NSTP - Activity #1

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1. What is your mission in life? Are you a faithful Christian in times of this pandemic?

- My mission in life is to be successful in all aspects, to be successful in my College life,

in my future career and most importantly to be successful in my Christian life. But success is a
strong word so just to clarify, the meaning of success for me is the point where I am now
satisfied with the way I am now in the included aspects that I have mentioned.

- Yes, I am a faithful Christian in these times of pandemic; I could also say that I am
becoming more faithful during this crisis. During this pandemic I haven’t been able to go church
but that makes me find more ways to listen to the Lord’s word, much more there is always the
social media to share the verses that really hits me.

2. As an NSTP student...how do you relate the mission, vision, core values, in your life?

As an NSTP student:

A. I relate to the mission of the school because as a student you shouldn’t really
focus only in your studies to be successful, we must still remember, praise,
and worship the source of our life and knowledge as to why we are studying
today, and that is our Lord God Almighty.
B. I relate to the vision of this school because I want to graduate in success not
just academically but also successful as a person so that I will be responsive in
the immediate call for global and local needs and also to be responsive to
opportunities that will likely help me and those around me.
C. I relate to the core values of this school because we must have FAITH, to
praise and worship our Lord God and give thanks to Him for all the blessings
and miracles He has given. We must have INTEGRITY, to become a
trustworthy companion with an ethical attitude towards my Teachers and
fellow classmates. We must have and know our RESPONSIBILITIES, to be
able to carry out duties as students and as a member of the family. We must
have EXCELLENCE to become a representation and a good example. We
must have SERVICE, to know our duties in life and how to improve more
into that aspect.

3. What are the consequences that will happen if you don't have mission in life?

- When you don’t have a mission in life that is not what you call living at all; it’s just that
you merely exist in this world. You are like a lost lamb in the middle of the wilderness, not
trying to find home but for you to wait for the demise that will soon come to you.

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