Lab One Manual

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Lab two: Assembly language programming

Protected mode programming

MASM is the assembler which is suitable for protected mode. So we use this assembler.
First: carefully follow the following steps to install MASM assembles and its library on your pc.
1. login to your computer as administrator
2. copy this file MASM in C:directory the path will be C:\MASM
3. after you copy it go to control panelsystem Advanced System Setting
4. then you get the following

5. click on Environment Variablesnew and define new system variables as following

6. click on path from system variables lists and edit it by inserting %MASMDIR%;
7. Also create INCLUDE and LIB system variable which later included in your assembly language.

8. Then check your work! Go to cmd write the following command

If you get this, now you can continue to write program.

9. Write the addsub program from your handout and assemble it.
Save it in c:\masm
Open cmd prompt
Change directory to c:\masm and assemble your program as make32 filename

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