Inf (I ST Form) Past Simple (II ND Form) Past Participle (III RD Form)

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Past Simple

I go to school every day. - present simple

I went to school every day.

Inf (I st form) past simple (II nd form) past participle(III rd form)

Go went gone

Be was/were been

Have had had

Speak spoke spoken

Buy bought bought

Walk walked walked

Affirmative(verbe neregulate)

S + vb2

I spoke

He spoke

She spoke

We spoke

Verbe regulate

I walk the dog in the park every evening. - present simple

I walked the dog in the park every evening.

Affirmative (verbe regulate)

S+ vb-ed

I walked

He walked

She walked

Did-auxiliar (do-did-done)

I didn’t go to school every day.

I didn’t walk the dog in the park.

S+ did+ not+ vb(forma de baza)


Did you go to school?

Did you walk the dog?

Yes/no short answers

Yes, I did.

No, I didn’t.


Yesterday, last….(year, month, week), …..ago (a moment.., a year…, a week…..)

Se foloseste:

- Pentru a arata un obicei in trecut

I walked the dog in the park every evening.

- Pentru a arata o actiune care a avut loc la un moment dat in trecut.

I went to London last year.

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