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Subjective Data: Activity intolerance related to At the end of 8 hours of nursing INDEPENDENT:
“Nanghihina ang mga paa ko, muscle weakness intervention the client will be
nahihirapan akong lumakad at able to participate willingly in -establish the guidelines and -Motivation and cooperation
gumalaw-galaw” as verbalized necessary or desired activities goals activity with the patient are enhanced if the patient
by the patient. and report used identified and or SO participates in goal setting.
techniques to enhance activity
Objective Data: tolerance.
-weak in appearance -instruct patient plan activities -activities should be planned
-cannot perform ADL’s alone for times when they have the ahead to coincide with the
-with limited ROM most energy patient’s peak energy level
-inability to maintain usu

-Assist with activities of daily -supporting the patient with

living as indicated ADL’s allows for conservation
of energy

-assist to do active ROM -to maximize full strength

exercises like flexion of both
lower extremities

-assist with activities and -assistive devices enhance the

provide client’s assistive device mobility of the patient by
like crutches, walker) helping overcome limitations

-promote rest and comfort -to conserve energy

-set up guidelines and goals o -Goal setting involving

activity the patient and the SO participation of the patient
enhances motivation.

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