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Release 2.

By Clif Manchaster
© Copyright 2009
“The legal stuf …. They made me ”

Medical Disclaimer

The information content within this manual is solely intended as reference materials only and not
as medical or professional advice. Information contained herein is intended to give you the tools
to make informed decisions about your personal appearance and lifestyle, not health. It should
not be used as a substitute for any treatment that has been prescribed or recommended by your

The author and publisher are not healthcare nor fitness professionals and do not intend to play
any role relating to such a profession. The author does not give any medical advice. The author
and publisher expressly disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects occurring as a result of
use of the suggestions or information herein. This book is offered as current information available
about chest-focused fat loss for your own education. If you suspect you have a serious condition, it
is imperative that you seek medical attention. And, as always, never begin any new procedures or
exercises, including this entire program and membership, without first consulting with your
doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

The author does not claim to cure or remedy any illness, chronic disorder, or health condition. No
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provided in this program and membership.

Legal Notice

Best efforts have been used to prepare the material presented. The author and publisher however
do not warrant the results for the effectiveness of this program and membership. Results vary due
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The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Table Of Contents

What Causes Gynecomasta Or “Man Boobs”?...........................................8

How To Make The Chest Coach System Easier Than Falling Of A Log.......10

The Secret To Balancing Hormones And Releasing Natural ENERGY.........12

The Real Secret In Fluids.......................................................................... 17

You Are What You Eat… But What Are You Eatng?...................................24

How To Optmize Fat Loss By Eatng More Ofen......................................27

A Common Indian Spice That Amazingly Helps Melt Chest Fat Away........34

How To Detoxify & Oxygenate Your Body In Just Under A Minute............38

Easy Exercises To Sculpt Your Chest At Home...........................................40

The Right Way To Do Cardio..................................................................... 49

The Advanced Gym Program That Quickly Dissolves Chest Fat ................53

“All About Gynecomasta” Bonus eBook - Important Excerpt .................61

An End Note From Clif.............................................................................65

My View On Man Boobs Supplements..................................................... 66

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
To start things of, I’m not a doctor, I don’t have a PhD and I don’t
plan to. So some of these methods is this guide are just
unqualifed opinions… but these opinions have helped hundreds
of guys with man boobs.

This guides gets down to the root of 95% of “man boobs”. The
other 5% is normally a result of genetc hormone imbalance and
that requires a far greater efort or cosmetc surgery, if one does
not want to put in the efort. Rest assured, you are most likely a
part of the 95%. This is what most experts will even refer to as
“pseudo- gynecomasta”. We are going to get to the botom of this
without worrying about crazy diets that starve you or some ultra
rigorous program requiring you to count your calories.

Afer you have tried this program and follow the easy instructons
step-by-step, then you may consider checking with your doctor to
see if you have gynecomasta that only surgery can help. I strongly
recommend you leave that as a last resort because I believe in
natural cures to be the best. Try this program for up to 3 months if
you see no short term results. Only then, should you even
consider surgery. I have had numerous cases and real testmonials
from friends and members that almost quit, but given that extra
shove, they fnally made it and totally eliminated their man boobs

The techniques outlined here are very real, proven to work both
for me and now thousands of members. Now, let’s get started.
I did not intend to make this into some 200 page-long manual full
of arm chair theory. That will merely waste your tme and bore
you, so the current editon has been “slimmed down” signifcantly
to refect this to my readers.

This is the “down-and-dirty” guide to get you RESULTS with ease.

I want you to get the most of this book, use the techniques right
today, and see results as soon as you contnuously put in the
efort. Many tmes, I’ll be very concise and encourage you to take
immediate acton without a lot of fuf talk and jargon that you
have no practcal use of.

Remember, there is an easy way and hard way to achieve things.

Here, the hardest part is being consistent and not so much the
techniques themselves. Use the mental techniques if you ever run
into “internal” roadblocks of doubt or hopelessness. I assure you
that you will get to the “other side” if you follow the methods.

Note that this manual is the compilaton of my eforts through

personal experience, listening to others, interviewing experts,
reading many artcles and books as well as working with current
members and client. This is up-to-date and it is of utmost
importance that you succeed as well.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The Most Important Thing

I want to go over one very important element before moving to

the meat of this manual.

DO NOT merely read or skim the manual and not take full ACTION.
I’m not talking about 50% or 75% acton, but 100%! All your
eforts should correlate with how badly you want to improve your
physique – which I hope is a lot, because you WILL inevitably

Back when I was frst testng these methods out, I never had a
guide as applicable as this. Be grateful that there is one here so
you don’t make the same mistakes.

I’ve had too many cases where a reader will email me and
queston the validity of some methods, yet they themselves have
not even TRIED it! Don’t leave this to collect digital dust, but use it
today and stop cheatng yourself.

Everything starts with a frst step. I will hand hold you all the way
through, but only you can make the fnal decision of what you’ll
put up with in life.

Also, make sure you remember your login and password for the
membership secton because I will be updatng that with future
material. This may include fat-burning interviews, audio sets, and
other valuable resources. In the near future, I may provide some
expert interviews for the beneft of all members.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
As you may have already guessed, I update this book on a regular
basis with member feedback as well as researching beter, faster
methods and concepts for all of us.

Even when the membership secton goes to a recurring

subscripton, if you have the unlimited membership pass, you can
always go in for the latest updates for 100% free!

Now, that we’ve gone over this, let’s proceed.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
What Causes Gynecomasta
Or “Man Boobs”?
I want to frst clear up some misconceptons so that you come
from the right frame. With proper knowledge, you will
contnuously work to reach your goals and not give up easily.

Not too long ago if you had asked me what caused man boobs, I
would have told you it was just your high body fat percentage,
nothing more… Actually I wrote exactly that in the frst release of
the Chest Coach System. There are actually 2 causes, the second is
probably as important as having a high body fat percentage, but I
had taken care if it unconsciously without really knowing how.

Man boobs or the “pseudo-gynecomasta” conditon are caused

primarily because:
1. high body fat percentage
2. A hormone imbalance in your body

Some people tend to store fat in places where others don’t

normally. Most men store fat in their belly area and most people
with “man boobs” tend to store it equally as much in their chest
area because of this hormone imbalance. There are a variety of
reasons for this hormone imbalance, the main ones being excess
fat and being overly acidic.

How it was described to me was that when you’re overweight or

over acidic, it can lead to more Aromatase acton than usual which
leads to hormone imbalances such as excess estrogens.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
A factor that can also contribute to this conditon is that afer
puberty, an adult may stll retain some of that fat in their chest.
This usually needs some development using the techniques that
I’ll be teaching in the following sectons.

The important point to understand here is that the trite “just do

pushups or do bench press” advice will not work alone because it
doesn’t acknowledge the fat tssue problem and secondly, you are
putng the wrong type of focus on decreasing chest fat. Doing
pushups may make that area stronger but the fat deposits stll lie

Furthermore, you need to know that it is entrely possible to

accomplish this. You’ve just never stumbled upon these efectve
techniques. If you perform the grind that they all suggest, it will
eventually decrease your man boobs. You should see results
within hours of some techniques.

The keys to the Chest Coach System are:

Balancing Hormones + Alkaline Diet + Anabolic Muscle Sculptng +

Anabolic Cardio
= Naturally Eliminatng Man Boobs Forever!

Please Note: The “real” gynecomasta conditon has far more

complicatons, which can stll be handled to a degree fortunately.
It is recommended that you read the last secton “All About
Gynecomasta” before coming back to the techniques below.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
How To Make The Chest Coach System
Easier Than Falling Of A Log
Any sort of change is usually hard work. You’re investng your
valuable tme and efort into some idea that you’re not even sure
will work. Nevertheless to make the Chest Coach System work,
you will need to make some changes in your life.

The one thing to do to stay consistent in the program is measuring

your progress every week. There’s just something about seeing
those numbers drop every week that makes it so much easier. It’s
great seeing results and it does give fuel to working harder and
making quicker progress in the program.

The three things you should defnitely measure are:

1. Around your chest
2. Around your stomach at the belly buton
3. Weight

Depending on where you’re at, you can also measure: arms,

around upper legs and around calves. But to not complicate
things, just start of with the three above.

The best thing I’ve found to take measurements is to use a sof

tape measure that you would usually use for sewing. You can grab
one on the cheap from any sewing craf shop.

When you’re taking measurements you must record them! Grab

an exercise book and record every exercise you do for each day
and also make a table for recording weakly progress. We’ll call this
exercise book your Chest Coach journal. This record taking might

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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sound like it’s a bit of useless work, but it does make it a heck of a
lot easier to stay on track and will help you maintain momentum.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
11 | P a g e
The Secret To Balancing Hormones And
Releasing Natural ENERGY

Your hormone levels can be out of whack for many reasons and
putng them into a balanced state is the frst of the major keys to
making the Chest Coach System work.

As stated earlier the main reason hormone levels being out of

balance is being overly acidic. So to combat this, we bring back the
balance using the acid and alkaline principals of the body. This is
the major part of the new Chest Coach System.

You’re probably asking “What the hell is this acid and alkaline
principal and why is it important to me?” That’s exactly what I said
just before it was explained to me and it was at that point that
everything just came together.

Much of these teaching are taken from Dr Robert Young, Tony

Robbins and my good friend John Greenwich. I have to warn you
about something before I get into it. You have to keep an open
mind about it as it might sound a bit airy at tmes. I was the
biggest skeptc when I heard about it but I tried it anyway. 3 day
later I was feeling the best I have in a long tme, with more energy,
beter physique and even clearer thinking. So now when it comes
to these acid and alkaline principles, I have turned from skeptc to
zealot for this way of life.

I have heard some enthusiastc people make some crazy claims

that the acid and alkaline principals can cure cancer, eliminate
pain and even reverse the efect of some viruses and diseases. I
don’t know how much I’d believe it can do this, but afer
The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster
Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
12 | P a g e
explaining it, you’ll see why people are making these kinds of

The acid and alkaline principles can assist in bringing the body
back to its natural state, regulatng hormone levels and therefore
reducing man boobs. As a bonus, you’ll get to feel great and think
clearer as well! (What a great bonus!!) So with that in mind, let’s
get started…

The acid and alkaline principles

You’ve probably heard of people, friends, family and even

nutritonists and doctors talk about healthy. Eatng healthy foods,
exercising to be healthy… but do you actually know what this
vague defniton of healthy is?

If you eat vegetables, does that make you healthy?

How about if you deep fry these vegetables is it stll healthy?

The acid and alkaline principles are the diference of thinking your
healthy or knowing what’s healthy and actually feeling healthy. It
has a defnite result and frankly this feeling is one of the biggest
reasons why it’s so easy to gain momentum and stck to it. You just
feel so good, so energized that it’s almost like a drug.

Your body likes to maintain a high ph which is slightly alkaline.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Your body actually fghts prety hard to do this because it works
best when it’s at this level. It struggles to keep alkaline because
99% of people live an acidic lifestyle. (Don’t worry, I was guilty of
this too!)

What happen is that when your body is acidic, it afects everything

down to our blood. The acidity of your blood actually strips the
electrons around the surface of each blood cell making them
polarized. This makes them clump together and slow down in your

This is what the blood of an acidic person actually looks like under
a microscope:

See how the cells clump together. This slows down the blood fow
which in turn slows down how much oxygen gets transported
through your body. Not enough oxygen means your body can’t
perform the basic tasks it has to and needs to work overtme,
reaching into your alkaline reserves just to bring your body back to

This is what your blood looks like when your body is more alkaline
and healthy:

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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As you can see, the cells are more round and plump, and they
don’t stck together. This allows your blood cells to fow easily,
supplying your body with the oxygen it craves.

So the acid and alkaline principles are all to do with getng oxygen
absorbed in your body. Your body’s ph level does fuctuate during
the day, but to detoxify and get oxygen absorbed, it needs to be
higher than 7.3, which is slightly alkaline.

So what makes our body acidic?

Quite a few things actually. Our emotons, what we eat, our

actvity levels… It’s more like a way of living than any diet or
exercise program.

Have you ever felt really sad, stressed or angry and it actually
made you feel sick? This is why. There is referred as acid emotons
and all they do is make you sick, throw out your hormone levels
and let you feel in the dumps.

This is basically how the acid and alkaline principles were

explained to me. I’m probably one of the most skeptcal guys in
the world so convincing me was prety damn hard. At frst I
thought it was a bit crazy and farfetched, but it just made so much

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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sense why I was able to eliminate my man boobs, where other try
hard with their crazy gym routnes and diets.

Try it for three days with 100% commitment and I don’t think
you’ll ever turn back.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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The Real Secret In Fluids

This is a crucial point because we need to start with what you put
into your body and how your body reacts to it. Having a plentful
supply of fuids throughout the day will make your body digest
foods faster. Water also helps your body alkalize and detoxify, so it
will help your circulatory system to make your exercise more
efectve. These factors in themselves will help you decrease your
fat rato.

There are two litle secrets I found that can supercharge the
efectveness of drinking water in your body:

1. Squeeze some lemon in your drinking water

2. Have green drinks to accelerate your body alkalizaton

Lemon is highly alkaline, so adding lemon to water increases its

alkalinity. This helps your body alkalize and you’ll feel beter for it.

Green drinks were a second litle discovery I made some tme ago
that kicks the alkalizing process into overdrive. I have at least one
a day and you can really feel the diference. Basically, it’s just
super-alkalizing organic vegetables in a powder for that you can
add to water and drink. It’s really hard getng access to alkalizing
foods, day in and day out, so green drinks are great. Sometmes
you can feed their healthy efect within minutes of drinking.

You should be able to get green drink supplements from any good
health food store but I’ve found it’s cheaper to get it from here:

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
17 | P a g e
There are many companies producing these green drinks now but
these are my pick for value. My favorite greens supplement is
supreme greens and they even now have capsule versions as well
to make it easier.

My regime is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. I know

this may sound a bit hard, but you need to keep it consistent. Even
one glass of orange juice or fruit juice is fne as long as it’s fresh
and not processed. Just stay away from colas and other artfcially
enhanced juices.

The best way to stay hydrated is having my lemon water prepared

and put in botles. Then, I just keep a botle with me wherever I
go. So when you’re thirsty you can just drink, instead of just
suppressing it. Afer a while you’ll fnd it just becomes second
nature and you’ll feel great for it.

If you can’t take a botle around with you, you can just drink water
around various snack tmes during the day. Every hour, have a
glass of water, it’s really is easy if you can stay consistent.

Now, a further point to do with fuids is to have a double dosage

before your bed tme. This will keep fuid in your body as you
sleep and that help your internal cycle functon at a higher
efciency. I will normally drink two glasses right before bed.

Also, in the morning as you wake up, drink a good glass or two of
lemon water as this will help “fush” your system.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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The more you help your digestve system and alkalize your body,
the less fat is actually stored by your body. Thus as a result, you
decrease fat automatcally, even if you do nothing else!

If you go out to exercise, make sure you have as much as you can.
Your sweat glands will excrete them out, causing your body to get
used to this type of fow.

Do not forget to get your fuids daily and at regular intervals. The
key is consistency and not over dosage all at once.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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The Truth About Detoxes, Cleanses
and all that “New Age” hype

I want to share with you my personal experience about the whole

plethora of slimming teas, detoxes, cleanses and all the over
hyped health products you see coming on the market. You see,
health has become a bit of an obsession for me over the last few
years and I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I prety much buy into
every new thing that comes out…

It’s not to say that I’m gullible, I know the health industry is a bit
under regulated… it’s just that if something new comes out that
actually works well, I want to be the frst to know about it.

So you’re probably asking… “What’s going to help me then?” I

started doing quite a large table of all the ones I’ve used and what
I experienced. But it ended up being way too confusing and

Because in the end, afer trying most supplements available…

there’s only one detox supplement I would actually recommend,
but using it a bit diferently to what the maker says. It’s colon
cleansing and it’s the quickest and easiest way I have found to
cleanse your body of toxins. It’s so good, you’ll actually feel it

The only thing is, most colon cleanse sellers recommend you
constantly take it… but I fnd your body just get’s used to it and it
stops working as well. I’ve found that doing the program for 3
months at a tme taking at least 3 month of afer works best.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Now the queston you’re probably asking is “How is a colon
cleanse going to help me get rid of my man boobs?” The key to
getng rid of man boobs is balancing your hormones, and the
quickest way to balance your hormones is to cleanse yourself of all
the acidic toxins in you body.

Also, colon cleanse programs use all natural ingredients, so you

don’t have to worry about anything harming your body.

A Colon Cleanse isn’t necessary to get rid of your man boobs… it

can just make it a lot easier. So, if you’re interested in trying it out,
here’s a website ofering free samples:


The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Biological Paterning

Sleep paterns are important to for fat loss routne and to keep
your body balanced. You need to ensure that you are getng
quality sleep every night to give your body more energy to
replenish and do automatc processes.

I have found that meditatng just 30 minutes before going to bed

is the key. This gets me to rest faster. Just close your eyes for
about 5 minutes and think about NOTHING. This may sound rather
hard at frst, but try this instead:

1. Think of a solid bullet in front of you

2. Just concentrate on how sharp and pointy it is.

3. Hold the thought for 5 minutes.

That’s it. You are focusing on nothing for the moment.

Afer a short meditaton, your sleep paterns can be re-adjusted to

optmal tming. It’s actually best to wake up early to the sun and
go to bed earlier.

There have been studies showing that staying up too late can be
unhealthy because of spoiled melatonin cycles. It’s easy to forget
about our natural, ideal biological clock in the day and age where
things go 24/7 in the whirl of electricity and technology.

Sleep not only helps you lose weight, but the hormones have an
antoxidant efect. That is another boost.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
22 | P a g e
Feel free to take a short 20-40 minute nap during the day, but
never do it right afer you eat though as it will make your system
store more fat.

Time your exercises near the sleep tmes (morning and evening)
for maximum efect without being too close, as a hard exercise at
night will not give you the quality of rest.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
23 | P a g e
You Are What You Eat…
But What Are You Eatng?
This may be arguably the most crucial secton, because fat loss is
the root of this. All the other exercises and routnes are focused
on building the chest in a specifc manner.

Now, I’m not going to talk about tracking your calories or anything
tedious like that, because that will just drain your energy. People
have been more efectve if they automatcally know what to do
throughout the day. It’s this natural and consistent behavior that
will help you get rid of your man boobs forever.

The major part of alkalizing your body is your diet. We have made
the biggest breakthroughs in losing your man boobs just in this
secton alone. In earlier editons of the Chest Coach System, I
covered dietng prety well, discussing exactly what I did to lose
my man boobs and I talked about the vegetarian diet I commited
to. I had alkalized my body without really knowing!

You see, it’s not just about watching what you eat and losing fat.
These alkalizing methods are one of the keys to actually regulatng
hormone levels and meltng of fat in the places you want.

Ahead, you’re going to see the litle food chart that’s going to be
your bible to putng anything in your body. I’ve squeezed it into
one page so you can print it out and put it on your fridge or
somewhere you can refer to it every day.

You will fnd some alkaline purists that will tell you only eat
alkaline foods and don’t touch acidic foods with a ten foot stck.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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I’m not too stressed about it like that… Think of it more like
guidelines more than rules. I fnd that a 75% alkaline – 25% acid is
a good real world balance that I maintain.

So there are stll acidic foods in my diet, but it’s balanced out by
the alkaline majority.

As you can see from the chart, there are a couple modifcatons
you can change straight away such as using olive oil instead of
others and raw sugar instead of white.

You’ll see that generally fruits and vegetables are alkaline, but not
all and some are beter than others. If you’re wondering if what
you’re about to put in your much is acidic or not generally if it’s
processed, sweet or spicy it is. Smoking and alcohol aren’t on the
chart, but they’re really acidic. The rule of thumb is that the more
natural it is, the more of a chance it’s alkaline.

Meats are acidic because basically they’re dead. But arguable you
stll need them for iron and protein and should fall into your acidic
25% allowance. Try and get organic or free range chicken because
most other ones are pumped with estrogen to make them grow
quicker (bad for us if we’re trying to balance hormones).

Garlic is widely known to be a good fat burner. In fact there are

even garlic capsules sold for fat loss. On the Acid and Alkaline
Food Chart you can see why it’s so efectve. It’s highly alkaline!
Use garlic in you cooking when you can to your taste.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Acid and Alkaline Food Chart
FOOD CATEGORY High Alkaline Alkaline Low Alkaline Low Acid Acid High Acid
Carrots, Tomatoes,
Asparagus, Okra, Squash, Fresh Corn, Potatoes
Onions, Vegetable Green Beans, Mushrooms, (without
BEANS, Cooked
Juices, Parsley, Beets, Celery, Cabbage, Peas, skins), Pinto
Raw Spinach, Letuce, Caulifower, Turnip, Beans, Navy
LEGUMES Kidney Beans
Broccoli, Garlic, Zucchini, Sweet Beetroot, Potato Beans, Lima
Barley Grass Potato, Carob Skins, Olives, Beans
Soybeans, Tofu

Dates, Figs, Blueberries,

Oranges, Bananas,
Lemons, Limes, Melons, Grapes, Plums, Sour Cherries, Cranberries,
FRUIT Grapefruit, Papaya, Kiwi, Processed Rhubarb, Prunes,
Pineapple, Peaches,
Mangoes, Papayas Berries, Apples, Fruit Juices Canned Fruit Sweetened Fruit
Pears, Raisins Juice

Rye Bread,
White Rice,
Amaranth, Millet, Sprouted Wheat, White
GRAINS, CEREALS Lentls, Sweet corn, Wheat Bread, Bread, Pastries,
Wild Rice, Quinoa Spelt, Brown Biscuits, Pasta
Oats, Rye

Liver, Oysters,
Organic/free range Venison, Cold Turkey, Beef, Pork,
Chicken breast Water Fish, Chicken, Lamb Shellfsh

Eggs, Buter,
Soy Cheese, Soy Yogurt,
EGGS & DAIRY Milk, Goat Milk, Butermilk, Raw Milk
Milk, Ice Cream,
Goat Cheese, Whey Cotage
Cheese, Cream

Chestnuts, Brazils, Sesame,
NUTS & SEEDS Almonds Cashews, Peanuts, Walnuts
Hazelnuts, Coconut Sunfower

Corn Oil,
Sunfower Oil,
OILS Olive Oil Flax Seed Oil Canola Oil

Herb Teas, Lemon Beer, Liquor, Sof

BEVERAGES Green Tea Ginger Tea Tea, Cocoa Cofee, Wine
Water Drinks

White Sugar,
Brown Sugar,
Molasses, Jam, Artfcial
SWEETENERS, Maple Syrup, Raw Honey, Raw Processed
Stevia Ketchup, Sweeteners,
CONDIMENTS Rice Syrup Sugar Honey
Mayonnaise, Chocolate

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26 | P a g e
How To Optmize Fat Loss
By Eatng More Ofen
The tming of how meals are consumed can be optmized for fat
loss. This is a priceless secret because I can tell you it’s worked
nicely for me previously (and worth the price of the book to
realize this). Simply - eat more ofen, in smaller quanttes.

It might sound a bit counterproductve at frst but let me explain.

Your metabolism is fueled every tme you eat, which means
greater fat loss because your body is just burning more when
you’re restng. Also, eatng 5-6 tmes a day makes it a whole lot
easier to avoid bad, acidic foods because you won’t be hungry.

Eatng 5-6 tmes a day also gives your body regular access to
protein. This allows you to avoid muscle catabolism, which can
afect your hormones.

The hardest part of this is being able to prepare 5-6 meals a day,
but you’re in luck because I’m going to make it a lot easier by
letng you in on how I do it.

Every meal should include protein and fber to stmulate your

metabolism and suppress your hunger. These two will also help
you build stronger muscles, cleanse your system and further boost
your metabolism.

Now, let’s go over some foods I’d highly recommend avoiding.

Take out anything that you know has a plentful excess of
saturated fats and replace it with healthier, alkaline foods. This

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includes most fast foods and convenience foods. If you must at
certain tmes, go ahead, but remember to severely limit it.

Sometmes, I’ve had incidences where people just couldn’t control

it. Thus, I like to use this afrmaton each tme I eat and repeat it
like a mantra every tme I go to sleep. This way, I remember it

“I only eat healthy foods consistently because I AM eliminatng my

chest fat forever”

Something like that should be repeated untl you can control your
urges at most points in your day.

Another method it to use the ancient Chinese acupuncture secret.

(towards the end of this manual)

As for meats, I recommend you to start eatng less meats and

more alkaline salads and vegetables. These will help your body
detoxify and put you in a state where it’s far easier to shred your
chest fat.

It will also decrease your amount of saturated fat many tmes if

you are used to eatng less healthy. Sometmes, if you are really
hungry for meats, eat some nuts or legumes. Make yourself a bit
full and you will desire food less.

If you sufer from a certain trait where you must eat food at
certain triggers (i.e. I used to eat when I was depressed). Simply
only allow yourself to fll up on healthy foods and you will be
forcing a new regime on yourself. This is one area to take
advantage of.

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Also, I’ve seen many people tell me that they tend to overeat. I
use to have the same experience. The brain does not tell you that
you are too full untl you actually are past that stage since it takes
a while to register that. Thus, the rule of thumb is to eat untl you
are totally content, and stop. Do not eat untl you are full. When
you are full, it is already too late.

The last key to this piece is about spreading out your meals into
small chunks during the day. Eat every 2-3 hours if you can or as
ofen as possible in small dosages. Use snacks to fll up during the
day if you can. If you work at an ofce during the day, be sure to
bring along some extra food that you can spread out during breaks
i.e. fruits, nuts, and honey oat bars.

Eatng over many dosages during the day gets your body used to a
fast metabolism and that will help “trick” your body into burning
fat. This speeding up does wonders for fat rato reducton.

This is an example of how to structure daily meals.

6:30 Breakfast
Scrambled Eggs with steamed vegetables (the frozen kind are
cheap, easy and nutritous)

8:30 Post-gym shake

Low fat Milk
Natural Yoghurt
Flaxseed oil
Whey protein powder
(All blended nicely in a blender)

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A side note on whey protein: If you’re buying protein at the
moment, STOP and have a look at how to make beter quality
protein relatvely cheaply using the homemade supplements
guide found here:

11pm Brunch
2 handfuls of nuts with a piece of fruit

1:30pm Lunch
Chicken breast with salad on the side

4pm Lunner (you know, the snack between lunch and dinner...)
2 handfuls of nuts with a piece of fruit

6:30 Dinner
Fish with vegetables on the side (again the quick frozen vegetables
are best)

As you see, the day consists of 3 snacks and 3 meals. The place
most people fall apart is ftng in the 3 snacks during the day. The
key is the other meals have to be smaller because you know you
have to eat again in around 2 and a half hours. Snacks should be
easy to prepare and quick to eat so you can maintain momentum.

Also, a thing you should note. Avoid eatng afer 8pm as you end
up storing most of the food you eat as fat. It doesn’t mater what
tme you’re going to sleep, if you eat late, you’re risking slowing
down your progress.

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The key I have found to implementng the diet strategy is that the
more I ate healthy, the less I wanted to get back to my unhealthy
diet. Literally, your body adapts over tme. Just try it and watch.

A secret to implementng this in the long term is to have 1 day a

week (yes only one) where you have a free day to eat whatever
you want. This is good to take care of cravings because you can
just save it for that day. It also strangely enough helps lose weight
if you need to because it varies your calorie intake.

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Good Fat Snacks That
Boosts Testosterone Levels
The hardest parts of implementng this new way of eatng are
those sometmes annoying meals in between regular meals. These
snacks are hard sometmes, but they are important to keep your
metabolism going and combat hunger.

These snacks are the perfect tmes to get in a litle hero when it
comes to testosterone producton, monounsaturated fats. You’ve
probably heard about good fats and bad fats, monounsaturated
fats are one of the good guys the helps boost testosterone
producton. Also, try stay away from bad fats such as saturated
and trans fats.

These are a couple of useful ideas I use to make those all

important testosterone boostng snacks really quick and easy:

The frst types of snack I eat ofen are nuts such as almonds and
peanuts. They’re high in monounsaturated fats, have great protein
and fber content, they taste great, and most of all, they’re easy to
have access to. I keep them in resealable bags in my car, at the
ofce and in my pantry. I usually have access to them everywhere
for that quick fx.

The second type of snack I have is shakes. Add faxseed oil for that
boost of monounsaturated fats. They’re actually quite easy to
prepare and I usually make one in under 3 minutes. The beneft of
making shakes is that you can add yoghurt, milk and whey powder
to get your daily requirement of calcium and protein, which will
help in alkalizing your body. Be creatve and fnd what you like.

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Other foods high in testosterone boostng monounsaturated fats
include avocado and olive oil. Try integratng them as well into
your diet to get you daily dose of this special testosterone
boostng type of fat.

I’m sure you’ll have some ideas of things you can prepare earlier
to get your snacks in. These are just some of my favorites.

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A Common Indian Spice That Amazingly
Helps Melt Chest Fat Away
This common, relatvely cheap Indian spice can have amazing
efects on guys looking to eliminate chest fat. It’s called turmeric
and can usually be found in an Indian or Asian food store. The
actve ingredient in turmeric is Curcumin which is known for its
anttumor, antoxidant and ant-infammatory propertes. But it’s
also been reported to help guys eliminate man boobs by simply
just adding it to their diet.

When choosing turmeric, try and get the fresh type because the
processing to turn it into powder can slightly diminish its unique
propertes. To be efectve you would need at least 20 grams of
fresh grated turmeric root every day untl you eliminate all your
chest fat. Yes that’s 20 grams, it’s not very concentrated so you
need quite a bit.

If you’re struggling to fnd turmeric, you may have to opt for the
power or capsule form found in most supermarkets, or even the
supplements which you should be able to get in a good health
food store. When using supplements, please follow the
recommendatons on the back as it is more concentrated.

Here’s a place you can get good quality turmeric capsules cheaply:

There have been mixed results from guys using turmeric. It’s been
mostly positve but some do say it has no efect. Combined with
the alkaline eatng habits and alkaline fuid intake, you will be
prepping your body for the full efects that turmeric can have. Try

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it for at least 30 days before you decide, it’s really cheap and most
guys have been giving positve feedback when using it this way.

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The Simple Mineral That’s Essental
To Balancing Your System
Calcium is one of the most underrated and least understood
elements you need in your body. Sure, generally people know that
calcium is essental for developing bones, but it doesn’t stop

Studies have shown that Calcium has proven to have an efect on

general weight loss. In controlled situatons, groups of people who
consumed around 500mg of calcium daily actually lose more
weight than people who don’t take it. If you understand how
calcium works in the body, you would understand why this
happens and how it can help you eliminate your man boobs.

Calcium to acid in your body is like water is to fre. It neutralizes

acid and helps oxygen fow through your body. So calcium is
essental to your body’s alkalizing process. When your body is over
acidic, it instnctvely starts to fght for self preservaton. So it can
dip into the alkaline reserves in your bones to help you survive.
Have you ever notced how most elderly people shrink as they get
older? This is one of the reasons why this happens.

Your body needs calcium, but on its own, you can’t really absorb it
properly. Vitamin D is the essental link to utlize calcium in your
body. Good sources of vitamin D are tuna, fsh and even natural
sunlight. Sunlight is probably is one of the easier optons and you
should look to get at least 1 hour of natural sunlight a day.

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You’ll notce that a few dairy products are now being fortfed with
vitamin D. Chose these over the other kind because it does
multply the efect calcium has in your body.

Also, if you’re looking to use supplements, get one with vitamin D

included. The calcium supplement I use is harvested from the
coral reefs of Japan and are said to be extremely absorbable by
your body.

Here’s a link to a web store where you can get it relatvely cheaply:

Please Note: This is the same online shop as the green drinks.

Calcium does play quite a major role in the alkalizing process, so

it’s recommended you try a supplement and see how you do with

I was never big on supplements, but afer taking this one I just felt
so much beter and best of all, it was 100% natural.

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How To Detoxify & Oxygenate
Your Body In Just Under A Minute
Alkalizing is all about getng oxygen into our body and being able
to absorb it beter. So naturally the way you breathe can afect
how your body turns alkaline. This is a special breathing technique
that will help maximize how much oxygen gets absorbed by you. It
also helps detoxify your body making you feel great!

I can’t really take any credit for this. It was one of the skills I was
taught by my Kung fu instructor. By the way, martal arts is a great
form of exercise – it’s fun and doesn’t feel like efort.

Master Pang says to take a deep breath, push it down to your

lower lungs, hold it for 5 seconds, then breathe out everything in
your lungs. Then repeat 2 more tmes.

This litle breathing exercise allows you to regain your breath,

calms you down and makes you feel balanced.

I’m stll not entrely sure if Master Pang knows how this litle
breathing technique works, but I did a litle research, talked to
some alkaline experts and found out why it works so well.

In your body, your lower lungs are larger than the upper ones. So
how this breathing exercise works is that it takes plenty of air in,
allows your larger lower lungs to absorb the oxygen it needs then
get rids of the acidic toxins by expelling all the air in your lungs.

Here’s how to do it when you break it down:

1. Breathe in for 2 seconds to fll your lungs your lungs

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2. Push the air into your lower lungs and hold for 5 seconds
3. Breathe out for 4 seconds expelling all air from your lungs
4. Repeat 4 more tmes

This breathing exercise doesn’t sound like much, but it works

really well to detoxify your system. You will even feel calmer and
more alert afer.

Do it once afer you wake up, before and afer workouts and once
when you go to sleep. It doesn’t take very long and you will feel
great afer.

Balancing your body is all about alkalizing and so getng oxygen

into your body accelerates your progress. It’s also great to have
this litle tool to center yourself, whenever you need to.

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39 | P a g e
Easy Exercises To Sculpt
Your Chest At Home
I want to show you how generally the best ways I’ve found to burn
of fat in conjuncton with these alkalizing diet methods. These
methods emphasize the fat rato reducton factors but with
specialized techniques to get rid of man boobs.

This secton is specifcally for guys working out at home. I do

recommend getng a gym membership to accelerate your results.
Nevertheless, this chapter will come in handy if you’re just startng
out, or if you can’t get to a gym. Having these tools at your
fngertps means that you can get in a training session where ever
you are.

There are really 2 categories of exercise - Cardio and resistance

training. Whatever size you are, I recommend you do both, not
just to lose your man boobs, but for your overall health as well.
Resistance training should be done 2 to 3 tmes a week with at
least 1 day break in between training days. Eg. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.

The frst thing I recommend is using your chest coach journal to

record each training session, no mater how you go in it. This is
important to see how your increases in intensity are afectng your

You should aim to exercise in the morning or earlier on in the day,

as well as later in the day but more than 3 hours before bed.
Doing this stmulates your metabolism twice as much, but can
multply your efectveness up to 4 tmes. There have also been

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hundreds of practcal results that prove this, so use it where you

If done properly, resistance training will sculpt muscles and

stmulate testosterone. The muscle will help burn fat while you
sleep and the increase in testosterone will help balance your
hormones, letng you lose fat in the places you want.

You will need to set aside 30 minutes for this routne. It works the
chest as well as other areas because greater general muscle mass
will help burn more fat. I found it’s really hard to stay motvated
when you’re at home or stuck somewhere where you can’t get to
a gym and this seems to be the perfect amount of tme to commit
to. Don’t worry, it’s going to be a prety intense 30 minutes.

The Routne

Jumping jacks

Stand upright with feet together and hands by your side. Raise
your hands to your side and up above your head, as you move
your feet out to the side. Then bring your feet back and hands

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Statonary seat

You need to fnd a clear wall to do this. It may sound easy but it’s
actually prety demanding. Push your back on the wall as you’re in
a positon you would be in if you were sitng in a chair. Hold for
30+ seconds and this is counted as one set.

Alternatng sit-ups

Lie on your back with knees up. Put your hands just behind your
ears and sit-up as you alternate which elbow and knee you

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Step up

Whip out something sturdy you can step on such as a small stool.
The step should go up to mid shin level. Now step up with one
foot and join with the other foot. Then step down. Repeat with
alternatng feet stepping up.

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Diamond hands technique


I want to teach a specialized form of pushup that will help your

chest area far beter than any regular pushups can ever hope for.
Lie on your stomach and stretch your hands and arms out in front,
just over your head. Place one palm over the other and then lif
your body up where the only contact points to the ground is your
feet and your palms with arms stretched straight over your head.
The beginner version is to lif up from your knees. This specialized
pushup not only strengthens your chest, it also conditons your
abs and your entre torso area.

When doing diamond hands exercise, take 1 second to go up and

3 seconds going down. This is also the general rule for all exercises

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to make sure you get maximum efect. Also, keep your back
straight to avoid straining any muscles.

How to do the routne

Do each exercise in groups of 12 with 30 seconds rest in between
each one. It works best to perform them one by one and then
repeat 2 more tmes from the start. So there will be 3 sets of 12
for each. At this rep range and rest interval, the routne is more
aerobic than muscle building which is exactly what you want.

Next I’m going to show you a method that specifcally targets the
chest area… because sometmes getng your fat rato down is just
not enough to do the trick. It has happened to me so I want to
show you how I fxed that:

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The Iron Squeeze Method
Here’s a litle trick taken from sports conditoning that will
strengthen the blood fow near your chest and directly causing
more fat to be burned in the process.

Here’s how we do it:

1. Flex the area of your chest, your

pectorals as hard as you can. This is
just tensing the muscle so it becomes
hard. Normally you can do this by
fexing your arm and doing this by
the side. Your pectorals will naturally
fex as well. Hold this fexed positon
for 2 minutes during this tme.

2. Rub and massage the pectoral area,

as if blood is fowing through the
area, do this for about 1 minute.
Keep the muscle fexed at this tme
as well.

3. Next as you feel blood fowing there

for a minute, squeeze the entre
pectoral area frmly in your palm.
Hold that frmly (not too hard) for
another brief moment.

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You will see a marked diference in how fast you progress with
chest training exercises if you do this both before and afer a

On non-workout days use this variaton B, once in the morning,

then again at night. Variaton B of the iron squeeze method does a
notceable trick on the outside of the pectoral areas, while
standing up.

1. Stretch your arms and hold your hands

together behind your back, lowered
behind your butocks. This is like you
are holding your arms behind the back.

2. Now, breathe in deeply to expand your

chest out so your back is perfectly

3. Flex the chest area WHILE stretching

to the best of your ability. This is
meant to stmulate not only the muscle
underneath but also nerve endings not
frequently used by suferers of the
conditon. Hold it there for about 30

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Variaton B of the exercise is specifcally meant to contour the
chest as tme goes on by actvatng this area. Make sure you
maintain the fat loss methods at the same tme.

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48 | P a g e
The Right Way To Do Cardio
Cardio is probably the best thing your can do for fat loss. It’s also
helps reduce stress, strengthens your heart and lungs and it’s also
great for your bones.

The use of cardio is usually for general fat loss, but you can almost
trick your body into losing more on your chest by using iron
squeeze technique before and afer.

The one important thing with cardio is to have sessions at least 6

hours apart from resistance training to avoid over training. This
means if you’re doing resistance training in the morning, it’s best
to come back in the evening or the next day to do cardio.

I do recommend taking up a recreatonal physical actvity to help

get your recommended 3-5 cardio sessions in each week. I fnd it
much easier than anything else because it’s fun and a litle
competton actually pushes you to your limits beter than
anything else.

Group sports are great for cardio, but it’s also good to have
actvites you can do by yourself. The thing that makes group
sports good for cardio it the stop-start nature of the actvites.

Think about a car and when it uses the most gas. Is it when it’s
traveling the fastest? No! It’s actually when you’re acceleratng…
when the car is trying to gain speed. The same thing happens in
your body. Most people believe intensity in cardio training session
means how quick you go or how high the resistance is. You can get
quicker results is shorter tme by using fuctuatng intensity

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training. Group sports just let this happen without you having to
think about it.

So what can you do?

I personally have taken up martal arts which has been great. I
always thought it was just for kids, but I have been happily
surprised. Martal arts also has many other benefts including self-
confdence, co-ordinaton and discipline in yourself. If you do take
this opton, don’t setle for the frst club you fnd, try out a couple
and fnd the one you like.

Later on I also added playing squash a couple tmes a week. You

might think that I have quite a full schedule, but it’ll really easy
when you just have fun doing it. I found a squash partner and
have permanent scheduled tmes every week.

Another thing you could consider taking up is swimming. Join a

recreaton swim club if you have to. This will push you. Swimming
is one exercise that will burn fat fast. Concentrate on a lot of the
upper body strokes such as the front crawl or the buterfy. The
arm rotatons will help strengthen your pectoral outer areas.

The next exercise I highly recommend is aerobic walking but this

has a bit of a twist to add fuctuatng intensity. Even if it’s in your
neighborhood, this will do wonders for your body if you do it 1-2
tmes a week.

The method that was taught to me was to divide up your session

into intervals of 1 minute. Then alternate between slow and fast
speeds but trying to get slightly faster every tme. This can be
really intense so you might want to limit these interval sessions to
20-30 minutes.

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You can use interval training on gym cardio equipment too. The
best equipment at the gym for this are:
• Cross trainer
• Treadmill
• Bike
• rowing (great for the chest!)

If you measure calories lost during regular interval training you’ll

fnd that it will show up less than what it would show in regular
training sessions. So does it burn fewer calories? Well the answer
is yes and no. The session does burn less calories, but you actually
burn more calories afer your session then you normally would.
This makes all the diference. Less tme, quicker results – that’s
what this program is all about.

I strongly encourage doing cardio the very frst thing in the

morning, before you even eat. This is by far the most efectve
tme for cardio training. Whether you swim, jog, walk, run, jump
rope, take an aerobics class, or bike, doing cardio frst thing in the
morning on an empty stomach will seriously maximize fat loss.

When you do cardio frst thing in the early morning, you haven't
eaten anything for many hours because you were sleeping. Thus,
when your body has no carbohydrates to burn, it starts burning
that stored fat instead. This is especially true for fat on your
pectoral and belly areas.

Remember, aerobic exercise has to be very intense for maximum

efectveness. In my opinion, 95% of the people I see at the gym
sweatng the machines are wastng their efort and tme. They'll
spend hours and hours doing the statonary bicycle or Stairmaster.

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Sadly, the end result is usually minuscule. This is due to the fact
that they are exercising at a low heart rate. This does not give the
heart, lungs, and muscles that “burst” stmulus, like you get in
interval training.

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52 | P a g e
The Advanced Gym Program
That Quickly Dissolves Chest Fat
Some people can’t go without their gym memberships; others
love to hate the gym. Frankly I know both sides because I used to
hate the thought of going to the gym, but now I don’t know what
I’d do without it. Those endorphins that kick in during a workout…
Just love it.

The Chest Coach System is good without this gym program. But if
you want to accelerate results and also do wonders for your
health, this advanced gym program is the way to go. Also, if you’ve
been training in a gym for a while, you can just integrate these
methods into your current routne. So you can turn your focus to
dissolving your chest fat.

Beyond the home exercises, I am going to show you the weight

room regime that will focus on exactly what we want, heightened
testosterone levels and muscle sculptng.

I’ve read quite a bit of literature on the topic of training in the

gym. Low reps, high reps, high sets, splits, full body, compound
focused, isolaton focused… I’ve probably tried every imaginable
diferent type of workout. But I’ve found what works the best for
losing man boobs.

Compound exercises combined with the escalatng density of the

weights allow heightened testosterone levels and stmulates
muscle fbers, sculptng the areas you want. The short rest
intervals also makes this routne aerobic, which will build your
metabolism and burn more fat. This is what the routne revolves

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around. It employs compound chest exercises, as well as back and
legs as these are the major muscle groups in your body.

Perform the decline and incline bench press more than the regular
because it is these two that will chisel the chest beter than the
regular bench press. These are done at the start and at the end, to
maximize results for your chest.

Each weight for every rep range should be just enough so you are
just struggling at the end, but you stll have good form. You should
also look to slightly increase weights every 2 weeks.

The routne works best if done three tmes a week, with at least 1
day rest in between. I have found Monday, Wednesday and Friday
to work really well.

Each exercise has 2 phases, the resistance and then bringing the
weight back. The resistance phase should be done quickly; over 1
second, then hold for another second, then take 3 seconds to take
the weight back. This is 5 seconds for each rep. Also, a rest period
of around 45-60 seconds in between each set is ideal for recovery.
It’s easier to let this go longer so be aware of this and restrict it.
Workouts need ideally need to be less than 50 minutes to be
efectve, otherwise you will be overtraining.

Record your progress in a table like this (you can print it out and
add it to your Chest Coach Journal). Here’s the routne:

Please start with a 3-5 minutes warm up and fnish with a 3-5
minute cool down to reduce the risk of injury.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Exercise Rep range / Weight
Dumbbell Incline presses 12 10 8
Seated cable rows 12 10
Wide grip lat pull down 8 6
Seated duel dumbbell curls 12 10 8 6
Triceps pushdown 12 10 8 6
Alternated weighted crunches 12 10 8 6
Assisted Squats 12 10 8 6
Dumbbell decline bench press 12 10 8

Please note: there are missing rep ranges for some exercises.

How to do each exercise:

Dumbbell Incline presses

Put the incline of the bench to about 35 degrees. Hold the weights
on your legs and put them on your chest as your sit back. Take
them out to the side, palms faced down. Push up while turning
palms in, squeezing the chest muscles. Bring back to the side.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

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Seated cable rows

Keep knees bent and back straight. You can lean back slightly as
long as your back is kept straight. Pull the cable towards you,
maintaining posture and squeezing shoulder blades together.
Release back slowing and repeat.

Wide grip lat pull down

Hold the bar wide, on the straight part before the bend. Pull to
your chest in front while keeping your back straight. Release back
up slowly.

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Seated duel dumbbell curls

Put the bench in an upright or slightly angled positon. Hold a

dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in. Pull both dumbbells
towards your chest while twistng, so your palms face your chest
at the top. Take the dumbbells back twistng palm to original

Triceps pushdown

On the triceps cable machine take positon, back straight while

leaning slightly in. Pull the bar down moving your elbows toward
your side. Extend your arms down, but avoid locking elbows. Bring
back up slowly.

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Assisted Squats

If you haven’t done this one before, I’d advise you to grab
someone from the gym staf to demonstrate frst to avoid injury.
On the hack squat machine, load up weight and put stoppers in if
available to prevent injury. Get into positon so the machine is
supported by your shoulders and your knees are slightly bent.
Push up using your shoulders, unlock machine and squat to the
point where your upper legs are just about at a right angle to your
lower leg. Push back up and repeat. Remember to lock the
machine afer fnished.

Alternated weighted crunches

Lie down with your knees up. Grab a weight plate and hold it to
your chest. Then crunch up, touching your right elbow to your lef
knee, ensuring your neck is straight and not straining. Repeat for
the other side.

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Dumbbell decline bench presses

Put the bench in decline, and then perform as for dumbbell incline
bench press.

As you can see, you start and fnish with your chest. Also there’re
2 arm exercises there that are optonal, they’re there to be
complete if you want to add size to your arm muscles.

This workout is also great if you don’t have a gym partner yet. It’s
designed so you can do it yourself, without necessarily needed any
assistance from anyone else. But you should feel comfortable with
each exercise before you enter the gym.

Keep at these and remember to drink plenty of fuids over the

course of your workout. At the end of a workout, try cardio
equipment on slow for 3-5 minutes to cool down. Most people
avoid a cool down afer the gym, but that’s because they don’t
know what it’s for. You do it to avoid feeling really tred right afer
and reduce the change of injury.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
59 | P a g e
The Ancient Chinese
Acupressure Secret

Afer speaking to numerous people who are familiar in this area, a

few spoke of pressure points that stmulate certain areas of the
brain. In partcular, the one of interest to us is that which controls
dietng and fat loss.

One important point is on the protruding cartlage on the outside

of the ear. It is shown in the illustraton below:

Simply, press and hold this point for 3 minutes, with your index
fnger. Even go ahead and massage it gently. The point has a direct
efect on the brain’s trigger for appette. Many tmes, you may not
need food, but your habits have driven this desire to come out
when it’s not needed. This will turn into over consumpton if not

By doing this pressure exercise, you should feel less tempted to be

hungry at each urge. It works nicely! The main beneft is to use
this towards controlling when and how ofen you are eatng,
especially if you have those problems.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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“All About Gynecomasta”
Bonus eBook - Important Excerpt

NOTE: I’ve taken some small excerpts out of this book and am
presentng it to you in a more practcal, concise manner because
this is very helpful informaton for those who want to dig deeper
into the nature of gynecomasta.

I have also taken a few excerpts from interviewing some experts

on this topic.

It is normally considered that there are three types of


The frst type is simply having an excessive percentage of body fat.

This case does not involve enlarged glands or ducts. This will cause
both the belly and chest areas to protrude out naturally. The key
to solving this case is simply intense fat loss methods as described

It is believed that 90 to 95% of all cases are from the frst type.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

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The second type of this case is normally seen when the fat is
concentrated inside the chest, even if the rest of the body leans
out. Many people falsely believe it’s hopeless or that “spot fat
loss” (concentratng only on losing fat in the chest region) is
impossible. This is true to some extent, but with a diligent efort at
the Chest Coach techniques, this chest fat will eventually budge to

The most efectve ways to handle this are to use the dietng
methods and “Iron squeeze” on the chest area for a bit more

The causes of the second type are generally post-puberty induced

where the body estrogen factors cause the fat to store up, and
never leave. Taking drugs to re-initate a testosterone cycle is not
recommended, in my opinion, because the results can go either
way. Alcohol abuse is another potental cause or agent that
contributes to this category, which is linked to the liver. It is yet
not certain exactly how this produces enlarged breasts. This leads

The third and fnal case is where the conditon is normally started
from the use of drugs or some type of induced hormone therapy.
Usually, this has been suspected to lead to an imbalance of the
estrogen and androgen producton, efectng where fat is stored.

Aside from fat deposit, it can also cause the duct glands behind
the nipple area to enlarge, which further leads to the “male
breast” appearance.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

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The reason it’s very difcult is because the situaton is very
unpredictable depending on the drugs/substances that were

Now, the last category is virtually “congenital” gynecomasta,

where the glands in the breast area are naturally larger. Normally
the breasts here are very unsymmetrical or disproportoned, even
in the newborn.

There is also speculaton of where hormone-treated livestock may

have some efect on humans who may or may not be susceptble
to this. This can also contribute to a hormone imbalance and
partcularly creates the efect in young men going through
puberty. However, there is no correlated evidence yet.

There are a couple ways to pinpoint your category out of the three

The frst type is very obvious given that you can measure your
height/weight rato and body fat percentages at your doctor’s
ofce. Obesity is the frst thing to reduce before giving any other
conclusions to the other two categories. In many cases, if you’ve
had “man boobs” all your life, this is your lucky day because it’s all
about intensive fat loss.

If the nipples are enlarged and disproportonate, even afer losing

a signifcant amount of weight, then most likely you have the
second category of this conditon. Lots of direct massage and iron
squeeze will reduce this over tme. The unsymmetrical nipples
case can be rather difcult, but you have to see over tme.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
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Note that if your breasts are signifcantly asymmetrical, this may
be a very serious issue and it is highly recommended to consult
your medical professional immediately, as it may an indicator of
something more serious than faty tssue and hormone imbalance
remnants. The same goes for signs such as pain or strange
discharge. It is far beter to be safe than sorry, so have it checked
in those cases.

When in doubt, a mammography or x-ray with your doctor or

medical professional can reveal a lot about your medical

Aside from those cases, if you have had a chronic conditon or a

period of drug usage (normally steroids or some testosterone
altering substance), then it is most likely the third category. By
using the mentoned methods, this normally only reduces it to
some degree, however many tmes it’s not possible to totally
eliminate it.

The frst thing to make sure of is to stop the substance abuse

immediately (unless this was instructed by your medical
professional for regular usage). This will factor away the primary

Only if you feel you have been struggling with the third case,
should you consider the surgeon. I avoid the surgery at all costs,
but that’s me. You’ll need to make that personal decision if this is
the case for you.

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
64 | P a g e
An End Note From Clif

These outlined techniques have been the most efectve, natural

method to eliminate man boobs from your life without the use of
surgery. I hope you beneft well from these techniques as I and
hundreds of members have.

The results of this program are usually permanent and there have
been no reported cases where man boobs have come back.

Do email me your story when you get success in the long term. I
love to know how my readers fare with these discovered

The Chest Coach System has evolved into the concise descripton
of these specialized techniques due to member feedback. We’re
always looking on ways to improve, so if you do have any
improvements that have worked well for you, please let us know
so we can share it with other members.

To your new found success,

Clif Manchaster

The “Chest Coach System” Manual By Clif Manchaster

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
65 | P a g e
My View On Man Boobs Supplements
I do believe that one day there will be some sort of supplements
worth mentoning in this secton. I guess if there are ways to
naturally get rid of man boobs, there’s probably a way to package
that in a pill of some sort that has the same efects. Nevertheless,
there is nothing out there yet that is a complete soluton. And yes,
we’ve seen them all.

Sure there are many supplements that make big claims, but none
have proved to have any real results. Some have even had
dangerous consequences for some of our subscribers, which
resulted in instant nausea, vomitng and muscle spasms.

That’s why we don’t recommend you taking any of these. They are
mostly developed by small one man operatons and don’t have
the research budget to make any real inroads.

Nevertheless, if something does come up, you’ll be the frst to

know as one of our members.

- Clif

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