Lab 3 Isaac Justine D20191089836

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QSU3063 Biomechanics (A201)

Fakulti Sains Sukan & Kejurulatihan



D20191089836 ISAAC JUSTINE

LECTURE Dr. Benderi bin Dasril

TOPIC: Finding and reviewing journal
The Reaction Board Method the inferior knife-edge of the board. A
new scale reading (R2) will be recorded.
For Locating The Center Of
Mass (Center Of Gravity)
Of The Human Body

Isaac Justine D20191089836 (AT59)

Experiment on August 19th, 2020

Submitted on August 30th, 2020

The purpose of this work is to compute
the CoM location along the longitudinal
axis of the body in a supine position
using the reaction board technique and
segmentation method. The reaction
board method requires a rigid board with
special feet and a scale (2D) or scales
(3D) to measure the ground reaction
force under the feet of the board.

The center of gravity (CG) is a point in
space where the weight of a body is
concentrated. Finding the coordinates of
the CG has many applications, namely
in biomechanics. However, the location
of the CG of the whole body, a body
segment (e.g., arm, forearm, and others),
a prosthesis or other objects that interact
with the human body could be a
demanding task due to their complex
geometry and the heterogeneity of the
materials that compose them.

Each subject should obtain an accurate
measure of height and weight.
Omphalion (navel or belly button)
height will also be measured. The
weight should be measured with the
same scale as used for the reaction board
(why?). The initial scale reading (R1)
and distance between the knife-edges of
the board(d) will be recorded. The
subject will then carefully lie down on
the board with arms at one’s sides. Be
sure to line up the soles of the feet with
Name: Isaac Justine Matric Number: D20191089836

Answer Sheet (Format) LELAKI

Raw Data:

Reaction Board Length (d) 200cm

Your standing height (h)163cm

Your omphalion (navel) height (xo) 97cm Your body weight (W)54kg

Initial Scale Reading (R1)10kg

Final Scale Readings (R2):

a. Both arms down 34.5kg b. One arm up w/o shoulder tilt 35.4kg

c. One arm up with shoulder tilt 35.5kg d. Both arms up 36.4kg

Calculated Data:

Calculate your body CM location relative to the bottoms of your feet (x), your navel
(x–xo), or
your both-arms-down CM location (x-xa):

X 100
200 x (cm) x (% of h) x–xo(cm) x-xa(cm)

a) Both arms 34.5-10 90.74 90.74 - 97cm 0.0

down 54 163
= -6.26
=90.74 =55.67%
b) Onearm w/o 35.4-10 94.07 94.07 - 97cm 94.07 - 90.74
shoulder tilt 54 163
= -2.93 =3.33
=94.07 =57.71%
c)One arm with 35.5-10 94.44 94.44 - 97cm 94.44 - 94.07
shoulder tilt 54 163
= -2.56 =0.37
=94.44 =57.93%
d) Both arms up 36.4-10 97.78 97.78 - 97cm 97.78 - 94.44
54 163
= 0.78 =3.34
=97.78 =59.99%
Table 1. Segmental length and segment CoG location as a percentage of length measured
from the proximal endpoint
Segment Length (mm) CoG Location CoG location (mm)
(% length)

Head 59.8% from vertex

Trunk 44.9% from supersternale

Upper arm 57.7% from shoulder

Forearm 45.7% from elbow

Hand 79.0% from wrist

Thigh 41.0% from hip

Shank 44.6% from knee

Foot 44.2% from heel

Table 2. Data summary for segmental computation of whole body centre of mass. Note the
relative masses for each limb have been doubled to account for each side of body.
Segment Relative Mass Horizontal CoG Horizontal Vertical Vertical
(mi %) distance moment CoG moment
(xi; mm) (mi :xi) (mi :yi)
(yi; mm)

Head 6.94

Trunk 43.46

Upper arm 5.42

Forearm 3.24

Hand 1.22

Thigh 28.32

Shank 8.66

Foot 2.74

MB = 100.0% ∑mi :xi = _________ ∑mi :xi = _________

Center of mass location: XB = ______, YB = _______

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