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LATCH- A breastfeeding Charting System and Documentation Tool

4 key components:
The problem:
The goal:
The aim: Increase the number of infants who breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 monts of life
The measure: evaluating how well the criteria have been met.
- One- to- one education
- Learning sessions

Outpatient, integrated lactation consultant (LC) and nurse practitioner model to improve
breastfeeding support,

Staff lactation consultants at first PCP visit after newborn hospital discharge to provide
immediate support, address problems and then schedule as needed Lactation Consultant/ PCP

Primary Care Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding

Action 8: Develop systems to guarantee continuity of skilled support for lactation between
hospitals and health care settings in the community.

1. PEMAT-P for printable materials (e.g., brochures, pamphlets, PDFs), consisting of 17 items
measuring understandability and 7 items measuring actionability.

2. PEMAT-A/V for audiovisual materials (e.g., videos, multimedia materials), consisting of 13

items measuring understandability and 4 items measuring actionability.

PEMAT- to be completed by health professional, it will measure outcomes of understandability

of breastfeeding benefits and the ability to meet goals of breasfeeding education video content.
Videos could be accessed thorugh the patient portal.

Postpartum and neonate and newborn checklist for primary care providers

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