"Supply Management System For Vitarich Corporation": Mrs. Severina S. Villas

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Republic of the Philippines


San Antonio Academic Extension Campus
San Antonio Nueva Ecija

“Supply Management System for Vitarich Corporation”

Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Information Technology

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


School Administrator N.E.U.S.T.(S.A.A.E.C.)
Ronnie S. Macaspac

Nelson L. Salonga
Arvie V. Llena

“Supply Management System
Vitarich Corporation”

Submitted by:
Wilson Martin

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Date Submitted:

For SAAEC use only:

Date Receive:

Reviewed by:




Capstone Project Proposal

Wilson Martin
Ronnie Macaspac
Nelson Salonga
Arvie Llena

A. Supply Management System for Vitarich Corporation

B. Project Description
Businesses function due to many variables. Customer
satisfaction is agreeably the most important; without customers
there exists no business. So what is needed to ensure customers?
A constant availability of supply is first and foremost. Supply
and Demand to create demand, you need to have a supply. So what
keeps the supply up?
Inventory systems without proper inventory, you cannot be
sure how much product you have and therefore may not be prepared
to fill orders. Managing supply chain is important in all
businesses. In retail, for example, managing the supply chain
will help you keep up with orders and product distribution to
stay ahead of demand. You can see inventory management in this
instructional course on Retail Supply Chain Management.
For warehouse distribution and factory suppliers it is
important to learn the five types of inventory before you lose
products or customers. Five types of inventory for supply are
used in business, while two are looked at more often by
companies today.

That’s why we propose a Supply management system for

Vitarich Corporation to help them to make fewer efforts for the
employee, less time consuming, which will be beneficial for the
business owners, employee, client and possible future patron. This
management system exercise transparency, accountability accessibility
and convenience.
The Supply Management System will play vital role in making
decision of the owner and client
C. Project Goals/Objectives
1. Vitarich Corporation.
They will benefit in this website less time consuming, which
will be beneficial for the business owners, employee, client and
possible future patron. This management system exercise
transparency, accountability accessibility and convenience
2. Client.
They can benefit in this website because it makes them easy
to order, communication.
3. Staff.
They can benefit in this website because it can lesser their
paper works and it makes lesser their time efforts.
4. To us as researchers.
Can benefit in this website because it will widen our
knowledge give us valuable experience and enhance our academic

D. Project Rational
Vitarich Corporation is a supplier company/distributer their
transactions transacts though phone text, their employee to where
there are their client and then they ask the customer’s order so
we proposed to Vitarich corporation to make a Supply Management
System to help Vitarich to make their transaction easy.

In this project the staff of Vitarich Corporation will

benefit because it lessen their efforts.

It also benefit the customers because they don’t need to wait for
the area manager staff of Vitarich corporation to make their
order, just simply online on the website and you can order and it
will deliver to you.
F. Existing work/Research
Saunders (1995) warns that pursuit of a universal definition may
'lead to unnecessary frustration and conflict', and also
highlights the fragmented nature of the field of supply chain
management, drawing as it does on various antecedents including
industrial economics, systems dynamics, marketing, purchasing and
inter-organizational behavior. The scientific development of a
coherent supply chain management discipline requires that
advancements be made in the development of theoretical models to
inform our understanding of supply chain phenomena. As an
illustration, the application of Forrester's (1961) industrial
dynamics model applied to supply chains (the 'Forrester Effect')
exemplifies such a model. Its value lies in the ability to aid
understanding of the actions of materials flows across a chain,
and has provided a basis for further advancement of understanding
supply chain dynamics. (E.g. see Sterman, 1989; Towill, 1992; Van
Ackere, Larsen & Morecroft, 1993 and Lee, Padmanabhan & Whang,
1997). Cooper et al. (1997) support this view, pointing to the
fact that whilst supply chain management as a concept is a recent
development, much of the literature is predicated on the adoption
and extension of older, established theoretical concepts.
In this paper our concern is not so much with advancing theory
per se, but in providing taxonomy with which to map and evaluate
supply chain research. In the process, it is our contention that
we also provide a topology of the field of supply chain
management, which may provide a fruitful means of delineating or
defining the subject domain. This is not necessarily a novel
idea, lamming (1993), for example, provides a map of antecedent
literature for his development of the Lean Supply Model, which
again supports our claim that there is a need for a topological
approach to the development of supply chain theory.
G. Personal/Professional expectation
In this capstone project is design to us students to think
critically and encourage us to solve a challenging problems,
capstone project have a wide forms example we will be select a
social problem, profession that takes our interests.

As a student we expect that our hard work and experience in

this capstone project will be the way of our success for
conducting our research, and to create our final work product to
demonstrate our conclusions.

We did expect and hope that all of us the students will

succeed and pass and make it through to our graduation march.

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