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ETB 4192


Construction and Building Services Technology
Faculty of technology
University of Sri Jeyawardenapura
Energy Audit: A Case Study of Hostel Building
1. Identify the Energy audit background info
 In this paper, an attempt is made to analyze the energy consumption pattern in hostel buildings
(National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra) with major focus on lighting and fan load.
 In here whole building was selected for this case study.
 Aim
 Discussed about the electrical energy audit technology and Implementation in hostel.
 Help to implement the energy efficient project for improving energy efficiency in hostel.
 Reduce the energy cost.

2. How the Energy Audit was conducted?

Energy audit of hostel buildings was performed in two phases:
1) The first phase of auditing also known as preliminary auditing was performed to collect the basic
information like collecting electricity bill, detail information of hostels, type of load connected and
pattern of electricity uses by different loads.
2) The second phase of auditing also known as detail auditing was performed to collect details of
equipment rating, actual rating and faulty design practice in buildings.

The given procedure was matched with the procedure outlines during the lecture.
1) Pre-survey information and data collection:
 Electricity bill
 Information on consumption details
2) The walk-through (building) survey:
 Type of load connected and pattern of electricity uses by different loads.
 Details of equipment rating, actual rating
The walk-through (building) survey – checks
 Are the laptops power off when there is no work?
 Is allowable power equipment used in hostel buildings?
3) Analysis of the data collected:
4) Formulation of energy-saving solutions:
 High energy consumption area:
 Energy wasted areas and solutions
5) Reporting of results.

3. Calculations and data

In this case study usage of lighting load of hostel building data are given. From this data we can
calculate total energy consumption of lighting load.
Calculation of total energy consumption of fan/cooling load.

Not enough data given for the total load calculation of gadgets, laptop loads, heating loads and other
Calculation of de lamping.
In a HN 10, there are washrooms with excess lighting. By removing 5 excess T5 FTL from each
washroom, counting 240 FTL operating approximately 200 hours per year could save 9110KWh energy
per year.

 Total no of washroom with excess lighting= 48

 Total no of T5 FTL fitting in one washroom = 10
 De lamping in one washroom= 5 no
 Actual power rating of T5 FTL= 26 W
 Yearly hours of operation: 1460 hrs
 Total no of de lamping FTL = 240 no
 Total energy saving after de lamping = 9110 KWh
 Unit Energy cost Rs/KWh = INR 8/KWh
 Total yearly saving = INR 1213331
Error in calculation (Page No. 38)

Total energy saving after de lamping = 26W x 240 x 1460 h

= 9110400 Wh
= 9110.4 kWh
Total yearly saving = 9110.4 kWh x INR 8
= INR 72883.2
Similarly, there is excess lighting in corridor of hostel 9 & 10. After analysis, it is found that at least
350 lamp need to be de lamp.
 Total no. of lamp, need to be de lamp in corridor= 350
 Rating of T5 FTL= 28 W
 Yearly hours of operation of one lamp= 2190 hrs.
 Total energy saving after de lamping corridor light= (28*350*2190)/1000 = 21462 KWh
 Net saving of energy due to de lamping= 9110kWh + 21462kWh = 30572 KWh
 Payback Period = Instant

Calculation of total heating load.

 Cost of one FPC (500 LPD) = INR 104400
 Average warm water required for resident per day = 20 liters
 Total no of residents = 2001 No.
 Total warm water required per day = 40020liters
 Energy consumption to warm 20 liters water = 1 KWh/20 litters or 0.05 KWh/liter
 Duration of winter in north India = 70 days
 Net energy consumption in a year = 140070 KWh
 Cost of Energy consumption= (140070*8) = INR 1120560

Solar water heater can be one of the effective ways to heat water and also helps institution to
contribute in the field of renewable energy.
 .
= 40020 / 500
= 80 Nos.
 Total cost of flat plate collector = INR 8352000
 Subsidy (70% from government of India for installation of solar heater in hostel buildings) =
INR 5846400
 Net cost of FPC system = INR (cost of FPC + 10% of FPC cost for installation charge) =
INR 2750000

Note: In this case study all currency values are in INR (Indian Rupees).
4. Energy saving measures
In this case study mainly mentioned 4 energy saving methods.
1. Recommendation for Lighting Load
2. Recommendation for Gadgets and Laptop Load
3. Recommendation for Fan/Cooling Load
4. Recommendation for Heating Load

1. Recommendation for Lighting Load

De lamping, replacing inefficient lamps with efficiency lamps and Use of signage’s and automatic
lighting control system are the recommended energy saving measures in this case study.
De lamping is the one of the basic idea of energy saving. In this building no need to plant so
many lamp in unwanted and less usage place. So we can remove those in proper way can reduce the
consumption of energy.
Replacing inefficient lamps with T5 or LED lamps will reduce the electricity level of
consumption. Application of this measures will involve the replacement of T8 and T12 fitting with
T5 and LED lamp. Also, there is ample opportunity of energy improvement scope in lawn and street
Use of signage’s and automatic lighting control system such as sensors for common rooms,
washrooms and corridor to detect the actual requirement of lighting and to control it when there is
no requirement. By installing signages, it is easy to create awareness and remind users to switch of
lights. Automatic sensors and control system switch off the lights in unused area and sustainable
amount of energy can be saved.

2. Recommendation for Gadgets and Laptop Load

Energy consumption by gadgets and laptop can be reduced by spreading energy conservation
awareness programs. Regular checking of hostel buildings and imposing a fine, if anyone catch with
use of prohibited power equipment, is one of the effective ways to discourage users to use illegal
heating equipment

3. Recommendation for Fan/Cooling Load

In this hostel building most of the fans are installed with resistance regulators. After observation it
was found that at low speed power consumption while using resistance regulator is higher as
compared to electronic regulator. Energy efficiency can be improved by replacing the existing
ceiling fan (60-90 W) with 4-5 star rating (BEE) energy efficient ceiling fan (50 W). Also, old
exhaust fans can be replaced by efficient exhaust fans. The efficiency of Desert cooler can be
improved by cleaning water and replacing the pump with more efficient pump (50 W).

4. Recommendation for Heating Load

There are 7 hostels in which there is no central heating equipment (geyser) installed and have a total
strength of 2001 residents. After survey, it is found that 40-45 % residents used immersion rod for
heating water. There is wastage of energy during heating because of inefficient design of immersion
rod. Solar water heater can be one of the effective ways to heat water and also helps institution to
contribute in the field of renewable energy. For solar water heating, Flat Plate Collector (FPC) of
500 liter per day capacity. It provides average 500 liters water at 60 in one day.
I recommend some additional ways for energy saving measures. There are,
 In this case study is not include kitchen energy consumption. In kitchen every day lots of LPG gas
consumption is happening. In this case hostel kitchen/canteen management should think about
reduce food wastage and save energy.
 Give some instruction to the hostel student about energy saving measures. And indicate the symbols
in every places about energy saving for remember them about this matter. It will help to gain student’s
usual habit like if we put some symbols or signs near the switch of light indicate “Please Switch Off”.
 Automatic Shutdown Sockets - it refers to the way electric power is consumed by electronic and
electrical appliances while they are switched off or in a standby mode.

5. Critical question – if you are to conduct an energy audit for a similar situation, how
would you conduct your Energy Audit in order to recommend additional energy saving
measures and upgrades?
If I conduct an energy auditing for a hostel building. I include most of the energy saving factors. But this
case study include only Electrical Energy Saving measure. My focus areas on energy saving measure on hostel
 The Building Envelope: envelope technologies accounting for approximately 30% of the primary
energy consumed in residential and commercial buildings, it plays a key role in determining levels of
comfort, natural lighting, ventilation, and how much energy is required to heat and cool a building.
 Ventilation and Air Quality: Energy efficiency reduces the operating cost and environmental impact
of buildings, while indoor air quality creates a healthier environment for occupants.
 Moisture Removal: a measure of the energy efficiency of any dehumidification process. Moisture
removal efficiency is the water vapor removed from air
 Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one medium to another. These
media may be a gas, liquid, or a combination of both. The media may be separated by a solid wall to
prevent mixing or may be in direct contact.
 Kitchen Area: kitchen are also consume more energy like electrical energy and fuel energy. It also
consider in energy audit.
 Laundry: Electricity consumption, fuel consumption. Mostly foreign country has the laundry
facilities in hostel.
 Leisure area: this area has so many entrainment activity area. They also consume energy as electricity
and other forms of energy, this also consider in this study.
 Refrigeration
 Life time of building parts
But, I can’t include all those factors in my case study. Because of unavailability of data and difficulties
in collecting data and experiments. But I will put my maximum effort for this case study.
And if I conduct an energy saving case study I consider some other external factors also because they
also affect the outcome of the study and calculations. For example,
 location of the building – if a building is locating in a warm place, there very easy to implement a
PV system and conduct energy audit easily but in cold place there is opposite situation and difficult
to implement a PV system.
 Purpose of the building is also an important factor of energy audit. Every purpose has different
type of energy consumptions. In this case study it is a hostel building.
 External environment is another thing to consider in an audit. Study the surroundings of the
building and how to improve it or maintain it properly. That also a part of an energy audit.
 Malik Sameeullah, J. K. K. L. J. C., August 2014. Energy Audit: A Case Study of Hostel Building. International
Journal of Research in Management, Science & Technology

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