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History of Arnis

Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima/Escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.[3] The three
are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines ("Filipino
Martial Arts", or FMA), which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons,
and various improvised weapons, as well as "open hand" techniques without weapons.

The origin of Arnis can be traced back to native fighting techniques during conflicts among the various
Prehispanic Filipino tribes or kingdoms, though the current form has Spanish influence from old fencing
which originated in Spain in the 15th century. It has other influences as well, as settlers and traders
travelling through the Malay Archipelago brought the influence of silat as well as Chinese, Arab, and
Indian martial arts.[32][33] Some of the population still practice localized Chinese fighting methods
known as kuntaw.

It has also been theorized that the Filipino art of Arnis may have roots in India and came to the
Philippines via people who traveled through Indonesia and Malaysia to the Philippine islands. Silambam,
a stick/staff-based ancient martial art of India influenced many martial arts in Asia like Silat. As such,
Arnis may share ancestry with these systems – some Arnis moves are similar to the short stick (kali or
kaji) and other weapon based fighting styles of Silambam.

General Rules of Arnis

1. WEKAF System

 The participants wear padded vests with skirt and sleeves and a headgear that resembles

the one used in Kendo.

 Participants are forbidden to hit their opponents below the thigh.

 According to the "Four-Second Rule" implemented in the system; no points are awarded if
the same strike is repeated more than twice in succession.

 On violating any rule; the participants are warned by the officials and can be disqualified if
they continue violating the format inspite of two warnings. 

2. ARPI System

 In this system; participants fight with a lightly padded stick that tends to flex on hard impact.

 Headgears can be used for protection and hitting in the back of the head is strictly

prohibited as the headgear is open from behind.

 A large groin guard is required for male participants.

 The fights are observed by multiple judges stationed at various positions to observe if the
matches are going fair.

 The loudness of the impact determines the strike strength.

 Thrusts to the body help to gain points but are harder to perform.

 Punches, kicks and throws are prohibited along with the direct hit on the face by sticks.

 Disarms must be performed clearly and quickly.


The Arnis Martial Arts Competition is a continuous, full contact, live weapon, stick fighting venue.
Competitors will fight each other with sticks – slender, cylindrically-shaped rattan weapons in 2 round
matches at 1 minute per round with 30 seconds of rest between rounds. This is an open-style
competition. Competitors will compete in an open matted surface whose inbound space ranges from
15’x15’ to 20’x20’. Single stick fighting and double stick fighting contests will be conducted in a round
robin tournament format. All matches will be scored by judges using a 10-point must system. Divisions
of these contests will be based on weight, age, gender, rank and martial arts experience level.

The tournament format will at the discretion of tournament officials. In adult divisions, we will try as
much as possible to form pairs that are within 8% of each other by weight. Directors will combine
divisions where competitors are scarce. In those cases, the directors are authorized to adjust rules for
fairness without compromising the primary objective – to showcase martial skill and reward those that
are better able to use their weapon. Fighters will be evaluated based on accumulation of points on all
matches combined. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each division to fighters
accumulating the highest scores. If two fighters accumulate equal scores, the following will apply:

• If the pair previously fought, precedence will be given to the fighter who achieved the higher point
total during their match.

• If the pair previously fought to a tie or never fought, then tie-breaker will be decided by best of three,
weapon only point fight. Judges will only count head shots.


• Opponents will begin and end all matches with a salute or bow to each other and the judges.

• Referee will position fighters beyond largo range at the start of every round.

• Only attacks with the stick and feet are allowed.

• Hits, slashes, and witticks are all legal. Punots, pokes and stabs are all illegal.

• Target areas are: 1) front and sides of the body, 2) arms and hands, 3) top, front and sides of the

• Kicks are allowed below the neck and above the waist only.

• In single stick competition, it is NOT legal to block a stick with your free hand. However, “arm
stopping” at quarto range or arm checking is allowed.

• Fighters are required to exhibit a realistic defense (movement, parrying, intelligent blocking…)

• No takedowns. No grappling, wrestling or hooking.

• No pushing or striking with any part of your body.

• No foot sweeps or throws, thrusting or butt strikes, 2 handed strikes.

• No strikes or kicks below the waistline or direct strikes to the back.

• No kicks below the waist or above the neck.

• No knee strikes or elbow strikes.

• Checks may be used to create distance but may NOT be directed to the face. Checks are allowed below
the neck and above the waist free hand or two hands on weapon (AKA rifle checking).

• Trapping and parrying are allowed. Locking and holding are not.

• An instantaneous “Hold and Hit” with immediate release is allowed.

• In the event inaction or ineffective action in the clinch, referee will call time and break clinch.

• Disarms must be immediate, or have an immediate release (1 – 2 rule applies).

• Joints may not be locked or twisted for a disarm.

• You may use the ring to control the action. You may not use it to avoid action.

• To signal surrender or stop action for an injury, equipment failure, etc., raise both hands and back up.
Do not turn away.


Fighter is required to have at least one corner person with maximum of two. Coaching may only be done
during break in the action. Corner men are not to communicate with their fighter while action is in
progress. Do not remove any equipment, until the end of the match. Helmet may be removed between


All matches scored by 3 judges on the “10 Point Must” system prior to deductions. Deductions will be
issued by referee only. Judges may issue bonus points for exemplary technique. Referee will ID rule
infractions, issue warnings and mandatory point deductions. Scoring is based on: Quantity of strikes,
Effectiveness of Striking and Ring Generalship.

In single stick competition, disarms shall be scored as part of the match as a mandatory point deduction.
3 disarms will result in a TKO. The 3 disarm rule may be waived at the tournament directors discretion.

In double stick competition, a fighter will not be deducted if disarmed – the fighter will continue to fight
with one weapon until the end of the round. A fighter who loses both weapons will automatically lose
the match.


All participants are expected to exhibit professional behavior. Excessive foul language and un-
sportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated by any fighters, coaches, or spectators. Fighters and coaches
will not discuss fights with the judges or referees while tournament is in progress.


All participants must make provisions for the required weapons and equipment. Prior to the start of all
matches, fighters will submit to weapon and equipment will be inspection by referee and judges. The
required equipment is as follows:

• WEKAF armor (Headgear, armored gown)

• Protective full fingered gloves or WEKAF stick fighting gloves.

• Elbow pads, forearm pads, knee pads, protective cup and shoes are mandatory.

• T-shirts, pants (or shorts)

• Rattan sticks.

The word “Sinawali” came from the term “Sawali,” which means to weave. Sawali is a material utilized
by early Filipinos to construct the Bahay Kubo. Sawalis are intertwined with each other. Thus, the
interwoven pattern implemented by the sport. The traditional Sinawali has merely three methods
namely: redonda, single sinawali, and double sinawali.

In Single sinawali, the right hand strikes a high forehand and then a low backhand, and then the left
hand does the same. You can find pictures of Professor doing this on pages 98-99 of his widely available
book "Modern Arnis: The Filipino Art of Stick Fighting" (Ohara, 1983).

This would be mapped out as:

Single Sinawali (Right Side)



Single Sinawali (Left Side)



Whereas in the Single Sinawali one hand does each side (i.e.. right hand right side, left hand left side), in
the Double Sinwali (pgs.104-105 of the same book) the hands alternate. First the right hand strikes a
high forehand, then the left hand strikes a low backhand, then the right hand hits a high backhand to
complete the right hand side of the sinwali. Then the mirror image left hand side is performed to
complete one cycle of Double Sinawali.

This would be mapped out as:

Double Sinawali (Right Side)




Double Sinawali (Left Side)




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