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In the present scenario most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled man

power in agricultural sector and that affects the growth of developing countries. In

India there are 70% peoples dependent on agriculture. In traditional method some

of the seeds were not properly penetrate into ground and seedswere spilled out.

Therefore farmers have to use upgraded technology for cultivation activity like

ploughing, drilling, seed sowing, fertilizing, etc.

The main objective is to propose the combine the ploughing and drilling process in

land and also semi-automation process inploughing of agriculture land, drilling the

ground at specific depthand seed sowing. By ploughing process the upper layer of

soil will goes down and fresh soil will comes up, by drilling process the seed will

dropped in proper depth.

Bythis proposal effort of humanis reduced, wastage of seeds avoided and increases

the productivity and also yield more food particles.

Keywords: Ploughing, Drilling, Digging, Auger tool, Seed sowing

Chapter No. Title Page No
1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..............................................................................3

2. ABSTRACT...................................................................................................4

3. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................10

3.1. BACKGROUND........................................................................................10

3.2. Ploughing....................................................................................................10

3.2.1. Mould Board Plough:...............................................................................11

3.2.2. Disc Type Plough.....................................................................................12

3.2.3. Rotary Plough..........................................................................................13

3.2.4. Chisel or sub surface Plough....................................................................14

3.3. Type of seed sowing:..................................................................................15

3.3.1. Broadcasting:...........................................................................................15

3.3.2. Dribbling..................................................................................................16

3.3.3. Seed sowing with bamboo tube:..............................................................17

4. LITERATURE SURVEY............................................................................18

4.1. Traditional method......................................................................................18

4.2. Rotary dibbler.............................................................................................18

4.3. Manual seed and fertilizer drill...................................................................20

4.4. Manual oilseed drill....................................................................................21

4.5. Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill.......................................................21

4.6. Animal drawn tool frame for seeding.........................................................22

5. PROBLEM DEFINITION............................................................................24

6. METHODOLOGY USED............................................................................24

6.1. CONCEPT GENERATION........................................................................25

6.2. CONCEPT SELECTION............................................................................29

6.3. DETAILS DESIGN AND PROTO TYPE.................................................30

6.4. BASIC COMPONENTS.............................................................................31

6.5. CONSTRUCTION......................................................................................42

6.6. WORKING.................................................................................................46

6.7. DESIGN PARAMETER.............................................................................47

Refernce 53

Fig. 1.1 Single Bottom Plough
Fig. 1.2 Gang Mould Board
Fig. 1.3 Disc Type Plough
Fig. 1.4 Rotary Plough
Fig. 1.5 Sub Surface Plough
Fig. 1.6 Broad casting
Fig. 1.7 Dribbling
Fig. 1.8 Seed sowing with bamboo tube
Fig. 2.1 Traditional Method
Fig. 2.2 Rotary Dibbler
Fig. 2.3 Manual Seed and Fertilizer Drill
Fig. 2.4 Manual oilseed Drill
Fig. 2.5 Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill
Fig. 2.6 Animal drawn tool frame for seeding
Fig. 4.1 Shigley Design Process
Fig. 4.2 Block diagram for concept-1
Fig. 4.3 Block diagram for concept-2
Fig. 4.4 Seed sowing machine concept-1
Fig. 4.5 Seed sowing machine concept-12
Fig. 4.6 Frame
Fig. 4.7 Seed Box
Fig. 4.8 Wheel
Fig. 4.9 Augur Tool
Fig. 4.10 DPDT circuit
Fig. 4.11 DPDT Switch
Fig. 4.12 SPDT circuit
Fig. 4.13 SPDT Switch
Fig. 4.14 Classification of Electric Motor
Fig. 4.15 DC motor
Fig. 4.16 AC motor
Fig. 4.17 Chain and Sprocket
Fig. 4.18 Battery
Fig. 5.1 Seed Sowing machine Stage-1
Fig. 5.2 Seed Sowing machine –Plough arrangement
Fig. 5.3 Seed Sowing machine Stage-2
Fig. 5.4 Seed Sowing machine

Table-2.1 Summary of literature survey
Table-4.1 Concept selection
Table-4.2 Bill of Material

The agricultural is the backbone of India to sustained growth. India population
growing continues, so the demand for produce is also growing. To meet the
demand new technology has to implement in agriculture field. This will reduce the
effort of manpower also reducethe time.

It is a soil preparation process which is done by mechanically. It is the process of
breaking the surface of land to a specific depth and to loosen the sand. So the root
to the plant will penetrate and extend in the land.

Objectives of Ploughing
1. To take away the weed from agriculture land.
2. To get deep bed soil
3. To increase the water absorb in land
4. To oxygenate the soil for growth of crop
5. To avoid the soil erosion
6. To quash the pests and insects in land

Types of ploughing
1. Mould Board Plough
2. Disc Type Plough
3. Rotary Plough
4. Chisel or sub surface Plough
1.2.1. Mould Board Plough:
In olden days wooden plough is used commonly, but nowadays steel types is used
universally. This mould board make a series of cuts is called as furrows. It is used
to remove the weeds from the soil.
This mould board plough is classified in different types.
1. Trailed
2. Mounted
3. Semi Mounted

Trailed Mould Boards

It is pull type mould board for making furrows. It has two or three wheel for
supporting purpose. It is further classified in to two types
1. Single bottom Plough
2. Gang Mould Board
Single Bottom Plough
In this type one ploughing tool is used for digging the ground. This tool is
supported by two wheels. The plough is lifted by means of hydraulic system.

Fig. 1.1- Single Bottom Plough

Gang Mould Board
Gang mould board has 2 to 5 plough mechanism. For lifting the plough various
mechanism is used powerlift or hydraulic system are used.

Fig. 1.2- Gang Mould Board

1.2.2. Disc Type Plough

This plough is in disc shape, so it is known as disc type plough. This reduces the
friction between plough and land. This disc must be run at low speed.
The maintenance cost is less compared to mould board ploughing.

Fig. 1.3- Disc Type Plough

Types of Disc Ploughs

This plough is classified in two types they are
1. Bullock Based
2. Tractor Based

1.2.3. Rotary Plough
This rotary type ploughing is popular used in nowadays. The efficiency is high
compared to other ploughing process. It consists of several blades for cutting the
soil. The blades are made up of steel.
There are three types Rotary plough they are.
1. Pull type
2. Tractor mounted
3. Self-propelled

Fig. 1.4- Rotary Plough

This kind of process is used in this project. The plough is rotated by means of

1.2.4. Chisel or sub surface Plough

This attachment is fixed to the tractor rear end. This arrangement will work similar
to Mould Boards ploughing process. It creates series of furrows in land, where the
seed is dropped.
Fig. 1.5- Sub Surface Plough


Seed sowing is the major process in cultivation. The seeds are handling in different
manners. These are the following methodologies used in the agriculture field.
Some of the methods are given below they are
1. Broadcasting
2. Dribbling
3. Seed sowing with bamboo tube
1.3.1. Broadcasting:
Initially the field is prepared using plough tool to make a series of cuts is called as

Fig. 1.6- Broad casting

After the above process the field is seeded by sowing the seeds over that area, this
methodology is called as manual broadcasting. Through this process plant was
grown in series of rows. The method of scattered the seed randomly use of hand on
the agriculture land is known as broadcasting.

1.3.2. Dribbling
The best methodology for sowing the seed was Drill sowing and dribbling process.
Dribbling is the process of making a small hole for seed sowing. The drill depth is
maintained at specific level for each and every crop. The drill tool (augur) is made
up of steel. It like a spiral tool which dig the ground to the required depth and
requires size. After the seed is sowed in the hole, then the hole is covered by means
of soil. By using this process time was saved and avoids the spoil of seeds by birds.
Fig. 1.7- Dribbling
In this project additional to the rotary ploughing the dribbling process is used for
increase the growth of the crop.
For dribbling the augur tool is used, the tool is rotated by means of the electrical

1.3.3. Seed sowing with bamboo tube

This is one of the methods used in agriculture field for seed sowing. It uses a
bamboo tube attached with funnel for plough.
Fig. 1.8- Seed sowing with bamboo tube

When plough goes around the field the bamboo tube attached to the plough tool,
sow the seeds from funnel at required spacing and at required depth. This method
dis rarely used in the agriculture field.
It consume more time and also the cost for the process is also high compared to the
above two process dribbling and broadcasting


Different types of seeding equipment’s

1. Traditional method
2. Rotary dibbler
3. Manual seed and fertilizer drill
4. Manual oilseed drill:
5. Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill
6. Animal drawn tool frame for seeding

2.1. Traditional method

This is olden method use of bull to plough the land to make series of cut. The
plough is made up of wooden nowadays it is made up of steel.
The ploughing is done the after plugging process farmer needs to manually sow the

Fig. 2.1- Traditional Method

2.2. Rotary dibbler
It is a manual process which is operated by push type dibbling, to make medium
size hole for sow the seeds.
Fig. 2.2- Rotary Dibbler

This mechanism has different part they are rotating dibbling-with penetrating
jaws, seed hopper, with cell type wooden roller for transport and handle. Only the
seed roller is made up of best quality wood, remaining parts are all made up of
mild steel.
There are five to eight jaws was designed depends upon the distance between on
seed to another seed. While moving this rotary dibbler in field, the wheel has
penetrating jaws which dig the land; the seed were stored in hopper which falls in
the land while covering wheel moves, therefore seeds automatically dropped.
Then the flattener in back close the dig field

2.3. Manual seed and fertilizer drill

This is the smallest and manually operated method, where the seed and fertilizer
was drilled in ground by use of fluted roller mechanism. This is also known as
metering mechanism.

Fig. 2.3- Manual Seed and Fertilizer Drill

This is only a single row seeding process. The wheel is drives the metering
mechanism. The hopper is used for storing Seed and fertilizer. The seeds and
fertilizes are travel through the rubber hose in the ground.
It consists of plough tool which plough the land, the depth of ploughing is
depends on the penetration of ploughing tool in the ground. It consist of long beam
as handle It has two handle one is pulled by one operator and another one is to
guides the device by another person.

2.4. Manual oilseed drill

This device has a seed box with is attached to the main frame of the hand wheel.
In the bottom of seed box a fluted roller assembly is attached.
Fig. 2.4- Manual oilseed Drill

Fluted roller is operated by means of chain and sprockets mechanism, the

sprocket is attached to the ground wheel. The lever on the seed box is used to
adjust the seed rate. The purpose of Fluted roller is to seed sowing. The rope is
attached to the hook one man pull the rope and another man will guide the machine
through handle.

2.5. Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill

This is one of the low cost linear sowing processes. In this fertilizer and seed are
feed by operator. The rate of feed depends on the operator skill. It consist of three
sowing mechanism. The frame and drill are made by mild steel. In the frame
various part are mounted such as funnel used for feeding fertilizer as well as seed,
hose which connect funnel and furrow opener, furrow openers and handle. Furrow
openers can be adjusted depend upon the gap between each rows. The seed and
fertilizer are fed manually by operator.
It is fed to the ground via the bottom of furrow opener. Seed and fertilizer should
carry through a separate bag because it doesn’t contain the hopper. It consists of
five to eight jaw based on the distance between each row and requirement. While
the device travels in agriculture land the jaw create the furrow in the land and seed
and fertilizer will dropped in furrows.

Fig. 2.5- Animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill

Insteadof Animal (bull), this arrangement is fixed in tractor in nowadays

2.6. Animal drawn tool frame for seeding

This arrangement is attached to the bull for furrow the ground. This device is
suitable for wheat, soybean, gram, pea and etc., It also sow the fertilizers like Urea,
DAP and etc.

Fig. 2.6- Animal drawn tool frame for seeding

The fertilizer and seed was stored in hopper which has separate compartments.
Floating type wheel is used as ground wheel. The seed sowing space is depends on
the design of the ground wheel. This wheel is also used for transportation

Table-2.1 Summary of literature survey

Manual Manual Animal Animal

seed and oilseed drawn seed drawn tool
S. Traditional Rotary
Features fertilizer drill cum frame for
No. method dibbler
drill fertilizer seeding
1. No No No No No No
the field
2. Sowing No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Ploughing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dig close
4 No Yes No No No No
5 No No Yes No No No

As discussed earlier in the introduction and abstract, to reduce the effort of farmer,
In India there is about 70% of peoples dependent on agriculture. In traditional
method some of the seeds were not properly penetrate into ground and seeds were
spilled out and less skilled labor

Fig. 4.1 - Shigley Design Process

Block Diagram for Concept-1

Fig. 4.2 – Block diagram for concept-1

Block Diagram for Concept-2

Fig. 4.3 – Block diagram for concept-2

Fig. 4.4 – Seed sowing machine concept-1

Concept and working

In this project for drilling 0.25 HP AC motor with variable speed is used, for
controlling the depth of drill, lead screw mechanism is used which is controlled by
a motor, hopper is placed on the frame in which the seed is placed. In the hopper a
gear with AC motor is used to control the number of seed flowing in to the ground.
This seed is flow through the flexible pipe which is connected to frame. The
flattener consists of hard rubber to fill the dig sand in to the hole.
The ON/OFF switches-2way switches is placed on the handle. This is used for all
the mechanisms. It consists of wheel on the base used for mobility.

Fig. 4.5 – Seed sowing machine concept-2


In this project for drilling 0.25 HP AC motor is used, for controlling the depth of
drill, lead screw mechanism is used which is controlled by a DC motor, hopper is
placed on the frame in which the seed is placed. In the hopper a gear with DC
motor is used to control the number of seed flowing in to the ground. This seed is
flow through the flexible pipe which is connected to frame. The flattener consists
of hard rubber tis made up of MS plate fill the diged sand in to the hole.
Additional to the above dribbling mechanism another roller plough mechanism is
attached to the trolley. This will increase the yield of crops. The ON/OFF switches-
2way switches is placed on the handle. This is used for all the mechanisms. It
consists of wheel on the base used for mobility.


Comparing the both concept 1 and 2

Table-4.1 Concept selection
S. No. Features Concept-1 Concept-2
1. Dribbling the field Yes Yes
2. Seed Sowing mechanism Yes Yes
3 Ploughing No Yes
4 Dig close mechanism Yes Yes
5 Trolley movement Yes Yes

By the above comparison it is know that in concept-2 add to the dribbling process
another ploughing is used. So while plough the field addition to the dribbling
method, the new soil will comes and weed will be removed. So the advantage in
concpt-2 is more. So based on this concept-2 is selected for fabrication and


Bill of Material (BOM)

Fabricatio Total
S.N Weight Quantit weight/Cost
Description Material n cost cost
o (kg) y (INR)
1 Frame MS 10 1 1500 2250 3750
2 Base Ms 1 4 400 600 1000
3 Hopper Ms 5 1 500 750 1250
4 Wheel Ms 2 4 800 1200 2000
5 Wheel shaft Ms 3 1 300 450 750
6 Seed wheeler Plastic 0.5 1 100 300 400
7 Motor base MS 3 1 300 450 750
8 Handle MS 4 1 400 600 1000
9 Flattener MS/Rubber 2 1 200 300 500
10 AC motor - - 2 6000 0 6000
11 DC motor - - 2 1500 0 1500
12 - - 1 100 0 100
13 - - 1 100 0 100
14 Lead screw MS 0.25 1 150 0 150
Sprocket and
15 MS 1.5 1 500 0 500
Shaft and
16 MS 7 1 1400 500 1900
plough tool
17 Auger tool MS 2 1 400 200 600
18 Indirection -   1 0 2000 2000
            Total cost 24250

Table-4.2 Bill of Material


1. Force extracted on the lead screw

Motor Power, P- 0.25 HP

Required Speed-100 Rpm
Power, P- 2 ΠNT/60 W

N- Speed
T- Torque

Torque, T- P*60/(2ΠN) W
= 0.25*746*60/(2*3.14*100)

=17.82 Nm
Torque, T- F*D

F- Force Exerted
D- Diameter of shaft

Shaft Diameter, D-19 mm

Force- T/D
F =935 N

Force extracted on the lead screw, F= 935 N

2. Force required drilling the ground

Motor Power, P- 0.25 HP

Required Speed-300 Rpm
Power, P- 2 ΠNT/60 W

N- Speed
T- Torque

Torque, T- P*60/(2ΠN) W
= 0.25*746*60/(2*3.14*300)

=5.94 Nm

Torque, T- F*D

F- Force Exerted
D- Diameter of shaft

Drill Diameter, D-40 mm

Force- T/D
F =445.45N

Force required drilling the ground, F= 445.45 N



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