ‘Detas 1be Armoxed VERIFICATION a ISM4zs...... oo, wo, 00. round Chad Nish, do hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge end belief, the above statement of the assets and liabilities of myself, my spouse(s}, dependent children is correct and complete and nothing has been concealed therefrom om l¥/t[>020 SA Signature Sl.No. Name Afe No. Bank Branch Amount 1 Sania Wishtar (eiF) ke INH earch, istamabad 647,853.04 2 [Sania Nishtar (Seif) [student Account closed in 2011 |Natwest Bank Southwark Branch, [Student Account London. closed in 2011 3 |Ghallb Nishtar (Spouse) Ft Khushali Bank Limited, Islamabad Branch 4,138,167.11 4 Ghalib Nishtar (Spouse) HR rustatianktimited, —[istamabae Branch 2,500,597.87 5 Le LS eee 7,524,228.85 [orate Nishtar (Spouse) listamabad

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