DOH Minimum Health System Capacity Standards For COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Strategies PDF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
MAY 04 2020
No. 2020-_ 0016

SUBJECT: Minimum Healt tem Capacity Standards for

Preparedness and R: nse Strategies


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified last December 2019 as a cluster
of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology. On 30 January 2020, the World Health
Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency
Concern and eventually as a Global Pandemic by 11 March 2020.
of International
The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) National Action
Plan with strategies “Detect, Isolate, and Treat” and the development of minimum public
health standards shall form the backbone of
response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

This issuance shali outline the minimum health system capacity standards for each level of
the health system.


This Order aims to define the minimum health system capacity standards for COVID-19
preparedness and response strategies as guidance for sectoral and local planning.


This Order shall apply to all entities involved in COVID-19 response both from public and
private sectors, including all national government agencies (NGAs), government offices,
private offices and workplaces, local government units (LGUs), development partners,
academic and research institutions, civil society organizations,, and all others concerned.


A. Effective whole-of-government and whole-of-society action against the COVID-19

threat requires a national government-enabled, local government-led, and
people-centered response, aligned with the principles of universal health care.
National government agencies, local government units, and DOH Centers for Health
Development, and the private sector shall work together to rapidly expand health
system capacity and provide mechanisms for
sharing of resources, as necessary.

B. All province and city-wide health care provider networks, as provided by RA 11223
or the Universal Health Care Act, shall endeavor to establish patient navigation and
coordination systems, harmonized information and communication technology,

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, A413
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 e URL: http:/; e-mail:
medical transport system and network mechanisms for efficient operations and
performance management.

C. The IATF-EID shall provide the risk classification of provinces, HUCs and ICCs in
accordance with scientific analysis of latest, most reliable evidence. Risk stratified
and evidence-based actions shall serve as the backbone of the country’s strategic
response to COVID-19 and shall guide decision-making both at the national and local
government levels to ensure timely and effective preparedness and response

D. All actors shall endeavor to achieve the minimum health system capacity targets to
ensure that all persons classified as suspect, probable and confirmed COVID-19 cases
and close contacts are detected, isolated, and treated.

E. The IATF-EID shall ensure monitoring and compliance of families, offices, agencies,
and institutions on the minimum health system capacity standards and the risk based
public health standards for COVID-19 Mitigation


A. The national government, led by the Department of Health, shall endeavor to ensure
the following minimum national health system capacity standards for COVID-19
preparedness and response are met:

a. Develop national government-enabled, local government-led, and

people-centered sectoral policies for prevention, detection, isolation, and
treatment of COVID-19

b. Increase national testing capacity to at least 30,000 tests per day by May
30, 2020 through the development of laboratories and ensuring access to
testing laboratories and related commodities to enable health workers to
accurately detect, isolate, and treat new and resurging cases

c. Increase supply of personal protective equipment to at least 5 million a

month, and stimulate self-sustainability with local production in
accordance with FDA standards with due regard to ease-of-doing business.

d. Increase access to critical care capacity across the country through

infrastructure and equipment investments for healthcare provider networks
to have adequate surge response capability to provide efficient and
responsive health services.

B. All regions, led by DOH Centers for Health Development and DOH Regional
Hospitals, shall endeavor to ensure the following minimum regional health system
capacity standards for COVID-19 are met:

1. For infrastructure and equipment:

a. At least 1 Biosafety Laboratory 2 (BSL2) with Real Time Polymerase

Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) testing capacity per region consistent with the

requirements indicated in AO 2020-0014, with dedicated laboratory and
support staff who are trained in molecular laboratory diagnosis and
biosafety and biosecurity

At least one (1) dedicated referral hospital/facility/floor/wing staffed by a

dedicated medical support team, with the purpose of serving as the
region’s primary referral center for severe or critical COVID-19 cases
consistent with DM 2020-0142;

At least one (1) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed and mechanical ventilator
for every 25,000 population, or corresponding to the peak day critical care
capacity in updated projections from a DOH-recognized epidemiologic
projection model for COVID-19; and

At least
30% of all current public and private hospital beds must have the
capacity to accommodate and service COVID-19 patients, or
corresponding to the peak day critical care capacity in updated projections
from a DOH-recognized epidemiologic projection model for COVID-19.

2. For commodities and supplies:

a. At least 30 days buffer supply of PPE forall health facilities are available

b. At least 30 days supply of testing kits, swabs, reagents, and other

commodities for testing in laboratories

3. For organizational plans and processes:

a. Regional Incident Command and Inter-agency Task Force structure,

including processes for escalation and resolution of region-level issues;

Regional plan on referral and safe transportation of samples across health

facilities for COVID-19 testing;

Regional risk and/or crisis communication plan and strategies for

community engagement including frequently asked questions

Monitoring and validation processes that all levels of the health system are
implementing simultaneous and complete reporting of all suspect,
probable and confirmed cases to concerned CESU/MESU, PESU, RESU
and EB within 24 hours from a case that was seen, consulted or admitted;

Monitoring and validation processes that minimum health standards are

met across all local government units

Regional coordination mechanism or call center to facilitate navigation,

care coordination, and patient transport mechanisms especially for
severe/critical COVID-19 cases (worsening condition), consistent with
DM 2020-0178 across different health facilities in the regional network

C. All provinces/HUCs/ICCs, led by the Provincial/HUC/ICC Government, in
coordination with their component cities and municipalities, shall endeavour to ensure
the following minimum provincial health system capacity standards for COVID-19
preparedness and response are

1. For health human resource:

a. At least one (1) dedicated epidemiology and surveillance officer for every
100,000 population in a city or municipality

b. At least one (1) trained contact tracing personnel for every 800 population

c. At least one active BHERT for every 1,000 individuals corresponding to

the staffing required to ensure BHERT mandates are met (Annex A)

d. At least 10 staff per province are trained on proper collection, packaging

and transportation of samples for COVID-19 testing

e. Roster of trained and experienced health care workers to manage suspects,

probable and confirmed cases in the different health facilities working in
rotation and with ongoing training and provided with updated guidelines

2. For infrastructure and equipment:

a. At least one (1) established temporary treatment and monitoring facility as

defined by DM 2020-0123, where there is one (1) isolation bed for every
2,500 population, or corresponding to the peak day critical care capacity in
updated projections from a DOH-recognized epidemiologic projection
model for COVID-19;

b. At least one (1) ambulance or medical transport mechanism available for

the patients within the catchment area;

c. At least one (1) vehicle to transport specimens to COVID-19 testing

laboratories; and

d. At least one (1) designated funeral home for COVID-19 related deaths,
with operations consistent with DOH guidelines on disposal of remains.

3. For supplies and commodities:

a. At least 30 days buffer supply of PPE for all health facilities are available

b. At least 30 days supply of testing swabs, reagents, and other commodities

for testing in laboratories

4, For organizational plans and processes:

a. Engagement of all public and private health facilities as a network to

providing medical care for COVID-19 and essential non-COVID-19 cases;

b. Defined primary care-oriented pathways for Non-COVID-19 and
COVID-19 cases in an established referral network catering to the whole
spectrum of care (from primary to tertiary care) including online
consultation platforms and triage stations for each health facility;

c. Use of information technology to facilitate timely reporting of case, close

contacts, laboratory, and health system capacity data and contact tracing

d. LGU-wide communication coordination system with centralized transport

mechanisms especially for patient referral including ambulances or other
vehicles and public posting of all relevant contact information;

e. Support mechanism including transport and temporary isolation to receive,

assist transport, and monitor each repatriate and stranded student, worker,
or, as applicable, resident entering their catchment;

f. Support systems including PPE, transport, human resource, per diem and
travel allowances, and to ensure essential services such as immunizations,
maternal and child care, primary care consults, and other services specified
by DC 2020-0167, are continuously provided;

g. Accurate and timely reporting of confirmed, probable and suspect

COVID-19 cases and their close contacts, testing and test results, as per
RA 11332, or the Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health
Events of Public Health Concern; and

h. Systematic healthcare waste management for the network including proper

waste handling as indicated in the Health Care Waste Management Manual
and a sewage treatment plant for hazardous solid waste through in-house
treatment or third party hauler.

i. Ensure adequate access for supply chains especially for medicines, PPEs,
testing supplies, and other health commodities

j. Ensure training and updating of ail health care workers in latest contact
tracing, testing and case management protocols developed by the DOH

k. Establish local risk and/or crisis communication plan and strategies for
community engagement

D. All health facilities at all levels shall implement the minimum health requirements for
heaith settings (Annex B)

E. LGU functions at different stages of the epidemic

Appropriate local government strategy and response shall be calibrated according to
its risk level following the decision tool approved and endorsed by the IATF, using the
following references:
1. Risk Based Actions for COVID-19 Response (Annex C)
2. AO on Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation (AO
2020-0015) (Annex D)


Other related issuances not consistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby
revised, modified, or rescinded accordingly. Nothing in this Order shall be construed
as a limitation or modification of existing laws, rules and regulations.


Should any provision of this Order or any part thereof be declared invalid, the other
provisions, insofar as they are separable from the invalid ones, shall remain in full
force and effect.


This Order shall take effect immediately.

Secyetary of Health



Steering Committee

A. Local Contact Tracing Team Structure and Functions

Executive Officer
Barangay Tenod
2Heatth Viorkers
ed by


Lead: City/Municipal Health Officer
Co-lead: CityMunicipal PNP

Executive Officer
Barangay Tanod
2 Health Workers


Executive Officer
Barangay Tonod
2Health Workers

e Ensure completeness and correctness





to be submitted

referral of patients
e Report cases back to LGU
On Contact Tracing

e Facilitate coordination between C/MESUs and

e Conduct home visits to trace close contacts

Provide health education to close contacts
Collect close contact profiles




e Ensure mobilization of resources needed for contact

and EB

Executive Officer
Berangay Tanod
2Heslth Workers

visits for proper assessment and

Classify close contacts and assess risk level of

Monitor close contacts under home quarantine


Annex B - Minimum Health Requirements for Health Settings
Minimum Requirements by Settings
A. Outpatient Primary B. Inpatient Care? C. Specialized Outpatient D. Pharmacies
Care! Facilities*


1.1 Respiratory Practice respiratory Practice respiratory etiquette at Practice respiratory etiquette at Practice respiratory etiquette at
Hygiene and Cough at
etiquette all times. Use
tissue or the inner portion
all times. Use tissue or the inner
portion of the elbow to cover the
all times. Use tissue or the inner
portion of the elbow to cover the
all times. Use tissue or the
inner portion of the elbow to
of the elbow to cover the nose and mouth when nose and mouth when cover the nose and mouth
nose and mouth when sneezing/coughing. Practice sneezing/coughing. Practice when sneezing/coughing.
sneezing/coughing. proper disposal of tissue after proper disposal of tissue after Practice proper disposal of
Practice proper disposal of use. use. tissue after use.
tissue after use.
Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Engineering Control: Placement of temporary barriers Placement of temporary barriers Placement of temporary
Placement of temporary in front desks and other points of in front desks and other points of barriers in front desks and
plastic barriers in front contact between staff and contact between staff and other points of contact between
desks and other points of patients patients staff and patients
contact between staff and
patients Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
None None None
Administrative Control:
PPE: Cloth mask for
general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
PPE: Cloth mask for symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals

‘Includes RHUs, BHS, and settings-based health facilities

Includes Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities (TTMF) and other health facilities
Includes dialysis centers, blood transfusion, diagnostic facilities, etc
general public or surgical
mask for symptomatic Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective
individuals for health care workers for health care workers apparel for health care workers

Medical-grade protective
apparel for health care

1.2 Promote Mental Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put
Health people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress.
Individuals may reach out Individuals may reach outto Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to
to families and friends or a families and friends or a mental families and friends or a mental families and friends or a
mental health professional health professional through the health professional through the mental health professional
through the telemedicine telemedicine hotlines telemedicine hotlines through the telemedicine
hotlines hotlines
Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control: Mental Administrative Control: Mental
and psychosocial support and and psychosocial support and Administrative Control:
services should be made services should be made Mental and psychosocial
available to patients and health available to patients and health support and services should be
care workers suchas but not care workers such as but not made available to patients and
limited to providing mindfulness limited to providing mindfulness health care workers such as but
activities/ sessions,in-house activities/ sessions,in-house not limited to providing
counseling sessions, online counseling sessions, online mindfulness activities/
counseling, and support groups counseling, and support groups sessions, in-house counseling
sessions, online counseling,
PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general and support groups
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for
Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel symptomatic individuals
for health care workers for health care workers
Medical-grade protective

apparel for health care workers

1.3 Reduce Vulnerable individuals or Vulnerable individuals or Most at Vulnerable individuals or Most at Vulnerable individuals or Most
exposure of Most at
Risk Population Risk Population (MARP) for Risk Population (MARP) for at Risk Population (MARP) for
vulnerable (MARP) for COVID-19 are COVID-19 are advised to stay at COVID-19 are advised to stay at COVID-19 are advised to stay
individuals (e.g., advised to stay at home and home and limit their travel home and limit their travel at home and limit their travel
senior citizens, limit their travel outside the outside the house, unless the outside the house, unless the outside the house, unless the
individuals with house, unless the travel is travel is to attend to medical travel is to attend to medical travel is to attend to medical
underlying health to attend to medical needs needs
or other essential matters. or
needs other essential matters. or
needs other essential
conditions) to or other essential matters. matters.
prevent infection Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Engineering Control: Designate a special area and Designate a special area and Engineering Control:
Designate a special area for service lanes for the exclusive for
service lanes the exclusive Designate service lanes for the
the exclusive use of use of vulnerable individuals or use of vulnerable individuals or exclusive use of vulnerable
vulnerable individuals or MARPs MARPs individuals or MARPs.
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: Provide online medical Provide online medical Provide options to purchase
Specify visiting hours, or consultation services or ensure consultation services or ensure medicines online and door to
provide house visitation proper implementation of triage proper implementation of triage door delivery for vulnerable
services for vulnerable protocols for vulnerable protocols for vulnerable individuals or MARPs
individuals or MARPs individuals or MARPs individuals or MARPs
PPE: Cloth mask for general
PPE: Cloth mask for PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general public or surgical mask for
general public or surgical public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for symptomatic individuals
mask for symptomatic symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
individuals Medical-grade protective
Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel apparel for health care workers
Medical-grade protective for health care workers for health care workers
apparel for health care

1.4 Provision of - Provision of benefits to health care workers (e.g. special risk allowance, hazard pay, etc)
support for - LGUs may further extend their support as necessary (e.g. lodging, transportation, etc)

essential workforce
in health settings
(ex: financial,
lodging, shuttle,

1.5 Provision of - Provision of PhilHealth benefit package for COVID-19 patients

support for
vulnerable groups


2.1 Personal Individuals and health care Individuals and health care Individuals and health care Individuals and health care
Hygiene (e.g. workers must wash their workers must wash their hands workers must wash their hands workers must wash their hands
handwashing with hands with soap and water with soap and water regularly or with soap and water regularly or with soap and water regularly
soap and water, regularly or use hand use hand disinfectants use hand disinfectants or use hand disinfectants
sanitizing with disinfectants
hand disinfectants, Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
etc.) Engineering Control: Placement of makeshift hand Placement of makeshift hand Placement of makeshift hand
Placement of makeshift washing facilities or dispensers washing facilities or dispensers washing facilities or dispensers
hand washing facilities or with an alcohol-based solution in with an alcohol-based solution in with an alcohol-based solution
dispensers with an alcohol- entrances and other strategic entrances and other strategic in entrances and other strategic
based solution in entrances areas. areas. areas.
and other strategic areas.
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: Routine refilling of dispensers, Routine refilling
of dispensers, Routine refilling of dispensers,
Routine refilling of soaps, and other disinfectants soaps, and other disinfectants soaps, and other disinfectants
dispensers, soaps, and other within the facility within the
facility within the facility
disinfectants within the
facility PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
PPE: Cloth mask for symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
general public or surgical

mask for symptomatic Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective
individuals for health care workers for health care workers apparel for health care workers

Medical-grade protective
apparel for health care

2.2 Environmental Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently
Hygiene (e.g. touched surfaces such as touched surfaces such as but not touched surfaces such as but not touched surfaces such as but
disinfecting but not limited to tables, limited to tables, doorknobs, limited to tables, doorknobs, not limited to tables,
surfaces and doorknobs, pens, pens, equipment, among others pens, equipment, among others doorknobs, pens, equipment,
objects) equipment, among others using 0.5% bleach solution (100 using 0.5% bleach solution (100 among others using 0.5%
using 0.5% bleach solution mL Bleach, 900 mL water) at mL Bleach, 900 mL water) at bleach solution (100 mL
(100 mL Bleach, 900 mL least every 2 hours least every 2 hours Bleach, 900 mL water) at least
water) every 2 hours
Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Engineering Control: Placement of foot baths in all Placementof foot baths in all Engineering Control:
Placement of in
foot baths entrances (1:10 bleach solution; 1
entrances (1:10 bleach solution; 1
Placement of foot baths in all
all entrances (1:10 bleach litre bleach mixed with 9 litres of litre bleach mixed with 9 litres of entrances (1:10 bleach
solution; 1 litre bleach clean water) clean water) solution; | litre bleach mixed
mixed with 9 litres of clean with litres of clean water)
water) Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Placement ofsigns reminding the Placement of signs reminding the Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: general public to minimize general public to minimize Placement of signs reminding
Placement of signs touching surfaces and objects touching surfaces and objects the general public to minimize
reminding the general touching surfaces and objects
public to minimize Routine cleaning of facilities and Routine cleaning of facilities and
touching surfaces and replacement of disinfectants in replacement of disinfectants in Routine cleaning of facilities
objects dispensers and foot baths dispensers and foot baths and replacement of
disinfectants in dispensers and
Routine cleaning of PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general foot baths
facilities and replacement public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
of disinfectants in symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general
dispensers and foot baths public or surgical mask for
Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel symptomatic individuals
PPE: Cloth mask for for health care workers for health care workers
general public or surgical Medical-grade protective
mask for symptomatic apparel for health care workers

Medical-grade protective
apparel for health care

2.3 Use of PPE and Engineering Control: Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
other medical- None
grade protective Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
apparel Administrative Control: Guidelines on the rational use of Guidelines on the rational use of Management must provide
None PPE and provision of medical- PPE and provision of medical- PPEsto non-health frontliners
grade protective apparel must grade protective apparel must (e.g. guards, maintenance,
PPE: Cloth mask for depend onthe particular health depend on
the particular health cashiers, and other staff on-
general public or surgical activity (e.g. triage/points of activity (e.g. triage/points of duty)
mask for symptomatic entry screening personnel, caring entry screening personnel, caring
individuals for a suspected/confirmed case, for a suspected/confirmed case,
collecting respiratory specimens, collecting respiratory specimens, PPE: Cloth mask for general
Medical-grade protective and transport of and transport of public or surgical mask for
apparel for health care suspected/confirmed case) suspected/confirmed case) symptomatic individuals
PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general Medical-grade protective
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for apparel for health care workers
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals

Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel

for health care workers for health care workers

3.1 Practicing Practice physical Practice physical distancing (at Practice physical distancing (at Practice physical distancing (at
physical distancing distancing (at least 1 meter least meter apart) at all times
1 least meter apart)
at all times least meter apart) at all times

apart) at all times

Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Engineering Control: Installation of temporary barriers Installation of temporary barriers Installation of temporary
Installation of temporary between the
patient and health between the patient and health barriers between the patient
barriers and placement of care worker during routine care worker during routine and staff and placementof red
red marking tapes on the procedures and placement of red procedures and placement of red marking tapes on the floor to
floor to remind the general marking tapes on the floor to marking tapes on the floor to remind the general public to
public to maintain a safe remind the general public to remind the general public to maintain a safe distance from
distance from each other maintain a safe distance from maintain a safe distance from each other
each other each other
Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Limitation on the number Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Limitation on the number of
of patients allowed within Limitation on the number of Limitation on the number of people allowed within the
the facility companions per patient allowed companions per patient allowed facility
within the facility within the facility
PPE: Cloth mask for PPE: Cloth mask for general
general public or surgical PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general public or surgical mask for
mask for symptomatic public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for symptomatic individuals
individuals symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
Medical-grade protective
Medical-grade protective Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel apparel for health care workers
apparel for health care for health care workers for health care workers

3.4 Restriction on Engineering Control: Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Mass Gatherings None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: Limitation on the number of Limitation on the number of Limitation on the number of
Implement specific companions per patient allowed companions per patient allowed individuals allowed within the
schedulesor offer house
visitation services and
within the facility within the facility pharmacy

online medical consultation PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
(if possible) public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
Limitation on the number
of companions per patient Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective
allowed within the facility for health care workers for health care workers apparel for health care workers

PPE: Cloth mask for

general public or surgical
mask for symptomatic

Medical-grade protective
apparel for health care


4.1 Detection and Engineering Control: Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
isolation of None
Symptomatic Administrative Control: Ensure Administrative Control: Ensure Administrative Control:
Individuals (at Administrative Control: proper implementation testing,
proper implementation testing,
of Pharmacies must subject all
home or in Health care workers must contact tracing, and treatment contact tracing, and treatment individuals to temperature
designated refer symptomatic protocols. If possible, isolate protocols. If possible, isolate to
checks prior entering the
community individuals to the suspected cases within the suspected cases within the establishment
quarantine appropriate facility within facility premises or refer to a facility premises or refer to a
facilities) their healthcare provider community quarantine facility community quarantine facility PPE: Cloth mask for general

network to ensure public or surgical mask for
provision of responsive Ensure proper symptom Ensure proper symptom symptomatic individuals
services that are needed by management and treatment management and treatment
the patient. Medical-grade protective
PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general apparel for health care workers
PPE: Cloth mask for public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
general public or surgical symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
mask for symptomatic
individuals Medical-grade protective apparel Medical-grade protective apparel
for health care workers for health care workers
Medical-grade protective
apparel for health care
ANNEX C. Risk Based Actions for COVID-19 Response




Transmission Zero cases or importation Localized Community transmission Post peak No new case observed
Characteristics Identification of confirmed Local transmission has Most cases cannot be linked to a Decreasing incidence of cases No confirmed COVID-19 case
COVID-19 case, indicating been detected (i.e.
cases’ cannot be linked
source of infection and persons in reported or observed in
increased potential for human- the area are at high risk for
to-human transmission to importation) but most infection. Look
atareas with localized
sources of infection are transmission, higher incidence,
Most cases have been identified and occurring Special attention on high-risk and/or clustering and prepare
acquired outside the area or within a defined areas, crowded, confined living for next possible increase of
are directly linked to imported geographical area. conditions, and hot spot areas. cases with greater intensity
cases and generation of
secondary cases is limited Identify clustering of
cases, paying special
attention on high risk,
crowded, confined living
conditions and hot spot

Primary Containment and Mitigation and Suppression and ensuring Ensure continuous reduction Review and setting up of
approach preparation for Stage 2 preparation for Stage 3 health care capacity of additional cases response activities in
preparation for next possible
Stop increase and spread of Employ mitigation Slow down the increase and Maintain/Hasten the decrease increase of cases
transmission through measures inidentified spread of cases or slow down of additional
containment in areas with areas to slow spread of cases or its spread Maintain epidemic preparedness
cases infection and lessen activities and review response
occurrence of
additional Identify areas requiring strategies and required logistics
Containment strategies are
designed to prevent community
casesor spread to
additional areas
enhanced response measures. to ensure that disease
surveillance, testing, emergency
transmission, including Enhance detection and other response, communications plan,
coordinated governmental Mitigation strategies rely response systems to
prevent and health systems will be ready
response, testing, prompt on nonpharmaceutical resurgence of cases. for emergence of cases
contact tracing and quarantine. interventions such as
hand hygiene, travel
restrictions, school
closures, and social

*The term “Case” in succeeding sections shall refer to a confirmed COVID-19 case, unless otherwise specified




Indicators to Increasing number of e Increasing number e Most cases have no known e Continuous decrease of Presence of cases in border
Monitor by LGUs reported cases of cases with epidemiological link or new cases municipalities/cities and
to guide plans
and actions Number of case clusters
epidemiological link
source of infection e Decreasing number, size,
within the province

if clusters are
confined to a household,
or source of
infection e Increasing proportion of
cases with severe or
and generations of
transmission of case
or clustering of
ILI cases reported
workplace, or a e Increasing number, disease requiring use of
critical care units and/or
clusters in case-based surveillance
specified/limited area size, and system
generations of mechanical ventilators e Decreasing severe and
Number of infected transmission of case critical cases and Event-based reports of
health care workers clusters e Increasing number of fatalities/case fatality due clusters of ILI and/or
additional COVID-19 deaths to COVID-19 respiratory illnesses
Detection of exported e Increasing number and/or increasing case
case/s (case/s in another of infected health fatality rate e Decreasing utilization of
municipality/city but care workers critical care units and
identified source of e Increasing number of mechanical ventilators by
infection is our e Increasing number infected health care workers other respiratory illness
municipality/city) of exported cases and other frontline workers admissions

Increasing or clustering e Increasing or e Increasing admissions due to e Decreasing number of

of suspect/probable clustering of other respiratory illnesses affected health care and
COVID-19, SARI, and/or suspect/probable requiring use of critical care other frontline workers
ILIcases reported in COVID-19, units and/or mechanical
surveillance systems SAR, land/ or ILI ventilators e Reduced reports of
cases reported in clustering of
Event-based reports of case-based e Event-based reports of suspect/probable COVID-
clusters of ILI and/or surveillance system clusters ofILI, respiratory 19, SARI, and/or ILI cases
respiratory illnesses illness, and/ or deaths of reported in case-based
e Multiple event-based unknown etiology and event-based
reports of clusters of
surveillance systems
ILI respiratory
Incident Adopt a command and
control structure with

Continue actions
described for

Continue actions described for

initiation phase

Continue actions described

for acceleration interval

Update Incident Management

System as to designated
Incident Command System recognition phase authorities, roles and

Review and update Consider declaring a

affected areas and high-
risk households toidentify
Review and revise response
activities proportionate to
| responsibilities, and other
required capacities
response plans and public health those requiring enhanced the situation, including
forecast future resources emergency response measures, using restocking of resources and Review local government and
needed for potential surge scenario simulations to help rebuilding essential services community response plans
of cases update plans
Epidemiology Enhance COVID-19 Ensure immediate Maintain notification of COVID- Maintain immediate Set up COVID-19 surveillance
and Surveillance surveillance through active notification of COVID- 19 cases through the notification of COVID-19 to ensure early case detection
case finding, expansion of 19 cases and information system. cases. through inventory of reporting
influenza-like illness (ILI) identification, reporting units and placement of
and severe acute through the Surveillance data analysis Identify areas with case adequate number of trained
respiratory infection (SARI) information system, should prioritize immediate clustering and/or incidence surveillance staff
surveillance systems, and andinvestigation of identification, mapping, and rates for investigation.
reporting of ILI and SARI case clustering. investigation of case clustering Enhance ILI, SARI, and
case clustering through the and areas with high incidence Utilize and SARI
ILl event-based surveillance
event-based surveillance Review ILI and SARI
surveillance trends to
rates surveillance trends to systems to detect increase
and/or clustering of ILI and/or
system identify areas with case
identify case clustering clustering or sudden SARI cases
Immediately report cases or sudden increase of increase of cases requiring
using the information cases. further investigation Ensure presence ofdisease
surveillance at ports and/or
areas of entries and exits

Closely coordinate with

municipalities/cities and
province for reported cases
and clustering in these areas


Contact Tracing Create local contact tracing Conduct extensive Continue contact tracing but Return to conduct of Set up and improvement of
teams to conduct extensive contact tracing with mayprioritize tracing and extensive contact tracing to contact tracing systems
contact tracing with information technology assessment ofclose contacts ensure that most number of
information technology among household members contacts will be assessed Increase capacity for local
and health worker contacts, and appropriately managed contact tracing, including
especially if resources are capacitating monitoring teams

Laboratory Test all individuals fitting the Provide laboratory confirmation If resources will be Strengthen laboratory
case definition and a subset Test all individuals of cases fitting COVID-19 adequate, test all individuals capacity and develop testing
of identified close contacts fitting the COVID-19 surveillance criteria, prioritizing fitting the COVID-19 case strategy
case definitions severe, critical, and highly definitions and a subsetof
Test any SARI patient with vulnerable cases, symptomatic identified close contacts
severe clinical presentation? health workers, and first few
symptomatic individuals in
Iftesting capacity allows, special settings (e.g. long term
systematically select living facilities, health facilities,
specimens from reported prisons)
SARI or ILI cases

Community Build trust and support by Continue actions Continue actions described for Continue actions described Strengthen capacity and
engagement and providing correct, relevant described for recognition initiation phase for acceleration phase resilience of communities
support for information on health phase
continued social situation and ongoing Consider alternative media Messaging should Identify and engage
Consider additional staff
and economic government response
activities and adopted
and engaging partners to to
platforms utilize aligned to
the ECQ guidelines
emphasize measure that
communities should comply
community leaders and
partners for possible
activity implement
policies communication strategies with to ensure continuous response activities
reduction of additional
Utilize alternative media cases and prevent
platforms, such as social resurgence of cases
media, discussion fora,
hotlines, to relay key
messages and address
clarifications and public

Severe clinical presentation includes those with either shortness of breath (RR at least 30 breaths/min); 93% or lower oxygen saturation in resting state; arterial pressure
of oxygen (PaO2)/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) 300 mm or
mmHg=0.133kPa); or with chest imaging showing obvious lesion progression more than 50%


within 24-48 hours.


Health system Adopt and implement triage Continue IPC and Continue actions described in Initiate targeted cessation of Develop and prepare health
capacity to ensure non-overloading other protocols initiation phase surge capacity as systems capacity including
of hospitals recognition phase appropriate isolation beds, ICU beds,
Set up alternative care sites as ventilators for the epidemic,
Adopt clinical management Monitor the surge of needed, by repurposing Monitor morbidity and including for surge capacity,
guidelines health care needs, existing infrastructure and mortality reports of non- supply chain for medicines,
especially for critical workforce COVID-19 conditions and supplies and equipment,
Implement strict infection care services, in health gradually scale up provision training in treatment
prevention and control (IPC) care facilities Implement contingency plans, of essential health services protocols, and ensure non-
practices, especially in as needed interruption of essential health
health facilities Review and prepare to services and public health
deploy a mortuary Monitor surge of non-COVID- programmes
Establish a system to surge (mass mortality) 19 cases, complications, and
monitor health status plan deaths
(physical and mental) of
health workers and their Monitor morbidity and Recalibrate strategies for
immediate referral and mortality reports of continuous provision of
management, as needed non-COVID-19 essential health services
conditions and review
Assess impact on medical strategies to ensure
care facilities, identify provision of essential
whether medical resources health services
are sufficient to manage ill
Monitor morbidity and
mortality reports of non-
COVID-19 conditions and
ensure provision of
essential health services

Risk Continue risk Continue risk Continue risk communication Continue dissemination Identify target audience and
communication communication activities in communication activities in initiation phase updated risk messages and specific communication
preparation phase activities in recognition “new normal’ to public and strategies to increase
phase Disseminate updated risk stakeholders awareness on COVID-19
Public awareness on their messages and what is the disease and prevention
existence of cases in Continue providing “new normal” to public and
Provide information to measures
area regular updates on prepare for and respond to
health situation and possible additional Disseminate risk
Reinforce and properly ongoing community pandemic waves communication strategies
communicate public health mitigation measures to
importance of non- local chief executives, Public awareness on
pharmaceutical key partners, existence of outbreaks
interventions stakeholders, media, outside their area
and the public
Risk management for high
risk communities and
settings (crowded areas,
confined settings)

National and Coordinate with all partners Continue coordination Continue coordination with all Continue coordination with Define and set up
local (public health and local with all partners and partners all partners and identify mechanisms of coordination
coordination leaders, employers, engage with additional which support may be (inter-sectoral and across
organizations and offices/institutions, as Support maintenance of critical scaled down and/or administrative levels, i.e.
stakeholders) needed infrastructure and key modified based on new national, regional and local
resources as appropriate strategies government levels)
Prepare to receive
funds to support
response, if available

1. “Updated Preparedness and Response Framework for
Influenza Pandemics”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
September 26, 2014.
2. “WHO Pandemic Phase Descriptions and Main Actions by Phase”. World Health Organization.
3. Walensky and del Rio. “From Mitigation to Containment of
the COVID-19 Pandemic: Putting the SARS-CoV-2 Genie Back in the Bottle”. JAMA Network. April 17,

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

APR 27 2020

No. 2020 - 0015

SUBJECT: Guidelines_on_the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for

COVID-19 Mitigation


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified last December 2019 as
of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology. On 30 January 2020, the World Health
Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International
Concern and eventually as a Global Pandemic by 11 March 2020.

In the absence of specific treatment or a vaccine, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI)

form the backbone of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Non-pharmaceutical
interventions are public health strategies meant to mitigate and suppress transmission of
infectious diseases. While the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) has been
instrumental in slowing the rapid spread of the disease, local evidence suggests that the gains
from the ECQ will be reversed in the absence of complementary interventions that will
minimize case resurgence.

The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) Resolution No.
28 mandates that minimum public health standards must be specified by the Department of
Health (DOH) and adhered to by all sectors. These standards shall serve as a guide in
institutionalizing key NPIs to combat COVID-19.


This Order aims to provide guidance for sectoral planning on the implementation of NPIs as
minimum public health standards to mitigate the threat of COVID-19. shall serve as a basis
in the decision-making process and development of more specific sectoral policies for
COVID-19 response.


This Order shall apply to all entities involved in COVID-19 response both from public and
private sectors, including all national government agencies (NGAs), government offices,
private offices and workplaces, local government units (LGUs), development partners,
academic and research institutions, civil society organizations,, and all others concerned.


A. Administrative Controls - refer to procedural interventions or modifications in

policies, standards, and processes, that are meant to
reduce the frequency and severity

Building San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
7 »
1, Vv
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 ¢ URL:; e-mail: fidugque@ doh.
of exposure to infectious diseases (e.g. hygiene and disinfection protocols, work
shifting, etc.)
Comorbidity at risk of COVID-19 exacerbation - presence of one or more
additional conditions co-occurring with (that is, concomitant or concurrent with) a
primary condition that increases an individual’s risk for mortality if afflicted by
COVID-19. This includes immunocompromised individuals (such as but not limited
to those with cancer, HIV/AIDS and other autoimmune disorders) and individuals
with chronic conditions (such as but not limited to hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
and chronic kidney disease).
Engineering Controls - refer to physical interventions or modifications in spaces or
environments, that is meant to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases (e.g. use
of physical barriers, exhaust ventilation, etc.)
Medical-grade Protective Apparel - refers to the specialized personal protective
equipment worn by healthcare workers and other frontliners involved in the disease
outbreak response, for the purpose of protection against infectious materials. These
include surgical face masks, N95 respirators, face shield or goggles, coveralls,
isolation gowns, surgical gloves, protective oversleeves, head cap, and shoe cover,
among others.
Modification Potential - refers to the degree to which mitigation strategies and other
public health measures can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in different

Most-at-risk Population (MARP) for COVID-19 refers to population groups who
have a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 infection such as individuals aged
60 and above, pregnant, and those with underlying conditions or comorbidity at risk
of COVID-19 exacerbation.
. Non-pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) - refers to public health measures that do
not involve vaccines, medications or other pharmaceutical interventions, that
individuals and communities can carry out in order to reduce transmission rates,
contact rates, and the duration of infectiousness individuals in the population.
= Protective Personal Equipment- refers to protective garments or equipment worn by
individuals to increase personal safety from infectious agents
Vulnerable groups refers to socially disadvantaged groups that are most susceptible
to suffer directly from disasters and health events. These include senior citizens,
immunocompromised individuals, women, children, persons deprived with liberty
(PDL), persons with disabilities (PWDs), and members of indigenous peoples (IPs),
internally displaced persons (IDPs), indigenous cultural communities (ICCs), among


. The DOH shall set minimum public health standards to guide the development of
sector-specific and localized guidelines on mitigation measures for its COVID-19
response across all settings - such as but not limited to home, public places, offices
and workplaces, high-density communities, food and other service establishments,
schools, hotels and other accommodations, churches and places of worship, prisons
and other places of detention, public transportation (air, land, and water transport),
and health facilities.


BZ. The adoption and implementation of the standards shall be guided by the following

1. Shared accountability
a) Health is a key development objective that is the shared accountability of
the government, communities, households, and individuals.
b) A whole-of-system, whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach is
essential to develop cohesive solutions to current and future challenges to
public health and national security.
c) All efforts shall espouse the government’s strategic directions of national
government-enabled, local government-led, and people-centered response
to the COVID-19 health event.

. Evidence-based decision-making
a) Evidence shall guide policy development and decision-making at all
levels of government.
b) As science continues to evolve, all actors shall periodically assess and
recalibrate policies, plans, programs and guidelines.

3. Socioeconomic equity & rights-based approach

a) Recognizing that vulnerabilities are socially determined, it
is important to
be cognizant of the equity considerations and implications of blanket
policies, plans, and programs that are being conceptualized for scaled-up
implementation. Vulnerable groups should therefore be identified and
provided additional social safety net protections.
b) Policy design shall always choose the least restrictive alternative that
achieves its goals.
c) In the event of any conflict of rules or guidelines, the interpretation shall
ensure the protection of human rights. As such, the safety, needs, and
well-being of the individual shall prevail.

ra GC X%. All policies, investments, and actions shall ensure that COVID-19 mitigation
objectives are achieved using the following strategies:

1. Objective 1: Increase physical and mental resilience

a. Ensure access to basic needs of individuals, including food, water,
shelter and sanitation.
b. Support adequate nutrition and dicts based on risk.
c. Encourage appropriate physical activity for those with access to open
spaces as long as physical distancing is practiced.
d. Discourage smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages.
e. Protect the mental health and general welfare of individuals.
f. Promote basic respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.
g. Protect essential workforce through provision of food, PPE and other
commodities, lodging, and shuttle services as necessary.
h. Provide financial and healthcare support for workforce who contracted
COVID-19 through transmission at work.
i. Limit exposure of MARP groups, such as through limitation in entry or
prioritization in service or provision of support.
j. Provide appropriate social safety net support to vulnerable groups for

i wi»
the duration of the COVID-19 health event.
2. Objective 2: Reduce transmission
a. Encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water, and discourage
the touching of the eyes, nose, and mouth, such as through appropriate
information and education campaigns.
b. Encourage symptomatic individuals to stay at home unless there is a
pressing need to go to a health facility for medical consultation, if
virtual consultation is not possible.
c. Ensure access to basic hygiene facilities such as toilets, handwashing
areas, water, soap, alcohol/ sanitizer.
d. Clean and disinfect the environment regularly, every two hours for
high touch areas such as toilets, door knobs, switches, and at least once
every day for workstations and other surfaces.
e. Ensure rational use of personal protective equipment (PPEs) that is
suitable to the setting, and the intended user. Medical-grade protective
apparel shall be reserved for health care workers and other frontliners,
and symptomatic individuals at all times.

3. Objective 3: Reduce contact

a. Implement strict physical distancing at all times, specially at public
areas, workstations, eating areas, queues, and other high traffic areas.
Reduce movement within and across areas and settings.
Restrict unnecessary mass gatherings.
Limit non-essential travel and activities.
Install architectural or engineering interventions, as may be deemed
f. Implement temporary closure or suspension of service in high risk
areas or establishments, as necessary.

4. Objective 4: Reduce duration

a. Identify symptomatic
of infection
individuals and immediately isolate, such as
through the use of temperature scanning, symptom self-monitoring,
and voluntary disclosure.
b. Coordinate symptomatic individuals through appropriate health system
entry points such as primary care facilities or teleconsulting platforms.
c. Trace and quarantine close contacts of confirmed individuals consistent
with Department of Health guidelines.


Risk Severity Grading. All actors (NGAs in coordination with Civil Service
Commission, LGUs and/or Private Sector) shall base their COVID-19 mitigation
response from the IATF-EID’s risk severity grading (c.g., Low, Moderate, and High

Risk-based Public Health Standards Across Settings. At the minimum, all actors
shall implement the
prescribed interventions in
various settings (Annex A) depending
on their Risk Severity Grading. For each prescribed intervention, concrete examples
of corresponding hazard controls (e.g. engineering control, administrative control,
and PPEs.) are provided.

Depending on the risk severity grading:
1. Interventionsthat are listed as ‘MUST DO?’ shall be mandatory. See Annex B.
2. Interventions that are listed as ‘CAN DO’ shall be optional, and may be
tailored further as guided by the Modification Potential Matrix on Annex C.1.

NGAs shall
build on the identified interventions in developing sector-specific policies
and plans, and may propose adjustments for additional interventions inconsistent with
those indicated in this Order.

C. Prioritizing Additional Mitigation Strategies based on Modification Potential.

All actors may implement additional mitigation interventions for different settings .
The Modification Potential Matrix provided for in Annex C.1, rated settings based on
the likelihood that it can be modified to lessen contact. All actors are encouraged to
prioritize settings that scored high, followed by medium, then low.


A. DOH shall:
1. Provide technical assistance in facilitating inter-agency or sector-specific
2. Continue to update the set minimum public health standards based on most
recent evidence available and issue succeeding updates through DOH
Department Circulars;
3. Develop standards, systems, and guidelines on operationalizing post-ECQ
4. Engage stakeholders and promote awareness on NPIs and its importance,
including relevant and accurate information about appropriate protocols; and
5. Consolidate reports and recommendations from NGAs and LGUs for
endorsement to
the IATF-EID and other agencies concerned

B. Other National Government Agencies shall:

1. Develop and submit their sector-specific plans and guidelines on the
operationalization of the risk-based public health standards to the DOH, which
shall be consolidated and endorsed by the Secretary of Health to the IATF; and
2. Submit to the DOH sector-specific monitoring tools to track compliance.

C. Local Government Units shall:

1. Ensure implementation of risk-based public health standards for COVID-19
2. Set up mechanisms to monitor compliance and submit reports according to
provided tools;
- Coordinate with DOH and other NGAs in carrying out these guidelines;
4. Develop counterpart local ordinances, to ensure compliance with national
directives at the local level; and
5. Ensure immediate and widest dissemination of these guidelines to all
units/sectors within their jurisdiction

D. Industries and the Private Sector shall:

1. Comply with the risk-based public health standards set by DOH,
sector-specific policies and plans by other NGAs, and other relevant rules and

regulations x

Other related issuances not consistent with the provisions ofthis Order are hereby
revised, modified, or rescinded accordingly. Nothing in this Order shall be construed
as a limitation or modification of existing laws, rules and regulations.


Should any provision of this Order or any part thereof be declared invalid, the other
provisions, insofar as they are separable from the invalid ones, shall remain in full
force and effect.

This Order shall take effect immediately.


Secretary of
Annex A. Required public health standards across all settings (as of April 27, 2020)

1. ee
1.1Respiratory Hygiene and Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette
Cough Etiquette at all times. Use tissue or the at all times. Use tissue or the all times. Use tissue or the
at at all times. Use tissue or the at all times. Use tissue or the
inner portion of the elbow to inner portion of the elbow to inner portion of the elbow to inner portion of the elbow to inner portion of the elbow to
cover the nose and mouth cover the nose and mouth cover the nose and mouth cover the nose and mouth cover the nose and mouth
when sneezing/coughing. when sneezing/coughing. when sneezing/coughing. when sneezing/coughing. when sneezing/coughing.
Practice proper disposal of Practice proper disposal of Practice proper disposal of Practice proper disposal of Practice proper disposal of
tissue after use. tissue after use. tissue after use. tissue after use. tissue after use.

Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None

Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
None None None Employers may provide Owners may provide tissues
tissues within easy reach in in strategic places within the
PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for all workstations and establishment
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for general public or surgical communal space
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals if mask for symptomatic PPE: Cloth mask for general
going to a health facility. individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general public or surgical mask for
public or surgical mask for symptomatic individuals
symptomatic individuals

1.2 Promote Mental Health Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put
people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress.
Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to
families and friends or a a professional through the families and friends or a a professional through the a professional through the
mental health professional telemedicine hotlines mental health professional telemedicine hotlines telemedicine hotlines
through the telemedicine through the telemedicine
hotlines Engineering Control: None hotlines Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Engineering Control: None Administrative Control: Engineering Control: None Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
None Employers must provide Owners must provide mental
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: mental and psychosocial and psychosocial support
None PPE: None None support such as but not such
as but not limited to
limited to providing in-house counseling sessions,
PPE: None PPE: None mindfulness activities/ online counseling, and
sessions,in-house counseling support groups to
sessions, online counseling, employees
and support groups toits
employees Owners to promote work-life
balance through proper
Employers to promote scheduling
of activities and
work-life balance through rotation of workforce
proper scheduling of
activities and rotation of PPE: None

PPE: None

1.3 Reduce exposure of Elderly, individuals with Elderly, individuals with Elderly, individuals with Elderly, individuals with Elderly, individuals with
vulnerable individuals (e.g., underlying conditions, and underlying conditions, and underlying conditions, and underlying conditions, and underlying conditions, and
senior citizens, individuals pregnant women must stay at pregnant women must stay at pregnant women living in pregnant women may be pregnant women may be
with underlying health home and limit their travel to home and limit their travel to high-density communities asked notto physically report asked not toreport to work
conditions) to prevent infection essential or urgent needs. essential or urgent needs must stay at home and limit to work
They should also minimize their travel to essential or
their exposure from urgent needs
individuals who frequently Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
leave the house. None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Engineering Control: None LGUs and establishment None Administrative Control: Owners must designate
owners must designate Employers must provide specific lanes or areas for the
Administrative Control: specific lanes or areas for the PPE: Cloth mask for alternative work elderly, individuals with
Daily monitoring of elderly, individuals with general public or surgical arrangements to the elderly, underlying conditions, and
individuals at risk; and underlying conditions, and mask for symptomatic individuals with underlying pregnant women within the
contingency planning by the pregnant women in public individuals conditions, and pregnant establishment
household for accessing places women for the duration of
healthcare or purchasing of COVID-19 health event PPE: Cloth mask for general

medication from pharmacy in LGUs must provide transport public or surgical mask for
case of emergency. services to health facilities PPE: Cloth mask for general symptomatic individuals
for vulnerable groups public or surgical mask for
PPE: Cloth mask for general needing health care. symptomatic individuals
public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals

1.4 Provision of support for N/A Engineering Control: N/A Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
essential workforce (ex: None Provision of temporary Provision of temporary
financial, lodging, shuttle, accommodations to accommodations to
food,etc.) Administrative Control:
Provision financial,
employees, if
necessary employees, if necessary

transportation, food, and Administrative Control: Administrative Control:

other services as needed Provision of financial, Provision of financial,
transportation, food, and transportation, food, and
PPE: Cloth mask for general other services to employees other services as needed
public, or medical-grade as needed
protective apparel, depending
on the intended user PPE: Cloth mask for general
(personnel managing PPE: Cloth mask for general public, or medical-grade
checkpoints, monitoring of public, or medical-grade protective apparel, depending
public spaces) and setting protective apparel, depending on the intended user/setting
on the intended user/setting

1.5Provision of support for - Provision of benefits under the Social Amelioration Program to qualified beneficiaries as determined by DSWD Memorandum Circular No. 04, Series
vulnerable groups (ex. Social of 2020
Amelioration Programs, Food - LGUs may further extend their support to other vulnerable groups (e.g. PWDs, women, IPs, IDPs, among others) as may be deemed necessary
Assistance) - Other NGAs shall continue or may further expand their assistance to the vulnerable groups as part of their mandates.
- Private sector may also provide additional assistance and support to MARPs and vulnerable groups

2.1Personal Hygiene (e.g. Individuals must wash their Individuals must wash their Individuals living in Individuals must wash their Individuals must wash their
handwashing with soap and hands with soap and water hands with soap and water high-density communities hands with soap and water hands with soap and water
water, sanitizing with hand regularly or use hand regularly or use hand must wash their hands with regularly or use hand regularly or use hand
disinfectants, etc.) disinfectants disinfectants soap and water regularly or disinfectants disinfectants
use hand disinfectants
Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Placement of makeshift Engineering Control: None Placement of handwashing Placement of handwashing
Administrative Control: handwashing facilities, hand facilities, hand sanitizers, and facilities, hand sanitizers, and
None sanitizers and dispensers with Administrative Control: dispensers with an dispensers with an
an alcohol-based solution in None alcohol-based solution in all alcohol-based solution in all
PPE: None all public places , (i.e. areas entrances, exits, areas with entrances and facilities
with high foot traffic, PPE: None high foot traffic and facilities
transportation systems) Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: Owners must ensure daily
Administrative Control: Employers must ensure daily monitoring and availability of
Ensure routine monitoring monitoring and availability hand soaps, sanitizers, and
and replacement of hand of hand soaps, sanitizers, and other disinfectants within the
soaps, sanitizers, and other other disinfectants in establishment
disinfectants in all public restrooms and in all
places entrances and facilities PPE: None

PPE: None PPE: None

2.2 Environmental Hygiene Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently Disinfection of frequently
(e.g. disinfecting surfaces and touched surfaces such as but touched surfaces and objects touched surfaces such as but touched surfaces and objects touched surfaces and objects
objects) to
not limited tables, using 0.5% bleach solution not limited to tables, as
such but not limited to such as but not limited to
doorknobs, light switches, (100 mL Bleach, 900 mL doorknobs, light switches, tables, switches, doorknobs, tables, switches, doorknobs,
phones, toilets, among others water) at least twice a day phones, toilets, among others and workstations using 0.5% and workstations using 0.5%
using 0.5% bleach solution using 0.5% bleach solution bleach solution (100 mL bleach solution (100 mL
(100 mL Bleach, 900 mL Disinfection of purchased (100 mL Bleach, 900 mL Bleach, 900 mL water) at Bleach, 900 mL water) at
water) items water) least once a day least once a day

Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Placement of foot baths in all Placement of foot baths in all Placement of foot baths in all
Administrative Control: entrances (1:10 bleach Administrative Control: entrances (1:10 bleach entrances (1:10 bleach
None solution; 1 litre bleach mixed None solution; litre bleach mixed
solution; litre bleach mixed

with 9 litres of clean water) with 9 litres of clean water) with 9 litres of clean water)s
PPE: None PPE: None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Placement of signs reminding Ensure routine cleaning of Ensure routine cleaning of
the general public to frequently touched surfaces frequently touched surfaces
minimize touching of and objects, and routine and objects, and routine
surfaces public places cleaning and replacement of cleaning and replacement of
disinfectant solutions in foot in
disinfectant solutions foot
Ensure routine cleaning of baths baths
frequently touched surfaces
and objects, and routine PPE: None PPE: None
cleaning and replacement of
disinfectant solutions in

PPE: None

2.3 Use of PPE and other Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
medical-grade protective
apparel Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
None None None Management shall allocate Owners shall allocate
appropriate PPEs to appropriate PPEs to
PPE: Individuals with PPE: Healthy or PPE: Individuals living in employees (i.e., essential employees (i.e., essential
flu-like symptoms must wear Asymptomatic Individuals high-density communities workforce) on duty, workforce) on duty,
a medical-grade mask at all shall use cloth face masks in must wear cloth face masks depending on the nature of depending on the nature of
times (andthe elderly or public places. when leaving the household work and contact with the work and contact with the
people with underlying general public. general public.
conditions) Individuals with suspected Individuals with suspected
flu-like symptoms, or are flu-like symptoms must wear PPE: Healthy or PPE: Individuals may use
feeling sick must wear at
medical-grade mask all Asymptomatic Individuals cloth face masks when going
medical-grade mask allat times shall use cloth face masks. to restaurants and other
times they go outside establishments

3.1 Practicing physical Practice physical distancing Engineering Control: If possible, practice physical Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Distancing (at least meter apart) in
Placement of red marking (at
distancing least meter
Installation of temporary Installation of temporary
communal areas (e.g. living to
tapes on the floor guide apart) in communal areas barriers between cubicles barriers in front desks,
room, dining room, etc.) individuals to stay at least (e.g. living room, dining counters, etc.
one meter apart from each room, etc.) Administrative Control:
Engineering Control: None other Employers must limit face to Placement ofred marking
Engineering Control: None face meetings as much as tapes on the floor to guide
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: possible and adopt WFH individuals to stay at least
None Limitation on the number of Administrative Control: arrangements. one meter apart from each
peopleinside the None other when ordering for food
PPE: Cloth mask for general establishment Allow flexible dining policy at the counter
public or surgical mask for PPE: Cloth mask for in the work space/cubicle
symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general general public or surgical during lunch break; OR limit Administrative Control:
public or surgical mask for mask for symptomatic the number of individuals Limitation on the number of
symptomatic individuals individuals who can
eat in the pantry at a people inside the
given time. establishment

If WFH are not possible, PPE: Cloth mask for general

practice physical distancing public or surgical mask for
in the workplace(at least one symptomatic individuals
meter apart from each

Employers provide cloth


PPE: Cloth mask for

general public or surgical
mask for symptomatic

3.2 Modified Work Structures N/A N/A N/A Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
and Schedules, and alternative
work arrangements Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Employers should provide Owners should provide
modified alternative modified alternative
structures and arrangements structures and arrangements
(e.g. online transactions and
PPE: Cloth mask for pick-up, drop-off points,
general public or surgical delivery services. etc.)
mask for symptomatic
individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals

3.3 Limitation of non-essential N/A N/A N/A N/A Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control:
Owners should provide
modified alternative
structures and arrangements
for transactions (i.e. pick-up,
delivery, drop-off points,
online transactions, etc.)

PPE: Cloth mask for general

public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals

3.4 Restriction on Mass N/A Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Limitation on the number of None Suspension of office Limitation on the foot traffic
people in public places meetings, conferences, and within the establishment
PPE: Cloth mask for other large gatherings
PPE: Cloth mask for general general public or surgical PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for mask for symptomatic PPE: Cloth mask for public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals individuals general public or surgical symptomatic individuals
mask for symptomatic

4.1Detection and isolation of Individuals with flu-like Individuals with flu-like If possible, Engineering Control: None Individuals with flu-like
Symptomatic Individuals (at symptoms must be isolated symptoms must not go to any Individuals with flu-like symptoms must not go to any
home or
indesignated in a separate room or area setting except for symptoms must be isolated Administrative Control: setting except for
community quarantine within the household health-related concerns, if in a separate room or area Employers must subject all health-related concerns, if
facilities) virtual consultation is not within the household or a employees to temperature virtual consultation is not
Engineering Control: None possible. community quarantine/ checks priorto entering the possible.
isolation facility when made building/ office spaces and
Administrative Control: available by the LGU proper referral to appropriate Engineering Control: None
None Engineering Control: None facility for symptomatic
Engineering Control: None employees Administrative Control:
PPE: Cloth mask forgeneral Administrative Control: Owners must subject all
public or surgical mask for Placement of standard Administrative Control: Employers must monitor all customers to temperature
symptomatic individuals symptom and temperature None employees daily to ensure checks priorto entering the
checks instrategically proper detection of establishment
located areas in public places PPE: Cloth mask for employees with symptoms
and proper referral of all general public or surgical PPE: Cloth mask for general
individuals with symptoms of mask for symptomatic Employees with mild flu-like public or surgical mask for
ILI individuals symptoms shall adopt a work symptomatic individuals
from home (WFH)
PPE: Cloth mask for general arrangement for the duration
public or surgical mask for of COVID-19 health event
symptomatic individuals
PPE: Cloth mask for
general public or surgical
mask for symptomatic

1.1 Respiratory Hygiene and Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette Practice respiratory etiquette
Cough Etiquette all times. Use tissue or
at at all times. Use tissue or atall times. Use tissue or at all times. Use tissue or at all times.Use tissue or
inner portion of elbow to inner portion of elbow to inner portion of elbow to inner portion of elbow to inner portion of elbow to
cover nose and mouth when cover nose and mouth when cover nose and mouth when cover nose and mouth when cover nose and mouth when
sneezing/coughing sneezing/coughing sneezing/coughing sneezing/coughing sneezing/coughing

Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None

Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
School administration may Hotel Management may None Management may None Owners must provide tissues
provide tissues and alcohol provide tissues and alcohol provide tissues and alcohol within the establishment
hand rub entrances,
corridors and other
hand rub in communal areas in
hand rub entrances and PPE: Cloth mask for general
and amenities. All toilet exits and along waiting. All public or surgical mask for PPE: Cloth mask for general
communal areas. All toilet facilities should have toilet facilities should have symptomatic individuals public or surgical mask for
facilities should have adequate water and soap for adequate water and soap for symptomatic individuals
adequate water and soap for handwashing. handwashing.
PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
PPE: Cloth mask for general public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
public or surgical mask for symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
symptomatic individuals

1.2 Promote Mental Health Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put Health emergencies can put
people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress. people in extreme stress.
Individuals may reach out to Services to support mental Individuals may reach out to Individuals may reach out to Services to support mental
a professional through the health must be made a professional through the a professional through the health must be made
telemedicine hotlines available. telemedicine hotlines telemedicine hotlines available.

Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrators must provide Management must provide None None Management can Management must provide
mental and psychosocial mental and psychosocial institute activities promoting mental and psychosocial
support such as but not support such as but not PPE: None mental wellbeing and overall support such as but not
limited to in-house limited to in-house health to their constituents limited to in-house
counseling sessions, online counseling sessions, online including online programs counseling sessions and
counseling, support groups, counseling, and support and counseling. Communal support groups to employees
etc. groups to its employees online prayer activities and inmates

PPE: None PPE: None PPE: None

PPE: None

1.3 Reduce exposure of Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
vulnerable individuals (e.g.,
senior citizens, individuals Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
with underlying health School administrators may Availability of designated Operators and drivers may Officiators and religious Availability of designated
conditions) to prevent offer alternative or facilities for the
areas designate a specific area for leaders may designate a lanes or areas for the elderly,
infection arrangementsto personnel elderly, individuals with the elderly, individuals with specific area for the elderly, individuals with underlying
are elderly, with underlying conditions, and underlying conditions, and individuals with underlying conditions, and pregnant
underlying conditions, and pregnant women. pregnant women within the conditions, and pregnant women.
pregnant. vehicle and waiting area. women in the place of
worship or offer alternative
If alternative arrangements PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general ways of participation (e.g. PPE: Cloth mask for general
are not possible, designated public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for online, recorded mass, etc.) public or surgical mask for
areas in communal areas symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
must be available to high-risk PPE: Cloth mask for general
groups public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals
PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals

1.4 Provision of support for Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control: N/A Engineering Control:
essential workforce (ex: Provision of temporary Provision of temporary Provision of temporary Provision of temporary
financial, lodging, shuttle, accommodations to accommodations to accommodations to accommodations to
food,etc.) employees, if necessary employees,if necessary employees, if necessary employees, if necessary
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Provision of financial, Provision of financial, Provision of financial, Provision of financial,
transportation, food, transportation, food, transportation, food, transportation, food,

PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
public, or medical-grade public, or medical-grade public, or medical-grade public, or medical-grade
protective apparel, depending protective apparel, depending protective apparel, depending protective apparel, depending
on the intended user/setting on the intended user/setting on the intended user/setting on the intended user/setting

1.5Provision of support for - Provision of benefits under the Social Amelioration Program to qualified beneficiaries as determined by DSWD Memorandum Circular No. 04, Series
vulnerable groups (ex. Social of 2020
Amelioration Programs, Food - LGUs may further extend their support to other vulnerable groups (e.g. PWDs, women, IPs, IDPs, among others) as may be deemed necessary
Assistance) - Other NGAs shall continue or may further expand their assistance to the vulnerable groups as part of their mandates.
- Private sector may also provide additional assistance and support to MARPs and vulnerable groups


2.1Personal Hygiene (e.g. Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
handwashing with soap and Placement of handwashing Placement of handwashing Placement of hand sanitizers Placement of hand sanitizers Placement of handwashing
water, sanitizing with hand stations, hand sanitizers, and stations, hand sanitizers, and and dispensers with an and dispensers with an stations, hand sanitizers, and
disinfectants, etc.) dispensers with an dispensers with an alcohol-based solution in all alcohol-based solution at dispensers with an
solution in all
alcohol-based alcohol-based solution in all vehicles, LRT/MRT, bus and strategic entry points alcohol-based solution in all
rooms, communal areas, and
amenities especially eating
rooms, communal areas, and
train stations, andin
all exits rooms, communal areas, and
and entrances. amenities
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: Ensure routine monitoring Administrative Control: Ensure routine monitoring Ensure routine monitoring
Students and teachers must and replacement of hand Ensure routine monitoring and replacement of hand and replacement of hand
perform regular and thorough soaps, sanitizers, and other and replacement of hand soaps, sanitizers, and other soaps, sanitizers, and other
handwashing with soap and disinfectants in all rooms and soaps, sanitizers, and other disinfectants in all strategic disinfectants in all strategic
water. Allot a specific period public areas disinfectants in all exits and entry points entry points
of time for handwashing. entrances.
PPE: None PPE: None PPE: None
Hand sanitizers or PPE: None
alcohol-based solutions must
be available all classroom

or school facilities

Ensure routine monitoring

and replacement ofhand
soaps, sanitizers, and other
disinfectants in all
classrooms, restrooms, etc.

PPE: None

2.2 Environmental Hygiene Disinfection of tables, Regular disinfection of Disinfection of surfaces that Regular disinfection of Disinfection of surfaces and
(e.g. disinfecting surfaces and doorknobs, desks, and school rooms, front desks, counters, are often touched by chairs, tables, cloths, relics, frequently touched surfaces
objects, waste management, items using 0.5% bleach and other frequently touched passengers using 0.5% and other equipment using using 0.5% bleach solution
proper disposal of infectious solution (100 mL Bleach, surfaces and objects such as bleach solution (100 mL 0.5% bleach solution (100 (100 mL Bleach, 900 mL
wastes) 900 mL water) at least twice key cards, door Bleach, 900 mL water) at mL Bleach, 900 mL water) at
water) least twice a day
a day handles/knobs, elevator least every two hours
buttons, among others using Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Engineering Control: 0.5% bleach solution (100 Engineering Control: Placement of foot baths in all Placement of foot baths in all
Placement of foot baths inall mL Bleach, 900 mL water) Placement of in
foot baths all entrances (1:10 bleach entrances (1:10 bleach
entrances (1:10 bleach entrances (1:10 bleach solution; 1 litre bleach mixed solution; | litre bleach mixed
solution; | litre bleach mixed Engineering Control: solution; 1 litre bleach mixed with 9 litres of clean water) with 9 litres of clean water)
9 litres of clean water) Placement of foot baths in
all with 9 litres of clean water)
entrances (1:10 bleach Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrative Control: solution; 1 litre bleach mixed Administrative Control: Ensure routine cleaning of Ensure routine cleaning of
Ensure routine cleaning of with 9 litres of clean water) Ensure routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces frequently touched surfaces
frequently touched surfaces frequently touched surfaces and objects, and routine and objects, and routine
and objects, and routine Administrative Control: andobjects, and routine cleaning and replacement of cleaning and replacement of
cleaning and replacement of Ensure routine cleaning of cleaning and replacement of disinfectant solutions in foot disinfectant solutions in foot
disinfectant solutions in
foot frequently touched surfaces disinfectant solutionsinfoot baths baths
baths and objects, and routine baths
cleaning and replacement of PPE: None PPE: None
PPE: None disinfectant solutions in foot PPE: None

Ensure implementation of
proper food preparation and

PPE: Surgical masks for
front desk/concierge
staff/staff stationed at entry
points and the lobby.

Mouth cover and gloves for

food preparers and handlers
in the kitchen, buffet/hotel

2.3 Use of PPE and other Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
medical-grade protective
apparel Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
School administrators shall Hotel Management shall None None Governing body with
allocate appropriate PPEsto allocate appropriate PPEs to jurisdiction over prisons shall
teachers, canteen vendors, its hotel staff (e.g. concierge, PPE: Drivers, Barkers, and PPE: Attendees may wear appropriate funds to provide
maintenance, and security maintenance, guards, etc) conductors who are in cloth face masks during mass PPEs
to its essential
guards. contact with passengers must andother religious gatherings employees and inmates
wear cloth masks at all times
PPE: Hotel staff who are in PPE:Provision of cloth face
PPE: School personnel who contact with guests (security Personnel manning exits and masks for inmates and
are in contact with students guards, concierge, entrances and those with high detained individuals
and school staff (security maintenance, etc) must wear exposure to people entering
guards, maintenance crew, cloth masks at all times must wear surgical mask
canteen handlers, etc.) must
wear cloth masks at all times


3.1 Practicing Physical Practice physical distancing Practice physical distancing Practice physical distancing Practice physical distancing Engineering Control:
Distancing in
(at least 1 meter apart) all (at least meter apart)
in all (at least 1 meter apart) in all (at least 1 meter apart) in all Placement of temporary
communal areas areas areas areas barriers between inmates and
Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: Engineering Control: Engineering Control:
Placement of
red marking Placement of marks or Placement of marks to guide
Administrative Control: tapes on the floor of front temporary barriers in buses, attendees during communion Administrative Control:
Restriction on mass desks, buffet, and other trains or offertary services and Practice physical distancing

gatherings that will require amenities to guide guests to temporary barriers to in all communal areas
close contact (e.g. school stay at least one meter apart separate attendees
activities, flag ceremony
physical distancing is not
from each other Administrative Control:
Passengers must keep a safe Administrative Control:
Temporarily suspend
visitation privileges or
possible, etc.) Installation of temporary distance from other If possible, religious provide alternative
barriers in concierge, front passengers authorities should release mechanisms (e.g. online
Provide platforms for online desks, etc. guidelines modifying visitations)
learning, adjustment of Limitation on the number of religious practices to limit
teaching methods and Administrative Control: passengersin public close contact, maintain Limit conduct of group
schedules to allow for Limitation on the number of transportation including physical distancing, and activities within the facility
physical distancing. guests inside the hotel, buses, jeepney, taxi, tricycles, prevent cross-contamination
amenities (pool, buffet, etc.), and trains. of frequently touched Isolate symptomatic
PPE: Cloth mask for general and other public places surfaces and religious individuals
public or surgical mask for Restrict motorcycle-sharing objects.
symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general public transportation system PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for Limitation on the number of public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals PPE: Cloth mask for general attendees in churches and symptomatic individuals
public or surgical mask for places of worship. But if
symptomatic individuals possible, implement online
religious services until
further notice.

PPE: Cloth mask for general

public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals

3.2 Modified Work Structures Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None N/A N/A N/A
and Schedules, and alternative
work arrangements Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Administrators should Administrators should
provide modified alternative provide modified alternative
structures and arrangements structures and arrangements

PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
3.3 Limitation of non-essential N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

3.4 Restriction on Mass Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
Restriction on large Limitation on the number of Limitation on the number of Provide multiple schedule of None
gatherings (e.g. school reservationsto control the passengersin vehicles, buses, services or alternative
activities, field trips, sports number of guests in the hotel trains, and other public practices to limit the number PPE: Cloth mask for general
festivals, and flag ceremony, transportation of attendees in religious public or surgical mask for
if physical distancing is not PPE: Cloth mask forgeneral services symptomatic individuals
possible, etc.) public or surgical mask for PPE: Cloth mask for general
symptomatic individuals public or surgical mask for PPE: Cloth mask for general
PPE: Cloth mask for general symptomatic individuals public or surgical mask for
public or surgical mask for symptomatic individuals
symptomatic individuals


Detection and isolation of School administrators must Engineering Control: None Individuals with flu-like Engineering Control: None Engineering Control: None
Symptomatic Individuals (e.g. provide alternative symptoms must not go to any
temperature scanning at entry arrangements for students, Administrative Control: setting except for Administrative Control: Administrative Control:
teachers, and personnel (e.g.
points, symptom monitoring, online meetings/classes,
Hotel Management must health-related concerns,if Officiators and Religious
Leaders must subject all
Immediate isolation of
ete.) recorded classes, etc) with subject all guests and virtual consultation is not suspected, probable, and
flu-like symptoms employees to temperature possible. attendees to temperature confirmed cases in
checks prior to entering the to
checks prior entering the designated areas within the
Engineering Control: None hotel Engineering Control: None place of worship facility

Administrative Control: PPE: Cloth mask for general Administrative Control:

School administrators and
public or surgical mask for Operators and drivers must PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
teachers must subject all
symptomatic individuals subject passengers to public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
students and personnel to
temperature checks prior to
temperature checks prior to symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals
entering the classrooms and entering public transportation
facilities. (e.g. buses and trains)

PPE: Cloth mask for general PPE: Cloth mask for general
public or surgical mask for public or surgical mask for
symptomatic individuals symptomatic individuals

Annex B. Risk Severity Grading and Risk-based Public Health Standards

MOKA + =
Risk Severity’ Based on Classification Tool
| L

OBJECTIVE NO. 1 Increase Physical and Mental Resilience

Respiratory Hygiene and Must Do Must Do Must Do
Cough Etiquette

Promote Mental Health Must Do Must Do Must Do

Reduce exposure of vulnerable Can Do Must Do Must Do

individuals (e.g., senior
citizens, individuals with
underlying health conditions)
to prevent infection

Provision of support for Can Do Must Do Must Do

essential workforce (ex:
financial, lodging, shuttle,

Provision of support for Can Do Must Do Must Do

vulnerable groups (ex. Social
Amelioration Programs, Food

OBJECTIVE NO. 2 Reduce Transmission

Personal Hygiene (e.g. Must Do Must Do Must Do
handwashing with soap and
water, sanitizing with hand
disinfectants, etc.)

Environmental Hygiene (e.g. Must Do Must Do Must Do

disinfecting surfaces and

Use of PPE and other Can Do Must Do Must Do

medical-grade protective

OBJECTIVE NO.3 Reduce Contact

Physical Distancing Must Do Must Do Must Do

Modified Work Structures and Can Do Must Do Must Do

Schedules, and alternative
work arrangements

Limitation on non-essential Can Do Must Do Must Do

Takes into account the case doubling rate and critical care utilization rate
Limitation of non-essential Can Do Can Do Must Do

Restriction on Mass Can Do Can Do Must Do

Gatherings (50 individuals max) (10 individuals max)

Closure of Schools OR use of Can Do Must Do Must Do

alternative learning modalities
(e.g., online/distance learning)

OBJECTIVE NO.4 Reduce Duration of Infection

Detection and isolation of Must Do Must Do Must Do

Symptomatic Individuals (e.g.
temperature scanning at entry
points, symptom monitoring,
Annex C.1. Modification Potential Per Setting”

Setting Contact Intensity Number

of Modification
Home Low Low Low

Public Places

Groceries Medium Medium Medium

Wet Markets Medium Medium Medium

Parks, playground, and other Low Low/Medium Low

outdoor recreation spaces

Athletic Fields Medium Medium Low

Pools Medium Low/Medium High

Beaches Low High Medium

Communities High High Low

Food and other service establishments

Restaurants Medium Medium Medium

Shopping Malls Low Medium Medium

Salon, spas, and other personal Medium/High Low Medium

care services

Gyms/Fitness studios Medium Medium Medium

Theaters, Museums Medium High Medium

Outdoor large venues High High Medium

(concerts, sports)

Indoor large venues (concerts, High High Low


Offices and workplaces High Medium High


Childcare facilities (day care, High Medium/High Low/Medium

play schools)

Schools (elementary and high High High Low


Adopted from the Public Health Principles for a Phased Reopening During COVID-19: Guidance for
Governors, John Hopkins University (2020), and modified to local context.
Universities High High High

Residence Hall and other High Medium Low


Hotels and other Medium Medium Medium


Transport and Ports of Entry

Buses, PUVs High High Medium

LRT/MRT High High Medium

Airplanes High High Medium

Taxis High Low Low

Ports of Entry High High Medium

Places of worship High High Medium

Prisons and other places of High High Medium

Annex C.2. Basis of Assessment Rating for Modification Potential Matrix

Low Medium High

Contact Intensity Individuals are only in Individuals are in Individuals are in

contact for a brief contact for a longer prolonged close contact
period of time and they period of time and are (e.g. inmates sharing
can easily practice fairly distant from each communal prison cells),
physical distancing at other (e.g individuals in and may not be able to
all times(e.g. walking restaurants who are practice physical
past someone) separated by several distancing at all times
feet apart)

Number of A few number of A small group of A large group of

Contacts individuals in the individuals in the individuals in a setting
setting at a given time setting ata given time at a given time

Modification Risk of transmission Risk of transmission Risk of transmission

Potential can be reduced through can be reduced through can be reduced through
the use and provision of administrative controls engineering controls
Personal Protective (e.g. enforcing limits on (e.g. installation of
Equipment (e.g wearing the number of people temporary barriers and
masks, face shields, allowed within an placement ofred
coverall, etc.) establishment) marking tapes on the
floor, etc.)

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