Assigment 14: Adtika Putri Agustianingsih 6321119001 Administrasi Bisnis Semester 2 English Business and TOEFL

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Adtika Putri Agustianingsih

Administrasi Bisnis Semester 2
English Business and TOEFL
Assigment 14

Manager : Good moring everyone

Journalists : Morning
Manager : I would like to tank the journalists for coming to the press conference that
our company is holding. We made this conference to straighten outstanding
issues regarding services in our company.I hope the journalists can only
appoint representative to raise questions about our company, please
Journalists : greetings to everyone. I’m here representing my fellow journalists to ask a
few things that are a lot of questions for our readers, especially the general
public. Readers say that the company’s sales staff :
- Target old people, using-high pressure tactics to persuade them to buy a
- Always phone late in the evening when people are tired and vulnerable
- Trick customer into immediately giving their credit card information
- Say monthly payments are only £14, then send bills for much higher
- Persuade people to buy accessories, such as leather cases, which they
don’t really need or want
- Send mobile phones to people before they have decided to buy them,
and include and invoice in the package
- Usually send the expensive deluxe models
- Promise that the customer can send back the phone if not satisfied. But
when customers phone the company, they can’t get through
That is all from me. We ask for an accurate answer regarding this problem
Manager : Thank you to the journalists who explained the related issues. Here I will
explain the method of our company actually.
- Marketing strategy our companys is to target older people (over 60s)
because they need phones more than young people. Most phones are
sold by phoning potential customers
- Our sales staff phone potential customers in the evening because
customers are usually at home then. Our staff ask for the customers
credit card details to check the customers financial status
- Our sales staff say that the monthly payments is £14 for the black,
economy phone. Other models of phone are more expensive. Customers
must pay extra for a small device that increases the volume of the voice
they hear on the phone.
- Sales staff are trained to maximize sales revenue by offering the
customer extra accessories, for example leather cases, straps, etc.
- They can also increase sales revenue by offering to ‘adapt’ the phone to
a customers requirements, e.g. by keying in numbers frequently called.
- Sales staff are encouraged to send phones quickly when the customer
shows interest in buying a phone
- Our sales staff are motivated, dynamic and enthusiastic, some of them
my occasionally try a little too hard to increase sales
Journalists : your company’s staff try a little hard to increase sales, isn’t that including
coercion that violates the SOP in the company or your company does not
apply the standard SOP?
Manager : not rude like that we mean. When a customer has entered a more serious
stage in a purchase the customer cannot arbitrarily cancel the things we
have prepared. we Just want to remind each other to still respect each other
in the transaction
Jornalists : what about sending back goods if the customer is not satisfied? Is it true?
Manager : we remind you before purchasing the deal, our staff have shown the
following items first with an explanation of the spesifications, so we make
sure every customer when the deal has taken the goods according to their
own wishes.
Journalists : does your company suffer losses after this issues circulates?
Manager : you lost right, of course. But we don’t lose our regular customers. Maybe
a decrease occurred in new customer offerings but it was also not too
Journalists : what are your expectations and company for the future or your customers?
Manager : maybe this will be question as well as our final answer regarding this
problem. We sincerely hope that the entire community will not be easily
consumed by issues that are not necessarily true. And to the media we hope
your widom in publishing the news that you get, we ask for your
cooperation well. We are waiting for your kind response.
Once again thank you very much the journalists team. See you
Journalists : see you

( a journalists consists of many teams)

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