Math 7 Week 1 Module

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Quarter 1
Week 1

Number and Number Sense

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and real number system.

Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and solve these in a
variety of strategies.

Illustrate well defined, subsets, null sets, cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets and the difference
of 2 sets

1. Study the given materials as you read and answer questions presented on each
2. Write all your answers in a big notebook or portfolio(compiled sheets of paper).
3. Put a heading or name of the exercise on which you will write your answers.
Introductory Activities
Exercise 1. Where Do They Belong?

Let’s Explore!
1. What is the shape of the set labeled A?
2. What are the 2 shapes that are inside the set labeled A?
3. What is the shape outside the set A?
4. What are the sets that are included as part of set A?
5. What can be called to a set where other sets are part of?
Exercise 2. Components of a Venn Diagram
Study the illustration below and answer guide questions to learn more.
a. What letter is assigned to name the set with a square shape?
b. What are the 2 sets inside the Universal set?
c. How are the 2 sets arranged inside the square?
d. What do you call the part where it meets and having common area?
Task: What to do?
1. Sketch the same Venn Diagram in your notebook.
2. Place the given numbers in their assigned set.

So…What have you discovered?

 What are the numbers found in set T?
 What are the numbers in set F?
 What are the numbers in the middle of set T and F?

Exercise 3. Union of sets

Study the Venn Diagram below.
 Compare set A and B. Can you define what are found in set A? What about in set B?
 If you combine all things in Set A with that in Set B, what are these things listed here in this set?
 So, A U B includes ___________________________________________________________.
 What is in the middle of Set A and Set B, that is what you call _________________.
Now, let’s get to know the terms to understand more….

Exercise 4.
So, let’s apply those terms in here…
Let U= {set of fruits}
 Then list down all fruits in the set U. What are these fruits? Place them inside the symbol
U= { , , , , , , , ,
, , , }
 What are the 2 subsets of fruits? What letters will you assign to each subset?
F={ , , , , }
G={ , , }
How do you define set F? What fruits are they?
What kind of fruits are in Set G?
Can you write the rule method for Set F?
Do the same for Set B.
How many fruits are contained in Set F?
What is the cardinality of Set F?
What is the cardinality of Set B?
…How about this?
Exercise 5
Can you define the sets of fruits here? This is a set of _____________
U= { }
Write the rooster method of naming the elements for Set A and Set B
A={ }
B={ }

What is in the intersection of Set A and Set B?

An B={ , }

In Set X and Set Y, what elements are in the intersection?

XnY={ , }
What do you call to the set where same elements appear in both Set A and Set B?
What is the symbol used?

Let’s review…
Representation of a Set
In representation of a set the following three methods are commonly used:

(i) Statement form method

(ii) Roster or tabular form method

(iii) Rule or set builder form method

1. Statement form:

In this, well-defined description of the elements of the set is given and the same are enclosed in curly

For example:

(i) The set of odd numbers less than 7 is written as: {odd numbers less than 7}. 

(ii) A set of football players with ages between 22 years to 30 years.

(iii) A set of numbers greater than 30 and smaller than 55.

(iv) A set of students in class VII whose weights are more than your weight.

2. Roster form or tabular form:

In this, elements of the set are listed within the pair of brackets { } and are separated by commas. 

For example:

(i) Let N denote the set of first five natural numbers.

Therefore, N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}        → Roster Form

(ii) The set of all vowels of the English alphabet. 

Therefore, V = {a, e, i, o, u}        → Roster Form

(iii) The set of all odd numbers less than 9. 

Therefore, X = {1, 3, 5, 7}        → Roster Form

(iv)  The set of all natural number which divide 12. 

Therefore, Y = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}        → Roster Form

(v) The set of all letters in the word MATHEMATICS.

Therefore, Z = {M, A, T, H, E, I, C, S}        → Roster Form

(vi) W is the set of last four months of the year.

Therefore, W = {September, October, November, December}        → Roster Form


The order in which elements are listed is immaterial but elements must not be repeated. 

3. Set builder form:

In this, a rule, or the formula or the statement is written within the pair of brackets so that the set is well
defined. In the set builder form, all the elements of the set, must possess a single property to become the
member of that set. 

In this form of representation of a set, the element of the set is described by using a symbol ‘x’ or any other
variable followed by a colon The symbol ‘:‘ or ‘|‘ is used to denote such that and then we write the property
possessed by the elements of the set and enclose the whole description in braces. In this, the colon stands for
‘such that’ and braces stand for ‘set of all’. 

For example: 

(i) Let P is a set of counting numbers greater than 12;

the set P in set-builder form is written as : 

                P = {x : x is a counting number and greater than 12}

                P = {x | x is a counting number and greater than 12}
This will be read as, 'P is the set of elements x such that x is a counting number and is greater than 12'.

Now, let’s investigate on this…

Test Yourself
1. What is the definition of the union of two mathematical sets, A and B?
The set of all elements that are both in set A and in set B.

The set of elements that are in either set A or set B.

The set of elements that are in set A, but not in set B.

The set of elements that are in set B, but not in set A.

3. Which of the following sets, described verbally, would roster form not be a good representation

A = {all of the team members of a sports team}

B = {all real numbers strictly greater than 0 and strictly less than 1}

C = {all integers strictly greater than -10 and strictly less than 0}

D = {all of the colors in a rainbow}

4.Consider the set B = {x | x is even and 11 ≤ x ≤ 22}. Represent B in roster form.

B = {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}

B = {12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22}

B is already in roster form.

B = {all even numbers that are greater than or equal to 11 and less than or equal to 22}

5.What is the roster form of a set?

A list of properties that the elements of the set satisfy

A set that doesn't contain any elements

A verbal description of the elements in the set

A list of elements of the set, separated by commas, within braces

6.Which of the following sets are in roster form?

C = {x | x is prime}

D = {y | y is an even integer}

A = {all integers strictly greater than 3}

B = {2, 8, 9, 11, 15}

7.Two groups of students, group A and group B surveyed their campus for student satisfaction.
Group A surveyed students from the math, science, and philosophy departments.
Group B surveyed students from the language, business, and philosophy departments. What could
be considered the universal set in this scenario?

The set of all students in the philosophy department

The set of all students surveyed by group A

The set of all students surveyed by group B

The set of all students on campus

Enrichment Activities

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