Mindset Training

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Coaching 4 Champions, LLC

Website: www.coaching4champions.com
E-Mail: coaching4champions@gmail.com

For more information on coaching programs, please contact Jerry Roisentul @760-272-0296

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posted or distributed without prior consent from Coaching 4 Champions, LLC.
Coaching 4 Champions, LLC

Who’s Flying Your Brain??

“The Autopilot Adjustment”

1) There are only three things we can control in life

a) The ______________ we think
b) The ______________ we visualize
c) The ______________ we take

2) We have to remember that we thought the _____________, created the ______________, made
the _______________, and said the ____________. All of that has gotten you to where you are
right now.

3) Your current business ___________are not a _____________ of your ______________, but of

your past ______________, _______________, ____________and
______________________________. Otherwise known
as you _______________.

4) Our Autopilot becomes our ____________ _____________.

“ The Self I m age is a com bination of all the ideas, thoughts, pictures,
ex periences and things that have happened to us over the course of our
lives that com e together to form a com posite im age that w e believe
ourselves to be and w e alw ays act in a m atter consistent w ith it.”
Brian Tracy

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Coaching 4 Champions, LLC

5) The Sequence of Events

Conscious Mind

Sub-conscious Mind



6) We can’t change our _________________ until we first change our ____________________.

7) We have to create a new ____________ on the ____________ ____________ of our mind that
will allow our mind to start moving us towards that desired _____________.

8) The Goal Card

“I am so happy and grateful for ______________ ______________,

unstoppable _______________, and a constant abundance of ________,
___________, & ________________in my life.”

“I attract the RIGHT people, resources and __________________ that will

enable me to______________________________________________

Recite this OUT LOUD with FEELING 25 times a day and watch how different you
feel in just a few days.
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posted or distributed without prior consent from Coaching 4 Champions, LLC.
Coaching 4 Champions, LLC

How to Develop A Million Dollar Winning Image

1). Your self-image is the way you _________ and ____________ about yourself.

2). Because of the power of your self- image, you will ALWAYS perform on the
____________ consistent with the picture you have of yourself on the ____________.

3). If you want change the outside results that you are seeing in your business, then you
first have to start by changing the inside picture that’s playing on the movie screen of
your mind.

4). The discovery of self-image was pioneered by Maxwell Maltz. His theory was that by
_______________ and ______________ yourself performing at your best in an
upcoming situation, you send a message to your ____________________________.
your subconscious mind accepts the message as a _________________, and then
coordinates your ____________, ___________ and ______________ so that they fit
a pattern consistent with the picture you created.

Creating Your WINNING IMAGE Story

Step 1: Choose the BIG GOAL you want to attain (i.e.: RVP, Mercedes, etc.)
You have to have a specific date chosen (i.e.: Nov 3rd, 2012)
Step 2: Write down 3 obstacles/challenges you had to overcome to
Achieve your goal. (i.e.: fear of talking to people,)

Step 3: Start your story with “I, (your name)

Step 4: End your story with “This is My Winning Image”

Step 5: The story must be written in:


Step 6: Be descriptive: Where is it at? Who’s there? Who’s speaking? HAVE FUN.

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Winning Image Story Example

Today is the day that I’ve been waiting for. I never thought today December 31, 2014 would ever get here!!! Today is
the day and I am so excited about my RVP Promotion. I cannot believe I am standing here today telling my story of this
amazing journey. In the early stages of my Arbonne career I never thought I would make it to Regional Vice President
(RVP). I really didn’t think I was going to make it in this business period.

Honestly who was I to strike up a conversation with someone about skincare? I certainly wasn’t a dermatologist so why
would they listen to me. Making phone calls I thought would be the death of me. In this day of wild technology I had
totally gone to the dark side and preferred texting and email over a live phone conversation. I know pretty sad when
you think about it. I felt that I could give them all the information they needed via email. But my biggest obstacle was
scheduling parties and thinking all is right in the world only to get the dreaded phone call from the host canceling the
event. Talk about the wind being let out of your sails. I allowed myself to feel defeated and constantly say this is not
what I signed up for. The astonishing thing is that something inside me would not allow me to quit. Through that I
learned that there were some changes that I needed to make in order to be successful in my Arbonne business.

I believe the first change was my self-confidence. I had to believe that I could do it no matter what. As my level of
confidence improved I was more than happy to share Arbonne products with anyone that would listen. Yes, I was able
to strike up conversations about skincare with complete strangers and this even carried over to phone conversations. I
began reaching out to clients just to see how they were doing and if I could assist them further. As a kid my Great-
Grandmother often said “A closed mouth won’t get fed”, well let’s just say I see the truth in that. By getting over the
obstacle of striking up conversations, I was able to meet and find amazing people who were not only interested in the
products but became business builders.

I am so thankful to be here at the beautiful Chaminade Resort and Spa in beautiful Santa Cruz. This place is absolutely
breathtaking. Can you hear that? Miles Davis’ Human Nature, oh my goodness one of my favorite songs from my
childhood Boot Scootin’ Boogie by Brooks and Dunn. I feel a line dance coming on!!!!

This day has been magical and I can’t wait to get the keys to my 2013 Mercedes CLS 63. This car is a reminder of the
obstacles, challenges and triumphs that I went through to get to this day. As I look back on this journey I smile because
what I thought was impossible has turned into the possible!!! I made it.

I am very blessed that my family and friends were able to share this special occasion with me. A special thank you to my
husband for all of his support and encouragement. To my NVP Dianne Zeck for believing in me and showing me that I
have what it takes to make it in this business. I also want to thank Di for introducing me to the most AMAZING coach
this world will ever see!!!! Jerry Roisentul you are the MAN!!! You took a chance on a consultant who was clueless and
through blood sweat and tears whipped me into shape to accomplish this Arbonne RVP Journey!!!!

“I am so happy and grateful that I am in possession of perfect health, unstoppable self-confidence, no fears, and a
constant abundance of money in my life. I attract the people, resources, and opportunities that will enable me to
achieve all that I set out to achieve”

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Coaching 4 Champions, LLC


When you are prospecting, the goal is not only to gain an interested customer/consultant, but to also
alleviate any rejection you may get.

Learning to ask these questions of anyone you meet will help begin that process.

• Do you live here in the local area or are you visiting?

• What do you do for a living? (If you don’t already know)

• How long have you been doing that?

• What do you like the best (most) about what you do?

• Is there anything you don’t like or would change if you could?

• Well, you might be able to help me. Do you mind if I ask you a question?

I run (represent) an international health and wellness business, and I’m in charge of
expansion here in the local area. I’m looking for 2-3 Entrepreneur Minded people to be
part of our dynamic and growing team.

7. So my question is do you plan on working at (wherever they work) for the rest of your life or do
you still keep your options open?? This is the Million Dollar Rejection Proof Question..***

9 out of 10 people will respond that they keep their options open.. Then proceed..

“So, If I could show you an opportunity that has the potential to dramatically increase your income;
where you’re in total control of your time, and can have the freedom to live life on your terms, are
you the kind of person that would seriously sit down and explore an opportunity like that?

If YES: Exchange numbers so you can call them to set up a one on one OR if you have
Your calendar with you, set it up ON THE SPOT.
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If NO: Then transition into giving them a sample of the product to try OR ask if
They know of anyone that would be open to an opportunity like this.

If they ask “WHAT IS IT?” or “WHAT DO YOU DO? Proceed as follows…

“As I said, I run an international health and wellness business and I teach people how to improve
their health from the inside out. Is your health important to you?

YES: “Great, then even if you’re not interested in joining our team the information I share with you
will totally change your life. (Close for Appointment)

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The key to doing a great one on one presentation is to get the potential consultant EMOTIONALLY
INVOLVED in your presentation.

If they see this as the vehicle that can truly help them achieve their goals, they will be more likely to
get involved.

Follow these three steps and you will have a great presentation.


The key is to show the potential consultant that their dreams are bigger than the income they are
making, and if they want to achieve those dreams, they will have to make a change. You then
position Arbonne as the best vehicle to do that.

Here are the questions you should ask as you begin:

A. “Mary, let’s have some fun and dream a little. I want you to visualize yourself 5 years from
now. You’re able to do what you want, have what you want, and be who you want. Time and
money are no longer an issue. Describe to me what your dream lifestyle would look like. (Get
them to dream. This creates emotion)

B. “Wow, that sounds amazing. Now, if you continue doing what you’re doing and nothing
changes, how long do you think it will take you to create that lifestyle?” (They will probably
answer ‘Never” or “Forever” or “I’ll Probably Be Dead”.)

This question creates pain in their emotion, and remember, that people will do anything
to avoid pain. This is where you show you have the solution.

C. “Mary, I want you to be honest with me: Knowing that, how does that make you feel?”

D. “So, let me ask you this: If you really want the lifestyle you described, and what you’re doing
is not going to get you there, then you’re either going to have to give up your dreams or make
a change, wouldn’t you agree??

E. “So, if given the option, what would you choose: giving up your dreams or finding a way to
make them happen?”
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F. “Well today Mary, I am going to show you a business vehicle that can be that change for you.
A business you can work from home part time around your existing schedule, that could help
you achieve those dreams faster than the plan you’re currently on.

G. If I was able to show you how to do that, how excited would you be? Great, then let me show
you this amazing vehicle called Arbonne.”


- Go through whatever company presentation you use with your friend / prospect.

- Use bullet points to review. It is easy to have the presentation in a small binder with the bullet
notes on your side.

- Take no more than 15-20 minutes. Be brief. Don’t overwhelm them.

- You will need to reorganize the slides so that you end on the compensation slide.

- After you finish the compensation slide, you are going to focus on the NVP compensation and
then ask these questions.

A. “Mary, let me ask you this. You’re going to be working for the next 3-5 years, isn’t that true?”

“And what are the odds that your job will pay you $21,000/mo in the next 5 years??”

B. “That’s exactly the reason you need to consider joining me in business.”

“You see, Arbonne can give you something that your job can’t: A chance! A chance to come into this
business with no prior experience, provide you the training and support you need, and give you a
chance to make that kind of money.” “Even if you fall short and only earn half of that, you are still
working from home and able to always be there for your kids, driving a brand new Mercedes,
designing your own schedule, and having total control and freedom over your life.

That’s the kind of lifestyle that most of us have always dreamed of having, wouldn’t you agree?”

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“So Mary, let me ask you a couple of quick questions”:

A. “Did everything I share with you today make sense?”

B. “Can you see the enormous need for the products and education that Arbonne is providing
C. “Did I answer MOST of your questions??
D. “Based on what you’ve seen today, does this look like something you could see yourself doing
IF you had the proper coaching, training and support?


“I totally respect that Mary. This business is obviously not for everyone. I do appreciate your honesty
and thank you for that.”

“Let me just ask you two quick questions before you leave:

A. “Now that you better understand our business model, who comes to mind that you think might
be open to taking a look at this opportunity, and they of course can make up their own mind
just like you did?”

B. “Most people I sit down with, even if they’re not interested in the business, I find are usually
interested in trying some of our amazing products. I would love for you to have a chance to
take some of them home for a few days and try them out and give me your honest opinion.
So are you more interested in anti-aging or health and wellness?”


A. “Let me ask you a question: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being you are ready to get started and 1
being you have no interest in this at all, where do you feel you are on that scale right now?”

B. “So what would have to happen in order for you to be a 10 and join my dynamic team??

This question will weed out the real reason that they are not willing or comfortable moving forward.
Once you know this reason, then you have the ability to try and handle it.

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“Fantastic Mary. I am so excited to hear that. Would it be OK if I shared with you what the next
step in the process is?”

“The first thing we have to do is to get you your Arbonne Business ID number. It’s like your James
Bond code. You Know,007? Except this is eight digits instead of three.”

“The benefits to you are: 1) You will receive a 35% discount on all the products you purchase for
the first 12 months, and 2) When anyone buys products from you, you will get paid. What a
business: We get paid to share, and that’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?”

“The initial investment is $79, and with tax and shipping, it comes out to about $100. The reason
for the shipping is the company is going to mail you a New Consultant Business Kit. Also keep in
mind that the $100 is tax deductible.”

Now, if you have brought your prospect all the way to this point, you have to now ASSUME THE
CLOSE! It’s like going fishing: throw the bait in the water, and if they are ready they will bite;
otherwise, they will let you know.

“So Mary, we can accept the initial investment with any major credit or debit card.
Which would you prefer using?”

If they are not ready, they will give you some sort of objection and then you can work through
that with them.

If they are ready, they will give you their information to get them signed up.

After you sign them up, that’s all you do on this appointment. The problem people have is they
OVERWHELM their prospect with too much information too fast and it scares them off.

Remember: you are DUPLICATING the moment you sit down with them. If they feel pressure
or the feeling of being overwhelmed, they will begin to think that’s how their friends and family
will feel and they won’t take you to see anyone. PATIENCE truly pays off here.

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Now, set up the next step.

“What we need to do next is set up a time to get together within the next 24-48 hours
so we can develop your business plan and get your Grand Openings set up. I have
Tuesday at 8pm or Wednesday at 2pm. Which one works best for you??

Once you get the date set up, you are going to give them 3 things to take with home and prepare
for your next meeting.

- Catalog. You are going to tell them to go through it and circle all of the products that they
would love to try. Let them know to have fun and pretend that money was not an issue.
Then tell them when you get back together, you are going to show them how to get some or
all of the products they marked at a substantial discount.

- Samples. Give them an RE9 sample pack; the entire RE9 set; one or two detox tea bags; a
couple of fit chews. Whatever you choose, the idea is to send them home with something

- Million Dollar Name List: Explain to them that every successful business has a Grand
Opening and that’s what we’re going to do for them. Tell them that you want them to jot
down the names and numbers of everyone they want to invite to their Grand Opening. But
you must tell them that under no circumstance are they to call anyone on the list until you get
back together and have a chance to train them on what to say.

Once that is all set, CONGRATULATIONS!! You just completed a successful One on One

Now just keep doing them and you are on your way to a business explosion.

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- For purposes of training, we call these “Objections.” When dealing directly with a
potential customer/sponsor, we call them “ Areas of Concern.”

- An objection is simply the customer’s way of conveying to you that they need more
information before they move forward.

- The most important thing you need to know is that when you get an objection, you
must RESPOND and not REACT.

- Whenever you hear ANY objection, you will start out the process with the 3 steps
listed below.


1. ALIGN: “I totally respect that, Mary”, or “ I totally understand how you feel”, or “I understand
where you’re coming from.”

An alignment statement is just your way of letting the customer/sponsor know that you heard their

2. ISOLATE: “Other than (The Objection),is there any other reason that would prevent
you from moving forward and joining my team/using our amazing products?”
You want to make sure that is the only concern they have. If they have more, this is when they will
usually tell you.

3. TRANSITION: “ Would you mind if I shared with you what someone shared with me when I had
the same concern and it totally changed my thinking?

Almost 100% of the people you ask this question to will say “Yes.” Once they do, you have now
positioned yourself to successfully attempt to handle their objection (concern.)

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TRANSLATION: I don’t see enough value yet to be willing to invest my money into your

1. “ Let’s say you could take a 10 day trip anywhere in the world. Where would you

2. “Why did you choose (location)?”

3. “Who would you take with you?”

4. “How much do you think a trip like that would cost with everything included: hotel,
airfare, food,& transportation for the entire 10 days?”

5. “So, let’s assume that I came by your house tomorrow with that entire trip ready to go: airfare,
hotel, all your meals and transportation for you and (whomever they were taking).”

“But rather than the trip costing you $10,000, we are having a 24 hour special
where we will give you the entire trip for only $500…$800…$1,200…$2,400.”

“If that were the case, how fast (quick) do you think you’d be able to come up with
the money?”

Most people will respond “ Right Away”, “Immediately”, “ As soon as we’re done”, “ In a few hours.”
To which you respond:

“Sure you would, because that’s an amazing value, isn’t it?”

The point is you just took them from having NO MONEY to being able to come up with xxx amount
right away. WHY??? VALUE!!!!


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6. “See Mary…I don’t believe the money is the issue, because you’ve just showed me that you could
come up with the money for an incredible trip like that. I believe the real issue is that I haven’t
shown you enough value yet in what my business/product can offer you for you to want to invest
your money. Would I be correct in assuming that?”

If they say “No” or “That’s not it”, then ask them what the real reason is. Don’t be afraid
to ask.

If they say “Yes”, now you know that you have to establish more VALUE to get them to
move forward.

7. “Mary, what would I need to show you or what would you need to see to establish
enough value for you that you would consider moving forward and joining my
team/trying our amazing products??



TRANSLATION: I don’t see enough value yet to be willing to invest my time into this opportunity

1. Take out a piece of paper and write “168” on it. This represents the number of hours all of us have
in a given week.

2. Off to the left of that, write these words one right underneath the other:

3. Now you will go through and ask them these questions:

• How many hours do you work in a given week?”
• How many hours a day do you spend eating and preparing meals?
• How many hours a night do you sleep?”
• How many hours a week do you invest in recreational activities?? (Anything that is not
included in the previous)

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• 3? Date night with spouse? Bible study? Church? Kids games and practices?

4. You will now subtract all of those numbers from 168, and that will give you the number of
UNACCOUNTED hours per week that person has. In all my years of doing this, I haven’t seen many
people that have had LESS than 25 hours unaccounted for.

5. Proceed with the following:

** Wow Mary. After all of that, you still have (25) hours every week that are unaccounted for. Were
you aware you had that much time available?

** See Mary, the issue is not so much the time as we’ve just seen how much you have left every
week. I believe the real issue is this: are you willing to invest 10 hours a week out of the 25 you have
left over so I can teach you how to build a business that can help create financial freedom for you
and your family???



1. “Have you ever been to a great restaurant where the food was simply amazing? I mean it totally
blew you away?”

2. “And have you ever recommended that restaurant to family or friends that actually went to try it
out based on your recommendation?”

3. “Did you ever get a call from the restaurant thanking you for referring your family or friend and
letting you know they were going to send you a referral check to thank you?” (They will always say

4. “Of course not. Yet we do that ALL the time. With restaurants, movies, or whatever we really
enjoy and never get paid for it.

5. “See, we’re not looking for salespeople. We are looking for people that love our products and
would be willing to share them with their friends and family, and if any of them purchase products

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from you, Arbonne will send you a check to say “Thank You.” You will get paid to do what you
usually do for free. Now that’s something you could do with the proper training, wouldn’t you agree?”



1. “What’s your definition of a pyramid?

(Their answer is usually something to the extent of making money off of bunches of people?

2. “So, it’s kind of like your job, isn’t it?”

3. “First of all, pyramid schemes are illegal because they allow people to invest money without
receiving any products or services in return. We are a legal business because the only time we get
paid is when people purchase products.”

Now explain how every job has different levels of management, and how every level makes more
money than the level below them.

4. “When you really look at it, every corporation has a pyramid structure, where the only person
making money on the efforts of everyone is the CEO. So the question you need to ask yourself is
this: Do you want to be the person who OWNS the pyramid you work for or the one who works in
the pyramid making money for someone else? The choice is up to you.”



“Have you ever went to a movie with your friends that you absolutely loved, and then came home
and tried to explain it to your spouse? Yet they didn’t get it?

“It’s hard for us to try explain the feelings of something like a movie to our spouse when they weren’t
there to experience it personally, isn’t that true?”

“So why don’t we set up a time for us to both sit down and explain the business to your spouse.
That way if he/she has any questions that maybe you don’t know how to answer yet, I can be there
to help out. Would that work for you?”
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1. What part of the business excited you the most and made you decide to join our team?

2. How many hours a week can you carve out of your schedule to dedicate to your business so I can
help you achieve your goals?

3. Are you willing to be 100% coachable?

4. How fast do you want to move?

VW BUG (0-5 hrs/week)- Toe in the water…no sense of urgency…doesn’t matter if they do anything
or not.

TOYOTA (5-10hrs/week) – Willing to get into the water…move a little faster…would like to get their
first promotion (DM), which by the way doubles their commissions, in two to three months.

MERCEDES SPORTS CAR (10+ hrs/wk) – Wants to dive in head first. Wants to make money
NOW…wants to get out of their job NOW…has a major sense of urgency…would like to get their first
promotion, which would double their commissions, in their first 30 days.

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posted or distributed without prior consent from Coaching 4 Champions, LLC.

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