Natural Honey and Black Radish Juice As Tin Corrosion Inhibitors

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Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504

Natural honey and black radish juice as tin corrosion inhibitors

I. Radojčić a, K. Berković a, S. Kovač b,*, J. Vorkapić-Furač a
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Faculty of Food Technology, University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Kuhačeva 18, 31000 Osijek, Croatia

Received 30 January 2008; accepted 30 January 2008

Available online 16 February 2008


The influence of natural honey (chestnut and acacia) and natural honey with black radish juice, on corrosion of tin in aqueous and
sodium chloride solutions was studied using weight loss and polarization techniques. The inhibition efficiency of acacia honey was lower
than that of chestnut honey, while the addition of black radish juice increased the inhibition efficiency of both honey varieties. The pro-
cess of inhibition was attributed to the formation of multilayer adsorbed film on the tin surface. The adsorption of natural honey and
honey with black radish on tin was found to follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Natural honey; Black radish juice; Corrosion; Inhibition; Tin

1. Introduction an increased interest in employing naturally occurring sub-

stances and extracts which fulfil the requirements to be
Food industry usually employs a tin plate as an amba- used as effective corrosion inhibitors. Two papers appeared
lage material for making tin cans, which upon exposing dealing with natural honey as corrosion inhibitor for coo-
to food components undergo corrosion process [1]. One per in neutral aqueous solution and C-steel in high saline
of the most effective alternatives for the protection of water. The results obtained confirmed that honey was effec-
metallic surfaces against corrosion is the use of corrosion tive as an inhibitor of corrosion [5,6]. Also, at the Univer-
inhibitors (inorganic or organic). The inorganic inhibitors sity of Manchester Institute of Science Yin Jin Yee
act as anodic inhibitors while the organic inhibitors form submitted a thesis in which he examined honey enriched
protective film through the adsorption of their molecules with extract of herb rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)
on the metal surface being responsible for the corrosion as corrosion inhibitor [7]. Studying usage of natural com-
resistance [2,3]. Usually, organic compounds that exert a pounds as corrosion inhibitors our group tested inhibition
significant influence on the extent of adsorption on the efficiency of cabbage glucosinolates extracts and cocoa
metal surface and therefore can be used as effective corro- liquor polyphenols on tin, and polyphenols (rutin and
sion inhibitors possess hetero atoms such as nitrogen, sul- quercetin) on aluminium [8–10]. In an ongoing research
phur or oxygen, and an aromatic ring in their molecules project on development of eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors
[4]. Their synthesis is very often expensive, and they are for tin we evaluated the inhibition efficiency of two varie-
toxic and hazardous for human beings and the environ- ties of natural honey (acacia and chestnut) in aqueous
ment. Therefore, the development of non-toxic, ecologi- and sodium chloride solutions in the absence and presence
cally harmless, green corrosion inhibitors is regarded as of black radish juice. Honey is an easily digestible foodstuff
very important and always actual. Recently, there has been containing a range of nutritiously important complemen-
tary elements: saccharides, organic acids, amino acids,
polyphenols, mineral matter, colours, aromatic substances,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +385 31 224 327; fax: +385 31 203 485. trace amounts of fat, and some valuable but unstable
E-mail address: (S. Kovač). compounds such as enzymes, substances of hormonal

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Radojčić et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504 1499

character, some vitamins and a few minor compounds. It is tin, and methylthiobutenyl glucosinolate as the predomi-
considered as part of traditional medicine being effective in nant one [16]. The honey solutions were prepared in
gastrointestinal disorders, in healing of wounds and burns, concentrations 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ppm by dissolv-
and as an antimicrobial agent [11]. Black radish (Raphanus ing 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg of honey in 100 g of water or
sativus L. var. niger) is a root plant belonging to Cruciferae 3% NaCl solution, respectively. The black radish juice,
family. It contains a mixture of various inorganic and obtained by squeezing black radish root, was mixed with
organic compounds (minerals, lipids, proteins, carbohy- honey in equal quantities (1:1; w/w). After 24 h 20, 40, 60,
drates, dietary fibres and vitamins) as well as polyphenols 80 and 100 mg of this mixture was dissolved in 100 g of
and sulphur containing organic compounds such as gluco- water or 3% NaCl solution, respectively, to prepare solu-
sinolates, having different biological properties (anticancer, tions in concentrations 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ppm.
antimicrobial and antiviral) [12].
3. Results and discussion
2. Experimental method
The mean values of pH and ion conductivity of all solu-
Before the weight loss measurements, the tin samples tions under examination (aqueous and sodium chloride
were polished using emery paper with different grits, fol- honey solutions without and with the addition of black
lowed by washing in ethanol and double distilled water. radish juice) are given in Table 1.
Potentiostatic polarization studies were carried out The pH values of both honey varieties (acacia and chest-
using EG&G model 173 Potentiostat/Galvanostat. Electro- nut) aqueous solutions are lower than that obtained for the
chemical measurements were conducted in a conventional same solutions with black radish juice added. The same
three-electrode electrolytic cell, capacity 150 mL, with relations are evident for honey sodium chloride solutions
99.95% tin rod working electrode, a platinum counter elec- with pH values being higher. Also, the higher pH values
trode, and a saturated calomel electrode as the reference were obtained for acacia honey in aqueous as well as
one. The tin electrode was isolated with polyethylene, hav- sodium chloride solutions in comparison with those
ing a free surface area of 0.56 cm2. For electrochemical obtained for chestnut honey.
measurements the exposed surface was ground with abra- The ion conductivity of both honey varieties in aqueous
sive paper up to 600 grit, degreased with ethyl alcohol, solutions is lower than in those with black radish juice
and rinsed by redistilled water. To avoid the influence of added, while the ion conductivity in sodium chloride solu-
oxygen, during electrochemical measurements, the electro- tions in all combinations (acacia honey without and with
lyte was thoroughly deaerated with nitrogen at 25 ± 0.1 °C addition of black radish juice, as well as chestnut honey
for 30 min. without and with addition of black radish juice) is higher,
The pH and conductivity values were determined with being in the range of the values obtained for 3% NaCl solu-
EA 940 ‘‘ORION” Expandable Analyser, electrode model tion alone.
91-02 and LF 320/SET, respectively. The values of tin corrosion rate (w), surface coverage
Two monofloral honey types used in experiments and (H), and inhibition efficiency (IE) obtained by weight loss
obtained from the local market were: dark-coloured chest- measurements for 3% NaCl solutions with acacia and
nut and light-coloured acacia honey, collected during chestnut honey in the absence and presence of black radish
2003 in Slavonia (the eastern part of Croatia). The analysis juice are given in Table 2.
of polyphenols in these two honey samples was carried out The corrosion rate of tin was determined by using the
by RP-HPLC. Total content of flavonoids in acacia honey relation:
was 286.0 lg/100 g, and in chestnut honey 231.0 lg/100 g,
respectively [13]. Both honey samples have similar flavonoid w ¼ Dm=St
profile (quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol, apigenin, chrysin where Dm is the mass loss, S is the area and t is the immer-
and galangin) with one difference. Namely, flavonoid sion period.
myricetin was found in chestnut honey in significant quan- The inspection of Table 2 reveals that tin corrosion rates
tities, while in acacia honey samples myricetin was not pres- decrease following an increase of the acacia and chestnut
ent at all [14]. Black radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger), honey concentrations. The same correlation is evident in
a cruciferous plant rich in polyphenols and glucosinolates solutions with black radish juice added.
(sulphur-containing compounds) was of Croatian domestic The degree of surface coverage (H), which represents the
production. The total polyphenol content of the juice from fraction of the metal surface covered by inhibitor mole-
squeezed black radish root was determined by the Folin– cules, was calculated using the following equation:
Ciocalteu method described in AOAC [15]. In 100 g of
H ¼ 1  w=w0
black radish juice the total polyphenol content was
37.5 mg, with quercetin as the predominant compound. where w and w0 are the corrosion rates of tin in solutions
The total glucosinolate content was determined by HPLC with and without inhibitor, respectively, while the percent-
method being 22.5 mg, with minor quantities of progoitrin, age inhibition efficiency (IE) was obtained by multiplying
4-hydroxyglucobrassicin, glucobrassicin, and gluconastur- H with 100.
1500 I. Radojčić et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504

Table 1
The pH and ion conductivity values of aqueous and sodium chloride solutions of chestnut and acacia honey alone and with addition of black radish juice
(Raphanus sativus L. var. niger) measured at (20.5 ± 0.4) °C
Solution choney pH Ion Solution choney pH Ion
(ppm) conductivity (ppm) conductivity
(j/mS cm1) (j/mS cm1)
Aqueous solutions of chestnut honey 200 4.19 21.60  103 3% NaCl – 5.25 41.10
(CHaq) 200 4.95 41.70
400 4.25 32.75  103 3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey 400 5.05 40.70
600 5.08 27.00  103 (CHNaCl) 600 5.33 40.15
800 5.13 11.50  103 800 5.30 40.95
1000 5.30 11.40  103 1000 5.38 41.00
Aqueous solutions of chestnut honey 200 4.23 22.30  103 3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey 200 5.01 40.08
with addition of black radish juice 400 4.28 32.65  103 with addition of black radish juice 400 5.02 41.02
(CHBRaq) 600 4.92 27.51  103 (CHBRNaCl) 600 5.31 40.08
800 4.90 13.60  103 800 5.29 41.12
1000 5.25 12.85  103 1000 5.40 41.05
Aqueous solutions of acacia honey 200 5.60 29.70  103 200 5.68 40.60
(AHaq) 400 5.20 25.50  103 3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey 400 5.90 41.20
600 5.19 21.7  103 (AHNaCl) 600 5.70 41.10
800 5.52 28.30  103 800 6.15 40.70
1000 5.45 24.40  103 1000 6.20 40.90
Aqueous solutions of acacia honey 200 5.62 30.01  103 3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey with 200 5.63 41.02
with addition of black radish juice 400 5.23 26.70  103 addition of black radish juice (AHBRNaCl) 400 42.05 42.05
(AHBRaq) 600 5.21 22.90  103 600 5.75 42.30
800 5.60 29.10  103 800 6.12 41.80
1000 5.48 25.80  103 1000 6.08 41.05

Table 2 molecules of honey followed the increase of solution con-

The values of tin corrosion rate (w), surface coverage (H), and inhibition centration. Due to the fact that honey is a mixture of
efficiency (IE) in 3% NaCl solutions of chestnut and acacia honey alone
various compounds containing oxygen (polyphenols) as
and with addition of black radish juice (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger)
well as nitrogen and sulphur (glucosinolates) which all
Solution choney w H IE
can be adsorbed on the corroded metal it is hard to
(ppm) (g cm2 h1) (%)
decide which of these components is responsible for this
3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey 200 1.35  103 0.40 40
inhibition. According to the differences in their nature
(CHNaCl) 400 0.87  103 0.61 61
600 0.66  103 0.71 71 and electronic structure some conclusions could be made.
800 0.39  103 0.83 83 The flavonoid compound, found in chestnut honey, but
1000 0.23  103 0.90 90 not in acacia honey is myricetin having six electron-
3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey 200 1.20  103 0.47 47 donating hydroxyl groups substituted on phenyl ring
with addition of black radish juice 400 0.49  103 0.78 78
which tend to increase the inhibiting effect by forming
(CHBRNaCl) 600 0.38  103 0.83 83
800 0.35  103 0.84 84 chelates with metallic cations. Also, due to the presence
1000 0.19  103 0.92 92 of compound having sulphur, nitrogen and double bond
3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey 200 1.23  103 0.45 45 in the molecule (methylthiobutenyl glucosinolate in
(AHNaCl) 400 1.03  103 0.54 54 squeezed black radish juice) the inhibition efficiency of
600 9.80  104 0.56 56
chestnut honey with black radish juice added was more
800 6.42  104 0.72 72
1000 3.78  104 0.83 83 pronounced. It is, probably, a consequence of the pres-
3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey 200 8.95  104 0.60 60 ence of various adsorption active centres being able to
with addition of black radish juice 400 5.20  104 0.77 77 act synergistically to form a polymeric complex.
(AHBRNaCl) 600 4.95  104 0.78 78 A relationship of corrosion rate and exposure time of tin
800 4.15  104 0.82 82
to aqueous solutions of acacia and chestnut honey at two
1000 1.63  104 0.93 93
concentrations (200 ppm and 1000 ppm) is presented in
Fig. 1.
According to the shape of curves it is obvious that the
It was found that better surface coverage (H) and greatest change of corrosion rate happened in the first
higher inhibition efficiency (IE) were obtained for chest- 24 h at all the concentrations examined, while during fur-
nut honey solutions in comparison with solutions of aca- ther exposure of tin specimen to the aggressive medium
cia honey, especially when black radish juice was added. the corrosion rates decreased. The corrosion rates of tin
The increase of the surface area covered by the adsorbed are smaller for higher honey concentrations.
I. Radojčić et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504 1501

0.0025 0.0025
CHaq 200 ppm
CHaq 1000 ppm 0.002 AHNaCl

w /g cm-2 h-1
0.002 AHaq 200 ppm AHBRNaCl
3% NaCl
AHaq 1000 ppm 0.0015
w/g cm-2 h-1


0.001 0.0005

0.0005 0 200 400 600 800 1000
c / ppm

0 Fig. 3. The values of tin corrosion rates after 24 h of exposure to 3% NaCl

0 24 48 72 96 120 alone and to aqueous and sodium chloride solutions of acacia honey
time exposure / h (AHaq and AHNaCl) without and with the addition of black radish juice
(AHBRaq and AHBRNaCl).
Fig. 1. Dependence of tin corrosion rate on exposure time of tin in
aqueous solutions of different concentration of chestnut (CHaq) and
acacia honey (AHaq).
It is also evident that the values of corrosion potential
are shifted to the area of negative values of potential.
The comparison of the values of tin corrosion rates after The potentiostatic polarization curves of tin in 3% NaCl
24 h exposure time in 3% NaCl solution alone, and aque- and in all the examined solutions of acacia honey in 3%
ous and sodium chloride solutions of chestnut and acacia NaCl are similar to that of chesnut honey and therefore
honey without and with addition of black radish juice at are not given.
all the concentrations used is shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The electrochemical parameters (ba, bk, Ecorr, icorr)
It is obvious that corrosion rates in experiments with obtained by potentiostatic polarization method of tin in
both honey varieties in all the solutions examined 3% NaCl solutions without and with addition of inhibitors
decreased following an increase in concentrations of honey, at different concentrations, as well as the values of surface
but the decrease of corrosion rate values was more pro- coverage (H) and inhibition efficiency (IE) are given in
nounced in sodium chloride solutions. Table 3.
The potentiostatic polarization curves of tin in 3% NaCl The H values are calculated according to the equation:
and 3% NaCl with chestnut honey in the absence and pres-
H ¼ ði0  iÞ=i0
ence of black radish juice are shown in Fig. 4.
Addition of honey and honey with black radish juice where i0 is corrosion current of tin in solutions without
into 3% NaCl exerted a greater influence on cathodic than inhibitors, while i is corrosion current of tin in solutions
on anodic polarization curves. with inhibitors. Inhibition efficiency value IE is obtained
by multiplying the H value by 100.
The values of corrosion current of tin in the sodium
0.0025 chloride solutions of both kinds of honey decrease, while
0.002 CHBRNaCl
3% NaCl
w/g cm-2 h-1




0 200 400 600 800 1000
c / ppm

Fig. 2. The values of tin corrosion rates after 24 h of exposure to 3% NaCl

alone and to aqueous and sodium chloride solutions of chestnut honey Fig. 4. Tafel polarization curves for tin in solutions: (1) 3% NaCl; (2) 3%
(CHaq and CHNaCl) without and with the addition of black radish juice NaCl with 800 ppm acacia honey (AHNaCl); (3) 3% NaCl with 800 ppm
(CHBRaq and CHBRNaCl). acacia honey and black radish juice (AHBRNaCl).
1502 I. Radojčić et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504

Table 3
Corrosion parameters obtained by the Tafel-extrapolation for tin in 3% NaCl without and with the addition of inhibitors at different concentrations at
(20.5 ± 0.4) °C
Potentiostatic polarization method
Solution choney ba bc Ecorr icorr H IE
(ppm) (mV/d) (mV/d) (mV) (mA cm2) (%)
3% NaCl – 49 108 320 1.75  103 –
3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey (CHNaCl) 200 48 102 380 1.09  10 0.38 38
400 69 211 381 0.89  103 0.49 49
600 68 307 378 0.77  103 0.56 56
800 69 199 345 0.58  103 0.67 67
1000 48 114 383 0.26  103 0.85 85
3% NaCl solutions of chestnut honey with addition of black radish juice (CHBRNaCl) 200 68 191 371 1.05  103 0.40 40
400 71 164 368 0.86  103 0.51 51
600 66 168 372 0.54  103 0.69 69
800 32 33 383 0.47  103 0.73 73
1000 31 250 397 0.18  103 0.90 90
3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey (AHNaCl) 200 67 201 283 1.03  103 0.41 41
400 43 95 280 0.84  103 0.52 52
600 41 54 281 0.75  103 0.57 57
800 44 58 265 0.46  103 0.74 74
1000 31 32 273 0.39  103 0.78 78
3% NaCl solutions of acacia honey with addition of black radish juice (AHBRNaCl) 200 42 43 282 0.98  103 0.44 44
400 46 45 283 0.74  103 0.58 58
600 67 240 267 0.70  103 0.60 60
800 31 131 268 0.37  103 0.79 79
1000 37 104 273 0.23  103 0.87 87

those of surface coverage and inhibition efficiency increase 1200

following the increase of honey concentrations. The same 1000
trend, but with more pronounced values, is evident in
honey sodium chloride solutions with black radish juice

added. This is the consequence of the fact that honey and
black radish juice are multicomponent systems, consisting 400 CHNaCl
of various compounds able to form protective layer on 200
tin surface, interact mutually or with protective layer. 0
The H values obtained by corrosion rate and corrosion 0 200 400 600 800 1000
current data fit into the Langmuir isotherm, and are related c / ppm
to the equilibrium constant K and c via equation Fig. 5. The relationship between c/H and concentrations of chestnut
honey alone (CHNaCl) and with addition of black radish juice (CHBRNaCl)
K  c ¼ H=ð1  HÞ in 3% NaCl solutions.

The linear dependence of c/H versus c of chestnut and

acacia honey in 3% NaCl solution in absence and presence
of black radish juice is used to determine the adsorption
equilibrium constant K as intercept on ordinate for c = 0 1400
(Figs. 5 and 6). 1200
The equilibrium constant (K) is related to the standard 1000
free energy of adsorption by the relationship: 800

K ¼ 1=55:5 expðDG0ads =RT Þ 400

where R is universal gas constant, and the value 55.5 is the 0
concentration of water in the solution, expressed in moles 0 200 400 600 800 1000
per dm3. c / ppm
The values of adsorption constants (K), and Gibbs free Fig. 6. The relationship between c/H and concentrations of acacia honey
energy (DG0ads ), calculated on the basis of H values (Table alone (AHNaCl) and with addition of black radish juice (AHBRNaCl) in 3%
2 and 3) for 3% NaCl solutions of acacia and chestnut NaCl solutions.
I. Radojčić et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 1498–1504 1503

Table 4
The values of adsorption constant (K) and the adsorption Gibbs free energy changes (DG0ads ) for 3% NaCl solutions of chestnut and acacia honey alone and
with addition of black radish juice (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger) at 25 °C
Inhibitors c (ppm) Obtained from corrosion rate Obtained from corrosion current
K  103 (dm3) DG0ads (kJ mol1) K  103 (dm3) DG0ads (kJ mol1)
Chestnut honey (CHNaCl) 200
600 2.51 19.13 ± 0.01 3.18 19.70 ± 0.02
Chestnut honey with black radish juice (CHBR NaCl) 200
600 9.52 22.38 ± 0.01 4.37 21.18 ± 0.11
Acacia honey (AHNaCl) 200
600 4.55 19.10 ± 0.02 5.21 20.01 ± 0.12
Acacia honey with radish juice (AHBRNaCl) 200
600 6.67 21.50 ± 0.01 5.18 20.28 ± 0.01

honey without and with black radish juice added are listed  The corrosion inhibition of tin in 3% NaCl solutions of
in Table 4. both honey varieties in the absence and presence of
Table 4 shows the thermodynamic data obtained from black radish juice takes place via adsorption on the tin
the Langmuir adsorption isotherm for both honey varieties surface following Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
without and with addition of black radish juice. The stan-
dard free energy of adsorption calculated from the surface Acknowledgement
coverage values, obtained on the basis of corrosion rate,
vary in the range of 19.10 ± 0.02 to 21.50 ± 0.02 kJ/ The financial support of the Ministry of Science, Tech-
mol for acacia honey and acacia honey with black radish nology and Sport of Republic of Croatia (Grant No.
juice added, and from 19.13 ± 0.01 to 22.38 ± 0.01 058-0582261-2256) is gratefully acknowledged.
kJ/mol for chestnut honey without and with black radish
juice added, respectively. References
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