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2a Gossayy of Tears ‘Construction contra plan Arnal developed inchonse by the ie comtrucon department for de guidance of supernory afin the Fel Contract An agreement between the cls and another party (the con- tesco) forthe performance of norkthroxgh the sappy of labor nd rater. Contract documents Asa minimum, these willeansisf the cotter 3s ‘mention inthe preceing tex, the specticns, and the dings pls any other dccaments or referee tha re special deveribed inthe cont, ‘contactor An individual, fn, coporson or othe lgily recognized entity petfrming work under dhe terms and condition se fot ina conret.In most conzacs and ache egal decane he somrctcf refer to "and never “o/s” or him/her” (Cor exp, Cn traversal acl esp fs work ares fama, den, ad fenton) ‘Cont insttrion An crgaizacion or company of high repute used by the diet to peform spill defined approvals ad verifeton work Including, in sorne cares, bornory testing and reporting. Welding procedures, for example, may be witnesed by sacha body during the tcetactors inka production. American Buea of Shipping, Buren Vents and Lay are commis speclning inthis work. (Goat corral As practice by the ele con engincer, provides the oject management with going anaes of cot for individ con tracts and forthe projects whole The principles co como ate Anayzing ‘The ost engineer, with constuction sf the con teaccencinee, discuss ths information and uses eto make foreasts Estating Inthe ery aly prenginerng stages of ape, reli inwy consol ema of pole cost are mae rom eoncepeal det. THe lea wo dhe ter conrleimates atthe endo the reengincer ing phase, which ncade be estinens fom more decid engineering infrmiion plu aan acl contingeney ape nthe corti tian srg, curtent contol estimates ate ased to rove information fron ongoing id eahatins, contract ards, ad oes. Forecasting, The publ en eats preted, enabling manage~ rent to take the appropriate correszve sen. Monitoring Checking clsely om contracted workin progress nd ‘wtsing foe devon from the original plan, Glossary of Tens oy Reporting Regular and vey reporting makes cent management aoare of een they rb (Cost and tight (ef) The rp of Sipping contract im which the eller [provides the product and the vvsl and delivers the product tothe nominated dchrge pore cost, insurance, and Woight (i) ‘The type of shipping conerae in which the seller provides the product andthe vessel, procures the Fnac aml lvers the product co he nominated dachange fo. ‘cost pus Se Reimpanable ost conte. Geitcal path method (CPM. Dele schedling moa inl t ll ‘ote the ie require for a construction proc and mene of con trolling costs and manpomer. Dayrates. Day rte ar liza fr eipmen renal where work not leary defined 0 caries a degroe of rsk."They ae often used when oncracors prove specified uipment or personnel sevice sch 5 tore ple- desing barges or diving series Delay and disruption Interruptions to a contactor’ performance cused by indirect inact eg ran diet inp esocaed with tunschedaled vents such a seope of work changes which ae not pat ofthe conticior planed managerent and wotk procenee. Quan ction of cont lid to dala comparatively straightformard, but there is no univer method of quantifying disraption cons, The importance freon the key Faz ny diruin claim, Document audit In project management tems this i documented etsy perform in asordance with veriten proce: or ees to eri by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, chat apical element ofthe qualy program hive been develope dc ‘mente, and implemented in accordance with specified requirements Adocumented nae docs not inch surellnce inspection for the purpose of process contol o prodoet acceptance Etective date of contract The date of cxnniment wo 2 contact or the date on whic he coos beg pecan of wor, whichever inca, The effertve date ofthe contrite neces the date on ‘which the contac signed Escalation This 3 clause included in te contract when iflaion ‘predictable es perpoe ito prove the eonrctor ast lo de rosng prs.

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