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1- Activity

1) I adjust the camera parameters

2) then proceeds to place the object or subject

3) the following is to place the lighting in the proper space

4) finally I give him to capture and thus we take our photographs for the stop motion

5) After taking all the pictures, I edit them.

Last week we're doing the pre-production for the stop motion.

This week we are doing to do the production process by carrying out the shooting plan.
Later making the edition of all the photographs in the post-production

2- Activity
1. Use JPEG

when our idea is to edit images we should always opt for RAW instead of JPEG. Opting for the "raw" file instead of the compressed allows
us to have more data and therefore also more information, something affects us when trying to recover the highlights or shadows.
However, as a consequence of this, that file will occupy more size, so perhaps we could need some additional card if our intention is to
take a large number of images.

2. Do not change the color profile

It is usually an error when exporting the image. Sometimes the colors don't match what we saw while editing that snapshot, something
caused by using a color profile unsuitable for the place where it is going to be displayed. That is, most monitors usually accept the sRGB
color profile, so if we export that image in Adobe RGB or another, its tonality will not match the preview of the editing software. If we use
Photoshop, to change it we just have to go to editing - convert it into a profile, and there select the one we want.
3. Excessive focus

Using focusing tools can be positive, but to a certain extent. In fact, if we overuse functions such as Lightroom's "clarity," it's likely to
generate unwanted halos at the edges of objects, resulting in an artificial result. Also, when we focus too much we can also cause the
tones of the image to be displayed not in a degraded form, but in layers. This is especially harmful when we have a sunset or dawn sky,
where a great focus can ruin its wide variety of tones.

4. Abusing effects

Vignetting should also not be an effect to avoid, in fact it can help us create the sensation of immersion if we darken the edges of the
snapshot. However, abusing this effect can give us an artificial and unprofessional result.

Something similar can also happen with saturation. Abusing it generates colours that are too unreal, similar to the excessive HDRs that
sometimes suppose to be a visual attack.

5. Filters

We can find actions or filters that automatically apply to our photos. Should we use them? Yes, but we shouldn't stop there. The filter must
be the base on which to lay our digital development, since not all photos adapt in the same way to an effect. Therefore, it is up to us to
correctly adjust that filter to make it look its best.
my solutions would be first to be accommodating the illumination in the corresponding place. second not to be making abrupt movements
in the sequential taking of my photographies for the stop motion, third to be organizing in the best way the plan of filming in the
production, fourth to be maintaining the established order by times of what the production requires at the time to be capturing the
photographies and fifth finally I will be editing each photographies with security to have a better result for the elaboration of my stop

3- I must make the necessary procedures to know first how the worker is and thus verify if the job is the right one to give it.

That at the time of entry you have the necessary security elements

I must know if the employee has clear knowledge of what he is going to do and inform me if he has work experience.

I must guarantee all protection in matters of safety and health at work, give good instructions and direct the work.
The rules that were applied and have for employees is that we must give a good deal and make clear the rules that must be met within the
job, pay what is postulated in the contract. If the employer has claims, he has nowhere to go to say what happens, even if it is safety and
not so serious

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