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How to find your upasana / ishta devatha based on your chart ?

The important factor to find out one's upasana/ishta devata is Atma karaka.

Atma Karaka is the planet that has the highest longitude.

To find one's Ishta Devata we have to look at the

Atma Karaka in Navamsa ( D9 ).

Atma Karaka in Navamsa is called the karakamsa. The twelfth house from the

karakamsa is called the jivanmuktamsa.

If there is a graha in the jivanmuktamsa, it signifies the

Devata. If there are more grahas than one, choose the

strongest. If there is no graha in the jivanmuktamsa, take

its Lord.

Here are the presiding deities for each planet who will be your upasana/ishta devata as

per your horoscope.

Surya - Shiva/Vishnu/Rama

Chandra- Shiva

Mangala - Hanuman/ Subramanya

Budha - Vishnu

Guru - Dattatreya/ Dakshinamurthy/ Sai Baba /Vishnu

Sukra - Mahalakshmi/Gowri

Sani - Hanuman/Shiva/Vishnu/Krishna

Rahu - Durga

Ketu - Ganesh

Lagnamsa and Karakamsa Lagna

The Navamsa occupied by the Janma Lagna is called the Navamsa Lagna or Lagnamsa. As the D-9 chart is based on the Nakshatra

Padas of the Moon, it will generally indicate the native’s dharma, marriage and psychological abilities. Therefore the Lagnamsa is
also primarily indicative of the psychological abilities/inner nature of the native. The planets in trines from it may indicate the

abilities developed in previous lives and manifesting in this life. The Lagnamsa will also indicate the person’s behaviour in

marriage, while the 7th from it will indicate the nature of the first spouse. The 8th from it is the 2nd spouse (2nd from Lagna) etc.

The Lagnamsa is also called Swamsa. Maharishi Jaimini gives umpteen rules for judging its effects. It is also mentioned by several

classics that the strongest planet influencing the Lagnamsa will indicate the omplexion of the native, while the 7th from it may

indicate his sex, although the final word in this is given on the basis of the Janma Vighati (refer to above). The nature indicated by

the sign occupied by the Lagnamsa is sometimes much more prominent psychologically than the Rasi Lagna.

The Navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka is called the Karakamsa. Some modern astrologers have proposed the interpretation

that this same sign should be studied not in Navamsa but in Rasi, but there is absolutely no logic behind this statement and also

no reference is made into this direction by any of the classic writers. Therefore it is advised to stick to the version of the

Maharishis, where the Karakamsa is studied in the D-9 chart. As the Atmakaraka refers to the soul, or indicate the way the soul

will pursue to attain the Supreme Godhead, it will have

a specifically strong spiritual signification in the Navamsa chart, and will indicate the hidden spiritual potential of the native.

Jaimini gives the following rules for the interpretation of Karakamsa:

If Ketu is in the 12th or 4th from Karakamsa, then this constitutes a Moskha-yoga, i.e. the native will be liberated from the cycle of

birth and death. Malefics in this place deny deliverance from the cycle of rebirth. The planets in the 12th house from Karakamsa

will indicate the Ishta-devata of the native, i.e. the form of Deity that will lead him to final emancipation.

Now let’s take an example chart for checking the applicability of the above rules:

Acharya Rajneesh (Osho) born on 11th December 1931, at 17.49 IST, Narsingpur

(22N57, 78E12)
Now let’s first see the impact of Janma Lagna. It is in the first degree of Gemini, which is a dual airy sign, and gives a person who

has very good abilities for speaking, philosophising and teaching. He was a teacher from the beginning of his career. Indu Lagna is

also there, conjoining the Janma Lagna, which may give an indication for some wealth. He has also got Sastra Saham in 12 degrees

of Gemini, so is education in philosophy and humanitarian sciences was also an inborn ability. Varnadas of 10th and 3rd house are

also in Gemini, so this increases the success in career and gives many associates who do not stay for long time.

The Astha lagna falls into the beginning of Sagittarius, conjoining the constellation of five planets: Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Venus
and Moon. This will indicate a very strong attachment to sexuality, as three of these planets, namely Mercury, Moon and Venus

increase the native’s interest in sexuality. Artha Saham is also there at 8 degrees, giving wealth from the same thing, plus the Roga

Saham at 22 degrees, indicating some disease which may also well be the consequence of unrestricted sexual enjoyments. He also

has Jalapatana Saham at 13 degrees in Sagittarius, which gave an overseas travel to the USA in 1982, in Jupiter/Saturn Vimsottari


Madhya lagna is at 17 degrees in Aquarius. It is quite close to Sri Lagna, and may give wealth connected to his professional success,

and we also see Varnada of the 2nd and 8th house falling there. So his career brought lots of wealth, but finally he became sick and

his whole mission became ruined. He also has Jadya Saham in Aquarius, which made him sluggish or lazy. At one time, at the peak

of his missionary success, in 1981, in Narayana Dasa of Aquarius, he took Mauna-vrata or wow of silence, but he broke it after a

few years in Taurus Dasa which has Arudha of 2nd house (speech) and is 12th house of losses from Lagna.

Patala Lagna is at 17 degrees in Leo. He has got Gulika there, plus Varnadas of 5th and 11th houses. This gave him a power to

infuence the feelings of others and receive gains through this. We see the lord of Leo, Sun being in the 6th, so the feelings or

emotions were largely subordinate to his sexual desires as all the five planets give unobstructed Argala on the Sun, and Sun is in

Scorpio indicating perverted sexual desires.

The above reading from the Sun will also give influence on his career and fame, as Sun’s position will be the Surya Lagna. The Sun

in the 6th from Lagna may indicate that he gains many enemies with his fame, so many people attacked him, and thus his fame

was not equivocally positive. Sun is at 25 degrees in Scorpio. He also had Putra Saham at 23 degrees in Scorpio, but it seems that

the Sun destroyed its significations as he had no sons according to my knowledge. Kali Saham is also there at 8 degrees, so it gave

some harassment as he was banned from the US because of the scandals around his missionary activity.

Chandra lagna in the 7th makes his mind focus on sexuality, and is a very strong combination with four other planets conjoining.

Rahu and Ketu are both aspecting the Moon sign, giving difficulties in life, and Sun is in 12th from it, giving both fame abroad and

ill fame as well. Moon is in 8th from her own house and in 2nd from her debilitation position, but the Jupiter exalted in Moon’s

house strengthens its position. Also Chandra lagnesh exalted in 8th gives interest in spirituality, which will manifest in the form of

philosophical discourses and Tantric practices. Jupiter is also Atmakaraka therefore their Parivartana with moon becomes even

more significant. The Moon is at 22 degrees in Sagittarius, almost exactly conjoining Roga Saham, which could result in

psychological distortions and deviant behaviour. The presence of Pravrajya yoga in the 7th have made him disrespectful to the

traditions of Hinduism and embracing the philosophy of liberating the mind from the constrictions of ethical rules.

Bhava lagna is at 10 degrees Taurus. It’s in the 12th house from Lagna, indicating the focus on meditation and self-realization, and
its effects on the etheric body. The aspect of Jupiter from the 2nd house increases the spiritual significations of the Bhava Lagna.

However, Jupiter is retrograde while being exalted, so it can give a twist in the understanding of the proper method and goal of

meditation. He’s got Punya (good deeds) and Asha Saham (hopes) close to Bhava Lagna, which increase the power of the subtle

body and enable it to influence others as well. Gaurava Saham (respect) adds to this reading. He has got a lot fo other Sahams in

Taurus as well. This indicate a strong connection of his subtle body to a lot of issues in life. Sraddha Saham (dedication) and Preeti

Saham (affection) add to his power to gain followers through the influence of his astral body. His followers often times

experienced ecstasy during the collective mediations. Vyapara (business) and Vanik (trade) Saham made him a businessman

selling subtle experiences. Paradara Saham (adultery) made him rebel against the established laws of marriage. Mrityu Saham and

Apamrityu Saham also indicate death in a meditative state of mind. Although there were some spiritual achievements in his life, it

is not likely that he attained Moksha, as the 7th house is quite strong, and also having Mars and Saturn in there. The 7th house

indicates the Mooladhara (Root) chakra, and we see that it’s quite strong in his chart.

Therefore he was interested in elevating the consciousness with the help of raising the Kundalini Shakti (Mars) situated in the 7th

house. Sun in the 6th indicates the importance given by him to the activities of Swadhidthana (Sex) Chakra in this endeavour. The

ruling Twttwa of the Root Chakra is Prithivi or earth. He has only Ketu in earthly signs, giving ability to elevate the Kuldalini

Shakti quite easily. Ketu also gives a Rasi Dristi on the 7th house. Hora Lagna is in the 5th from Lagna, indicating wealth from the

disciples. Arudha 0f 9th house is also conjoining, indicating income through teaching/philosophical lectures and being a Guru.

Libra is still a Venusian sign, therefore his philosophical preaching was permeated with thoughts of sexual enjoyment. Lord of

Hora Lagna again conjoins the strong combination I the 7th house. In D-10,

Lagna is Gemini, conjoined by Venus and Hora Lagna, confirming the above indications.

Ghati Lagna is in 10th in Pisces indicating position and influence gained by philospohical lectures. Arudha Lagna also conjoins,

giving fame as a philosopher. His books are read even now. Rahu is also there in 10th house, giving pame and distinction

especially abroad among westerners. All the planets excepting Sun and Jupiter act as yogadas in this chart. In D-9 Ghati Lagna

conjoins Lagna and Moon, but in D-5 Ghati Lagna is in 12th from Lagna, indicating loss of position which is actually happened in

1985, when he was deported back to India from the USA. In D-10 Ghati Lagna is again in 10th from Vargottama Lagna and has

Sun there also, giving good position for some time. For birth Vighati we need to know the time from sunrise to birth. It is 9 hours,

1 minute and 31 seconds, which is 1353.79 Vighatis. Dividing by 9 the remainder is 3.79, which is corrected to 4. The 4th Vighati is

ruled by Mercury, which ideally gives eunuchs. He was a male, but did not have children, as far as I know, and Mercury in this case

gives rather strong sexual desires. He is conjoined by a lot of planets in the 7th house. Of course it may also indicate that the birth

time is not completely accurate, so we may adjust it to either Mars or Jupiter.

Pranapada Lagna is at 3 degrees in Libra, in 5th from lagna, so according to Parasara’s rules it indicates a successful life. The 3rd

for Pranapada lagna has both malefics and benefics, which would indicate attachment to co-borns, but it is also aspected by the

two nodes, so maybe he was not attached even to the coborns.

His Varnada lagna is in Sagittarius, conjoined by a host of planets, indicating much success in career. Lord of Varnada Lagna is

exalted Atmakaraka Jupiter in Cancer, so it indicates barhminical activity and teaching. He was a Guru, who taught a way for self-

realisation (Atmakaraka involved), but as Atmakaraka is retrograde, this teaching did not follow in line with the accepted Vedic

authorities. Lord of Varnada Lagna is not in trines or Kenbdras from Lagna, so his earnings were not completely legal and socially

acceptable, therefore he was banned from

US. Varnada Lagna is also in the 2nd from the Sun, which gives many beautiful women.

Shri Lagna is in Aquarius, its lord Saturn conjoins the four combinations in Sagittarius, which may give good wealth but because

Saturn is in 12th from Shri Lagna, the wealth is lost. Also Saturn aspects the Lagna, which may indicate radical changes in the

financial status of the native. The peak of his wealth situation was in 1981-82, at the end of Sagittarius Sudasa, which is lorded by

exalted Jupiter. Indu Lagna is in Gemini, so conjoining the ascendant and being

aspected by 7 planets, and also receiving the Argala of exalted Jupiter, will give much wealth.

Paaka Lagna is in the 7th house, and we have explained the effect of so many planets in the 7th house. Seemingly it gave him good

health and a fiery disposition, although it’s quite mixed because of the influence of the fiery planets. Arudha Lagna is in the 10th

house, in Pisces, making him known as a great philosopher. Rahu in Arudha Lagna may bring some ill fame as well, which

actually came true. His Upapada (Arudha of 12th house) and Darapada (Arudha of the 7th house) are in 6/8 houses relationship,

which made him deride the sanctity of marriage. Darapada is also in the 9th, thus he made adultery a part of his religious teaching.

Rajneesh stated that he had his first ecstatic trance at the age of seven, in the Drigdasa of Cancer, having exalted Atmakarak

Jupiter. He also claimed that he attained enlightenment at the age of 21, in Scorpio Drigdasa, containing Sun, but this is not likely.

The Drigdasas of Sagittarius (68-76), Pisces (76-85) and Gemini (85-91) must have been quite fruitful. The peak of his success as a

Guru came in the Drigdasa of Pisces.

His Navamsa Lagna is in Libra, having Moon in it. This will indicate his complexion, which was pale. Libra indicates well his neo-

tantric and idealistic philosophy. Moon being there will point to sensuality, and Ghati Lagna adds to power and fame through his

philosophical views. His Karakamsa is quite good, as Jupiter in Pisces being Atmakaraka, and especially conjoined by Ketu may

give Moksha (liberation). Still the 12th from Karakamsa has only Dun, indicating

Rama or Siva as worshipable Deity. So 12th from Karakamsa is not stronger than 7th from Lagna in Rasi, therefore liberation was

not possibly achieved. Also Karakamsa is in 6th from Lagnamsa. Navamsa Lagnesh being debilitated and in 12th from Lagnamsa

and conjoined by Rahu in Moolatrikona is also not a very favourable combination. We can check many things using the special

ascendants introduced above.

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