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guide for loading

mineral-oil-immersed power transformers
up to and including 100 MVA with
55°C or 65 °C winding rise



December 14,1981 SH06031

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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
An American National Standard
IEEE Guide for Loading
Mineral-Oil-Immersed Power Transformers
Up to and Including 100 MV A with
55°C or 65°C Average Winding Rise

1. Scope 2. References

1.1 This guide covers general recommendations [1] ANSI C57.12.10-1976, American National
for loading mineral-oil-immersed power trans­ S t a ndard Requirements for Transformers
formers, manufactured in accordance with 230 000 V and below, 833/958 through
ANSI C57.12.10-1976 [1] 1 and ANSI 8333/10417 kVA Single Phase, 750/862
C57.12.30-1977 [2] and other oil-insulated through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA Three
power transformers up to and including 100 Phase 2
MVA maximum nameplate rating. It is based
[2] ANSI C57 .12.30-1977, American National
mostly on aging of the winding insulation.
Standard Requirements Load-Tap-Changing
Loading of transformers larger than 100 M VA
Transformers 230 000 V and below, 3750/
may be limited by factors other than insulation
4687 through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kV A
aging such as stray flux, etc. When it is known
Three Phase
that such limitations do not exist and insula­
tion aging rather than oil temperature, gassing, [3] ANSI/IEEE C57 .12.00-1980, General Re­
tank heating, etc is the controlling factor, this quirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
guide may be used. This guide may also be used Power, and Regulating Transformers
for askarel filled transformers.
[4 ] ANSI/IEEE C57.91-1981, Guide for
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead-Type
1.2 Recommendations for transformers with an Distribution Transformers with 55°C or 65°c
insulation system which conforms to the 65°C Average Winding Rise
curve shown in Fig 1, those rated at an average
winding temperature rise of 65°c and a
hottest-spot temperature rise of 80°C, are 3. General
contained in Section 4 of this guide. Recom­
mendations for transformers with an insulation 3.1Limitations
system which conforms to the 55 °c curve 3.1.1 It must be recognized that there may
shown in Fig 1, those rated at an average be limitations to loads above rating which a
winding temperature rise of 55°C and a transformer can carry other than the capacity
hottest-spot temperature rise of 65 DC, are of the windings and cooling system. Among
contained in Section 5 of this guide. these limitations are: oil expansion, pressure in
sealed units, bushings, leads, tap changers and
stray flux heating as well as the thermal
1. 3 The method used for computer calculation
capability of associated equipment such as
of the Capability Tables for Normal and
cables, reactors, circuit breakers, disconnecting
Moderate Sacrifice of Life in Section 4 and
switches, and current transformers. High am­
Section 5 of this guide and examples for
bient temperatures will also restrict a trans­
developing them by hand calculations are
former's loadability. Any of these items may
contained in Section 6 and Section 7.
limit loading and manufacturers should be

2 A NS I d oc uments are available from The American

IThe numbers in brackets correspond to the refer­ National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New
ences listed in Section 2 of t his guide. York, NY 10018.

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consulted for advice on such limitations. Any daily loss of insulation life which are in
transformer that is expected to carry heavy addition to normal loss of insulation life.
loads where the top-oil temperature may reach
3.3 Transformer Rated Output
limiting values should have good oil with a
3.3.1 The terms rating, rated output, rated
flash point of not less than 145°C since the oil
load and full load used in this guide refer to
in the cooling ducts adjacent to the windings
nameplate rating.
may exceed the top-oil temperature by a
3.3.2 The temperature rise on which the
number of degrees.
rating of a transformer is based takes into
Operation at hottest-spot temperatures above
consideration the experience of the industry
140 C may cause gassing in the solid insula­

tion and oil. Gassing may produce a potential
(1) Insulation life as affected by operating
risk to the dielectric strength integrity of the
transformer and this risk should be considered
(2) The ambient temperature assumed to
when the guide is applied.
exist throughout the life of the transformer
3_1.2 Transformers are sometimes installed in
3.3.3 The actual output which a transformer
indoor vaults with natural ventilation_ This
can deliver at any time in service with normal
type of installation results in a higher ambient
life expectancy may be more or less than the
temperature than the outdoor air. The increase
nameplate rating, depending upon the ambient
in effective ambient temperature for expected
temperature and other operating conditions.
transformer operation must be determined
before loading limitations can be estimated. 3.4 Aging of Insulation
3.4.1 Aging or deterioration of insulation is a
3.2 Transformer Life Expectancy function of time and temperature. Since, in
3.2.1 Recommendations in this guide are most apparatus, the temperature distribution is
based on the life expectancy of transformer not uniform, that part which is operating at the
insulation as affected by temperature and time. highest temperature will ordinarily undergo the
3.2.2 Transformer life expectancy at various greatest deterioration. Therefore, in aging
operating temperatures is not accurately studies it is usual to consider the aging effects
known, but the information given regarding produced by the highest (hottest-spot) temper­
loss of insulation life at elevated temperatures ature.
is considered to be conservative and the best 3.4.2 Much of the fundamental data on aging
that can be produced from present knowledge of insulation at different temperatures has been
of the subject. The word conservative is used in based on laboratory and model tests in which
the sense that the actual insulation life at any the decrease in mechanical and electrical
temperature is expected to be not less than strength has been measured. Under the auspices
indicated in this guide. The effects of tempera­ of the IEEE, a series of life expectancy tests
ture on insulation life are subject to further were made under controlled conditions on
investigation and new data may affect future production. type distribution transformers.
revisions of this guide. Data from these tests were used as the basis for
3.2.3 In Tables 3(a)-3(u) and 5(a)-5(u) the the distribution transformer Life Expectancy
normal loss of life loads are loadings which Curves in ANSI/IEEE C57.91·1981. While
result in a daily loss of life equal to that of a these are the best insulation life data available
continuous winding hottest-spot temperature at this time, they are not directly applicable to
of 110°C and 95 °c for 65°C rise and 55°c power transformers. Because the end point
rise transformers, respectively . Normal life ex­ strength of insulation (the final strength of
pectancy is 6.5 104 hours, a daily normal loss
• aged insulation) must be greater in power
of life of 0.0369%. Aging at other than rated transformers and because model tests of power
temperature is calculated using the equations transformers have not yet been reported, the
for power transformer insulation life expect­ power transformer insulation life expectancy
ancy in Fig 1. The actual life should be curves were selected to be more conservative
considerably greater than 6.5 104 hours for
• than those used for distribution transformers.
the reasons mentioned in The transformer life expectancy predictions
3.2.4 In Tables 3(a)-3(u) and 5(a)-5(u) the contained herein are based on the insulation
moderate sacrifice of life expectancy values are life expectancy curves shown in Fig 1 and do


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° C57.92-1 981





� /
i:' .,.
-' .,.

<l '"
'" ,.,
lE '" '"
z '" i%
,., ,., I

i ,-
<0I, /

&Q- � /.,.

it' II") 65 °C RISE - 30 834 16054 0
(!J� � Ju 55 °C RISE-32 543 16054.0

!J (/� .
'3 /
2 I
300280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40

Fig 1
Life Expectancy Curve

not take into account deterioration of gaskets, reaction rate theory which states that the
rusting of tanks, etc which result from factors logarithm of insulation life is a function of the
other than winding temperatures. reciprocal of absolute temperature:
While the life expectancy curves are believed
to be conservative, any estimates of trans­ LoglO (hours of life) = (Eq 1)
former life derived therefrom are intended only
as a guide.
304_3 Because the cumulative effects of tem­
perature and time in causing deterioration of T = absolute temperature in
transformer insulation are not thoroughly es­ degrees Kelvin (8hs + 273)
tablished, it is not possible to predict with any
great degree of accuracy the length of life of a 8hs = hottest-spot temperature, 0 C
transformer even under constant or closely
controlled conditions, much less under widely A and B constants from desired life
varying service conditions. expectancy curve
30404 The relation of insulation deterioration
to changes in time and temperature is assumed A and B values for both IOglO and loge are
to follow an adaptation of the Arrhenius shown on Fig 1.


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3.4.5 The many variables mentioned, and These ambients should be used as follows:
particularly the many varying conditions of for loads with normal life expectancy, use item
load and ambient to which a transformer can (1) as the ambient for the month involved; for
be subjected in service, make it impossible to short-time loads with moderate sacrifice of life
give definite rules for the loading of trans­ expectancy, use item (2) for the month in­
formers. It is possible to give only suggested volved.
loadings under specified conditions with the During any one day the average or maximum
expectation that the user will adjust this temperatures may exceed the values derived
information to suit his particular application. from (1) or (2) above. To be conservative, it is
recommended that these temperatures be in­
3.5 Ambient Temperatures and Its Influence creased by 5 a C since aging at higher than
on Loading. Ambient temperature is an impor­ average temperature is not fully compensated
tant factor in determining the load capability by decreased aging at lower than average
of a transformer since the temperature rises for temperature. With this margin the approxi­
any load must be added to the ambient to mated temperature will not be exceeded on
determine operating temperatures. more than a few days per month and, where it
Transformer ratings are based on a 24 h is exceeded, the additional loss of life will not
average ambient of 30 aC. This is the standard be serious.
ambient used in this guide. 3.5.2 Influence of Ambient on Loading for
The ambient temperature to be used for Normal Life Expectancy. Average ambient
water-cooled transformers is the cooling water temperatures should cover periods of 24 h with
temperature plus an added 5°C to allow for maximum temperatures not more than 10 aC
possible loss of cooling efficiency due to greater than average temperatures for air and
deposits on cooling coil surfaces of water­ 5°C for water. Table 1 gives the increase or
cooled transformers in service. decrease from rated loads for other than
Whenever the actual ambient can be meas­
average daily ambients of 30°C for air and
ured, such am bients should be used in deter­ 25 a for water. It is recommended that the
mining the transformer's temperature and 5°C margin described in 3.5.1 be used when
loadability. applying the factors from Table 1. It should be
The ambient air temperature seen by a pointed out that the increase or decrease
transformer is the air in contact with its
obtained from Table 1 is more conservative
radiators or heat exchangers. In some instal­ than the corresponding values shown in Table
lations the transformer may be outdoors but
3(a)-3(u) and 5(a)-5(u) which are based on
surrounded by buildings or sound deadening Tables 2 and 4 (assumed transformer char-.
walls. This may result in recirculation of heated acteristics), and therefore do not check these
air, the ambient should be adjusted accord­
tabulations exactly. Table 1 is for quick ap­
ingly. proximations.
3.5.1 Approximating Ambient Temperature Loading on the basis of ambient temperature
for Air-Cooled Transformers. It is often neces­
with loads permitted in Table 1 will give
sary to predict the load which a transformer approximately the same life expectancy as if
can safely carry at some future time in an transformers were operated at nameplate rating
unknown ambient. and standard ambient temperatures over the
The probable ambient temperature for any same period.
month may be approximated as follows from Table 1 covers a range in ambients of 0 °c to
reports prepared by the National Weather 50°C for cooling air. A check should be made
Service of the US Department of Commerce with the manufacturer before loading on the
for various sections of the country: basis of ambient air less than 0 °c or greater
(1) Average Temperature. Use average daily than 50°C.
temperature for the month involved averaged Since ambient temperature is an important
over a number of years. factor in determining the load capability of a
(2) Average of Maximum Daily Temper­ transformer, it should be controlled for indoor
atures. Use average of the maximum daily installations by adequate ventilation and
temperatures for month involved averaged over should always be considered in outdoor instal­
several years. lations.


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a a

Table 1
Loading on Basis of Temperatures
(Ambient other than 30 °C and Average Winding Rise Less than Limiting Values)

(For Quick Approximation)

(Ambient Temperature Range 0 ac to 50 C)

% of R ating
Decrease Lo ad for Increase Load for
E ach °c Each C
Ty pe of Cool ing H igher Temperature Lower Temperature

Self-cooled - OA 1.5 1.0

Water-cooled - OW 1.5 1.0
Forced-air-cooled- OA/FA, OA/FA/FA 1.0 0.75
Forced-oil-cooled - FOA, FOW and OA/FOA/FOA 1.0 0.75

3.6 Operation with Part or All of the Cooling For forced-oil-cooled transformer (FOA or
Out of Service. Where forced-cooling equip­ FOW) ratings with part of the coolers in
ment, such as pumps or fans or both, is used to operation, use the following reductions in
increase the cooling efficiency, the transformer permissible loading:
may be required to operate for some time with
this equipment inoperative. The permissible
%of Permissible Load
loading under such conditions is given in the
Total Coolers in % of
following paragraphs.
in Operation Nameplate Rating
For multi-rated transformers (OA/F A, OAf
FA/FA, OA/FOA/FOA) with all or part of the
100 100
forced cooling inoperative, use the nameplate
rating based on the cooling in operation and 80 90
load on this basis. When either the pumps or 60 78
the fans of a cooling unit are out of service, the 50 70
entire cooling unit should be considered inop­ 40 60
erative. 33 50
For forced-oil-cooled (FOA or FOW) trans­
formers with all pumps or fans or both These permissible loads give approximately
inoperative, heeding the following guidelines the same temperature rises as would full load
should prevent undue injury to the trans­ with all cooling in operation.
former: 3
(1) Rated load may be maintained for ap­
3.7 Supplemental Cooling of Existing Self­
proximately 1 h following normal operation at
Cooled Transfonners. The load which can be
nameplate rating in a 30 °C ambient
carried on existing self-cooled transformers can
(2) Rated load may be carried for approxi­
usually be increased by adding auxiliary cool­
mately 2 h if started with windings and oil in
ing equipment such as fans, external forced-oil
a 30 °c ambient.
coolers, or water spray equipment. The amount
(3) Rated voltage may be maintained for 6 h
of additional loading varies widely, depending
at no load, following continuous operation at
nameplate rating in a 30 °C ambient with cool­ upon:
ing equipment in operation. (1) Design characteristics of the transformer
(4) Rated voltage may be maintained for (2) Type of cooling equipment
12 h at no load starting with windings and oil (3) Permissible increase in voltage regulation
in a 30 °C ambient (4) Limitations in associated equipment
No general rules ean be given for such
The oil temperature for large units may exceed supplemental cooling, and each transformer
110 C. Che ck with the m anufa cturer for l im itations. should be considered individually.


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4. Transfonners Specified to have an Average It should be recognized that, due to thermal

Winding Rise of Not More Than 65 C and lag in oil rise, time is required for a transformer
Hottest-Spot Winding Rise of Not More to reach a stable temperature following any
Than 80 °c change in load. Therefore, higher peak loads
may be carried for short durations. This is
4.1 Basic Loading for Normal Life Expectancy reflected in the loading tables and the basic
4.1.1 Basic Conditions equations in 6.7.3.
(1) The basic loading of a transformer for If the transformer characteristics are not
normal life expectancy is continuous loading at accurately known, a maximum top-oil temper­
rated output when operated under normal ature derived from Fig 2 may be used as an
service conditions as indicated in 2.1.1 (1), approximation. Loading from Fig 2 is based on
2.1.1 (2), and 2.1.1 (3) of ANSI/IEEE a difference of 25°C between the hottest-spot
C57.1 2.00-1979 [3]. It is assumed that opera­ temperature and top-oil temperature at rated
tion under these conditions is equivalent to load for self-cooled transformers, 30°C for
operation in a continuous ambient temperature forced-air-cooled transformers (133% and
of 30 °C for cooling air or 25 °C for cooling under) and 35°C for forced-oil-cooled trans­
water. Normal life expectancy will result from formers.
operating with a continuous hottest-spot con­ Continuous Loading on Basis of
ductor temperature of 110°C (or equivalent Average Winding Test Temperature Rise. For
variable temperature with 120 °c maximum) in each °c in excess of 5° that the average
any 24 h period. winding test temperature rise is below 65°C,
(2) The hottest-spot conductor temperature the transformer load may be increased above
determines loss of life due to loading. This rated load by the percentages given in Table 1 .
temperature cannot be directly measured on A 5° margin is used t o provide a tolerance in
commercial designs because of the voltage the measurement of temperature rise. The
hazard when placing a temperature detector at loadability thus obtained is that which the
the proper location. The hottest-spot allow­ transformer can carry at 65°C rise. Since this
ances are based on tests of laboratory models. may increase the loading beyond that contem­
(3) The hottest-spot temperature at rated plated by the designer, the limitations given in
load is usually taken as the sum of the average 3.1 should be checked before taking full
winding temperature and a 15°C allowance4 advantage of this increased loadability.
for the hottest spot. For mineral oil-immersed Some transformers are designed to have the
transformers operating continuously under the difference between the hottest-spot and aver­
foregoing conditions with normal life expect­ age conductor temperatures greater than the
ancy, this temperature has been assumed to be 15°C allowance. This will result in an average­
a maximum of 1 1 0°C. winding temperature rise of less than 65 °C,
4.1.2 Loading for Nonnal Life Expectancy but the hottest-spot winding temperature rise
under Specified Conditions may be at the limiting value of 80 °C. Such Loading by Oil Temperature. Oil transformers should not be loaded above their
temperature alone should not be used as a rating as outlined in this section. The manu­
guide for loading transformers. The hottest­ facturer should be consulted for information
spot to top-oil gradient at full load should be on the hottest-spot allowances used for these
determined from factory tests using Eq 8 or, designs. This condition may exist in trans­
lacking data, a value should be assumed. The formers with large differences (greater than
full-load hottest-spot to top-oil gradient should 30°C) between top- and bottom-oil temper­
be corrected to that for the actual load carried atures and may be checked approximately by
using Eq 7 or Fig 9. This gradient subtracted measuring the top and bottom radiator temper­
from 110°C will give the maximum permis­ atures. Whenever possible, data on hottest-spot
sible oil temperature for nonnal life expect­ and oil temperatures obtained from factory
ancy. temperature tests should be used in calculating
transformer loadability or when calculating
4If cooler inlet and outlet temperatures are available,
temperatures for loads above rating.
a better estimate of the h ottest-spot temperature is
p ossible by making an adjustment in the 15 0 C allow­ Loading on Basis of Short-Time
ance. C onsult with the manufacturer. Loads above Rating. Transformers may be


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� b,. �
� � "'-
1.6 � � � "




1.4 �
� ��


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Fig 2
Approximate Continuous Loading for Nonnal Life Expectancy -
65 C Rise Transfonners

operated above 110°C hottest-spot temper­ Basis for Nonnal Loss o f Life
ature for short periods provided they are Loading in Tables 3(a)-3(u). The transformer
operated for much longer p eriods at temper­ capabilities for nonnal loss of life in Tables
atures below 11 0°C. This is due to the fact 3(a )-3( u) are based on operation at temper­
that thermal aging is a cumulative process and atures that result in aging equ h;-alent to that for
thus permits loads above the rating to be safely 0
continuous operation at 110 C hottest-sp ot
carried under many conditions without en­ temperature as detennined from Fig 1 and the
croaching upon the nonnal life expectancy of hottest-spot temperature profile resulting from
the transformer. Suggested loadings for nonnal the converted load cycle and ambient condi­
life expectancy are given in Tables 3 (a)-3( u ) . tions during a 24 h period. The 1 1 0 °C hot­
For conservative use of these tables, it is test-spot temperature is based on the hottest­
suggested that the 5 C margin described in spot rise of 80°C plus the standard ambient
3.5.1 be used in detennining the ambient D D
temperature of 30 C. At 110 C insulation
temperature. temperature, Fig 1 indicates the life would be Loading by Hottest-Spot Temper­ 6.5 . 104 hours or over seven years. Actually a
ature Indicator. Hottest-spot temperature de­ transfonner operating outdoors at rated ca­
vices are supplied, when specified, which indi­ pacity would have a much longer life because
cate a simulated hottest-spot temperature. the annual average ambient air temperature in
These devices may be used as a guide to limit most locations in the US does not exceed
loads. °
20°C by m ore than a few degrees. At 100 C
Thermal relays, when supplied, indicate tem­ (20 DC ambient temperature plus 80 C hot­
peratures reached in the windings. These relays test-spot rise), Fig 1 indicates the life would be
are calibrated for use with specific transformers 2 • lOS hours or over 22 years. If the loading
and simulate the hottest-spot temperature by over weekends is lighter, as is normally the
taking into account preceding loading, existing case, the total life could extend to over 30
load and ambient temperature. Higher loads are years.
permitted for short periods than for long In areas where the annual mean ambient
periods of time because of the transfonner's temperature exceeds 25°C, the capability
time constant. values in the tables should be reduced 1.5% for


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every degree the mean annual temperature and the wide range in ratings covered are
exceeds 20 a C. This reduction in peak loading reasons why this loading guide is made conser­
is intended to compensate for the fact that vative in its suggested loadings. Some of the
generally higher ambient temperatures through­ variables are: wide differences in ambient
out the year will result in higher winding temperature between localities; differences in
temperatures, for any assumed annual load elevation; restricted air circulation caused by
cycle, causing greater insulation deterioration. buildings, fire walls, etc; previous emergency
If this correction is made, no correction of the loading history which may not be known to
ambient temperatures shown in the table will the operator; and variations in design character­
be necessary, and these should be the antici­ istics from those in Table 2. As a guide, an
pated values associated with the occurrence of average loss of life of 1 % per year or 4% in any
the peak load. one emergency operation is considered reason­
The method used to calculate Tables 3(a)- able by some users.
3(u) is given in Section 6. 4.2.2 Methods for Determining Loads above
Rating with Some Sacrifice of Life Expectancy
4.2 Short-Time Loading with Moderate Sacri­ Transformers with Known Specific
fice of Life Expectancy
Characteristics. If the specific characteristics of
4.2.1 Aging of Insulation Due to Operation
a transformer are known and maximum recom­
above 110 °c Hottest-Spot Temperature
mended capability is required, the user may
(1) When the aging effect of one load cycle
calculate the oil rise and hottest-spot temper­
or the cumulative aging effect of a number of
ature using either the graphic solution illus­
load cycles is greater than the aging effect of
trated in Section 6 or the basic formulas in 6.7.
continuous operation at rated load over the
With this data, the user may determine the
same period of time, the insulation deteriorates
allowable load for his conditions by taking into
at a faster rate than normal. The rate of
account the ambient temperature, probable
deterioration is a function of time and temper­
number of such loads during the life of the
ature and is commonly expressed as a percent­
transformer, and the approximate percentage
age loss of life. Charts and tables showing
of life he is willing to sacrifice.
percent loss of life for various combinations of Transformers with Unknown Spec­
time and continuous temperature are given in
ific Characteristics or Conservative Loads.
Fig 3.
When specific transformer characteristics are
(2) It should be clearly understood that, not known or when conservative operation
while the insulation aging information used is above rating is satisfactory, refer to the Capa­
considered to be conservative and helpful in bility Tables, Table 3(a)-3(u), for tabulations
estimating the relative loss of life due to loads of permitted loads of various durations follow­
above rating under various conditions, this ing explicit preload conditions.
information can only be an indicator of trans­ Assumed Characteristics for Trans­
former insulation life. Deterioration of insula­ formers which Allow the Loadings in Tables
tion is generally characterized by a reduction in 3(a)-3(u). Transformers vary widely in the
both mechanical and dielectric strength, but characteristics which affect their short-time
these characteristics may not necessarily be capabilities. Any general guide which applies to
directly related. In some cases, insulation in a all transformers of a given class must be based
charred condition will have sufficient strength on characteristics which give conservative re­
to withstand normal operating electrical and sults. The characteristics shown in Table 2 are
mechanical stresses. A transformer having insu­ considered typical of a power transformer and
lation in this condition may continue in service are for general use.
for many months or even years if undisturbed. Temperature and Load Limitations.
On the other hand, any unusual movement of The following are recommended individually
the conductors such as may be caused by limiting temperatures and loads and are used in
expansion of the conductors, due to heating Tables 3(a)-3(u).
resulting from a heavy load or to large electro­ (1) Maximum top-oil temperature - 1100 C
magnetic forces resulting from short circuit, (2) Maximum hottest-spot conductor
may disturb the weakened insulation such that temperature - 180°C
turn-to-turn or layer-to-layer failure will result. (3) Maximum short-time
(3) The uncertainty of service conditions loading - 2 . rating


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C/) 0.5

:::> 0.3
� 0.2

0.1 �----��-----H�--�4---�--+-�--�---4-

0.05 L-L-__�__-L__-LL-__-L�__-L__�-L____L-____�______�
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180


*Expressed as percent loss of life for one occurrence of specified

time duration for operation at temperature indicated.

Hottest-Spot Temperature in Degrees

Maximum Loss of Life (%)

Hours 0.1 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00

161 172 180
1 153 163 172 180

2 145 155 163 172 180

4 138 147 155 163 172 180

8 131 140 147 155 163 172

24 120 129 136 143 150 158

Fig 3
Maximum Loss of Life - 65°C Rise Transformers


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Table 2
65 DC Rise Transformers - Assumed Characteristics at Rated Load

Effective Cooling Mode

or 133% over Non·Directed Directed
OW or Less 133% FOA or FOW FOA or FOW

Hottest·spot conductor
t emperature rise (above
ambient) C 80 SO SO SO 80
Top·oil temp erature rise
(above ambient) °c 55 50 45 45 45

Top-oil time constant, (h) 3.0 2. 0 1.25 1.25 1.25

Hottest·spot conductor time

co nstant, (h) 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Ratio of load to iron losses 3.2 4.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

*m (wi nding exponent) O.S 0.8 O.S O.S 1.0

*n (oil exponent) O.S 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0

*m is the exponential power of winding loss versus winding temperature rise.

*n is the exponential power of total loss versus top·oil temperature rise.
The i nd icated values of m and n are approximate, p articularly in t he more complicated d esigns, and are subject to
further study.
**Some OA/FA/FA designs follow more closely the values for FA (133% or l ess). Load Cycles. Transformers usually Index f o r Table 3

operate on a load cycle which repeats each 0
65 C Rise Transformers
24 h. This load cycle may be constant or it (A Tabulation of Loads for Normal and
may have one or more peaks during the 24 h Moderate Loss of Life)
period. The actual load cycle may be converted
to a two-step cycle by the method given in 6.6. Following initi al load of:
Where actual average loads before the peak Typ e of Cooling 5 0% 70% 90% 100%
load differ from those in the tabulations,
Self·cooled (OA) (a) (b) (c) ( d)
sufficient accuracy can be obtained by inter­ (a ) (b) (c ) (d )
Water·cooled (OW)
polation. Forced ·air·coole d *
(OA/FA) (e ) (f) (g) (h) Basis for Moderate Sacrifice of Life
Loading in Tables 3(a)-3(u). Load values in Forced ·oil·cooled,
Directed flow,
Tables 3(a)-3(u) are based on the life expect­ ( FOA, FOW,
ancy data shown in Fig 1, the assumed trans­ OA/FOA/FOA**) (i) (j) (k) (I)
former characteristics from Table 2 and the
calculated hottest-spot temperature profile for ( OA/FA/FA) (m) (n ) (p ) (q)
the daily load cycle and ambient temperature
condition that exists during the 24 h period. Forced-oil·cooled,
Non·directed flow,
The loss of life values shown in Tables 3(a)- (FOA, FOW,
3(u) are in addition to the normal loss of life of OA/FOA/FOA**) (r) (s) (t) (u)
0.0369% per 24 h which would result from
continuous operation at rated load in a con­ *Ratings 133% or less of self·cooled rating
stant 30 DC ambient. **Ratings greater than 133% of self-cooled rating


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(a) >-l
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Nameplate Rating "'i
Ambient ° c i:"1

20 30 ::c
0 10 40 50 00
Hours % Peak Hot- T o p- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- "tl

r >-l
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spo t Oil Loa d Spot Oil
(P e r
Life JPer
C) JPer
n it)
t C)
(o C
) Unit)
( C)
Te mp
(0 C )
( C)
(o C
tc ......
Normal 2.00 121 46 2.00 131 56 2.00 141 66 2.00 151 76 1.94 156 85 1.78 155 92
0.25 161 86 2.00 171 96 i:i::
1 1.00 >
2.00 ::s
Normal 2.00 136 60 2.00 146 70 1.95 152 79 1.83 151 85 1.69 149 91 1.55 148 98 ""
0.25 2.00 156 80 2.00 166 90 2.00 176 100 1.87 174 106 ""
0.50 0
1.97 183 109
1.00 (")
2.00 0
4.00 ::c
t-' ""
N o rmal 147 102
1.89 78 1.79 147 83 1.69 146 88 1.57 145 93 1.45 144 98 1.31 141
0.25 2.00 159 84 2.00 169 94 1.92 171 100 1.82 170 105 1.72 169 110 1.60 168 114 (")
0.50 2.00 179 104 1.90 178 109 1.80 177 114
2 1. 00 1.98 187 112 <:
2.00 i:"1
4.00 ::c
N o m al
1.63 140 85 1.54 139 89 1.45 138 93 1.34 137 97 1.23 135 100 1.11 133 103 c;J
1.82 154 99 1.73 163 102 1.65 162 106 1.56 162 111 1.47 161 115 1.36 159 118
0.50 1.89 172 103 l.80 171 107 1. 71 170 III ::s
4 1.00 1.95 191 108 1.87 180 112


Normal 1.45 130 65 1.36 129 88 1.27 129 92 1.18 128 95 1.08 126 98 0.97 125 101 c;J
0.25 1.61 152 99 1.53 151 102 1.45 151 106 1.37 150 109 1.28 149 112 1.19 148 116 ::c
0.50 1.66 160 103 1.59 159 107 1.51 158 110 1.43 158 114 u:;
R 1.00 1.72 169 108 1.65 168 112 i:"1
2.00 1.78 177 114

No rmal 1.28 113 76 1.20 113 79 1.11 113 83 1.02 113 87 0.92 112 90 0.81 111 93
0.25 1.44 133 88 1.36 133 92 1.28 133 96 1.20 132 99 1.11 132 103 1.02 132 106
0.50 1.48 140 93 1.41 140 96 1.34 140 100 1.25 139 103 1.17 139 107 1.08 130 110
24 1.00 1.54 147 97 1.46 147 101 1.39 147 105 1.31 147 108 1.23 146 111
"" >
2.00 1.59
155 102 1.52 154 106 1.45 154 109 1.37 1�4 113
4.00 1.65 163 107 1.58 163 111 1.50 162 114
<0 00
, �

NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see, are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit.
% lo s of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ...........
*AcLUal we.ter temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °c. oot:<:l
...... i:"1

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(b) C'J;I>
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life :"00
"' .....
65 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers to:;:;
' trl
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70 % of Nameplate Rating �trl

Ambient Cc
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Pe ak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi l Load Spot O il Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Life Jnit)
Per T8 mp
( C)
(o C ) (Per
( C)
(o C )
( C)
( C)
Un i )
( C) Temp
(0 C
(" C )
(" C )
( C)

Normal 2 . 00 129 53 2.00 139 63 2.00 149 73 1 . 95 155 83 1 . 80 1 54 90 1 . 56 148 97

0 . 25 2.00 159 83 2.00 1 69 93 2 . 00 179 1 03

2 1 .0 0
2 . 00
4 . 00

Normal 2 . 00 143 67 1 .98 151 77 1 .8 6 150 83 1 .72 148 89 1 . 56 146 95 1 . 24 140 99

0.25 2 . 00 163 87 2 . 00 173 97 1 . 91 1 74 1 04 1.77 172 110
0.50 2.00 183 1 07 1 . 88 182 113 .....
1 .0 0 trl
2 .0 0 trl
4 .00 Q
� c::
0 Norm al 1. 3 6
1 .84 166 80 1 .73 146 85 1 .62 144 90 1 . 50 143 95 140 99 1.16 133 101
0.25 2.00 1 64 88 1 . 97 171 97 1 .87 1 70 102 1.77 1 69 1 07 1.65 167 111 1.52 1 65 116
0.50 2 .0 0 174 98 1 .94 1 77 1 05 1 .84 1 77 111
2 1.00 2 .0 0 1 84 1 08
2 .00
1 .1 7 0
Normal 1 . 60 139 86 1 .51 1 38 89 1 .4 1 1 36 93 1 .30 1 34 96 131 99 1.02 127 101
1 .71
0 . 25 1.80 163 99 162 103 1 .6 2 161 1 07 1 .5 2 1 60 110 1 .42 158 1 14 1.31 1 56 117
0.50 1 .8 5 170 1 03 1 . 77 170 1 08 1.69 1 69 112 1 . 59 1 68 115 .....
4 1.00 1 . 91 1 79 108 1 .84 178 112 Z
2.00 1 '. 9 3 188 113 Q
4.00 �
N o r ma l Z
1 . 43 129 84 1 . 31 1 28 88 1.25 1 27 91 1.16 1 26 94 1.05 1 24 97 0.91 119 98
0.25 1 . 60 152 98 1 .52 151 102 1 .44 1 50 105 1 .3 5 149 1 08 1.27 1 48 112 1.16 1 46 115 ::0
0.50 1 . 66 159 103 1 .5 8 1 58 106 1 . 50 158 1 10 1.41 1 57 113 ;I>
8 1 .00 1 .71 167 1 08 1.63 166 111 1 . 55 1 65 .l1.Q. t""
2 .00 1.77 175 113 6
1 .44
1 33
1 . 20
1 .3 6
1.1 1
1 . 28
1 . 20
1 32
0 . 91
1.1 1
1 03
1 . 02
1 06

1.07 110

0 .5 0 1 .48 140 93 1 .4 1 1 39 96 1 .33 139 99 1 . 25 139 103 1.16 1 38 1 07 138 trl
1 .0 0 1.114 14 7 97 1 .4 6 146 101 1 . 38 1 46 1 04 1.30 1 46 1 07 1 . 23 146 111 ::0
1 54 00
2 .00 1 . 59 154 102 1 .52 1 54 105 1 . 45 109 1.37 1 54 113
4.00 1 . 64 162 107 1 . 57 162 111 1 .5 0 162 1 14

NOTE : Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4.2.2 .4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. 0
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. :;:;
° t::rJ
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5), and must be above zero C. ::0

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(c) >-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° c Rise, Self-Cooled ( OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers Z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90 % of Nameplate Rating "Zj
Ambient ° c l"l
a 10 20 30 40 50 rn

% e::
Hours Pea k Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Toy- Pe k
a Hot- Toy- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- 't)
of Loss Lo a d Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi Lo da Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil >-3
of �Per T(�mp Temp (Pcr Temp Temp (Per T(�mr Temp Temp T�mp (Per Te m p Temp Temp Temp
Peak (0 C )
(Per (0 C (o C)
(Per (o C ) ( oC 0
Loa d Life nit) C) Unit) eC) eC) Unit) C Unit) tCl ( C) Unit) ) Unit) ) .....
Normal 2.00 154 0
2.00 1 39 63 149 73 1.94 82 1.73 1 49 89 1.00 115 90
0.25 2 .0 0 1 59 83 2 .0 0 1 69 93 1 . 98 1 77 103 1.78 17 2 110 is:
0.50 2 .0 0 1 79 103 1 .94 <:
184 112
1 .00
- >
2 . 00 :a
Normal 2 .0 0 151 75 1 . 87 149 81 1.72 147 87 1.53 142 92 1 .0 0 115 90 '"
0.25 2.00 161 85 2.00 171 95 1 .91 173 102 1 .76 170 1 08 1 . 56 164 113 '"
0 . 50 2 .00 181 105 1 .8 8 180 111 °

1 . 00 (".)
2 . 00 0
4.00 ::0
t>:l Normal 1 .77 145 83 1 . 65 143 87 1.52 1 40 91 1 .34 1 34 94 0 .94 112 90 '"
I-" °
0.25 2.00 170 94 1 . 90 169 99 1 .7 9 1 67 1 04 1 . 67 165 108 1 .54 162 112 1.36 156 115 (".)
0 . 50 174
1 . 97 177 103 1 .8 7 175 1 08 1 .76 112
1 . 00
2 2.00 180 104 1 .95 185 112
2.00 l"l
4.00 ::0
Normal 1 .5 6 137 86 1 . 46 135 89 1 .34 132 92 1 . 20 128 94 0. 9 4 1 13 90 CJ
0 .25 1 .7 6 161 100 1 . 67 160 1 04 1 .5 8 1 59 1 07 1 .47 1 56 110 1.36 1 54 ill 1 . 20 1 -1 8 114 l"l
0.50 1.82 1 69 104 1. 73 168 108 1.64 167 111 1.. 5 5 165 115 ::s
4 1 . 00 1 .8 8 1 78 109 1 . 80 176 112
2 . 00 1 .95 187 114
4 . 00

Normal 1 .4 1 127 84 1 .32 126 87 1.22 1 24 89 1 .1 0 1 20 91 0 .9 1 110 89 CJ

0.25 1 . 59 1 50 98 1 . 51 150 101 1 .4 2 148 1 04 1.33 147 107 1.23 144 110 1.10 140 111 ::0
1 .64 1 . 56 1 54 112 ......
0 . 50 158 103 157 106 1 .48 1 56 1 09 1 .3 9
8 1 . 00 1.70 166 107 1 .62 165 III 1 .5 4 164 1 14 l"l
2 . 00 1.76 175 113
4 . 00

Normal 1 . 27 112 7 .5 1 .1 9 112 79 1.10 111 82 1 .0 1 111 86 0. 9 1 1 10 89 0.79 1 09 92

0 .2 5 1 .4 3 132 88 1 . 36 132 92 1 .27 132 95 1 .1 9 131 98 1.10 131 1 02 1 .01 13 1 1 06
0 . 50 1 .4 8 139 92 1.41 1 39 96 1.33 139 99 1 . 24 138 103 1.16 138 1 06 1.06 137 109
24 1 . 00 1 . 53 146 97 1 . 46 146 101 1 .38 146 1 04 1 .3 0 146 107 1.22 145 111 1.13 145 114
2 . 00 1 .59 1 54 10 2 1 .52 154 105 1 .4 4 153 1 08 1 .3 6 153 112 (".)
4 . 00 1 .64 162 107 1.57 162 110 1 .5 0 162 114 "' >
:-' Z
"' 00

% l o of life is in addition to normal loss of life.
NOTE : Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are gi en to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �, �
..... ......
", l"l
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero D C . oo l"l
..... l"l

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(d) (') :>
O1 Z
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life :-' 00
00 ....
65 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers � ;::;
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 1 00% of Nameplate Rating � �
oo trJ

Ambient ° e
0 10 20 30 40 50

T -
� Peak
Spot Oi
To - Peak

To -
(Per Te lIP ( Per
Life JPer
T �mp
( e)
te) J
T �mp
( C) Unit)
( e) tC) Unit)
( e)
( C)
( C)
( e)
T 8mp
( e)
Normal 2 .00 144 68 2.00 1 54 78 J 80 1 49 a5 l . 00 1 10 85
0.25 :" . 0 0 1 64 88 2.00 1 74 98 l .8 4 172 1 06 l .00 130 1 05
0.50 2 . 00 184 1 08 1 .7 2 173 1 14
! 1 . 00
2 2.00
4 .00

Normal 1 .93 149 78 l .78 14 6 83 1 . 59 1 41 88 1 . 00 110 85

0 .25 1 .97 1 .63 164 1 09 1 . 00 138 105
2 . 00 156 80 2 .00 1 66 90 173 99 1 .8 1 1 69 104
0 . 50 1.77 175 1 13 1.50 164 1 16
2.00 176 1 00 1 .93 179 108
l .00 2 . 00 186 110 trJ
2.00 trJ
4 .0 0 0
� c:

1 .71 142 83 l .59 140 88 1 .4 2 1 35 91 1 .00 1 10 85
0.25 1 . 95 1 68 95 l .8 5 167 100 1 .7 3 1 65 1 04 1 .6 1 162 109 1 .4 4 156 111 l .0 0 130 1 05 trJ
0 .50 2 .00 173 98 1 .93 176 104 1 .8 2 1 74 1 09 1 . 70 172 113 l . 34 1 58 1 17
2 1.00 2.00 1 83 108 1 .9 1 1 83 113
Normal 1 .5 3 135 86 1.42 133 89 1 .28 1 27 90 1 .00 1 10 85 :>
0.25 1 .7 3 160 100 1 .64 1 58 103 1 .5 5 157 1 07 1 .4 3 153 1 09 1 .28 147 110 1 . 00 1 30 1 05 tl
0 . 50 1 .80
168 104 1 .7 1 167 lOS 1 .6 2 165 111 1 .5 2 163 115 1 . 39 1 59 117 1 .22 151 117
4 1 . 00 l .8 6 176 109 1 .7 8 176 113
2 .00 1 .9 3 186 1 14
4.00 �
Normal 1 .40 126 83 1 . 30 1 24 86 1.19 1 20 8 :7 l .00 110 85 trJ
0 . 25 1 . 58 1 50 98 1 . 49 148 1 01 1 .4 1 147 104 1 .3 0 144 1 06 1 .1 9 140 107 1 . 00 1 30 105 ::0
0 . 50 1 . 63 1 57 1 02 1 .55 1 55 105 1 .46 1 54 108 1 .3 8 1 53 III 1 . 27 149 113 1.13 143 113 :>
1 .00 1 .69 165 107 1 .6 1 164 1 10 1H t"
8 1 . 53 1 63
2.00 1 . 75 173 112 1 .6 7 173 116
4 .00 t"
Normal 1 .27 112 75 1.19 111 78 1 . 09 1 10 81 1 . 00 110 85 0 .89 1 09 88 0.77 1 08 91 �
0 . 25 1 .43 132 88 1 .35 132 91 1 . 27 1 32 95 1 .19 13 1 98 1 . 09 130 101 1 . 00 130 1 05 �
0.50 1 .48 139 92 1 .4 1 1 39 96 1 . 32 1 38 99 1 . 24 1 38 103 1 . 16 1 38 1 06 1 .06 1 37 1 09 trJ
1 .0 0 1 .53 146 97 1 .4 6 146 100 1 .38 146 1 04 1 . 30 145 107 1 . 22 145 111 1.13 144 1 14 ::0
24 00
2.00 1 . 59 1 54 1 02 1 .52 154 105 1 .44 1 53 1 08 1 .36 1 53 112 trJ
4 .00 1 .64 162 107 1 . 57 1 62 110 1 . 50 161 114 tl
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum Iimit_
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. trJ
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ), and must be above zero ° e_ ::0

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(e) >"I

Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating Z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "%J

Ambient ° c t<l

0 10 20 30 40 50 00
Hours % Peak H t-
o Top- Pea k Hot- Top- Peak Hot- y
To - Peak Hot- y
To - Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- "t:I
P ak
of �Per
Load Spot
T�m p
( C)
( C
T� mp �
Spot Oi
Temp T�mp
(Per Temp
Oil Load Spot Oil
(Per Temp Temp
(0 0
Load Li f
e nit) ( C) Unit) ) C) Unit) C) ( e) nit) t e) ( e) Unit) C) C) Unit) (C) C) ....
Normal 2.00 140 50 2 .00 150 60 1 .9 7 1 58 69 1 .8 7 1 57 76 1 .76 157 83 1 .63 156 90
0.25 2.00 1 60 70 2.13 184 84 2.02 183 90 1 .9 2 182 97 s::
1 .00
2.00 ::;;
4 .00
Normal 1 .93 154 69 1 .8 3 153 74 1.74 153 80 1 .6 4 152 85 1 .54 1 50 91 1 .4 2 149 96 01
0 . 25 2.1 2 179 79 2.04 178 84 1 .9 5 1 78 90 1 .8 7 178 96 1.77 176 101 1 .6 7 175 107 01
0.50 0
2.02 1 86 94 1 .9 4 186 99 1 .8 4 185 105 1.75 184 110
1 1 .00 C':l
2 . 00 0
4 . 00 �
t-:) 01
C<:> Normal 1 . 68 148 79 1 . 59 146 83 1.51 146 88 1 .4 2 145 92 1.33 144 96 1 .22 142 1 00

0.25 1 . 85 172 92 1 .77 171 96 1 .70 170 1 00 1 .62 170 105 1.53 169 109 1 .4 5 1 68 114
0.50 1 . 90 180 96 1 .83 179 100 1 .76 179 1 05 1 . 68 178 109 1 .6 0 177 1 13
2 1 . 00
1 . 89 188 105 1 .82 188 1 09 1.75 187 114
4 . 00 �
N ormal 1 .4 8 1 38 82 1 .4 1 138 86 1 .33 1 37 89 1 .25 136 93 1.16 135 97 1 .0 7 133 100 0
0.25 1 . 63 162 96 1.57 162 1 00 1 .4 9 1 60 103 1 .42 159 1 07 1 .3 4 1 59 III 1 . 26 1 58 114 l"l
0.50 1 . 68 170 101 1.61 1 69 104 1.55 1 68 1 08 1.47 167 112 ::;;
1 .00 1.73 178 106 1 .66 177 109 1 . 60 177 1 13
2.00 1 .78 187 111 1 . 72 1 86 115
4 . 00 H

Normal 1 .35 127 78 1 . 28 126 82 1 .2 1 1 26 85 1.13 1 25 89 1 .05 1 25 92 0.95 1 24 96 0
0.25 1.49 149 92 1.43 148 95 1 . 36 1 48 99 1 . 29 148 103 1.21 147 106 1.14 146 1 09 �
0 . 50 1 . 54 156 96 1 .4 8 1 56 100 1 .41 155 103 1 .3 4 155 107 1 .27 1 54 111 1.19 1 54 1 14 00
8 1 .00 1 . 59 164 101 1 .52 163 104 1 .4 6 1 63 108 1 . 39 1 63 112 l"l
2.00 1 . 63 172 106 1 . 58 172 110 1 .5 1 171 113
4.00 1 . 68 181 112

Normal 1 . 24 112 69 1.17 111 73 1 .09 111 76 1.01 111 80 0.92 111 84 0.83 110 88
0.25 1 . 38 131 81 1 .3 1 131 85 1.24 131 89 1.17 131 93 1 .0 9 131 96 1 .0 1 131 1 00
0.50 1 .4 2 138 85 1.35 1 38 89 1 .2 9 1 38 93 1 . 22 1 38 97 1.14 1 38 100 1 .0 6 1 37 1 04
24 1 . 00 1 .4 6 145 90 1 .4 0 145 94 1 .3 3 145 97 1 .2 7 145 101 1.19 145 105 1.12 144 1 09
2 .00 1 .51 153 95 1 .4 5 153 98 1 .3 8 152 102 1 .3 2 152 106 1 .25 1 52 110 1.17 152 113 C':l
4 . 00 1 .55 160 99 1 .4 9 160 103 1 .43 160 1 07 1 .3 7 160 111 01 >
:-' Z
10 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4.2.2. 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. Nl
, -
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. .... ....
1O l"l
oo l"l
.... l'l

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
O1 Z
Table 3(f) :-'1 00
co ......
1:>:1 ;::;
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life ' ttl
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating � ttl
00 ttl
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot- Top· Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- y

To - Peak Hot- To - Peak HoL- Top- Peak Hot- Top -
of r Spot
Loss Load
r Spot Oil Load Spot
Load Spot
Oi Load
Spot Oi Load
Load Spot Oil

.crni t ) ( C
T!i mp Temp T(li mp Tli mp
t C)
Peak of a (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Tgmp (Per Temp
Temp (Per Temp Temp
Load Life ( C
( C
) U n it )
) C) Un it ) C) U n it )
C) ( C) Unit) C) C) Unit) (C )
Normal 2.00 148 57 2.00 158 67 1 .89 1 58 74 1 . 78 1 56 81 1.65 1 55 88 1 .49 151 94
0 .25 2.15 183 82 2 . 04 182 88 1.94 182 96 1.83 181 102
0 .50
1 .00
4 .00

Normal 1 .87 153 72 1 .7 7 152 77 1 .6 7 151 82 1.57 150 88 1 45 148 93 1 . 30 143 98 ......
0 . 25 2 . 07 178 82 1 .9 9 178 88 93 ttl
1 .90 177 1.81 176 99 1. 71 1 75 1 04 1 . 60 173 1 09
0 .50 2 .06 186 91 1 .9 7 -
185 97 1 .8 8 -
1 84 102 1 .7 9 184 1 08 1 . 68 181 1 13 ttl
1 .00
2 . 00
t>:l 4 .00
..,. a
Normal 1 .64 1 47 1 45 ttl
80 1 . 56 84 1 .4 7 144 89 1 .37 142 92 1.27 1 40 96 1 . 14 1 36 99
0.25 1 .8 2 171 93 1 .74 170 97 1 . 66 1 69 1 01 1 .58 1 68 1 06 1.49 1 67 110 140 165 1 14 "<J
0 . 50 1 .88 0
179 97 1 .80 179 1 02 1 .7 2 177 1 06 1 .64 176 110
2 1 .00 l .9 3 188 1 02 1 . 86 187 106 1 .79 186 110
2 .00 t""
4 . 00 0
Normal 0
1 .4 6 137 82 1 . 39 136 85 1.31 1 35 89 1 .22 1 34 92 1.13 132 96 1 .0 1 1 29 98
0.25 1 .6 2 161 96 1.55 160 1 00 1 .48 1 59 103 1 .4 0 1 58 1 07 1 .32 157 110 1 .23 155 1 13
0 . 50 1 .67 169 101 1 . 60 168 104 1.53 1 67 1 08 1 .4 6 166 III Q
4 1 . 00 1 .7 2 177 106 1 . 65 177 110 1 .59 1 76 1 13 s:::
2 . 00 1 . 77 186 111
4 . 00
Normal 1 .35 1 26 78 1 . 28 125 81 1 .2 0 1 25 85 1 .12 1 24 88 1.03 1 23 91 0.92 1 20 94 >
0 . 25
0 . 50
1 . 49
1 . 53
1 48
1 .43
1 . 47
1 48
95 1.35 147 98 1 . 28
147 1 02 1.21 146 105 1.12 145 109 t;"'
99 1 .4 0 1 54 103 153 106 1 . 26 153 110 1.18 152 113 0
8 l .00 1 . 58 163 101 1 . 52 163 104 1 .45 1 62 1 08 1 .38 162 ill t'"
2 .00 1 . 63 171 106 1.57 171 109 1 . 50 1 70 113
4 .00 1 . 68 180 111 1 .62 180 lli s:::
N ormal 1 . 24 III 69 1.17 III 73 1 . 09 111 76 1 . 01 110 80 0.92 111 84 0.83 110 88 t'l
0.25 l . 37 131 81 1 . 30 131 85 1 . 24 1 31 89 1.17 1 31 93 1 .0 9 1 30 96 1 .00 1 30 1 00 !:d
0 . 50 1 .4 1 1 37 85 1 . 35 1 38 89 1 . 28 1 37 93 1 .21 137 97 1.14 1 37 100 1 .06 136 1 04 tn
24 1 . 00 1 .4 6 145 90 1 .4 0 145 94 1 . 33 1 45 97 1 . 26 144 101 1.19 1 44 1 04 1.12 144 108
2.00 1 . 50 152 94 1.45 152 98 1.38 1 52 102 1 .3 1 152 100 1 . 24 152 1 09 1 .17 152 1 13
4 .00 1 . 55 1 60 99 1 .50 1 61 103 1.43 1 60 1 07 1 . 37 160 111 1 . 30 160 114
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see, are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. ttl
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. !:d

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(g) 0-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° c Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OAjFA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating 2
E quivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "'J
Ambient ° c trJ
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
% Top· Hot· To - e:::
Hours Peak Hot· Peak Hot· Top- Peak To Peak Hot· Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top-
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot r
Oi Load Spot Oir Load Spot Oil Load Sp o t Oil 0-3
Life JPer
( C)
( C) J
Tem p
t C)
( C) Unit)
( C) (o
e) J
ni t ) ( e
T� mp
( e)
C) C C)
Temp (Per
C) o
( e)
Temp 0
Normal 2.00 1 57 67 1 .88 1 56 73 l .76 1 54 80 1.61 150 86 l . 23 1 30 88 0
0.25 --
2.15 183 81 --
2.04 � 88 1 . 94 181 95 l .81 178 101 l . 64 173 107 s::
0.50 1 .9 1 -
188 104 1 . 77 185 --
1 10 <:
! 1 . 00 >
Normal l . 79 1 51 75 1 .69 1 50 81 148 1 23
l . 57 86 1.43 143 90 l . 10 88
0.25 2.01 177 86 1.91 176 91 l.81 174 96 l. 72 173 102 1 . 60 171 1 07 l . 45 165 111 01
0.50 1.98 1 84 95 l . 89 -
183 100 l . 80 -
182 1 06 1 . 69 180 -
1 11 °
1 1.00 0
2.00 0
4.00 ::>:I
� Normal 1 . 59 144 81 1.50 142 85 1 . 40 140 89 1 . 28 1 36 91 1.03 1 20 88 01
01 0
0 . 25 1 . 78 1 69 94 1.70 1 69 99 1 . 62 167 103 1.53 166 107 1 .42 163 110 1.30 1 58 112
0.50 1.83 177 98 1.76 177 103 1.67 175 107 1 . 59 174 111
1.00 1.90 1 87 103 1.82 .!l1 >
2 186 1 08 1.74 184
Normal 1 .44 1 36 82 1.36 1 34 85 1 . 27 1 32 88 1.16 128 90 0.97 115 86 (,')
0.25 1 . 60 159 96 1.53 1 58 99 1 . 45 1 57 103 1 . 37 1 56 1 06 1 .28 1 53 108 1.17 148 110 trJ
0.50 1 . 64 1 67 100 1.58 1 66 1 04 1 . 50 165 107 l.43 1 63 110 1.34 162 113 ::;::
4 1 . 00 1.70 176 105 1.63 175 1 09 l . 56 174 113
2.00 184 111 1.69 1 84 115
4.00 ......
Normal 1.33 1 24 77 1.26 1 24 80 1 . 18 122 83 1 . 08 119 85 0.93 111 85 (,')
0.25 1.48 147 91 1.42 147 95 1 . 34 146 98 1 . 27 145 101 1 . 18 143 1 04 1 .09 140 106 ::>:I
0.50 1.52 1 54 95 1.46 154 99 1 . 39 153 102 1.32 152 1 06 1 . 24 151 1 09 1.16 149 112 00
8 1.00 1 . 57 162 100 1.51 162 104 1 . 44 161 107 1.37 1 60 111 1 . 30 159 114 trJ
2.00 1.62 170 1 05 1.56 170 109 1 . 49 169 112
4.00 1.67 179 111 1.61 179 114

Normal 1 . 24 111 69 1.16 110 72 1 . 08 110 76 1 . 00 110 80 0.92 1 10 84

0.25 1.37 131 81 1.31 1 31 85 1 . 24 131 88 1.16 130 92 1.08 1 30 96 1 . 00 1 30 100
0.50 1.41 137 85 1.35 1 37 89 1 . 28 137 92 1.21 1 37 96 1.13 1 36 100 1.05 1 36 1 04
24 0.00 1 . 46 144 89 1 .40 145 93 1.33 145 97 1.26 144 101 1 .18 143 104 1.11 143 108
2 . 00 1.51 152 94 1 . 44 1 52 98 1 . 38 152 102 1.31 151 1 05 1 . 24 152 109 1.17 151 113 0
4.00 1.55 1 60 99 1 . 49 1 60 103 1.43 159 106 1 . 36 1 59 110 1 .29 1 59 114 "' >
:-> 2
<0 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. I>J ......
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. � "j::;j
<o trJ
oo trJ
.... trJ

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cn z
Table 3(h) :-' 00
"' .....
"" -;::;
Capability Table for Normal and M oderate Sacrifice of Life
65 DC Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/F A) Transformers Rated 1 33% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating ,:.. �
� t;:j
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating .....

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

of Loss
Spot r
TO -
Spo t r
To -
Spot r
To -
Life JPer
Ts mp
( C)
Ts mp
( C) JPer
t C)
( C)
(oC) JPer
Tg mp
( C)
Tg mp
( C)
Uni t)
Tg mp
( C)
Uni t)
( C)
N or mal 1 .9 3 156 70 1 . 80 1 54 77 1 . 64 149 83 1 . 06 114 81
0.25 2.19 183 78 2.08 1 82 85 1 .98 181 92 1 .8 4 178 98 1 . 67 172 103 1 . 02 131 100
0.50 1.95 188 101
1 .81 1 84 107 1 . 59 175 111

Normal 1.73 149 77 1.63 147 82 1 . 47 141 86 1 . 03 112 80 .....

0.25 1 . 96 176 88 1 . 87 175 93 1 . 76 173 98 1 . 65 170 103 1 . 50 164 107 1 . 02 131 1 00 t;:j
0.50 2.03 184 91 1.93 183 96 1 . 84 182 102 1.73 179 107 1 .61 111 1.41 113 t;:j
175 165
1 . 00 1 .82 189 111
2.00 C')
t-:) 4 . 00 c:::
Normal 1.55 142 81 1.46 140 85 1.33 1 34 87 1 . 03 112 81 t;:j
0.25 1.75 168 95 1 .66 166 99 1.57 164 102 1 . 48 162 1 06 1 . 34 1 56 108 1 . 01 130 100 '"<J
0.50 1 .8 1 177 99 1.73 176 103 1 . 65 174 107 1 .5 5 171 111 1.44 1 67 114 1 . 28 159 114 0
2 1.00 1 . 87 186 1 04 1 . 79 184 1 08 1 .71 183 112 :;d
2.00 t"'
4.00 0
N o rm al 1 . 42 1 34 81 1 . 34 132 84 1 . 23 127 85 1 . 02 111 81 t;
0.25 1 . 58 158 95 1.51 1 57 99 1 .4 3 155 1 02 1.34 1 53 104 1 . 23 148 1 06 1 .00 130 100 Z
0.50 1 . 63 1 66 1 00 1 . 56 165 1 04 1 . 49 163 107 1.41 161 110 1.31 158 112 1.17 150 111 C')
1 . 00 1 . 6R
4 1 74 105 1 . 62 174 1 09 1.55 172 --
2.00 1 . 74 184 111 1 . 68 183
Normal 1 . 33 124 76 1.25 122 79 1.16 119 82 1 .01 110 80 :;d
0.25 1 . 48 147 91 1.41 145 94 1 .31 145 97 142 0.99
1 . 25 99 1.16 1 39 102 1 30 100
1 . 00
1 . 57
1 .46
1 03
1 . 38
1 . 44
1 02
1 09
1 .2 2
1 . 29
1 58
1 . 20
1 43
2.00 t"'
1.62 170 105 1 . 56 170 1 09 1 . 49 169 112 1.42 168 --
4 . 00 1.67 179 ill 1.61 178 l!1..
Normal 1.23 110 68 1 .16 110 72 1.08 110 76 1.00 1 10 80 s::
0.25 1 . 37 131 81 1.30 131 85 1 .23 1 30 88 1.16 1 30 92 L OR 1 28 'l5 1 . 00 1 30 100 :;d
0.50 1.41 1 37 85 1.35 137 89 1.28 137 93 1.20 1 36 96 1.13 1 36 1 00 1.05 135 103 00
24 1 . 00 1 . 46 144 89 1.40 144 9 :, 1.33 144 97 1 .26 144 1 00 1 . 18 143 1 04 1.11 143 108 t;:j
2.00 1.51 152 94 1 . 44 152 98 1 . 38 1 52 1 02 1 .:1 1 151 105 1 . 24 151 1 09 1 . 16 151 112 t;
4 . 00 1 .55 160 99 1 .49 1 60 1 03 1 . 43 159 106 1.36 1 59 159 ."
110 1 . 29 1 14

NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t;:j
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. :;d

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(i) "":l
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled ( Directed Flow - FOA, FOA*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "%j
Ambient °c trl
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
% �
of Loss
To -
Oi r Peak
Spot r
To -
Spot r
To -
Spot r
To -
T op -
Tgmp Te mp
of T� mp Per Temp Temp (Per T(�mp T!l mp per T( 0emp (Per 0
Load Life nit) ( C) (0
C) Jnit) (o
C) tC) Unit) C) ( C) Jnit) C) ( C) Unit) tC)
t c)
t el
( C)
Normal 1.76 52 1.70 160 59 159 1.48 0
160 1 .6 3 66 1.56 159 74 1 58 81 1.41 157 88
0 . 25 1.91 -
186 59 1.84 185 66 1 . 79 185 74 1.73 185 81 1 .66 1M 88 1 . 59 � 95 s::
0.50 <:
! 1 . 00 >
2.00 �
4 . 00
Normal 1.59 1 54 65 1 .5 4 1 53 71 1 .4 7 152 77 1 .4 1 152 83 1 . 34 151 89 1 .26 150 94 <:11
0.25 1.73 179 74 1 .67 1 78 80 1.62 178 87 1.55 177 92 1.49 1 76 98 1.43 176 1 04 <:11
0.50 1.77 187 78 1.72 1 87 84 1.66 186 90 1 . 60 185 95 1.54 1 85 102 1.48 184 107 0

1 .0 0 ()
2.00 0
4 . 00 ::0
t.:> Normal 1 .45 146 73 C1T
1 .3 9 146 78 1 . 3 .1 145 83 1 .27 144 88 1 . 20 143 93 1 .13 142 97 0
0.25 1.57 170 84 1.52 170 89 1 .4 6 1 69 94 1 69 1 00 ()
1.41 1 . 34 1 67 1 04 1 . 28 167 1 09
0.50 1.61 178 88 1.55 178 93 1 . 50 177 98 1 .4 5 176 103 1 .39 176 108 1 . 33 175 ll3
1 .00 1 .64 187 >
2 92 1 .6 0 187 97 1 .55 1 86 102 1 .49 185 107 1 . 44 185 112
2 . 00 trl
4 . 00 ::0
Normal 1.34 136 73 1 . 28 135 78 1 .22 135 82 1.16 1 34 87 1 . 09 1 33 91 1 . 02 1 32 96 0
0.25 1.45 158 85 1 .4 0 1 58 90 1 .34 157 94 1 . 29 157 99 1 . 23 1 57 1 03 1 . 17 156 1 08 trl
0.50 1.48 166 89 1.43 1 65 93 1 .38 165 98 1.33 164 102 1 . 27 1 64 107 1 . 21 163 112 �
4 1.00 1 .52 174 93 1.47 173 98 1 . 42 173 102 1.37 173 107 1 .32 173 ill Z
2.00 1.56 183 III
98 1.52 183 1 02 l .46 182 1 07 1.41 181
4.00 -
Normal 1 . 27 1 24 68 1 . 21 1 24 73 1.15 1 24 77 1 . 09 123 82 1 . 02 1 23 87 0.95 1 23 91 0
0.25 1.38 146 80 1.32 146 84 1.27 145 89 1 .21 145 93 1 .1 6 1 45 98 1 . 09 144 103 ::0
0.50 1.41 153 83 1.36 153 88 1. 31 153 93 1 . 25 152 97 1 .20 152 1 02 1.14 152 106 00
8 1 . 00 1.45 160 87 1.40 161 92 1 . 35 160 97 1 . 29 160 101 1 . 24 1 59 1 06 1.18 159 110 trl
2.00 1 . 48 169 92 1.44 1 69 96 1 . 39 1 68 101 1 . 34 168 1 06 1 . 28 167 110 1 . 23 167 115
4 .00 1.52 178 95 1.48 177 101 1 .43 177 106 1 . 38 177 110
Norm al 1.19 111 61 1.13 111 66 1 . 07 III 71 1 .01 111 76 0.94 111 80 0.86 111 85
0.25 1 . 30 131 72 1.25 131 77 1.19 131 81 1.13 131 86 1 .07 131 91 1 .00 131 95
0.50 1.33 137 75 1 . 28 137 80 1 . 23 1 37 85 1.17 1 38 90 1.11 1 37 94 1.05 137 99
24 1 . 00 1.37 144 79 1.32 144 84 1 . 27 1 45 86 1 .2 1 145 93 1.15 144 98 1 .09 145 1 03
2.00 1 .4 1 152 83 1.36 152 88 1.30 1 52 92 1 .2 5 152 97 1 . 20 152 1 02 1 . 14 152 106 ()
4 . 00 1 . 44 160 87 1 .39 160 92 1 . 34 160 96 1.29 1 60 101 1 . 24 159 1 06 1.18 160 !!! <:11 >
;-'l Z
.0 00
t..:l -
NOTE : Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2.4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. . -
..... -
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ° tO trl
* Actual water temperature should be 5 ° c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero C. oo trl
..... trl

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(j) n>
O1 Z
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life :--' 00
.., .....
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Directed Flow - FOA, FOW * , and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers N) "j::;
E quivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating � g]
oo trl

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Peak of �Per T�mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per T�mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per T8mp Temp
Load Life nit) ( C) t C) Unit) (0C) t e) Unit) ( C) t c) Unit) te) (0C) Unit) te) t C) Unit) ( e) (0C )
Normal 1.71 159 57 1.65 159 64 1 . 58 1 58 71 1.51 157 78 l .4 3 1 56 R5 l . 34 154 92
0.25 1 . 87 185 64 1.80 184 71 1 . 74 184 78 1.68 184 85 l .6 1 1 83 92 l . 54 182 99
! 1 .0 0
2 2 .0 0
4 .0 0

Normal l.56 152 67 1.50 152 73 1.44 151 79 1 .37 150 85 1 . 29 1 49 90 1 .20 146 96
0.25 1.70 1 7H 77 1 . 64 1 77 83 1.59 177 89 1.52 176 94 1 .4 6 175 1 00 1 . 39 174 1 06
0.50 1 .74 186 80 1 . 69 185 86 1 . 63 185 92 1 . 57 184 98 1.51 183 103 1 ,45 183 1 09
1 1 .00 trl
2.00 trl
4.00 0
t-.:> Normal 1 .37
1 .1 3 145 73 144 78 1.31 1 44 83 1 . 24 142 88 1.17 141 93 1 . 09 1 39 97
00 0.25 1 . 55 85 1.89 165
1 70 l . 50 1 69 90 l.45 1 68 95 1 67 100 l .33 166 1 05 l . 26 109
0.50 1 . 59 178 89 1 . 54 176 94 1 . 48 176 98 l .4 3 175 103 l .3 7 1 74 108 l .3 1 174 112
1.00 1 . 63 186 93 l.58 185 98 l.53 185 103 1 .4 8 -
184 1 08 1.42 -
1 84 -


Normal 0
1 .33 1 35 73 1 .27 1 34 77 1 . 21 1 34 82 1.15 132 86 1 .0a 1 32 91 l.00 129 94 >
0.25 1.45 158 85 1 . 39 1 57 89 1 . 34 1 57 94 l . 28 1 56 98 1 .23 156 103 l.16 154 107 t:)
0.50 1 .48 165 88 1.43 1 65 93 1 . 38 164 98 1.32 1 64 102 l . 27 163 107 l . 20 162 111
1 .5 2
l.00 173 93 1 .47 173 97 1.42 172 102 1.37 1 72 107 l.31 172 -
2.00 l . 55 1H2 97 1.51 181 102 1.46 -
1 81 107 1.11 -
181 -
4.00 �
Normal 1 . 26 1 24 68 1 .21 1 24 73 1.15 1 24 77 1 . 09 1 23 82 1 .0 2 122 86 0.94 121 90 trl
0. 2 5 1 . 38 l 46 80 1 . :12 145 84 1 . 27 145 89 1.21 1 44 93 1 .1 5 144 98 1 .09 144 102 �
0.50 1.41 152 83 1 . 36 153 88 1.30 152 92 1 . 25 152 97 1 .2 0 152 102 1 .13 151 1 06 >
1 .00 1 .45 1 . 39 t""
8 160 87 160 92 1 . 34 160 96 1 . 29 1 59 101 1 .2 3 1 59 1 05 1 .18 159 110
2.00 1 .48 1 68 91 l.43 168 96 1 . 38 167 100 1 . 34 1 68 1 06 1 .2 8 167 110 .....
4.00 1.52 177 96 1.47 1 76 100 1 . 4:3 176 105 1 . 38 1 76 110 1 .3 2 1 76 114
Normal 1.19 111 61 1.13 111 66 1 . 07 111 71 1 . 00 111 75 0.93 110 80 0.86 111 85 �
0.25 1 .30 1 30 72 1.25 1 31 77 l.19 1 :W 81 1.13 131 86 1 .07 131 91 1 .00 130 95 �
0.50 1.33 137 75 1 . 28 137 80 l.23 l :n 85 l.17 1.11 94 137 99 trl

137 89 137 1 . 05
24 1 .0 0 1.37 141 79 1.32 144 84 1 . 27 145 88 1 .21 145 93 l.15 1 44 98 1 . 09 144 102 00
2.00 1.40 152 83 1.36 152 88 1 . 30 152 92 l . 25 152 97 l .20 152 102 1.14 152 1 06 trl
4.00 1.44 160 87 1.39 160 92 l . 34 160 96 1 . 29 160 101 1 .2 6 1 59 106 1.18 Hi9 110 t:)
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. trl
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °e lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °e. �

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(k) >-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers Z
E quivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "%j
Ambient C c t:rJ
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
% Peak To r To r e
Hours Hot- Top- Peak Hot- To p- Peak Hot- Peak Hot- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- >1;1
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi l Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Loa d Spot Oil >-3
Peak of Per (Per Temp (Per (Per 0
Loa d Life Jnit)
( C)
(C) JPer
ni t )
(cc) Unit)
( C) (cC) Unit)
(c C)
( C) Uni t)
(0C) Jni t )
Per T� mp
( C)
("C) .....
Normal 1 . 66 158 62 1 . 59 1 57 70 1.51 1 56 76 1.41 1 53 83 1 . 25 142
0.25 1 .81 184 69 1 . 75 1 84 77 1 .68 182 83 1.61 181 90 1.53 179 97 1 .44 176 104
1.52 187 1 07 <:
0.50 1 . 59 189 100
2 1 . 00
2.00 �
4.00 >-3
Normal 1.52 151 70 1 . 45 149 76 1 . 38 148 81 1 .30 145 86 1.14 1 34 88 c.n
0.25 1 . 66 177 80 1 .6 1 176 86 1 . 54 175 91 1 .48 173 97 1.41 172 103 1 . 31 167 107 c.n
0.50 1.53 1 06 1 . 38 178 111 °

1.71 185 83 1.65 1 84 89 1 . 59 184 95 182 100 1.46 181
1 . 00
2.00 0
4.00 ::x:J
t-:l 142 87 1.06 1 27 88 01
to Normal 1.41 143 74 1.34 79 1.28 140 83 1 .2 0 137
0.25 1.53 167 85 1 .48 1 67 90 1 .4 2 166 95 1.36 165 1 00 1 . 29 162 104 1 . 20 158 1 07 0°
0.50 1.57 175 89 1.52 175 94 1 .4 6 174 99 1.41 173 104 1 . 34 172 109 1.27 1 68 1 12
2 1 . 00 1.61 184 93 1.56 1 84 98 1 .5 1 1 83 103 1 .4 5 1 82 108 1 . 39 180 113
2.00 t:rJ
4.00 ::x:J
Normal 1.32 1 34 73 1 . 26 1 32 76 1 .20 131 81 1.12 1 28 84 1.01 121 85 0
0.25 1 .4 3 156 84 1.38 156 89 1.33 155 93 1 .27 1 54 98 1 . 20 1 52 101 1.13 149 105 t:rJ
0.50 1.47 163 88 1.42 1 64 93 1 . 37 163 97 1 .31 162 1 02 1 . 25 160 1 06 1 . 18 158 109 �..
4 1.00 1.51 172 92 1 .46 172 97 1.41 170 101 1.36 170 106 1 . :10 1 69 no 1.23 168 1 14
2.00 1.55 181 97 1.50 1 80 1 01 1 .45 180 1 06 1 . 40 179 110 1 . 34 178 115
4.00 ......
Normal 1.26 1 23 68 1 . 20 123 72 1.14 122 77 1.07 1 20 80 0.97 115 83 0
0. 2 5 1.37 145 79 1.32 144 84 1.27 144 88 1 . 20 14a 92 1.14 142 97 1.07 141 101 ::x:J
0.50 1.41 152 83 1.35 151 87 1 . 30 151 92 1 . 25 151 97 1 . 19 150 101 1.12 148 105 Ul
8 1.00 1.44 1 60 87 1 . 39 159 91 1 . 34 1 59 96 1 . 29 159 101 1.23 158 1 05 1.17 1 57 1 09 t:rJ
2 . 00 1.48 167 91 1.43 167 96 1 . 38 167 1 01 1 . 33 166 105 1 . 27 166 1 09 1 .22 166 114
4 . 00 1.52 176 95 1.47 1 76 100 1 .42 176 1 05 1.37 175 109 1 .3 2 175 114

Normal 1.19 111 61 1.13 111 66 1 . 07 111 71 1 . 00 110 75 0.93 110 80 0.85 110 Fl4
0.25 1 . 30 130 72 1 . 24 1 30 76 1 .19 130 81 1.13 1 30 86 1 . 07 1 30 90 1 . 00 130 95
0.50 1.33 137 75 1 . 28 1 37 80 1 . 23 137 85 1.17 137 89 1.11 1 37 94 1 .04 1 36 98
24 1.00 1 . 37 144 79 1.32 144 84 1 . 26 144 88 1 .2 1 144 93 1.15 144 97 1 .09 1 43 102
2 . 00 1 .40 152 83 1 . 36 1 52 88 1.30 152 92 1.25 152 97 1.20 152 102 1.1 3 151 1 06 0
4.00 1 . 44 1 60 87 1 . 39 1 59 91 1 . 34 160 96 1 . 29 159 101 1 . 24 1 59 1 06 1.18 1 59 110 01 >
:-' Z
tC oo
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �, �
% loss of life is in addition to norm al loss of life. ..... ......
° tC t:rJ
• Actual wRter temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero C. oo t:rJ
..... t:rJ

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(1) "' Z
:-" 00
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life "' ....
.., ';::;
65 DC Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating
oo trJ

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

P a
Top- Peak
Top- Peak Hot- Top-
P ak of �Per T( �mp
JPer Temp
(0 C )
(P r T� mp Temp �
Per Temp Temp �Per Temp
T� mp
Tg mp
( e)
Load Life nit) t e) nit) C) Unit) ( C) t Cl nit) t C) tC) nit) e) ( C) Unit) e)
Normal 1.61 157 66 1 .53 1 54 72 1.43 1 50 78 1 .00 110 75
0.25 1. 77 182 73 1 . 71 UI2 80 1 .64 181 87 1 . 56 179 94 1 .4 5 173 99 1 .00 1 30 95
0.50 1 .63 188 96 1.53 1 84 102 1 .39 175 107
2" 1 .00 1 .52 191 112
2 .00
4 .00

Norm al 1 .49 149 71 1 .4 2 148 77 1.32 142 81 1 .00 110 75

0.25 1 .64 95
176 81 1.58 174 87 1.52 173 93 1 .44 170 98 1 . 34 164 102 1 .00 130
0.50 1 . 68 184 84 1 .6 3 -
183 90 1 .56 181 96 1 .49 179 101 1.41 176 106 1 .28 166 1 09 tzJ
1 . 00 1 .5 5 190 105 1 .4 8 187 110 1 . 39 183 115 trJ
2 . 00 tzJ
4 . 00 Cl
0 or a
N m l 1 .3 9 142 74 1.32 139 78 1 .23 1 35 81 1 .00 110 75 8
0.25 1 .5 2 167 86 1 .46 165 90 1.40 1 64 95 1 .34 162 99 1.26 1 56 1 02 1 .00 100 95 trJ
1 . 56 1 75 89 1 . 50 173 94 1.45 172 99 1 . 38 1 70 103 1.31 168 1 07 1 . 20 1 58 1 08
2 1 . 00 1 .60 183 94 1 . 55 --
182 98 1.49 -
181 1 03 1.43 180 108 1 . 37 177 1-12 1 . 29 174 1 16 0
2 . 00 ::0
4 . 00
Nurmal 1 . 31 132 72 1.25 130 76 1.17 1 26 79 1 . 00 llO 75 >
0.25 1 .4 3 156 84 1 . 38 154 88 1.32 1 54 93 1.25 151 96 1.17 147 99 1 .00 1 30 95 0
1 . 46
0 . 50 163 88 1.41 162 92 1 .36 161 97 1 . 30 159 101 1 .23 157 1 04 1 .1 3 151 1 06 Z
4 1 .00 l . 50 171 92 1.45 170 97 1.40 1 70 101 1 . 34 168 105 1 . 28 166 1 09 1.21 1 64 112 Cl
2 .00 1 .54
180 97 1 . 50 180 101 1 .45 179 106 1 . 39 1 78 110 1 .34 177 1 14
4 .00 1 . 49 -
188 110 ....
Normal 1 . 25 122 67 1 . 20 75 75 trJ
122 72 1.12 119 1 . 00 110
0.25 1 . 37
1 44 79 1.31 143 83 1 . 26 143 88 1 . 20 142 92 1.12 139 95 1 .00 1 30 95
0_50 1 .4 0 151 83 1 .35 151 87 1 . 30 1 50 92 1 . 24 149 96 1.17 148 100 1 .0 9 143 102
1 58
8 1 .00 1 .44 1 59 87 1 .3 9 159 91 1 . 34 96 1 . 28 157 100 1.22 157 1 04 1.15 1 54 107
2 .00 1 .48 1 67 91 1 .4 3 167 96 1 . 38 167 1 00 1 . 33 166 105 1.27 165 109 1 . 21 1 64 113 .....
4 . 00 1 .52 176 96 1 .4 7 176 1 00 1.42 176 105 1.37 174 109 1 .3 2 1 74 1 14 t"'
Normal 1.19 110 61 1.13 110 66 1 . 07 llO 70 1 . 00 110 75 0.93 1 10 80 0.85 109 84 �s:::
0.25 1 . 30 1 30 72 1 . 24 130 76 1.19 1 30 81 1.13 130 86 1.06 1 30 90 1 .00 1 30 95
0.50 1 . 33 137 75 1 . 28 137 80 1 .22 1 37 94 1 .04 1 36 98 trJ
84 1 .16 136 89 1.11 136 ::0
24 1 .00 1 .3 7 144 79 1 .3 2 144 84 1.26 1 44 88 1.21 144 93 1.15 144 97 1 .0 9 143 102 00
2 . 00 1 .4 0 152 83 1 .35 151 87 1 . 30 151 92 1.25 152 97 1.19 151 101 1.13 151 1 06 trJ
4 . 00 1 .44 160 87 1 . 39 159 91 1 . 34 1 60 96 1 . 29 1 59 101 1 . 23 1 59 105 1.18 1 59 1 10 0
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see, are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. 0
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of Iife_
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °C lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ) , and must be above zero °C_ ::0

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(m) >oj
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/F A/F A) Transformers Rated Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "'l

Ambient ° c t:rJ

0 20 30 40 50
10 00
Hours % Peak Hot- To p- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- y
To - Peak Hot- Toy- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Ho t - Top- '"d
of Loss Oil Oi S pot Oi S pot Oi l Load Spo t Oil >oj
Peak of (yPer
Load Spot
T!imp Temp
T!im f Temp
(Per Te m p Ts mp r
( Pe (o
Temp Temp (Per T5 mp Temp
o 0
Load Life n it ) ( C) ( C) Unit) ( C) ( C) Unit) ( C t Cl Unit) tC) ( C) Unit) C) ( C) Unit) ( C) ( C
) >-'
Normal l .96 160 57 1 .8 8 1 59 63 1 .7 9 1 59 70 l . 70 1 59 77 l .60 1 58 83 l .50 1 56 90
0_25 2.17 1 86 1 84 92 1.74 1 83 98 �
65 2.09 185 72 2.00 185 78 1 .9 2 1 84 85 1 .83
2 1 .00
2 .00 :IE
4 .00 ::3
Normal l . 74 1 54 69 l .66 153 74 1 .5 8 1 52 80 1 . 50 152 85 l .40 1 50 90 1.31 1 50 96 Q1
0.25 1 .9 1 179 80 1 .8 4 1 78 85 1.77 178 91 1 .69 177 96 l .6 1 176 101 1 .53 176 107 Q1
0.50 1 .9 7 188 84 l .9 0 186 1 .8 3 1 86 95 185 100 l .67 1 84 105 1 . 59 1 84 110
89 1.75
1 l .00
2.00 0
4.00 ::0
No mal l . 54 146 76 1 .4 7 145 80 1 .4 0 1 45 85 1 .32 144 89 l.23 142 93 1 .1 4 141 98
0.25 1 . 70 1 70 89 l .6 3 170 93 1 .5 6 1 69 98 1 .4 9 1 68 102 1 .42 1 67 1 06 1 . 34 1 66 111 0
0.50 1 .7 4 178 93 1 .6 8 177 97 1.61 177 101 1 . 54 176 106 1 .47 176 --
2 1 . 00 1 .80 187 98 1.73 186 102 1 .67 -
1 86 1 06 1 . 60 1- 85 -
111 <:
2.00 t:rJ
4.00 ::0
Normal 1 .4 0 135 75 1 .33 135 79 1 . 26 1 34 83 1 .19 133 87 1.11 133 91 1 . 03 132 95 0
0.25 1 . 54 H i8 88 1 . 48 157 1 57 96 1 .35 1 56 1 00 1 . 28 156 1 04 1 . 20 155 108 t:rJ
92 1.42
0.50 l . 59 166 92 1 .52 165 96 1 .4 6 1 64 1 00 1 .39 1 64 104 1 . 33 163 108 1.26 163 ill :IE
4 1 . 00 1 . 63 174 97 1 . 58 174 101 1.51 1 73 1 05 1 .4 5 172 1 09 1 . 38 172 113
- - -
2.00 l .68 182 102 1 .63 182 106 1.57 1 82 110 1 .5 0 181 1 14
4 . 00
Normal 1 .32 1 24 69 1 . 25 1 23 74 1.18 1 23 78 1.11 123 82 l .03 1 23 86 0.94 122 90 0
0.25 1 .45 145 82 1 . 39 145 86 1.32 145 90 1 .25 1 44 94 1.19 144 98 l.11 144 1 03 ::0
0 . 50 l . 49 152 86 1 .4 3 152 90 1 .3 7 1 52 94 l . 30 1 52 98 1 . 23 151 102 1.16 151 107 00
8 l . 00 l . 54 160 90 1 . 48 160 95 1 .4 2 160 98 1 .3 5 1 59 102 1 . 28 159 107 l . 22 159 111 t:rJ
2 . 00 1 . 59 168 95 1 .53 168 99 1 .4 7 1 68 1 03 1 .4 0 1 68 1 07 1 . 34 167 111
4 .00 1 . 63 177 100 1 . 58 176 1 04 l.52 177 1 08 1 .45 176 112

Normal 1 . 23 111 62 1 .16 111 66 1 .0 9 111 71 1 .0 1 110 75 0.92 110 79 0.84 110 84
0.25 l . 36 131 73 1 . 29 130 78 1.23 130 82 1.15 1 30 86 1 .08 1 30 90 1 .00 1 30 95
0 . 50 1 .40 137 77 1 . 34 137 81 1.27 137 85 1 . 20 136 90 1.13 137 94 1 . 06 137 99
24 l . 00 1 .44 144 81 l .38 144 85 1.31 143 89 1 . 25 144 94 1 . 18 143 98 1.1 1 144 1 03
2.00 l . 49 151 85 1 .4 3 1 52 90 1 .36 151 94 1 .30 151 98 1 . 23 151 102 1.16 151 107 0
4 .0 0 107 1 . 21 159 111 Q1 >
:-' Z
1 . 53 159 90 1 .4 7 159 94 1 .4 1 1 59 98 1 .35 1 59 103 1 . 29 1 59
<0 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 _ 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. ", ..,
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. � -;::.
<o t:rJ
oo t:rJ
..... t:rJ

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Ol Z
Table 3(n) :-" 00
<0 ""'
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life t-o "j;;:j
' tzj
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rated Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating � tzj
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Top- Peak Hot·
To -
y Peak
To -
y Peak
Top· Peak Hot- Top·
Peak of /-Init)
er T� mp Temp (Per Temp
(Per Tsmp Temp (Per Temp Temp �Per Temp
Temp Temp
Load Life ( C) tCl Unit) (0G ) tC) Unit) ( C) tCl Unit) tC) tC) n
it ) (oC) (oC) Unit) (C ) (0G )
Normal 1 .91 1 59 61 1 .82 159 67 1 .72 1 57 74 1 .63 1 56 80 1.53 1 56 87 1 .3 9 152 93
0.25 2.1 1 185 69 2.03 .!§.!. 76 1 . 95 183 82 1 .8 6 -
183 89 1.77 182 95 1 .6 7 181 102

2 1 . 00
2 .0 0
4 . 00

Normal 1 . 70 152 71 1 .62 152 76 1 .54 1 51 81 1 .45 150 87 1.35 148 92 1 .23 145 96 ""'

0 . 25 1 .88 178 82 1 . 80 177 98 1.57 175 103 1 .4 8 173 1 08 tzj

87 1.73 177 93 1 . 65 175
0 , 50 1 . 94 187 86 1 . 87 -
186 91 1.79 185 96 1.71 184 102 1 . 63 183 107 1 .54 182 112
1 . 00
2 ,00
CO 4 , 00 ""'

� t;I
0 ,25
1 . 52 145 76 1 .45 144 81 1.37 143 85 1 . 29 142 89 1 . 20 140 93 1.10 1 37
164 1
1 . 68 1 69 106 1.31
89 1 .6 1 169 94 1 . 54 1 68 98 1 .4 7 1 67 1 02 1 . 39 1 66
0 . 50
1 .73 177 93 1 . 66 177 98 1 . 59 1 76 102 1 . 52 175 106 1.45 1 74 111
2 1 .00 1 . 78 1 86 98 1.71 185 102 1 .65 -
1 85 107 1 . 58 -
183 111
2 .00 t"
4 .00

Normal 1 .40 90 1 . 00 1 28 94
1 34 75 1 .3 2 1 33 78 1.25 133 82 1.18 132 86 1.10 1 31
0.25 1 .54 158 88 1 .4 7 1 57 92 1.41 156 96 1 . 34 156 1 00 1 . 26 1 54 103 1.19 1 54 108 Z
0.50 1 . 58 165 92 1 .5 2 1 64 96 1 .46 1 64 1 00 1 . 39 1 63 1 04 1.32 162 108 1 .25 1 62 -
1 12 Q
4 1 .00 1 . 63 173 97 1 .57 1 73 101 1 .50 172 105 1 09 1 . 38 171 113 �
1 .44 172
2 . 00 1 . 68 182 102 1 .6 2 181 105 1 . 56 ill 110 1 .4 9 180
4 .00 tzj
N 0orm a l 1 .32 124 69 1.25 123 74 1.18 1 23 78 1 . 10 1 22 81 1.01 121 85 0,92 119 89 >
.25 1 .4 5 145 82 1 .3 9 145 86 1.32 145 90 1 . 25 144 94 1 .18 144 98 1.10 1 43 102 t"
0.50 1.49 86 98 1.23 151 102 1.15 1 50 106 6.
152 1.43 151 90 1 .37 1 52 94 1 . 30 151
8 1 .00 1 . 54 160 90 1 .4 8 1 60 94 1 .4 2 1 60 99 1 . 35 1 59 1 02 1 . 28 1 58 106 1 . 21 1 58 111
2 . 00 1 . 58 168 95 1 .52 1 67 99 1 .4 6 1 67 103 1 .40 167 1 07 1 . 34 1 67 11 1 .:..
1 . 00 1 ,6:1 176 1 00 1.57 176 104 1.51 1 76 1 08 1 .4 5 1 76 112 �
Normal �
1 .2 3 110 62 1.16 111 66 1 .0 8 1 10 70 1 .01 1 10 75 0,92 1 10 79 0,83 1 10 84 tzj
0 , 25 1 . 36 130 73 1 .29 131 78 1 . 23 1 30 82 1.16 1 30 86 1 . 08 1 30 90 1 . 00 1 30 95 :;Q
0.50 1.40 137 77 1 .33 137 81 1.27 137 86 1 .20 1 37 90 1.13 1 36 94 1 . 06 1 37 99 00
24 1 . 00 tzj
1.44 144 81 1 . 38 144 85 1 .3 1 144 89 1 . 25 1 44 94 1 . 18 143 98 1 .10 143 102
2,00 1 . 48 151 85 1.42 151 89 1 . 36 151 94 1 . 30 151 98 1.23 1 51 102 1 .16 1 51 107
4 , 00 1 .53 1 59 90 1 .47 1 59 1 59 159 102 1 . 28 1 58 106 1.21 1 59 111 "C
94 1 .4 1 98 1 .35
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits ( ee 4 . 2 .2.4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. tzj
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(p) ..,
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life
65 °C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rated Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating �
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating 0

Ambient °c trJ

10 20 30 ::0
0 40 50 00
Peak Hot-
Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot·
To - Peak Hot· To -
y Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· Top - "d
Peak of �Load
Per Tg mp Temp �
T� mp
T�mp T� mp
Temp Tg mp
�Per Spot
T� mp
T� mp
�Per Spo t
Tll mp
Load Life nit) ( e) (oe) nit) (oe) ( e) Unit) ( C) ( C) Unit) t c) ( C) nit ) ( C) ( e) nit) ( C) ( C) ....
Normal l .8 4 158 66 l . 74 157 72 1.63 155 78 1.51 151 84 1 . 23 134 86

0.25 2 . 04 H l3 74 1 .96 -
1 83 81 1 .87 182 87 1 .78 -
181 94 1 . 67 179 99 1 .54 175 1 05
0.50 1.75 188 102 1 .6 4 185 1 08 >
1 .0 0
2.00 ::e
4 .00 �
Normal 1 .6 5 151 73 1 . 56 150 78 1.47 147 83 1 . 35 144 87 1.10 1 26 85 C11
0.25 1 .8 3 176 84 1 . 76 176 99 1 . 49 171 1 04 1.37 166 1 08 C11
89 1 . 68 175 95 1 . 59 173
0.50 1 .8 9 185 88 1 . 82 -
1 85 93 1.74 -
1 83 98 1 . 66 182 1 04 1 . 57 180 1 08 l . 46 177 1 13
1 . 00
4.00 ::0
� C11

Normal 1 .49 143 76 1 .42 142 80 1 . 33 140 84 1.23 136 87 1 . 03 122 85 0
0.25 1 . 66 168 89 1 .5 8 167 93 1. 51 166 98 1 . 44 1 64 102 1.35 162 1 05 1 .24 158 1 08 (')
0.50 1. 71 176 94 1 .6 4 175 98 1 . 57 174 102 1.49 173 1 06 1 .42 171 110 1 . 32 168 1 13
2 l .00 1.76 185 98 1 .6 9 183 102 1 .62 182 107 1 . 56 182 111 <:
2.00 trJ
4.00 ::0
No rmal 1 . 38 133 74 1 .3 1 132 78 1.23 130 1 . 14 1 27 84 0.98 1 17 83 0
0.25 1 . 53 1 56 87 1 .4 6 1 56 91 1.40 155 95 1.32 153 99 1 . 24 152 102 1 . 14 147 1 04
0.50 1.57 164 92 1 .51 163 95 1.44 162 99 1 . 37 162 103 1.30 160 1 07 1 . 22 1 58 1 10 ::e
1 .00 1 .6 2
4 172 96 1 .56 171 1 00 1 .4 9 171 1 04 1.43 170 1 08 1.35 168 111 Z
2 .00 1 .67 181 101 1 .6 1 180 105 1.55 179 109 1 . 48 179 113 t;;1
4 .00 1 .6 0 189 114

Normal 1 .31 1 23 69 0.95 113 81 0

1 .24 122 73 1.16 121 77 1 . 07 119
0.25 97 1 . 08 1 40 1 00
1 . 44 144 81 1 .3 8 144 85 1.32 144 90 1 . 24 143 93 1 .17 142 .....
0.50 1 .4 9 152 85 1 .4 2 151 89 1 . 36 151 93 1 . 29 150 98 1 . 22 149 101 1.14 148 1 05 00
8 l . 00 1.53 1 59 90 1 . 28 158 1 06 1 .20 1 57 110 trJ
1 .47 159 94 1.41 1 58 98 1 . 34 1 58 102
2.00 1.58 1 67 94 1 .52 167 98 1 .4 6 1 67 103 1 .4 0 167 1 07 1 . 33 166 110
4.00 1 .6 3 176 99 1 . 57 176 1 04 1.51 175 108 1 .45 175 111

N or ma l 1 .22 1 10 62 1.15 110 66 1 .08 110 70 1.00 110 75 0.92 1 09 79

0.25 1 .3 6 130 73 1 .29 130 77 1 .22 130 82 1.15 130 86 1 . 08 130 90 l . 00 1 29 94
0.50 1 .4 0 137 77 1 .3 3 136 81 90 1.12 136 94 l . 05 136 98
1.27 1 36 85 1 . 20 1 37
24 1 . 00 1 .44 143 81 1.38 144 85 1.31 143 89 1 . 25 1 44 94 1.18 143 98 1.11 143 1 02
01 >
2 . 00 1.49 151 85 1 .4 2 1 51 89 1 .36 151 93 1 .30 1 51 98 1 . 23 151 102 1.16 151 1 06
4.00 1 .53 1 59 90 1 .4 7 1 59 94 1.41 1 58 98 1 .35 1 59 102 1 . 29 1 59 107 1 .22 159 111
:-' Z
"' 00
NOTE: U nd erlined values, though beyond recommended limits
% l oss of life is in addition to normal loss of life.
(see, are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t-:> ....
. -
.... ....
", trJ
ao trJ
.... trJ

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Ol Z
Table 3(q) ;-J oo
te .....
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life t-:> ;::;
65 DC Rise , Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rates Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating � �
oo trl
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating ,...

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours %
P ea k Hot- Top- Peak Hot· y
To - Peak
Hot- Tor Peak 1I0t- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Load Spot Spot Oi Spot
Oil Load Oi Spot Oil Oil
Peak of Temp
Temp (Per Temp
T!i mp
( C)
(Per T8 mp
( C)
(Per Temp Temp (Per
Temp Temp
T� mp
( C)
Lo ad Life I nit) (C) Unit) Unit) Uni t) tC) te) Uni t) (C ) (oC) Unit) (DC)
Normal 1.78 156 68 l .6 8 155 74 1 . 54 149 80 1 . 06 ll5 76
0. 25 2 .00 183 77 l.91 182 83 1.82 181 90 1.71 178 96 1.56 172 100 1 . 02 1 31 95
0.50 1 . 80 188 99 1.67 184
1 04 1 .50 175 1 08
1 .00
2 l.65 192 114

Normal 1 .6 2 150 74 l .52 147 79 1 .40 142 82 1 .03 ll2 76 .....

0.25 1.81 176 86 1 .73 1 74 91 l . 64 173 96 l.55 171 1 00 l.41 164 103 1 . 02 131 95 trl
0.50 1.86 184 89 1 . 79 183 94 l. 7 1 182 100 l.62 180 l . 52 trl
1 04 177 1 09 l . 34 1 66 110
1 . 00 l .60 -
1 88 -
1 13
2.00 C'l
4 . 00 C
� t::I
Normal 1 .48 142 76 1 . 39 139 AO l.28 1 34 82 1 . 02 III 75 trl
0.25 1 .64 167 89 l . 57 166 94 1.49 1 64 97 1.41 161 101 1 . 30 156 103 1.01 1 30 95 I'%j
0.50 1 .6 9 175 94 1.62 174 98 l . 54 172 102 1 . 47 171 1 06 1 . 38 167 109 1 . 23 158 1 09 0
2 1 . 00 1 .74 1 8 4- 98 l .68 183 103 1.61 182 107 1 . 53 1 80 111 1.45 177 114 1 . 34 173 1 16 :x:J
2.00 t""
4.00 0
Normal 1 . 38 132 74 1 .30 130 77 1 . 20 1 26 79 l . 02 111 76 t::I
0.25 1 . 52 1 56 87 1 .4 6 155 91 l .38 1 53 94 1 . 30 151 98 1.20 146 99 1 . 00 1 30 95 Z
0.50 1 .57 163 91 1 .50 162 95 1 .43 161 99 1 . 36 159 1 02 1 .27 156 105 1.16 150 106 C'l
4 1 . 00 1.61 171 96 l.55 171 1 00 1 . 49 170 1 04 1 . 42 1 69 1 08 1 . 34 167 III

1 . 25 163 l13
2.00 1 . 66 1 80 101 1 .60 179 105 1 . 54 178 109 1 . 47 178 l12
4.00 l . 66 189 110 1 . 59 188 l 14
Normal ::tI
1 . 30 122 68 1 .23 121 72 1 . 14 118 75 1 .01 110 75
0.25 1 .45 1 44 81 1 .3 8 144 l.23 95
85 1.31 143 A9 142 92 1.14 138 95 1 .00 130
0.50 1 . 49 1 51 85 1.42 150 89 1 . 36 150 93 1 . 29 149 97 1 . 20 147 1 00 1.10 143 102
8 l .0 0 1 .53 159 90 1 .4 7 1 59 94 1 .40 1 57 97 l . 34 157 101 1.27 156 105 1.18 154 1 08
2.00 1 .58 167 94 1.52 1 66 98 1 .46 166 102 1 . 39 166 106 1 .32 164 110 1.25 164 114 t""

4.00 l .62 175 99 l .57 175 103 1 .51 175 107 1.45 175 112

Normal llO l.15

1 . 23 62 110 66 l . 08 110 70 1 . 00 110 75
0.25 1 . 36 130 73 l . 29 130 77 l. 22 130 82 1.15 1 29 86 l . 08 130 90
0.50 1 .4 0 1 37 77 1 . 33 137 81 1 . 27 1 36 85 1.20 1 36 89 l.13 1 36 94 1 .0 5 136 98 �
24 1 .0 0 1 .44 143 81 l .38 143 85 1 .31 143 89 1.25 143 94 1.18 143 98 l.10 143 102 trl
2 .0 0 1 .4 8 151 85 l .4 2 151 89 1 . 36 151 93 1.30 151 98 1 . 23 150 1 02 l.16 1 50 1 06 t::I
4 . 00 l .53 1 59 90 l .47 159 94 1.41 1 59 98 1.35 1 59 1 02 l .28 159 1 06 1 .2 1 158 III "tI
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. trl
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. :x:J

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3(r) '"'l
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers �
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "'l

Ambient DC t'l
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
Hours % Peak Ho t ·
Pea k Hot· Top- Peak Hot·
To - Peak Hot·
To - Peak Ho t- Top· Peak

To ' "'C

of Loss Load Load Spot Oil Load Oi Load Oi Load Spot Oil Oi '"'l
Peak Ts m p (0 Per o (D (Per Tem p (Per (o mp (0 (Per Temp (0
J t C)
of Temp Temp Temp T� mp Te Ts mp (Per Temp T� mp Temp 0
Load Life nit ) ( C) C) ni t ) ( C) C) Unit) ( C) Uni t ) C) ( C) Unit) C) ( C) Unit) (C ) C) .....
Normal 1 .9 4 161 60 1 .85 78 1 . 59 158 84 1 .4 9 1 56 90
160 66 1 .77 1 59 72 168 159
0.25 1 00
1.72 1 84
2.12 184 94
187 70 2 . 05 186 76 1.97 185 82 189 185 88 1.81

1 .00 >
2.00 :e
4 .0 0 ::3
Normal l.71 1 55 72 1 .63 1 54 77 1.55 153 82 1 . 48 152 87 139 151 92 1.30 1 50 96 01
0.25 1.87 1 80 85 1.80 179 89 1.73 178 94 1 . 66 178 99 1.59 177 104 1. 5 1 176 1 09 01
0.50 1 . 85 188 94 1.79 1 87 98 1.72 186 103 1 . 64 185 108 1 . 57 185 113
1 1 . 00
2 . 00 0
4.00 :;l:l
� Normal 1 .5 1 146 79 1 . 23 143 94 1.14 142 98 01
1.45 146 83 1 . 38 145 87 1.31 144 91
01 0 25 1 .6 5 171 93 l .6 0 171 97 1.53 169 100 1 . 47 169 1 04 1.40 168 108 1 . 32 166 112 n
0 . 50 1.70 178 97 1 .64 178 101 1 . 58 178 105 1.51 177 109 1.45 176 113
2 1 . 00 1 .7 5 -
188 102 1 . 69 -
187 106 1.63 -
186 110 1 . 57 -
186 -
1 14
2.00 t'l
4.00 :;l:l
1 . 38 136 77 1 .32 135 81 1.25 134 84 1.18 1 33 88 1.11 133 92 1 .03 132 95 Q
0 .2 5 1.51 158 91 1 .45 158 95 1 . 39 157 98 1.33 1 57 102 1.26 157 106 l.19 1 55 109 t'l
0.50 l.55 1 66 96 1 .49 166 99 1.43 165 1 03 1 . 37 165 107 1.31 164 110 1 .24 163 113 :e
4 1 .0 0 l . 59 174 101 1 .54 174 104 1 .4 8 173 1 07 l.42 173 112
2 . 00 1 .63 183 106 1 . 58 182 110 1.53 113

4 . 00

Normal 1 . 30 1 24 71 1 .2 3 1 24 75 l.17 1 24 79 1.10 123 82 1.02 122 86 0.94 122 90 Q

0.25 1 .4 2 146 84 1 . 37 146 88 l .30 145 91 l . 24 145 96 1.17 145 99 1 .1 0 144 1 03 :;l:l
0.50 1 . 46 152 88 1 .4 0 152 92 1.35 1 53 96 1 . 29 152 100 1.22 1 52 104 1.15 152 107 00
8 1 .00 l . 50 160 93 1 .4 5 160 97 1 .3 9 1 60 1 00 1.33 1 60 1 05 1.27 1 59 1 08 1 . 20 1 59 112 trl
2.00 1 . 54 168 98 1 .4 9 168 102 1.43 168 106 1 . 38 1 68 110 1.32 167 113
4 .00 1 . 59 177 104 1 . 53 177 1 07 1 .4 8 176 111

Normal 1.21 111 63 1.15 111 67 1 .0 8 110 71 1 .01 111 75 0.93 110 79 0.84 110 83
0.25 1 .33 130 75 1.27 130 79 1.21 130 82 1.15 130 87 1.08 130 91 1.01 1 30 95
0.50 1 . 37 1 37 79 1.31 137 83 1.25 1 37 87 1.19 1 37 91 1.12 1 37 95 1 . 05 1 37 99
24 1 .00 1 .4 1 144 83 1 .35 144 87 1.30 144 91 1 .23 144 95 1.17 143 99 1.10 1 44 103
2 .0 0 1 . 45 151 88 1 .4 0 151 91 1 . 34 151 1.21 151 103 1.15 1 51 1 07
4 .0 0 1 . 50 159
95 1 .2 8 151 99
1 59 108 1.20 1 59 112 �>
:-" '2:
93 1 .4 4 159 96 1 .39 1 59 100 1 . 33 160 1 04 1 . 26
� H
NOTE: Underlined valup.s, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. ;. �
% loss o f life is i n addition to normal loss o f life. ", trl
*Actual wllter temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °c. oo trl
..... trl

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
n ;.-
Table 3(8) tll z
:-' tIJ
Capability Table for Normal and M oderate Sacrifice of Life � -
", ,;::;
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% Maximum Nameplate Rating
� gJ
oo l'J

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Top- Peak
Spot Oi
To - Peak
Top- Peak Hot-
Peak of /;nit)
Per T!;mp Temp /;nit)
Per Temp
Temp (Per T!;mp T!lmp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp
(Per Temp Temp
Load Life ( C) ( oC) (0C) (oC) Unit) ( C) ( C) Unit) tc) tC) Unit) (0C) tc) Unit) t C) (oC)
Normal 1 .8 8 1 59 64 1 .80 1 59 70 1.7 1 1 58 76 1 .6 2 157 82 1.52 1 56 88 1.39 1 53 93
0.25 2 . 07 185 73 2.00 185 80 1.92 1 84 86 1 .8 3 184 91 1.75 183 98 1.66 182 1 04
1 . 00
4 .00

Normal 1 .6 7 1 54 74 1 . 59 1 52 79 1 .52 152 84 1 .4 3 1 50 88 1.34 148 93 1.23 145 97

0.25 1 .8 3 179 86 1 .77 178 91 1 . 70 177 96 1 .6 2 177 101 1 . 54 175 105 1 .4 6 174 1 10 -
0.50 1 . 89 187 91 1.82 186 95 1 .7 5 186 1 00 1 .68 185 105 1.61 1 84 110 l'J
1 . 00 l'J
2.00 l'J
4 . 00 0
0) Normal 1 .4 9 145 79 1 .43 145 83 1.36 144 87 1 .2 8 142 90 1.19 140 94 1 .10 1 37 97 8
0.25 1 . 64 170 93 1 . 57 169 96 1.51 168 100 1 . 44 167 1 04 1.37 166 1 08 1.30 165 112 l'J
0 . 50 1 .68 178 97 1 .6 2 177 101 1 . 56 177 105 1.49 176 109 1.43 175 113 "l:J
2 1 . 00 1.73 187 103 1 .6 7 186 106 1 .61 185 110 1.55 184 1 14 0
2 .00 ::0
4 .00 t'"
Normal 1 .37 1 34 76 1 .3 1 1 34 80 1 . 24 1 33 8 ·1 1.17 132 87 1.09 131 91 1 . 00 1 28 93 ;.-
0.25 1 . 50 1 58 91 1 .44 157 94 1.38 1 56 9H 1.32 1 56 101 1.25 155 105 1 .1 8 1 54 108 t:l
0.50 1 . 54 165 95 1.48 164 99 1 .42 164 102 1 . 36 163 106 1 . 30 162 109 1 . 23 161 113 Z
4 1 .00 1 . 59 1 74 101 1 .53 173 1 04 1 .47 173 108 1 .4 1 172 111 1.35 171 115 0
1.63 1 82 1 06 1.58 182 109 1.52 181 113
4 .0 0 -
Normal 1 . 29 1 23 71 1.23 123 74 1.16 1 23 78 1.10 1 23 82 1.01 121 86 0.92 1 20 89 l'J
0.25 1 .4 2 145 84 1.36 99 1.10 143 102 ::0
145 88 1 . 30 145 91 1 . 24 144 95 1.17 144
0.50 1 .4 6 1 52 88 1 .4 0 152 92 1 . 34 151 95 1 . 28 1 51 99 1.22 151 103 1.15 1 50 1 07

8 1 .00 1 .5 0 1 60 93 1 . 44 1 59 97 1.39 159 1 00 1 . 33 1 59 1 04 1 . 26 158 107 1.20 1 58 111
2.00 1 .5 4 1 68 98 1.49 168 102 167 113
1 . 43 168 105 1 . 37 1 67 109 1.31
4 . 00 1 .5 9 177 104 1 .53 176 107 1 . 48 176 llO 1 . 42 175 114
Normal 1 .2 1 110 63 1.14 110 67 1 . 08 110 71 1.01 110 75 0.92 110 79 0.84 110 83 s=
0.25 1 . 33 130 75 1 . 27 130 79 1.21 130 83 1.14 130 87 1 . 08 1 30 91 1 . 00 130 95 s=
0.50 l'J
1 .3 7 137 79 1 .3 1 1 37 83 1 . 25 137 87 1.19 136 90 1.12 1 36 94 1.05 136 99
24 1 . 00 1.41 144 83 1 .3 5 1 44 87 1.29 144 91 1 . 23 1 44 95 1 .17 143 99 1.10 143 1 03 tIJ
2.00 1 .4 5 152 88 1 .4 0 151 92 1 .34 151 96 1 . 28 151 99 1 . 21 151 103 1.15 151 107 l'J
4 . 00 1 .49 1 59 93 1 . 44 1 59 96 1 . 38 159 100 1 . 33 159 1 04 1 . 26 158 108 1.20 1 59 112 t:l
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. ::6
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. tr:I
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °c. ::0

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Table 3(t) '"'l
Capability Table for N onnal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life ::0
65 ° c Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers Z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "%j
Ambient °e t'l
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
Hours % Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· To r Peak Hot· r
To · Peak Hot· Top· Pe a k Ho t · Top· "tI
O il '"'l
of �Per
Load Spot
Temp �Per
Load Spot
Temp T�mp
S pot
Te mp
te )
Load Life nit) ( C) nit) te) ( e) Unit) ( e) te) Unit) te) te) Un i t ) tC) ( C) Unit) tC ) (oC) ......
Normal 1 58 1.61 0
1.80 1.71
68 157 74 155 80 1 . 49 151 85 1 . 26 138 87
0. 2 5 2.01 185 78 1.92 1 84 84 1 .8 4 183 90 1 .7 5 182 96 1 .65 180 1 02 1 .5 2 1 75 106
0.50 1.62 186 110 <:
1 :>
1 . 00
2 . 00 ::!l
4 . 00
Norm al 1 . 62 151 76 1 . 54 150 81 1 .4 5 1 48 85 1 . 34 145 8H 1.13 130 87 en
0.25 1.79 1 78 89 1.72 177 93 1 . 64 175 98 Ui 6 1 74 1 02 1 .4 8 172 106 1 .36 167 110 en
0.50 1 .8 5 186 93 1.77 185 97 1.70 184 102 1 .6 3 183 107 1 . 54 181 III
1 1 . 00
2 . 00 0
4.00 ::0
CJ:> Normal 1.47 143 79 1.39 142 82 1 .32 140 1.05 CJl
86 1.22 136 88 1 24 86
...::J °
0.25 1 .62 93
1 69 1.55 167 97 1.48 166 1 00 1 .4 1 165 1 01 1.33 1 62 1 07 1 . 23 1 57 1 09
0.50 1 . 66 176 97 1 . 60 1 75 101 174
1.53 105 1.46 173 1 09 1 . 39 171 ll2 1 . 30 168 115
2 1 . 00 1 .71 185 1 03 1 .6 5 184 1 06 1 .59 184 110 1.52 182 114
N orm al 1.36 133 76 1 . 29 132 79 1.22 131 82 1.13 1 27 85 1 . 00 119 84 0
0 . 25 1 . 49 156 90 1.43 156 94 1 . 37 155 97 1.30 154 1 00 1 . 23 152 103 1.14 149 105 t<:!
0.50 1.53 1 64 95 1.48 1 64 98 1 .42 1 63 1 02 1.35 162 1 05 1.28 1 60 1 08 1.20 1 58 III ::!l
1 .0 0 1 . 58 172 1 00 1.52 172 1 03 1 .4 6 171 1 07 1 .4 0 170 110 1 . 33 1 69 l l3 ""'
ill ill
2 . 00 1 . 62 Z
105 1.57 1 09 1 .5 1 180 112
4 .00 ""'
Normal 1 . 29 123 70 1.22 122 74 1.15 121 77 1 . 07 119 80 0.96 114 81 0
0.25 1 .42 145 84 1.36 1 44 87 1 . 30 144 91 1 . 23 143 94 1 . 16 142 98 1 . 07 1 39 100 ::0
0.50 1 .45 152 88 1.40 151 92 1 . 34 151 95 1 . 28 151 99 1 . 20 149 102 1 .13 148 1 05 00
8 1 . 00 1 . 49 159 93 1.44 1 59 96 1 .3R 159 1 00 1.32 158 1 04 1 . 26 158 107 1 . 19 157 110 t<:!
2 . 00 1.54 168 98 1.48 1 67 101 1 . 43 167 105 1.37 1 66 1 08 1 .31 166 112
4 . 00 1.58 176 103 1.53 175 106 1 . 4R 176 110 1 .4 2 1 75 114

Normal 1 .21 110 63 1.15 110 67 1 . 08 110 71 1 . 00 110 75 0.92 1 10 79

0 . 25 1.33 130 75 1 . 27 1 30 79 1 .21 1 30 83 1 . 14 1 29 86 1 . 07 1 29 90 1 . 00 1 29 94
0.50 1.37 137 79 1.31 137 83 1 . 25 1 37 87 1.18 1 36 90 1.12 136 94 1 . 05 1 36 98
24 1 .00 1.41 144 83 1.35 1 44 87 1 . 29 1 44 91 1.23 144 95 1.17 143 99 1 .10 143 102
2 . 00 1 . 45 151 88 1 . 39 151 91 1 . 34 151 95 1.28 151 99 1.21 1 51 1 03 1.15 151 107 ("J
4 . 00 1 . 49 159 93 1.44 159 96 1 . 38 1 59 100 1 . 33 159 1 04 1 .26 1 59 1 08 1 . 20 159 112 01 >
:" Z
10 00
1<> ""'
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. , -
...... ""'
% loss of li fe is in addition to normal loss of life. 0
IO tJi
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5) , and must be above zero e . co t<:!
>-' t<:!

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('J >
Table 3(u) "' Z
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life :--' 00
<Ll ""'
"" -;:;
65 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW * , and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating � �
oo tz:!

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot- To p- Peak Hot- T op- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
Pea k
of �Load
( C)
T( �mp
( Per
T� mp
(P er
Oi l
Load Spot
oe r
(C )
(Per Temp Tem
Load Life nit) Unit ) C) C) Unit) ( C) tCl Uni t ) (C ) ( C) Unit) C) ( C) Unit) e
Normal 1.75 1 57 71 1 .6 5 1 54 77 1.52 1 49 81 1 . 06 115 76
0.25 1 . 96 183 81 1 .88 183 87 1 .79 181 93 1 . 69 179 98 1. 55 173 102 1 . 02 1 :1 1 95
1 .66 185 107 l.47 1 74 109
0.50 l.76 188 102
1 . 62 191 115
1 . 00

Normal 1.59 150 77 1.19 147 81 1 . 38 142 84 1 .03 1 13 76

0.25 1 .7 6 176 90 1.69 175 94 1 .6 1 173 99 1.52 170 102 1 . 39 164 1 05 1.02 131 95
0.50 1 .81 184 94 1.75 184 99 1 .67 182 1 03 1 .59 180 107 1 .4 9 177 111 1 . 33 1 66 111 ;;
1 1 . 00 tz:!
2 . 00 tz:!
4.00 Q
Normal 1 .4 5 141 78 1.37 1 39 82 1 . 27 134 83 1 .02 111 75
0.25 1.60 1 67 93 1.54 1 66 97 1 . 46 164 100 1 . 38 162 l oa 1 . 28 157 104 1.01 1 30 95
1 58 110
0.50 1 . 65 175 98 1.58 174 101 1.51 172 105 1 .4 4 170 1 08 1 . 35 1 67 110 1 .22
2 1 . 00 1.70 184 103 1.63 -
183 1 06 1.57 182 110 1 .5 0 HlO 113 0
2 . 00 �
4 . 00
Normal 1.35 132 75 1 .2 8 130 78 l .19 1 26 80 1 .0 1 111 75 >
0 . 25 1 .4 8 155 89 1.42 155 93 l . 36 1 53 96 1 .29 152 99 1.20 1 47 1 01 l . 00 130 95 I:;j
0.50 1 .53 163 94 l .1 7 162 98 1.41 162 1 01 l . 34 160 1 04 1 . 26 1 57 1 06 1.15 1 50 106
4 1 . 00 1.57 171 99 1.51 171 1 03 1.45 170 106 1 . 39 169 1.32 167 112 1 . 23 163
2 . 00
110 Q
1 . 62 181 105 1.56 180 1 08 1.51 179 -
1 12
4 .00 S::
Normal l . 29 1 22 70 l .22 121 7:3 1 .1 3 118 76 l . 00 110 75 tz:!
0.25 l .4 1 144 83 l.35 143 fl 7 1 . 29 143 90 l . 22 141 93 1 . 1 :1 1 :3R 96 1 . 00 130 95 �
0.50 l .45 151 88 1 . 39 151 91 1 . 33 1 50 95 1.27 149 98 1 .2 0 1 48 101 1 .09 143 102
1 09
8 1 . 00 1 . 49 1 59 92 1.43 1 58 96 1.38 158 1 00 1.32 1 57 103 1 . 2.'; 1 56 106 1.17 154
2.00 1.54 1 67 98 1.48 1 67 101 1 .43 167 105 1.36 1 65 1 08 1 . 30 165 112 1 .2 3 164 115
4.00 1 . 58 176 103 1 .53 175 1 06 1 .47 175 110 1.41 175 1 14 t=:
Normal 1.21 110 63 1.14 1 10 67 1 .07 110 71 1 . 00 11 0 75 S::
0.25 1 . :3:3 1 :30 75 1 . 27 130 79 1 .21 130 82 1.14 1 29 86 1 .0 7 1 29 90 S::
0.50 1 . 37 79 1.05 98 tz:!

1 36 1.31 1 37 83 1 . 25 136 86 1.18 136 90 1.12 1 36 94 136
24 1 . 00 1.41 1 44 83 1 . 35 144 87 1 . 29 143 91 1.23 143 95 1 . 16 143 98 1 . 09 143 1 02
2.00 1 .45 1 52 88 1.39 151 91 1 . 34 151 95 1 . 28 151 99 1 .21 1 50 103 1.15 151 107 tz:!
4 . 00 1 . 49 1 59 92 1 .44 1 59 96 1.38 159 1 00 1.32 1 58 1 04 1 . 26 158 108 1 . 20 1 58 112 I:;j
NOTE: U nderli n ed values, though beyond recommended limits (see 4 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assis t in interpolation of the maximum limit. 0
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. :;;
* Actual w�ter temperature should be 5 ° c lo we than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero DC.

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5 . Transformers Specified to have an Average in oil rise, time is required for a transformer to
Winding Rise of Not More Than reach a stable temperature following any
55 °C and Hottest-Spot Winding change in load. Therefore, higher peak loads
Rise of Not More Than 65 ° c may be carried for short durations . This is
reflected in the Loading Tables and the basic
5.1 Basi c Loading for Normal Life Expectancy equations in 6.7.3.
5 .1.1 Basic Conditions If the transformer characteristics are not
(1) The basic loading of a transformer for accurately known, a maximum top-oil te mper­
normal life expectancy is continuous loading at ature derived from Fig 4 may be used as an
rated output when operated under normal approximate guide. Loading from Fig 4 is
service conditions as indicated in 2.1.1 ( 1 ) , based on a difference of 20 ° C between the
2.1 . 1 (2), 2.1.1 (3) o f ANSI/IEEE hottest-spot temperature and top-oil te mper­
C5 7.1 2.00-1979 [ 3] . It is assumed that opera­ ature at rated load for self-cooled transformers,
tion under these conditions is equivalent to 25 ° c for forced-air-cooled transformers ( 133%
operation in a continuous ambient temperature and under), and 28 ° C for forced-oil-cooled
of 30 ° C for cooling air or 25 ° C for cooling transformers.
water. Normal life expectancy will result from 5 . 1 . 2 . 2 Continuous Loading on Basis of
operating with a continuous hottest-spot tem­ Average Winding Test Temperature R ise . For
perature of 95 ° C (or equivalent variable tem­ each ° c in excess of 5° that the average
perature with 105 ° C maximum) in any 24 h winding test temperature rise is below 55 ° C
period. the transformer load may be increased above
(2) The hottest-spot winding temperature rated load by the percentage given in Table 1 .
determines loss of life due to loading. This A 5 ° margin is taken to provide a tolerance in
temperature cannot be directly measured on the measurement of temperature rise. The load­
commercial designs because of the voltage ability thus obtained is that which the trans­
hazard when placing a temperature detector at former can carry at 55 ° C rise. Since this may
the proper location. The hottest-spot allow­ increase the loading beyond that contemplated
ances are based on tests of laboratory models. by the designer, the limitations given in 3 .1
(3) The hottest-spot temperature at rated should be checked before taking full advantage
load is usually taken as the sum of the average of this increased loadability.
winding temperature and a 1 0 ° C allowances Some transformers are designed to have the
for the hottest spot. For mineral-oil-immersed differences between the hottest-spot and aver­
transformers operating continuously under the age conductor temperatures greater than the
foregoing conditions with normal life expect­ 10 ° C allowance. This will result in an average­
ancy, this temperature has been assumed to be winding temperature rise of less than 55 °C,
a m aximum of 95 ° C . but the hottest-spot winding temperature rise
5 . 1 . 2 Loading for Normal Life Expectancy may be at the limiting value of 65 D C. Such
under Spec ified C onditi ons transformers should not be loaded above their
5 . 1 . 2. 1 Loading by Oil Temperature. Oil rating as outlined in this section. The manu­
temperature alone should not be used as a facturer should be consulted for information
guide for loading transformers. The hottest­ on the hottest-spot allowances used for these
spot to top-oil gradient at full load should be designs. This condition may exist in trans­
determined from factory tests using Eq 8 or, formers with large differences (greater than
lacking data, a value should be assumed. The 20 ° C) between top- and bottom-oil temper­
full-load h ottest-spot to top -oil gradient should atures and may be checked approximately by
be corrected to that for the actual load carried measuring the top and bottom radiator temper­
using Eq 7 or Fig 9. This gradient subtracted atures . Whenever possible, data on hottest-spot
from 95 ° C will give the maximum permissible and oil temperatures obtained from factory
oil temperature for normal life expectancy. It temperature tests sh ould be used in calculating
should be recognized that, due to thermal lag transformer loadability or when calculating
temperatures for loads above rating.
5 If cooler
inlet and outlet temperatures are available, 5.1 . 2.3 Loading on Basis of Short-Time
a better e stimate of the h o t test ·spot temperature is
poss i ble by making an adjustment in the 1 0 0 C allow· Loads above Rating. Transformers may be
ance. Consult with the manufacturer. operated above 95 ° C hottest-spot temperature


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� �""

1.6 "'- I

� �'\.

0 1.6
� r---.., r"\.

� � '\\


1 .4 b...

1 2
I�0� .
1 .0
o 10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90

F ig 4
Approximate Continuous Loading for Nonnal Life Expectancy-
5 5 C Rise Transformers

for short periods provided they are operated 5.1 .2.5 Basis for Normal Loss of Life
for much longer periods at temperatures below Loading in Tables 5(a)-5(u). The transformer
95 ° C. This is due to the fact that thermal capabilities for normal loss of life in Tables
aging is a cumulative process and thus permits 5(a)-5(u) are based on operation at temper­
loads above the rating to be safely carried atures that result in aging equivalent to that for
under many conditions without encroaching continuous operation at 9 5°C hottest-spot
upon the normal life expectancy of the trans· temperature as determined from Fig 1 and the
former. Suggested loadings for normal life hottest-spot temperature profile resulting from
expectancy are given in Tables 5(a)-5(u). For the converted load cycle and ambient condi­
conservative use of these tables, it is suggested tions during a 24 h period . The 95 ° C hottest­
that the 5 ° C margin described in 3 . 5 . 1 be used spot temperature is based on the hottest-spot
in determining the ambient temperature. rise of 6 5 ° C plus the standard ambient temper­
5.1 .2.4 Loading by Hottest-spot Temper­ ature of 30 DC. At 95 ° C insulation temper­
ature Indicator. Hottest-spot temperature de· ature, Fig 1 indicates the life would be 6.5 •

vices are supplied, when specified, which indi­ 1 04 hours or over seven years. Actually a
cate a simulated hottest-spot temperature. transformer operating outdoors at rated ca­
These devices may be used as a guide to limit pacity would have a much longer life because
loads. the annual average ambient air temperature in
Thermal relays, when supplied, indicate tem­ most locations in the US does not exceed
peratures reached in the windings. These relays 20 C by more than a few degrees. At 85 ° c
are calibrated for use with specific transformers (20 C ambient temperature plus 6 5 ° C hot­
and simulate the hottest-spot temperature by test-spot rise), Fig 1 indicates the life would be
taking into account preceding loading, existing 2 .105 hours or over 22 years. If the loading
load and ambient temperature. Higher loads are over weekends is lighter, as is normally the
permitted for short periods than for long case, the total life could extend to over 30
periods of time because of the transformer's years.
time-constant. In areas where the annual mean ambient


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2.0 �----+-----+---4---��---r�---+�--�

0.5 1------+-----+---____+-----�--_+

0. 3 1------+---+--I---j,I"'--,4

0.2 1------+---..Jt---+--1

0.1 �----+-�--+-�--�--��____���--_+----�

0 .05 L-__-L�__�J_�__�__-L_L__L__L____�____�
90 100 110 1 20 130 140 150

*Expressed as percent loss of life for one occurrence of

specified ti me duration for operation at temperature

Hottest-Spot Temperature in Degrees

Maximum Loss of Life (%)

Hours 0.1 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00
2 141 151
1 134 143 151
2 127 1 36 143 151
4 120 1 29 136 143 151
8 113 1 22 129 1 36 143 ill
24 104 112 118 1 25 1 32 139

Fig 5
Maximum Percent Loss of Life - 55 °c Rise Transformers

temperature exceeds 25 ° C the capability or the cumulative aging effect of a number of

values in the tables should be reduced 1 . 5% for load cycles is greater than the aging effect of
every degree the mean annual temperature continuous operation at rated load over the
exceeds 20 ° C . (See 3.1 .2 .5 for explanation). same period of time, the insulation deteriorates
The method used to calculate Tables 5(a)- at a faster rate than normal. The rate of
5(u) is given in Section 7. deterioration is a function of time and temper­
5.2 Short-Time Loading with Moderate Sacri­ ature and is commonly expressed as a percent­
fice of Life Expectancy age loss of life. Charts and tables showing
5.2.1 Aging of Insulation Due to Operation percent loss of life for various combinations of
above 95 ° C Hottest-Spot Temperature time and continuous temperature are given in
( 1 ) When the aging effect of one load cycle Fig 5.


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( 2) It should be clearly understood that, restricted air circulation caused by buildings,

while the insulation aging information used is fire walls, etc ; previous emergency loading
considered to be conservative and helpful in history which may not be known to the
estimating the relative loss of life due to loads operator; and variations in design character­
above rating under various conditions, this istics from those in Table 4. As a guide, an
information can only be an indicator of trans­ average loss of life of 1% per year or 4% in any
former insulation life. Deterioration of insula­ one emergency operation is considered reason­
tion is generally characterized by a reduction in able by some users.
both mechanical and dielectric strength, but 5 . 2. 2 Methods for Determining Loads above
these characteristics m ay not necessarily be Rating with Some Sacrifice of Life Expectancy
directly related. In some cases, insulation in a 5.2 . 2. 1 Transformers with Known Specific
charred condition will have sufficient strength Characteristics. If the specific characteristics of
to withstand normal operating electrical and a transformer are known and maximum recom­
mechanical stresses. A transformer having insu­ mended capability is required , the user may
lation in this condition may continue in service calculate the oil-rise and hottest-spot temper­
for many months or even years if undisturbed. ature using either the graphic solution illus­
On the other hand, any unusual m ovement of trated in Section 6, or the basic formulas in
the conductors, such as may be caused by 6 . 7 . With this data, the user may determine the
expansion of the conductors due to heating allowable load for his conditions by taking into
resulting from a h eavy load or to large electro­ account the ambient temperature, probable
magnetic forces resulting from short circuit, number of such loads during the life of the
may disturb the weakened insulation such that transformer, and the approximate percentage
tum-to-tum or layer-to-layer failure will result. of life he is willing to sacrifice.
( 3 ) The uncertainty of service conditions Transformers with Unknown Spec­
and wide range in ratings covered are reasons ific Characteristics or Conservative Loads.
why this loading guide is made conservative in When spec ific transformer characteristics are
its suggested loadings. Some of the variables not known or when conservative operation
are : wide differences in ambient temperature above rating is satisfactory, refer to the Capa­
between localities ; differences in elevation ; bility Tables , Tables 5(a)-5( u), for tabulations

Table 4
5 5°C Rise Transformers - Assumed Characteristics at Rated Load

or 1 3 3% over Non·Directed Directe d
OW or Less 133% FOA or FOW FOA or FOW
Hottest-spot conductor
temperature rise (above
ambient) °c 65 65 65 65 65
Top·oil temperature rise
(above amb ie nt) ° c 45 40 37 37 37
Top-oil time constant, (h) 3.0 2.0 1.25 1.25 1 .25
Hottest-spot conductor time
constant, ( h ) O.OS 0.08 0.08 O.OS 0.08
Ratio of load to iron losses 3.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 5.0
*m (winding exponent) 0.8 0.8 O.S 0.8 1 .0
*n (oil exponent) 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1 .0

*m is the exponential power of winding loss versus winding temperature rise.

*n is the exponential power of total loss versus top-oil temperature rise.
The indicated values of m and n are approximate, particularly in the more complicated designs, and are subject to
further study .
* *Some OA/F A/F A designs follow more closely the values for FA (133% or less).


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of permitted loads of various durations follow­ data shown in Fig 1, the assumed transformer
ing explicit preload conditions. characteristics from Table 4 and the calculated
5 _2.2.3 Assumed Characteristics for Trans­ hottest-spot temperature profile for the daily
formers which Allow the Loadings in Tables load cycle and ambient temperature condition
5(a)-5(u). Transformers vary widely in the that exists during a 24 h period_ The loss of life
characteristics which affect their short-time values shown in Tables 5(a)-5(u) are in addi­
capabilities. Any general guide which applies to tion to the normal loss of life of 0.0369% per
all transformers of a given class must be based 24 h which would result from continuous
on characteristics which give conservative re­ operation at rated load in a constant 30 °C
sults. The characteristics shown in Table 4 are ambient.
considered typical of a p ower transformer and
are for general use.
Index for Table 5 Temperature and Load Limitations.
55 ° c Rise Transformers
The following are recommended individually
( A Tabulation of Loads for Normal and
limiting temperatures and loads and are used in
Moderate Loss of Life)
Tables 5(a)-5(u).
(1) Maximum top-oil
Following initial load of:
temperature - 1 00 ° C
Type of Cooling 50% 70% 90% 100%
( 2 ) Maximum hottest-spot
conductor temperature - 1 50 °C Self·cooled (OA) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(3) Maximum short-time Water-cooled (OW) (a) (b) (c) (d)
loading - 2 . rating (OA/FA) (e) ( f) (g) (h) Load Cycles. Transformers usually
operate on a load cycle which repeats each Forced-ail-cooled,
Directed flow,
24 h. This load cycle may be constant or it (FOA, FOW,
may have one or more peaks during the 24 h OA/FOA/FOA * * ) (i ) (j ) (k ) (I)
period. The actual load cycle may be converted
Forced·air·cooled * *
to a two-step cycle by the method given in 6 .6 . (OA/FA/FA) (m ) (n) (p) (q)
Where actual average loads before the peak
load differ from those in the tabulations, Forced·oil·cooled,
sufficient accuracy can be obtained by inter­
Non·directed flow,
polation. OA/FOA/FOA * * ) (r) (s ) (t) (u ) Basis for Moderate Sacrifice of Life
in Tables 5(ar-5 (u). Load values in Tables * Ratings 1 33% or less of self-cooled rating
5(a)-5(u) are based on the life expectancy **Ratings greater than 1 3 3% of self-cooled rating


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Table 5(a) O1 Z
:-' 00
<L) .....
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life
"" -;:.
5 5 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Nameplate Rating
� �
oo t"l

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· To r - Peak Hot· To r - Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top·
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
of T!! mp Temp Tsmp T� mp ( Per Ts mp T�mp ( Pe r Temp Temp (Per Tgmp Temp
Load Life J Per
nit) ( C) t C) J Per
t c)
Unit ) ( C) ( C) Unit ) ( C) ( C) Unit ) (C) tC) Unit) ( C) (0C)
Normal 2.00 98 38 2.00 1 08 48 2.00 118 58 2.00 1 28 68 1 .97 1 36 77 1.75 1 34 85
0.25 2.00 1 38 78 2.00 14B 88
1 1 .00
2 2 . 00
4 . 00

Normal 2.00 110 49 2.00 120 59 2.00 130 69 1 .8B 132 77 1.70 1 30 83 1.50 127 89
0 . 25 2.00 140 79 2.00 1 50 89 1 .9 1 153 97
0.50 tij
1 1 . 00 t"l
2.00 t"l
4 . 00 0
� Normal 2 . 00 128 67 1 .8 9 1 28 73 1.76 1 27 78 1 .6 2 1 26 83 1 .45 1 24 87 1 . 27 121 92
� 0.25 2.00 1 38 77 2.00 148 87 1.91 1 50 94 1 . 77 148 98 1.63 147 103 t"l
0.50 1.98 156 97 1 .86 1 56 1 02
2 1 . 00 0
2.00 ::>:I
4 . 00
Normal 1.73 122 74 1.63 122 78 1 .9 0 1 20 82 1.38 119 86 1.23 117 89 1 .0 6 114 92 >
0.25 1 .9 5 144 86 1 .84 143 90 1 .73 142 94 1 .6 3 142 98 1 .5 0 140 -
1 02 1.38 139 106 t:l
0.50 2.00 150 89 1.91 151 94 1 .8 1 1 50 98 1 .7 0 149 � Z
4 1 . 00

4 . 00 ......
Normal 1.53 113 73 1.43 113 77 1.31 111 BO 1 . 20 110 B4 1 .06 1 09 87 0.91 106 89 t%J
0.25 1.72 134 86 1.63 133 90 1 .5 2 1 32 93 1 .4 2 132 97 1 .3 0 130 1 00 1.19 1 29 -
1 03 ::Ii
0.50 1 .7 8 141 90 1.69 140 94 1 .59 1 39 97 1 .4 5 138 100 >
8 1 . 00 1.84 148 95 1.75 1 47 98 1 .66 1 46 1 02
2.00 1.91 155 99 1.82 155 1 03
4 . 00 �
Normal 1.35 65 69 97 §:
98 1.25 98 1 .l 4 73 1.02 97 76 0.89 96 80 0.75 96 83
0.25 1 .5 3 117 77 1.43 116 81 1 .3 4 116 84 1 .23 115 88 1.12 115 91 1 .00 115 95
0.50 1 .5 9 123 81 1.49 84 1 22 t%J
1 22 1 . 39 88 1 . 29 121 91 1.19 122 95 1 .07 121 99
LOO L64 129 85 1.55 128 88 1 . 45 1 28 92 1 .36 1 28 96 1 . 26 1 28 99 1.15 1 28 1-
03 00
2.00 1.70 1 36 89 1.61 1 35 93 1.52 136 97 1.43 1 36 100 1.33 135 -
1 04 t%J
4 . 00 1 .7 7 144 94 1.68 143 98 1 .5 9 143 101 t:l
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2 .4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. :;:
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. t%J
• Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ), and must be above zero °C. ::Ii

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(b) t-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life ?:I
5 5 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers Z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Nameplate Rating '7J
Ambient °c E:::
0 10 20 30 40 50 ?:I
Hours o/c Peak Hot- Top- Hot -
Peak Top- Peak Hot- Top· Peak Hot - Top· Peak Hot- Top· Peak Ho -
t Top- e:
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil L ad
o Spot Oil "tj
Peak of (Per Temp (Per Tem p Te mp Temp Temp (Per Temp (Per Temp Temp t-3
(o C )
Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp
Load Life Unit) C C) (DC) Unit) (0C) ee) Unit) c"C) tC) Unit) c" C ) (o C) Unit) (C) (DC) Unit ) (C) 0
Normal 0
2 . 00 104 44 2 . 00 114 54 2 . 00 1 24 64 2.00 1 34 74 1.81 133 81 1.31 117 86
0.25 2 . 00 144 84 2 . 00 154 94
0 . 50 E:::
! 1 .00 -<
2 2.00 >
4.00 �
Normal 2.00 115 54 2.00 1 25 64 1 .9 5 132 73 1.78 1 30 79 1 .56 126 85 1.13 111 87 �
0.25 2 . 00 135 74 2.00 145 84 1 .9 7 1 53 94 1 . 80 151 100 01
0.50 01
1 1 . 00
4.00 0
Normal '"
1.95 128 69 1.84 127 74 1 .70 126 79 1 .1, 4 124 84 1 . 34 120 88 0.97 1 06 87
CJ1 °
0.25 2.00 131 71 2.00 141 81 1 .9 7 1 49 90 1 .8 4 148 95 1 .7 0 146 1 00 1. 53 143 1 04
0.50 2 . 00 151 91 1 .9 4 156 98 0
2 1 . 00
2.00 -<
4 . 00 l>:l
Normal 1.70 121 74 1 .59 1 20 78 1.47 1 19 82 1 .33 117 85 1 .16 113 88 0.88 103 87 >
0.25 1.92 143 86 1.81 142 90 1 . 70 141 94 1.59 140 98 1 .4 6 138 102 1.31 135 104 Q
0.50 1 .9 8 150 90 1.89 95 1 48 l>:l
150 1 .78 149 98 1 .6 7 1 02
4 1 . 00 1 .86 157 103 �
2 . 00 Z
4 . 00 t:J
N or mal 1 .5 2 112 73 1.41 1 11 77 1 . 30 110 80 1.17 1 09 83 1 .0 2 105 85 0.78 98 84 Z
0.25 1.71 133 86 1.61 132 89 1 .51 131 92 1.41 131 96 1 . 29 129 99 1 .1 6 1 27 1 02 Q
0.5 0 1 .77 139 90 1.67 1 39 93 1 . 58 1 38 97 1 .47 137 100 1 .36 1 36 1 03 ::0
8 1 . 00 1.83 147 94 1. 7 4 147 98 1 .64 1 45 101 r:n
2. 0 0 1 .9 0 155 99 1 . 80 1 54 1 02 l>:l
4 . 00

Normal 1 .35 98 65 1. 24 97 68 1.13 97 72 1.02 96 76 0.88 96 79 0.73 95 83

0.25 1.52 116 77 1.43 116 80 1.33 115 84 1.23 115 88 1 .1 2 115 91 0.99 114 95
0.50 1 .58 1 22 80 1.49 122 84 1.39 1 22 88 1 .29 121 91 1.18 121 95 1.06 120 98
24 1.00 1 . 64 1 29 85 1.55 1 28 88 1.45 128 92 1 . 36 1 28 96 1.25 128 99 1.14 127 1 03
2.00 1.70 1 35 89 1.61 135 93 1.52 1 35 96 1.42 135 1 00 1 .3 2 1 34 103
4.00 1.76 143 93 1 . 67 143 97 1 . 59 143 101 0
01 >
:-' Z
NOTE: Underlined values, t h o u gh beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2.4), are given to assis t i n interpolation of the maximum limit. <0 00
",, -
% loss
of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ��
*Actual water temperature should be 5 D C lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ) , and must be above zero DC. <o l>:l
oo l>:l
>-' l>:l

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
C"l >
Table 5 (c) Ol Z
:-" 00
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life <.0 .....
l>:) "j::;
55 D C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Nameplate Rating
"' [i5
� t>:J

Ambient ° c
" 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % i'eak not- Top- Peak 1I 0 t - Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Loss f--load jpot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
, Pe r ( Pe r Temp Temp (Per Te mp Te m p
Load Life
'Jnitl (�C\P
,oC) Unit)
te) tC )
Un it )
t C) ee)
e Cl
(oC) Unit)
eC) ( C)
Unit) (D C )
Normal 2.00 l12 51 2.00 1 22 61 2.00 132 71 1 . 80 1 30 79
0. 25 2.00 142 81 2.00 1 52 91 1.75 147 98
0.50 1 . 98 161 101
! 1 . 00

Normal 2_00 1 21 61 2.00 131 71 1.81 1 28 76 1.56 122 81

0.25 2.00 141 81 2_00 1 51 91 1 .83 1 49 97 1 . 53 140 101
0.50 1.95 1 58 99 t>:J
1 1 . 00 t>:J
2.00 t>:J
4.00 Cl
m Normal 1 .8 9 1 26 71 1.75 1 25 76 1 . 59 122 80 1 . 38 l16 83 t::::l
0.25 2.00 1 36 75 2.00 1 46 85 1 .9 1 148 92 1.76 145 96 1 . 59 142 1 00 1 . 34 1 34 1 02 t>:J
0.50 1 .98 155 95 1 .8 6 1 54 100 �
2 1 .00 0
2.00 �
4.00 t'"
Normal 1 .6 6 119 74 1 .55 118 78 1.41 116 81 1.22 110 83 0.63 81 72 >
0.25 1 . 89 142 87 1.78 141 91 1.66 1 39 94 1.54 138 98 1 . 39 1 34 1 00 1 .19 128 101 t::::l .
0.50 1 .95 149 91 1 .H 5 148 95 1.74 147 99 1 .6 3 1 46 1 02 Z
4 1 . 00 2.00 1 54 93 1.92 1 56 99 1 .82 1 55 103 Cl
4 . 00 ......
U;O l11 73 110 1 . 27 1 08 79 1.11 80 0.81 91 76 t>:J

Normal 1.39 76 1 04
0.25 1 .7 0 132 85 1 . 59 1 31 89 1 . 49 1 30 92 1 . 38 1 28 95 1 . 25 126 98 1 . 08 121 98
1.55 1 37 1 .45 102 1.19 131 104 >
0.50 1 .7 6 1 39 90 1.66 1 38 93 96 136 100 1 . 33 134

8 1 . 00 1 . 82 146 94 1.73 1 45 98 1 .63 144 101
2.00 1 . 88 154 99 1 .80 1 54 102 .....
4.00 t'"

Normal 1 . 3·1 97 65 1 . 24 97 68 1.13 96 72 1 .0 1 96 75 0.88 95 79 0.72 94 82 �E:

0.25 1 . 52 116 77 1 .43 1 16 80 1 . 33 115 84 1 .22 115 87 1.11 1 14 91 0.98 1 14 94

0. 5 0 1 . 58 122 80 1 . 48 1 22 84 1 . 39 122 88 1 . 28 1 21 91 1.17 1 20 94 1.05 1 20 98
24 1 . 00 1.63 1 28 84 1.55 1 25 88 1 .45 128 92 1.35 128 95 1 .25 1 28 99 1.13 1 27 -
102 rll
2.00 1 .70 135 89 1 .6 1 1 35 93 1.52 135 96 1 .4 2 135 100 1.32 134 1 03 t>:J
4 . 00 1.76 143 9 :1 1 . 67 143 97 1 . 58 142 1 00 t::::l
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond re co m men ded limits (see 5 .2 .2 .4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit.
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life.

*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ) , and must be above zero DC. �

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(d) 0-,3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 ° C Rise, Self-Cooled (OA) and Water-Cooled* (OW) Transformers 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Nameplate Rating "'1
Ambient °e t:':!
0 10 20 30 40 50 ::0
Hours % Pea k Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- To r " Peak e::
Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- "tI
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil 0-,3
Peak of Per Ts mp Temp (Per (Per T� mp Temp (Per Tem p
Load Life Jnit) ( C) (oC) Unit)
(oC) Unit) ( C) (0C) Unit)
t e)
T� mp
( C)
tc )
( C) tC)
Normal 2 . 00 116 55 2.00 126 65 1 . 92 1 31 74 l . 00 95 75 0
0.25 2.00 1 36 75 2.00 146 85 1 .91 150 94 ==
0.50 1. 72 1 49 102 <
1 1.00 >
4.00 ......
Normal 2.00 125 64 1.92 1 29 72 1.70 124 78 1 . 00 95 75 :r:
0_25 2.00 1 35 74 2 . 00 145 84 1 .92 149 92 1 . 69 143 97
0 . 50 2.00 1 55 94 1 . 86 155 -
101 1 . 50 142 103 °
1.00 C':l
2 . 00 0
4.00 ::0
� Normal 1 . 01 1 25 72 1 .7 0 1 23 77 1 . 50 118 80 1 . 00 95 75 on
-l 0.25 2.00 138 78 2.00 148 88 l . 86 146 92 1 . 69 142 96 1.47 1 36 99 0.50 92 85 °

0.50 1 .95 154 96 1 . 80 151 100 1 . 63 147 1 04 1.31 135 104 C':l
l . 00 >
2.00 <
4 . 00 t:':!
Normal >
1 . 64 118 74 1.51 1 16 77 1 . 34 112 80 1 . 00 95 75 0
0.25 1.87 141 87 1.76 1 40 91 1 . 63 1 38 94 1 . 50 135 97 1 . 31 1 29 98 0.81 103 88 t:':!
1 . 94 1 49 91 1 .8 3 147 95 1 .72 146 99 1 . 59 143 101 1 . 44 140 1 04 1 . 10 1 29 103
1 . 00 2 . 00 155 95 1.91 1 55 1 . 80 1- 1 0 3
4 99 54
4.00 t:I
Normal 1 .48 110 72 1.37 108 75 1.23 104 77 1 . 00 95 75 0
0.25 1 . 69 131 85 1.59 130 88 1 .48 1 29 91 1 . 36 127 94 1 . 20 1 22 95 0.94 110 92
0.50 1 . 75 1 38 90 1 .6 5 137 93 1 . 55 136 96 1.43 1 34 99 1 . 30 131 101 1.13 125 101
1.00 146 97
1.81 94 1.72 145 1 .62 144 100 1.51 142 1 03
2 . 00 1 . 83 153 98 1.78 1 52 1 02
1 . 00

Normal 1 . 34 97 65 1 . 23 96 68 1.13 96 72 1 .00 9 fi 75 0.86 94 78 0.70 93 81

0.25 1.52 116 77 1.42 115 80 1.32 114 83 1.22 115 87 1 .1 0 1 14 90 0.98 113 94
0.50 1 . 58 122 80 1 .48 122 84 1 . 38 121 87 1.28 121 91 1 .17 1 20 94 1 . 05 119 97
1 . 00 1.63 1 28 84 1.54 1 28 88 1 .45 1 27 91 1.35 1 28 95 1.24 127 98 1.13 126 1 02
24 2.00 1.70 1 35 135 1.41 C':l
89 1.61 93 1 . 52 135 96 134 99 1.31 1 34 1 03
4.00 1.76 143 93 1 .67 1 43 97 1.58 142 100 1 . 48 142 1 04 01 >
:-> z
� oo
"" ......
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2 .4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit.
% loss o f life is in addition to normal loss o f life. ��
� t:':!
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °C lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °e. oo t:':!
.... t:':!

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(J �
"" Z
Table 5(e) :-' 00
<1:> ....
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life 1>:> -;::'
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating � gj
Ct> t<:I
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating I-'

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50
Hours %
Top- Peak Hot-
To -
Peak Hot-
Spot Oi
To - Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot· Top-
of Oil Load Load Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Peak of �Per Tg mp Temp (Per Temp T�mp (Per T�mp Temp (Pe r T�mp Tgmp �Per Temp T�mp (Per Temp Temp
Load Life nit) ( C) (oC) Unit) (0C) ( C) Unit) ( C) t C) Unit) ( C) ( C) nit) (0C) ( C) Unit) (0C) tC l
Normal 2.00 114 40 2.00 1 24 50 2.00 1 34 60 1.91 1 38 68 1 .77 137 75 1.61 1 36 82
0.25 2.00 144 70 2 . 00 154 80 1.94 160 88
1 . 00

Normal 2 . 00 1 33 57 1.91 1 34 63 1 .8 0 1 33 70 1 .67 1 32 75 1 . 54 131 81 1 . 39 1 28 86

0.25 2.25 1 58 67 2.14 -
1 57 73 2 .04 -
1 57 79 1.93 1 56 84 1 .81 1 55 90 1 . 69 153 96 til
0. 50 t<:I
1 .00 t<:I
2.00 0
� ....
4 . 00
00 0
Normal 1.76 1 29 67 1.66 1 28 71 1.56 127 76 1 . 45 1 26 80 1 . 33 124 85 1 .1 9 122 89 t<:I
0.25 1.95 151 78 1.87 151 83 1 . 77 1 50 87 1 . 68 149 92 1 . 57 148 96 1 .46 147 101 '>j
0.50 1.74 1 57 96 1 . 64 155 1 00 0
2 1.00 ::0
2.00 t"'
4.00 0

N ormal 1 . 55 1 20 69 1 .47 1 20 73 1 . 37 1 18 77 1 .27 118 81 1.16 116 85 1 . 03 114 88 0
0.25 1.73 142 82 1 . 65 1 42 86 1 . 56 14 1 90 1 . 47 1 40 94 1 . 37 139 97 1 . 27 1 38 101 Z
0 . 50 1.78 149 86 1 .70 148 90 1 .61 147 94 1 . 53 147 98 1 . 44 146 .!.Ql 0
4 1 .00
2. 00
1 .84 1 57 91 1 . 76 156 94 1 . 68 1 56 98 1.59 -
1 54 102
4.00 Z
Normal 84 �

1.42 110 66 1.33 1 10 70 1 .24 1 09 74 1.14 1 09 77 1 .0 4 1 08 81 0 .91 106
0 . 25 1 . 58 1 30 78 1 . 50 1 30 82 1.41 1 29 86 1 . 33 1 29 89 1 . 23 1 28 93 1.13 1 28 97 t"'
0.50 1 . 63 137 82 1.55 1 37 86 1.47 1 36 90 1 . 38 1 35 93 1.30 135 97 1 . 20 134 101
1 . 00
8 1 . 68 144 87 1 .61 144 91 1 .52 143 94 1.44 143 98 1 . 36 142 102
2.0 0 1 .73 151 91 1 . 66 151 95 1 .5 9 151 99 1.50 1 50 102

Normal s::
1.30 96 58 1.21 96 62 1.12 96 66 1 . 01 95 70 0.90 95 74 0.78 95 78
0. 2 5 1.45 114 69 1.37 115 73 1 . 28 1 14 77 1.19 114 81 1 . 09 114 85 0.99 114 89
0.50 1.50 121 73 1 .42 121 77 1 . 33 120 81 1 . 24 1 20 84 1.15 1 20 88 1 .05 1 20 93 rn
1 . 00 1 .55 1 27 77 1.47 127 81 1 .3 9 1 27 85 1 .3 0 126 88 1 .21 1 26 92 1 .1 2 1 26 96 t<:I
2 . 00 1 . 60 1 34 81 1.52 1 34 85 1 .44 1 34 89 1.36 133 93 1.27 1 33 96 1 .1 9 1 34 1 01
4.00 1 .65 141 85 1.57 141 89 1 .50 141 93 1 .4 2 141 97 1 . 34 141 101 "d

NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2 .4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t<:I
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ::0

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5 (f) >-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 D C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OAjFA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating »J
°c is:
Ambient t:rl
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- e
Loss (
JPer JPer JPer
Load Spot Oil Load Spot Spot Oil Spot
of Load
Oil Load Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Peak Per (Per (o C (0 C (o C
of T!imp Temp Temp Temp T!imp Temp (Per Temp Temp Temp
Temp Temp Tem p
Life nit ) tc) tC ) ) )
Load ( C) Unit) t C) t C) Unit) ( C) Unit) t C) nit)
) nit) .....
Normal 2.00 1 20 45 2.00 1 30 55 1 . 96 1 38 64 1 .B1 136 71 1 . 65 1 34 78 1 . 38 126 84 0
0.25 2.24 162 71 2.12 1 61 78 1 .99 160 85 1 . 84 158 92 is:
0.50 <:
1 . 00 >
2 . 00

4 . 00

Normal 1 .97 1 34 60 1.85 133 66 1.73 132 72 1 .60 1 30 77 1.45 1 28 83 1.20 1 19 85 :::r::
0.25 2.19 2.09 156 75 155 1.87 1 54 1.75 92 1.61 97 01
1 57 69 1 .9 B 81 86 1 54 151
0.50 D
1 . 00 (":I
.,.. Normal 1 .7 3 1 28 6B 1.63 1 27 72 1.53 1 26 77 1.40 1 24 81 1 .27 121 85 1 .06 114 86 01
� 0.25 1 .93 151 79 1.84 1 50 84 1 .74 149 88 1 . 64 148 93 1.f;:� 146 97 1 .4 1 144 101 °

0.50 1.81 157 92 1 .7 0 155 96 1 . 60 154 ill (":I

1 .00 >

Normal 1 . 54 1 20 70 1.45 1 19 73 1 .35 117 77 1 .2 5 l16 81 1.11 113 83 0.93 107 84
0.25 1.71 141 82 1.63 1 40 86 1 . 55 1 40 90 1 .4 5 1 39 94 1 . 35 1 38 97 1 . 24 1 36 1 00 trl
0.50 1.77 148 86 1 . 69 1 48 90 1 . 60 147 94 1.51 146 98 1.42 145 101
1 .00 1.82 1 56 1.75 1 56 95 1 .67 1 55 98 102
4 90 1 . 57 1 53
4.00 t!..
Normal 1 .4 1 1 09 66 1.33 1 09 70 1 . 23 1 08 73 1.13 1 07 77 1 . 01 106 80 0.85 101 82 0
0.25 1 .57 1 30 7B 1 .49 1 29 82 1.41 128 85 1.32 1 28 89 1 . 22 127 93 1.12 1 26 96 ;:tl
0.50 1 . 62 1 36 82 1.55 1 36 86 1 .46 136 90 1 . 38 135 93 1 . 29 1 34 97 1.18 133 100 ......
1 .00 1 .6 8 144
8 87 1 .60 143 90 1.52 143 94 1.43 142 97 1 . 35 142 1 01
2.00 1 .73 151 91 1 .66 151 95 1 . 58 150 98 1 . 50 150 1 02

Normal 1.29 96 58 1 . 20 95 62 1.11 96 66 1 .0 1 95 70 0.90 95 74 0.77 94 78

0.25 1.45 114 69 1 . 36 114 73 1 . 28 114 77 1 .1 9 114 B1 ] .09 1 14 85 0.99 113 89
0 . 50 1.50 121 73 1.41 1 20 76 1.33 120 81 1 .25 1 20 85 1.15 1 19 88 1 . 05 119 92
1 . 00 1 . 54 127 77 1.47 1 27 81 1 . 39 127 84 1 . 30 1 27 89 1 . 21 1 26 92 1.11 1 26 96
2.00 1 . 60 1 34 81 1 . 52 1 34 85 1 . 44 1 34 89 1 . 36 133 92 1.27 133 97 1.18 1 33 101
4.00 1 . 65 141 85 1 . 58 141 89 1 . 50 141 93 1.42 141 97 1 . 34 141 101 �>
:--' Z
"' 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 . 2 .2.4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. 1.:>
, �
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ..... ......
", trl
oo trl
..... trl

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
O1 Z
Table 5(g) :-J oo
to -
"" ;:;
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life ' t:<:!
5 5 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating ..... t:<:!

Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximwn Nameplate Rating

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Peak Hot·
Top· Peak Hot·
To -
y Peak Hot·
Top· Peak Hot- Top·
Load Oil Load Load Oil Load Spot
Peak of Per T!i mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per T!i mp Temp (Per Temp T� mp (Per Temp Temp (Per T8mp Temp
Load Life J nit) ( C) ("C) Unit) (0C) (0C) Unit) ( C) t C) Unit) (oC) ( C) Unit) ( 0 C) (oC) Unit) ( C) (oC)
Normal 2.00 1 28 53 1 .98 1 37 62 1.84 135 69 1.64 130 75
2 . 39 162 62 2.27 161 69 --
2.15 --
161 76 2.01 --
1 59 83 1.86 157 90 1 . 62 149 95
0.50 I. 79 161 98
1 1 . 00
2 2 . 00

Normal 1.89 132 63 1.77 131 68 1.64 129 74 1 .4 6 1 24 78

0. 25 2.13 1 56 72 --
2.02 -
155 78 1.91 1 54 83 1.79 -
152 89 1 .6 4 1 49 94 1 .4 3 142 97 sa
0.50 1 .74 -
1 58 97 1 . 58 154 102 t:<:!
1 1 . 00
2.00 0
Ql 4.00 c::
0 0
Normal 1.69 1 26 69 1.58 1 25 73 1.46 122 77 1 . 29 117 79 t:<:!
0.25 1.89 1 49 80 1.79 148 84 1 . 69 147 89 1.59 146 93 1 45 142 96 1.28 1 36 99 "'l
0. 5 0 1.95 1 57 84 1.86 155 88 1.76 1M 93 1.66 ill 97 1 . 54 151 !Q!. 1.40 146 1 04 0
2 1 . 00 �
2.00 t""'
4.00 0
Normal 1 . 52 118 69 1.43 117 73 1.31 114 76 1.1 8 111 78 0
0.25 1 . 69 140 82 1.61 139 85 1.52 1 38 89 1 .4 2 1 37 93 1 . 30 134 95 1.15 1 28 96 Z
0.50 1.75 147 86 1 .66 146 90 1 . 58 146 94 1.49 144 97 1 . 38 142 100 1 . 26 138 102 0
4 1 .0 0 1.81 155 91 1.72 1 54 94 1 . 64 154 98 1 . 55 1 52 102
2.00 ....
4.00 Z
Normal �
1 .4 1 109 66 1.31 1 08 69 1.21 1 06 72 1.09 103 74
0.25 1 . 57 1 29 91 121 93
78 1.48 128 81 1.40 128 85 1.30 126 88 1.20 1 25 1.07

0.50 1.62 135 82 1.54 1 35 85 1.46 135 89 1 . 36 133 92 1 . 27 132 96 1.15 1 29 98
8 1 . 00 1.67 143 86 1 . 59 142 90 1.51 142 94 1 .43 141 97 1 . 33 140 100 1.23 1 38 --
103 ....
2.00 1.72 1 50 91 1.65 1 50 94 1.57 149 98 1.49 149 102 t""'
4.00 1 . 63 1 58 103

Normal s::
1.29 96 58 1 . 20 95 62 1.11 95 66 1.01 95 70
0.25 1 . 45 114 69 1.36 1 14 73 1 . 28 114 77 LIB 113 B1 1 .09 113 B5 0.99 113 89
0.50 1 . 49 120 73 1.41 120 77 1.33 1 20 80 1 . 24 1 20 85 1 .1 5 120 88 1.05 119 92 00
24 1 .00 1 .54 127 77 1.46 1 26 80 1 .3 8 1 26 84 1 . 29 1 26 88 1.21 1 26 92 1.11 1 26 96
2 . 00 1.60 1 34 81 1.52 1 33 85 1.44 1 33 89 1.35 1 33 92 1.27 133 96 1.18 1 32 1 00
4.00 1 . 65 141 85 1.57 141 89 141 93 1.42 140 1.33 101 '"C
1.50 97 140

NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits ( see 5.2.2 .4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t:<:!
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. �

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(h) >-3

Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/F A) Transformers Rated 133% or Less of Self-Cooled Rating 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "'J

Ambient ° c t:r:J
0 10 20 30 40 50 �

Hours %
Peak Hot-
Top- Peak Hot-
S po t
To -
To - r Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- e::
of Load Oil Load Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Temp (Pe r Temp >-3
Life J nit)
Per T� mp
( C) tC ) Jper
(o C)
Unit )
T� mp
( e)
Unit )
(0 C)
( Per
T� mp
( e) Unit)
T� mp
( C) (oC )
Normal 2_00 133 57 1.92 1 36 65 L73 132 71 L06 98 70 0
0.25 2.22 -
161 72 --
2.08 --
159 79 1.94 ill 85 L72 1 50 91 is:
0.50 1 . 56 149 98 <:
1 . 00 1.82 1 68 103 >
2 . 00
4.00 .....
Normal L84 131 64 1.72 1 29 70 1 .5 5 124 74 1 . 06 98 71 ::c
0. 25 2.09 155 74 1.98 -
1 54 80 1.86 153 85 1.72 149 90 1.53 143 94 01
0.50 1.82 1 59 94 1 . 67 1 55 98 1 .4 1 143 100 0
1 1 . 00 0
2.00 0
4.0 0 �
01 Normal 1 . 66 125 69 1 . 54 1 23 73 1.39 118 76 1 . 03 97 71 01
I-' 0
0.25 1.86 148 95
80 1.77 147 85 1 .66 146 89 L54 143 93 1 . 38 1 36
0.50 1.93 1 56 84 1.83 1 54 89 1.73 --
1 53 93 1 . 62 -
151 97 1.49 147 100 1.25 135 99
1 . 00 1 .4 2 151 107 >


Normal >
1.50 116 69 1.40 115 72 1.27 111 74 1.02 96 70 P
0.25 1 . 68 139 82 1 . 59 1 38 85 1.50 1 36 89 1.39 134 91 1.25 129 93 t:r:J
0 .50 1 .7 4 1 46 86 1.65 145 89 1 . 56 144 93 1.46 142 96 1.34 139 99 L16 1 29 98
4 1 .00 1 .80 154 90 1.71 1 53 94 1 .6 2 -
152 97 1 .54 151 -
101 1.43 148 --
1 0 4 1.30 144 106 .....
2.00 Z
4.00 I;;j
Normal 1 . 40 108 65 1 . 30 1 07 68 1.19 104 71 L01 95 70 P
0_25 1 . 56 1 29 78 1.48 1 28 81 1.39 1 27 84 1.29 125 87 1.17 122 90 �
0.50 1.61 135 81 1.53 134 85 1 .4 5 1 34 89 1 .35 1 32 92 1 . 25 130 95 l .09 1 24 95
8 1 .00 1.67 143 86 1.59 142 89 1 .5 1 141 93 1 .42 140 96 1.32 1 38 99 1 .20 135 102 t"l
2.00 1.72 150 90 1 .64 1 49 94 1.57 149 98 1 . 48 148 101 1 . 39 146 1 04
4_00 1. 7 0 1 57 99 1.62 157 102
Normal 1.29 95 58 1.20 95 62 1.10 95 65 LOO 95 70
0_25 1.45 114 69 1.36 113 73 1 .2 7 113 77 1.18 113 81 1.09 113 84
0.50 1.49 1 20 73 1.41 1 20 77 L33 120 80 1 . 24 119 84 1.14 1 19 88 1 .04 118 92
24 1 . 00 1.54 127 77 1.46 1 27 80 L38 1 26 84 L30 126 88 1 . 20 1 25 92 L11 125 96
2 . 00 1.59 133 81 1.52 133 85 L44 133 88 L36 133 92 1.27 132 96 1.17 132 1 00 0
4_00 1.65 1 41 85 1.57 140 89 1.50 141 93 L41 140 96 1.33 140 100 01 >
:-" Z
<0 00
NOTE: Underlined values. though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 _2 .4 ) , are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit_ t.:> ....
. -
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. .... ....
<o t:r:J
oo t"l
.... t"l

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(i) O1 Z
:-' 00
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life "' .!:::'
"" ......
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled ( Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers .:.. �
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating �

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

H o t·
To '
Loa d
H o t·
To r-
Loa d
Top· Peak
Hot· Top·
Oil Spot Oil
Life JPer
( C)
( o C) JPer
( C)
( C)
Uni t)
Tl1 mp
( C)
T� mp
( C) JPer
Uni t)
( oC)
T '6mp
( C)
Normal 1.84 141 46 1.77 140 53 1 . 69 140 60 1 . 60 1 39 67 1.51 138 75 1 .4 1 1 38 82
- - - 1-
0. 25 2.00 1 64 52 1.93 1 64 59 1.86 163 60 1 .7 9 163 74 1.70 62 81 1 .6 3 162 88
0.5 0
1 1 . 00

Normal 1 . 67 135 57 1 .60 134 63 1.52 1 34 69 1.44 133 75 1 . 35 132 81 1.26 131 86
0.25 1.82 1 58 66 1.75 1 57 72 1 . 68 !.§l 78 1.61 1 56 84 1 . 53 1 55 89 1.45 15§ 95
0.50 t;:j
1 L OO trl
2.00 trl
4.00 (l
t-:I Normal 1.51 128 64 1.45 1 28 69 1.37 127 74 1.29 1 26 79 1 . 21 1 25 84 1.12 123 83 t::I
0.25 1.64 150 74 1.58 149 79 1.52 149 84 1 .4 5 1 48 89 1 . 38 147 94 1 . 30 146 99 trl
0.50 1.69 158 78 1 .63 1 57 83 1.56 � 88 1 . 50 155 93 1 . 63 ill 98 1.35 1 56 103 "l
2 1 . 00 0
2 . 00 �
4.00 t'"
Normal 1.39 118 64 1.33 1 18 69 1.25 117 73 1 .18 117 78 1.09 115 82 1 .01 115 87 >
0.25 1.52 139 75 1 .46 1 39 79 1 . 39 138 84 1 . 33 1 38 89 1 . 26 1 38 93 1 . 18 1 37 98 t::I
0.50 1.56 146 78 1 . 50 1 46 83 1.44 145 88 1 . 37 145 92 1 . 30 144 97 1.23 143 101 Z
4 1 .00 1.60 1 53 82 l.54 1 53 87 1 .48 � 91 1.42 152 96 1 . 35 1 52 101 (l

Normal 1.32 108 68 1.25 1 08 64 l.18 107 69 1.10 108 74 1 . 02 1 07 78 0.92 106 82
0.25 1.44 1 28 70 l . 38 127 74 1 .3 1 1 27 79 1.24 127 84 1.17 127 88 1 .09 126 93
0.50 1 . 48 134 73 1.41 1 34 78 1 .3 5 134 82 1 . 29 134 87 1.22 1 33 92 1.14 133 96 t'"
8 l . 00 1.52 141 77 1 . 46 141 82 1 .4 0 141 86 1 . 33 140 91 1 .27 140 95 1.20 140 100
2.00 1.56 1 49 81 1.50 148 85 1 .4 4 148 90 1 . 38 148 95 1.31 147 99
4 . 00 1 . 60 157 85 l.54 156 89 1 .4 8 156 94 1.43 1 56 99 1.36 155 103
Normal s:
1.23 96 53 1.16 96 58 1 .09 96 63 1.01 96 67 0.91 95 72 0.82 96 77
0.25 1.36 114 63 114 1 .22
1 . 29 67 114 72 1.15 114 77 1 .07 1 14 82 0 . 99 114 87
0. 5 0 1 . 39 1 20 66 L33 1 20 71 1 . 27 1 20 76 1 . 20 120 80 1.12 120 85 1 . 04 120 89 �
24 1 . 00 1.43 126 69 1.37 1 27 74 1 . 30 126 79 1.24 126 83 1.17 1 26 88 1 .09 1 27 93 r:n
2.00 1 . 47 1 34 73 1.41 1 34 78 1.35 134 82 1 . 29 1 33 87 1.22 1 34 92 1.14 1 33 97 trl
4.00 1.50 141 77 1 .4 5 140 81 1.39 141 86 1.33 141 91 1.27 1 40 96 1 . 20 140 100 t::I
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 . 2.4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. trl
° �
*Actual water temperature should be 5 C lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ) , and must be above zero °c.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(j ) >-3
Capability Table for Nonnal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transfonners 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating 0
Ambient °c s::
20 30 40 50 :::0
0 10

Hours %
Peak Ho t-
To p-
Peak Hot-
Top- Peak Hot-
To -
Top- Peak Hot-
Top- e:::
of Load
er �Load Oil Load Oil Load Oil
Peak of T�mp Temp Pe r Temp Temp (Per T8mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp >-3
Load Life ( C) (oC) nit) (C) (C) Un i t ) ( C) (C) Un it ) (C) (0C) Unit) (oC) (C) Unit) (C) (0C) 0
No rmal 1.80 140 49 1.73 1 40 57 1 . 64 1 39 64 1.55 1 38 71 1 .45 1 37 78 1.31 1 32 84 0
0_ 2 5 1 .9 7 164 57 1 .90 1 64 63 1 _82 163 70 1.74 1 62 77 1 . 66 161 84 1.57 1 60 91 s::
1 0.50 <:
1 . 00 >
2.00 ::;:;
4.00 ......
Normal 1.64 1 34 59 1.57 1 33 65 133 1.40 131 1 . 30 82 1.17 125 86 ::I:
1 . 49 71 76 1 30
0.25 1.79 157 67 91 1.41 1 53 97 '"
1.73 157 74 1.66 156 80 1.58 155 85 1 .5 0 1 54
- '"
0.50 °

1 . 00 C':l
2 . 00 0
4.00 :::0
C)l Norm al 1 . 50 127 64 1.43 126 69 1.35 125 74 1 .2 7 125 79 1.18 1 22 83 1 .0 6 119 87 '"
0.25 1.63 149 75 1.57 149 80 1 . 50 1 48 85 1 .43 147 90 1 .3 6 146 95 1 . 27 145 99
0.50 1.67 1 56 78 1.61 155 83 1.55 88 1 .4 8 93 1.41 153 98 1.33 152 103
� 155
2 1 . 00
Normal 1.39 118 64 1 . 32 1 17 68 1.25 1 16 73 1.17 115 77 1 .03 114 81 0.97 111 85 0
0.25 1.52 1 39 75 1 . 45 138 79 1 . 39 1 38 R4 1.32 137 88 1 .25 1 36 93 1.16 135 97 1:':1
0.50 1.55 146 78 1 .49 145 83 1 .43 144 87 1.36 144 92 1 . 29 143 96 1.22 142 ill ::;:;
4 1 . 00 1.59 153 82 1 . 54 1 52 86 1 . 48 1-52 91 1 .4 1 1 51 96 1 . 34 151 1 00 H

- Z
4.00 a
Normal 1.31 107 59 1.25 107 64 1.17 107 68 1 .09 107 73 1 .0 1 106 77 0.90 104 81 0
0.25 1.44 128 70 1.38 1 27 74 1.31 127 79 l .24 127 84 1 .1 6 1 26 88 1 . 09 1 24 92 :::0
0.50 1.48 134 73 1.41 1 34 78 1 .35 134 82 1 . 29 133 87 1.21 132 91 1.14 133 96
8 1.00 1.52 141 77 1.46 141 82 l . 39 141 86 1.33 140 90 1 . 26 1 40 95 1.19 1 30 1 00 t"l
2.00 1.55 148 81 1 . 50 1 48 85 1.44 148 90 1.38 147 94 1 .31 1 47 99
4.00 1.60 156 85 1.54 156 89 1.48 .l.Q.Q. 94 1 .4 2 !.QQ. 98 1 .3 6 155 103

Normal 1 .23 96 53 1.16 96 58 1.09 96 63 1 .0 0 95 67 0.91 95 72 0.81 95 77

0.25 1.36 114 63 1.29 114 67 1.22 114 72 1.15 114 77 1 .0 7 1 14 81 0.99 114 87
0.50 1 . 39 1 20 66 1.33 1 20 71 1 . 26 1 20 75 1 .20 120 80 1.12 1 20 85 1 .0 4 1 20 89
24 1 . 00 1.43 1 26 69 1.37 127 74 1 . 30 126 79 1 .24 126 83 1.17 1 26 88 1 .09 127 93
2.00 1 .47 1 33 73 1.41 1 34 78 l.35 1 34 82 1.29 133 87 1 . 22 1 34 92 1.14 133 96 C':l
4.00 1.51 141 77 1 .45 1 40 81 1.39 141 86 1 . 33 141 91 1 .27 1 40 96 1 . 20 1 40 100 01 >
:-' Z
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2.4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t.:> ......
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life.
, -
oo t"l
.... ......
*Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3. 5 ) , and must be above zero ° C. oo t"l
..... 1:':1

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(k) Ol Z
:-' 00
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life to ......
"" ;::.
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled ( Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating � gJ
oo l':!

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Ho t- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- To r - Peak Hol- To - y Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Load Spot Oil
Peak of
Temp Temp
(Per Temp
Temp (Per T8mp
( C)
Temp (Pe r
Unit )
Temp Temp (Per
Unit )
Temp (Per Temp Temp
Load tc ) Unit) CC ) (DC) Unit) tc) t C) (DC) ("C) t C) Unit) (oC) (DC )
Normal 1 . 74 1 39 54 1.66 1 38 61 1.57 137 68 1.45 1 33 74 1 . 13 111 76
0.25 1.91 163 60 1.84 1 62 67 1.77 162 75 1 . 68 1 60 82 1 . 58 1 58 88 1.45 153 94
1 .0 0

Normal 1 . 60 1 33 61 1.52 1 32 67 1 .44 1 30 72 1.32 126 77 1 .06 1 08 77

0.25 1.76 156 70 1 . 69 155 76 1.61 1 54 81 1.53 -
153 87 1 .44 150 92 1.31 145 97
0.50 1.41 156 101 l':!
1 . 00 l':!
2_00 l':!
4 . 00 0
01 Normal 1 . 32

1.47 125 65 1.40 1 24 69 123 74 1.22 119 78 1 .00 104 76
0.25 1.61 148 75 1.55 147 80 1 .4 8 146 85 1.41 145 90 1 .32 143 94 1.20 137 97 l':!
0.50 1.66 156 79 1.59 155 84 1 .52 153 88 1.45 152 93 1 . 38 151 98 1 .2 8 148 102
2 1 . 00 0
2.00 �
4 . 00
Normal 1.38 116 63 1 . 30 115 68 1 .2 3 114 72 1.13 111 75 0.95 99 74 >
0.25 1.50 137 74 1.44 1 37 79 1.38 136 83 1.30 1 35 88 1.23 1 34 92 1.12 1 29 94 tj
87 ......
0.50 1.55 145 78 1.48 144 82 1.42 144 1.35 142 91 1 . 27 141 95 1 .19 138 99
4 1.00 1.59 152 82 1.53 151 86 1.46 1 51 91 1 .4 0 150 95 1 . 33 149 99 1 . 25
2.00 1.38 1 57 1 04
4 . 00 s:::
Normal 1 . 31 107 59 1.24 107 64 1.16 106 68 1.07 1 04 71 0.92 96 72 l':!
0.25 1.43 127 69 1.37 1 27 74 1 . 30 1 26 79 1.23 126 83 1.16 125 87 1 .05 1 22 90 �
0.50 1 .47 1 34 73 1.41 1 33 77 1.35 1 33 82 1.28 1 33 87 1.20 131 91 1.12 130 95 >
1.51 77
8 1 . 00 141 1.45 140 81 1 . 39 140 86 1 . 32 1 39 90 1.26 1 39 95 1.18 1 38 99
2.00 1.55 148 81 1 . 50 148 85 1 .44 1 48 90 1 . 38 147 94 1.30 1 46 99 1.23 146 103
4.00 1.59 156 84 1.54 155 89 1.48 155 94 1 .42 155 98 1 . 36 � 103 ?
Normal 1 . 23 96 53 1.16 96 58 1 . 09 96 63 1.00 95 67 0.91 95 72 0 .8 1 95 77 s:::
0.25 1.36 114 63 1 . 29 114 67 1.22 114 72 1.15 114 77 1 .0 7 114 81 0 .9 8 113 86 s:::

0 . 50 1.39 120 66 1.33 1 20 71 1 .26 1 20 75 1.19 1 20 80 1.12 1 20 85 1 .0 4 1 20 89
24 1.00 1.43 126 69 1 . 37 1 26 74 1 .30 126 79 1.24 1 26 83 1 .1 6 1 26 88 1 .09 1 26 93 CIl
2.00 1.47 133 73 1.41 1 33 77 1.35 133 82 1.28 1 33 87 1 . 21 1 33 92 1.14 1 33 96 t:J
1.00 1.51 141 77 1.45 140 81 1.39 141 86 1 .33 140 91 1.27 140 96 1 . 20 140 100 tj
Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 . 2 . 2 .4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. 0
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. l':!
* Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 . 5 ), and must be above zero D C. �

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(1) >-3
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life :>-
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled ( Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating 0
Ambient DC ::>:l
0 10 20 30 40 50 00
Ho ur s % Pea k Hot· Top· Peak Hot· To p- Pea k Hot· Top- Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· Top- "d
of Lo a d Spot Load O il Loa d Spot O il Load Oi l Load Oil >-3
Pea k
of �Per T�mp
Temp (Per
Temp Temp (Per T�mp Te mp (P e r
Un i t )
Temp T� mp
( C)
T� mp
( C)
Temp 0
Load Life nit) ( C) (DC) Unit) (D C) tC) Unit) ( C) t C) t C) Unit) tC) t C) Unit) (DC)
N o r m al 57 1 .6 2
1 .7 1 138 1 37 63 1.50 133 70 1 . 00 95 67
1 .73 1 . 49
0.25 1 . 88 162 63 1 .R O 161 70 160 77 1 .6 3 1 58 84 ] 52 89
1. 4 1
152 97
1 . 00
2 . 00 ::E
4 . 00 >-3
Normal l .57 131 62 1 .4 9 130 68 1 .38 125 72 1 .00 95 67 01
0.25 1 .73 155 71 1 .66 -
154 77 1.59 -
153 83 1 .4 9 150 88 1.37 144 92
0.50 l .4 5 155 96 1 . 28 144 98
1 . 00 1 .4 2 161 1 04
2 . 00 0
4 .00
Ql Normal 1 .46 1 24 65 1 .38 122 69 1 .28 119 73 1 . 00 95 67 °
Ql 0.25 1 .6 0 147 76 1 .53 146 80 1 .4 6 145 85 1 .38 142 89 1 .27 1 :17 92 0.50 76 60 (')
0.50 1 .64 154 79 1 .5 8 -
153 84 1.51 1 52 88 1 .43 151 93 1 . 34 1 47 97 l .19 137 97 :>-
2 1.00 l .4 1 156 101 1 .30 152 1 04 <:
2.00 t:J
4 . 00 ::>:l
Normal 1 .3 7 1 15 63 1 .30 l . 20 111 70 1 .00 95 67 0
1 14 67
0.25 1 .5 0 137 74 1 .44 136 79 l .3 7 135 83 l .29 1 33 87 1.19 129 89 0.75 90 76
0.50 1 .54 1 44 1 .18 139 94 l .1 3 130 95 ::E
77 143 82 1.41 143 87 1 .34 141 91 l.26
4 1 .00 1 . 58 152 81 1 . 52 -
151 86 1.16 150 91 l .3 9 1 49 95 1 .31 147 98 1 .2 2 143 101 Z
2.00 l .4 4 -
1 57 99 1.38 156 1 03 t:l
4 .0 0
Normal 1.30 1 06 59 1 .23
1 06 1 04 1 .0 0 95 67
63 l.15 67
0 . 25 l .43 1 26 69 l .37 1 26 74 1 .3 0 1 26 78 1 . 23 1 25 83 1.13 1 22 86 0.94 1 08 83 ....
0.50 l .4 7 1 33 73 141 132 77 1 .34 132 82 1 .27 132 86 1.19 1 29 90 1 . 08 1 25 92 00
l . 00 l.51 140 76 13R 94 1.16 135 97 t:J
8 145 14 0 81 l . 39 139 85 1.32 1 39 90 1 .25
2.00 1 . 55 148 80 1 .4 9 147 85 1 .43 147 89 1.37 1 46 94 l .30 146 98 1.22 144 lQe.
4 . 00 l . 59 156 84 l . 54 1 55 89 1 .4 8 154 93 1 .42 1 54 98 1.35 154 102

Normal 1 . 23 96 53 l .16 95 58 1 . 09 96 63 1.00 95 67 0.91 94 71 0.80 94 76

0 . 25 l .35 1 14 62 l . 29 114 67 1 . 22 114 72 1.15 1 14 77 1 . 07 114 81 0.98 113 86
0.50 1 .3 9 120 66 1 .33 120 71 1 . 26 120 75 1 .19 120 80 1.12 120 85 1 .0 4 1 19 89
24 l . 00 1 .4 3 1 26 69 l . 37 1 26 74 1 . 30 1 26 79 1 . 23 1 26 83 1 . 16 126 88 1 .09 1 26 93
2 .00 l .47 133 73 1 .4 1 133 77 1 .35 133 82 l . 28 1 33 87 l . 21 132 91 l.14 133 96 (')
4 .00 1.51 14 1 140 96 1 .20 140 1 00
01 :>-
77 1 .4 5 140 81 l . 39 140 86 l .33 140 91 1 . 27
:-> Z
0:> 00
t<> ....
NOTE: U nderl i ned values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2 .2.4), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. � t:::i
% l oss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. 0:> t:J
oo t:J
*Actual water temperature should be 5 D C lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero D C. .-. t;r1

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
n ;l>
<:i' Z
:-' 00
Table 5(m) .., ......
t-:> -;::;
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life ' t:IJ
� t:IJ
55 ° C Rise , Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rated Over 1 33% of Self-Cooled Rating oo t:IJ
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Pea k Hot- Top- P ea k Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top - Peak Hot- Top- Pe a k Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top-
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Load Spot Oil
Pea k of
JPer T( � mp (0
Temp (P e r (o
Temp Te mp (Per T( �mp o
( C
Temp (Per (o
Temp (0
Temp (Per Temp
Temp (Per Temp (0
Load Life nit) C) C) Unit) C) ("C ) Unit) C) ) Unit) C) C) Unit) ("C) C) Unit) tC ) C
Normal 2 .00 1 33 48 1 .97 140 57 1 . 87 1 39 63 1 .7 6 139 70 1 . 63 138 76 1 .5 0 1 36 83
0.25 2.21 1 64 64 2.1 1 1 6:, 71 2.00 163 78 1.89 162 84 1 .78 161 91
I 0.50
'2 1 . 00

Normal 1 . 84 135 61 1 .7 4 134 66 1 .6 4 133 71 1 .54 132 77 1 .43 132 82 1.30 130 87 ......
0.25 2 . 04 159 71 l .9 5 1 58 76 1 .85 1 57 82 1 .7 6 1 56 87 1 .6 6 155 92 1.55 1 54 97
0.50 t:IJ
1 .00
2 .00
c;n 4 .00 ......
� t:J
Normal 1 22 88 t:IJ
1 .6 2 1 27 67 1.54 1 27 71 1 .45 1 26 76 1 .3 5 1 25 80 1 . 24 1 24 84 1.1 3
0.25 1 00 "'j
1 .8 0 150 79 1.72 149 83 1 .6 3 149 87 1 . 54 148 91 1 .45 147 96 1 .36 146
0.50 1 .7 7 157 87 1 .6 9 1 56 91 1 .6 1 1 55 95 1 .52 1 55 100
2 1 .00 �
2 .00 t"'
4 .00
N orm al
1 .48 1 18 66 1 .3 9 117 70 1 . 30 1 16 74 1.21 1 16 78 1.12 115 82 1 . 00 113 86
0.25 1 .6 3 139 78 1 . 55 138 82 1 .4 7 1 :1 8 86 1 . 39 138 90 1 . 30 137 94 1 .21 1 36 91l
0.50 1 .68 146 82 1 .6 1 146 86 1 . 5 :1 145 90 1 . 45 145 94 1 . 36 144 98 1.28 143 1 0-2 Cl
4 1 . 58 s::
1 . 00 l .7 3 153 86 1 .6 6 152 90 152 94 1 .50 151 98 1 .42 151 102
2 .00
4 .00 t:IJ

Norm al l . 38 1 07 61 1 .3 0 1 07 65 1.21 107 69 1.12 106 73 1 . 02 1 06 77 0.91 105 81 ;I>
0.25 1 .53 1 27 72 1 .4 6 1 27 76 1 . 37 1 27 80 1 . 29 1 27 85 1.21 1 27 89 1.11 1 26 93 t"'
0.50 1 . 58 134 76 1 .50 1 33 80 1 . 42 133 84 1 . 35 133 88 1 .2 6 133 92 1 .1 7 1 32 96 6
8 1 . 00 1 .63 141 80 U, 5 140 84 1 . 48 141 88 1 40 140 92 1 .32 140 96 1 .23 140 101
2 .00 1 . 68 148 84 1 .6 1 148 88 1.53 148 92 1 . 46 148 96 1 . 38 148 ill ,:...
4 . 00 1 .7 3 1 56 119 1 . 66 1 56 93 1 . 59 155 97 1 . 52 1 55 101 s::
Normal 1 .28 96 54 1 . 19 95 58 1.11 95 63 1 . 01 95 67 0.90 95 71 0.78 95 76 t:IJ
0.25 1 . 4 :> 1 14 64 1 .35 114 68 1 .26 114 73 1.18 114 77 1 . 09 113 81 0.98 113 86 �
O liO 1 .47 1 20 68 1 . 39 1 20 72 L3 2 1 20 76 1 .23 1 20 81 1 .1 4 1 19 85 1 .0 4 1 19 89 00
�4 1 . 00 1 .52 1 26 71 1 .44 1 26 76 1 .3 7 1 26 80 1 .28 1 26 84 1 . 20 1 26 88 1.11 1 26 93
2 . 00 1 .57 133 75 1 .4 9 133 79 1 .4 2 133 84 1 . 34 133 88 1 .26 133 92 1 . 17 1 :13 97
4 . 00 l .B 2 140 79 1 . 55 140 84 1 .4 8 140 88 1.4 0 140 92 1.32 140 96 1 .23 140 101
NOTJ<.;; Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5_2.2.4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t:IJ
% loss of life
is in addition to normal loss of life. ::tI

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(n) >-3

Capability Table for Nonnal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rated Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating 00
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating 0
Ambient °c tzl
0 10 20 30 40 50 �

% Top- Peak Hot- Top- Hot- To p· Peak Peak Hot- Hot· Top· e::
Hours Peak Hot- Peak Hot- Top· Top· Peak
of Loss
of �
Tem p
Spot Oil Load
Oil Load
T5m p
Temp >-3
(o e )
Peak Temp Temp
Load Life 1 nit) tc) U t
ni ) (oC) t C) U ni t ) ( e) (oe) (o C ) tC) Uni t ) (C) (oC) Unit) ( C) (oC ) >-'
Normal 2.00 1 40 53 1 .9 2 1 39 60 un 1 38 66 1.69 1 37 73 1 . 54 135 79 1.35 1 29 84 0
0.25 2.16 1 63 68 2 .0 6 1 63 74 1 .95 1 62 81 1 . 83 1 60 87 1.71 159 93 5:
0.50 <:
2' 1 . 00 >
2.00 �

Normal 1.81 1 34 62 1.71 1 33 68 1 . 60 132 73 1 .49 131 78 1 . 36 129 83 1.17 121 85 :::r:
98 '-"
0.25 2.00 157 72 1 .9 1 156 78 1 .8 2 156 83 1.72 155 88 1.62 1 54 94 1 .50 152
0.50 0

1 . 00 (")
2.00 0
4 . 00 �
1 25 1 . 20 1 21 83 1 . 04 1 15 85 '-"
Cl1 Normal 1 .61 1 27 67 1 .5 2 1 26 71 1.42 76 1 .32 1 23 80
-;J 0.25 1 .78 149 79 1 .7 0 148 R :l 1.61 148 H7 1 .5 2 147 92 1 . 43 145 96 1.33 144 100 0

1 S6 155 1 .59 1 54 1 . 50 154 100 (")

0.50 1 . 83 1 57 83 1.76 87 1 . 67 91 96
2 1 .00 >
2.00 <:

Normal 1 .4 6 117 65 1.38 116 69 1 . 29 116 73 1.19 111 77 1 . 09 113 81 0.93 108 82 >
0.25 1.63 1 38 77 1.55 138 81 1 . 47 1 37 85 1 . 38 137 90 1 . 29 1 36 93 1.19 134 97 tzl

0 . 50 1.67 145 81 1 . 60 145 86 1 .52 144 89 1 .44 144 94 1 . 35 143 97 1 . 26 142 101
4 1 . 00 1.73 153 86 1.65 152 89 1 . 58 152 94 1 . 50 151 98 1.41 1 50 102 ......
2 . 00 Z
4 . 00 t:l
Normal 1 . 38 107 61 1 . 29 1 07 65 1 . 20 106 69 1.11 106 73 1 .01 lOS 77 0.R6 101 79 CJ
76 1 . 37 1 26 80 1 . 28 126 84 1 .20 1 26 88 1 .10 1 24 92
0.25 1.53 127 72 1.45 1 27
H4 �
0.50 1.57 133 76 1.50 1 33 80 1 .42 133 1.34 132 88 1.25 132 92 1.16 132 96
8 1 .00 1.62 141 80 1.55 141 84 1 . 47 140 88 1 . 40 1 40 92 1.32 140 96 1 . 22 139 1 00 tzl
2 . 00 1 . 67 148 84 1 . 60 148 88 1 .53 1 48 92 1 .46 147 96 1 . 38 1 47 1 00
4 . 00 1.73 1 56 89 1 6 fi 156 9 :1 l S9 1 55 97 1 S1 1 55 101

Normal 12R 95 54 1 . 19 95 58 1 . 10 9 1) 63 1 .01 95 67 0 .90 95 71 0.78 94 75

0 . 2S 1.42 113 64 1.35 1 14 68 1 . 26 113 73 1 . 18 113 77 1 .0 8 113 81 0.98 1 13 86
0.50 1.47 119 68 1 .40 1 20 72 1.31 1 20 76 1 . 23 119 80 1.14 119 85 1 . 04 1 19 89
24 l . OO 1.52 126 71 1.44 1 26 76 1.37 126 80 1 . 29 1 26 84 1 .2 0 125 88 1.11 1 26 93
1.50 80 83 132 88 1.26 133 92 1.17 1 33 97
2 . 00 1 . 57 1 33 75 1 33 1 . 42 132 1 . 34
4 . 00 1.62 140 79 1.55 140 84 1.17 1 40 88 1 . 40 140 92 1 .31 1 39 96 1.23 1 40 1 00 '-" >
:-' Z
"' 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though be yond recommended limits (see 5 .2.2.4 ) , are given to assist i n interpolation of the maximum l imit. "" ......
% ��
loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ", tzl
oo tzl
...... tzl

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
C':l ;'-
c.n z
Table 5(p) :-' 00
to .....
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life "" ;::.
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Rated Over 1 33% of Self-Cooled Rating � �
oo tzl
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating ....

Ambient ° c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Pe ak
Ho t·
Top- Peak Hot·
S po t Oi
To - Peak Hot· ,
To - Peak Hot· ,
To - Peak Hot· Top·
Load Load Spot Load
Peak of JPer T!/mp T�mp �Per T�mp
T�mp (Per T!/mp Temp (Per T� mp
T�mp (Per
Lo ad
Load Life nit ) ( C) ( e) nit) ( C) ( e) Unit) ( e) t e) Unit) ( C) ( e) Unit ) t e) ( C) Unit ) ( e) e e)
Normal 1 .96 139 57 1 .84 1 38 64 1.72 1 37 70 1 . 56 1 32 75
0.25 2.19 163 65 2.09 162 71 1.98 161 78 1 .8 6 160 84 1 .7 3 157 90 1.54 1 50 95
1 . 00
2 . 00

Normal 133 1.65 131 1.53 1 29 74

64 1 .38 1 25
1.75 78

0 . 25 1.96 74 1 .87 1 56 80 1 .7 7 ll.! 85 1 .66 90 1 . 54 150 94 1 . 36 143 97 tzl
0.50 1.49 -
155 --
102 tzl
1 1 . 00 tzl
2.00 P
4 . 00 c::
00 t:!
Normal 1 . 58 125 67 1 .49 1 24 71 1 . 38 122 75 1 .24 117 77 tzl
0.25 1 .7 6 148 79 1.67 1 47 83 1 . 58 1 46 87 1 .49 144 91 1 . 38 142 95 1.23 135 96 ""l
0.50 1 .81 1 56 83 1.73 --
1 55 87 1 . 65 1 54 92 1 . 56 152 96 1 . 45 1 50 99 1 .34 147 103 0
2 1 . 00 :Xl
4.00 0
Normal 1 .46 116 65 1.37 115 69 1 . 27 113 72 1.15 110 75 t:I
0.25 1.61 77 1.13 94
137 1 . 54 1 37 81 1.45 1 36 85 1 . 37 135 89 1 . 26 132 92 1 28 Z
0 . 50 1 . 66 81 144 143 1 .22 137 99
144 1 . 59 85 1.51 89 1.42 142 93 1 .33 141 96 0
4 s::
1 .00 1.71 151 85 1 . 64 1 51 89 1 . 56 1 50 93 1.48 1 49 97 1 .4 0 1 49 101 1 . 30 147 104
2.00 1.55 158 102 .....
4 . 00 Z
Normal 1 . 37 1 07 60 1 . 29 1 06 1 .2 0 68 71 :Xl
64 105 1 .0 8 103
0.25 1.53 1 27 72 1 . 44 1 26 75 1.37 126 80 1 . 28 125 84 1 . 18 1 24 87 1 . 05 1 20 90
0.50 1 . 57 133 76 1.50 133 79 1 .4 2 132 83 1.33 131 87 1 . 24 1 31 91 1.14 1 29 95
8 1 . 00 1.62 140 79 1.55 1 40 84 1 .47 140 88 1 . 39 1 39 92 1.31 1 39 96 1.21 137 99 -
2.00 1 .6 7 148 84 1.60 148 88 1 .53 147 92 1.45 146 96 1 . 37 146 1 00 1 . 28 145 104 t'"
4.00 1 .72 1 55 88 1.66 1 55 92 1 .5 8 155 96 1.51 1 54 1 00
Normal 1.28 95 54 1.19 95 58 1.10 95 62 1.00 94 66
0.25 1 .4 2 113 64 1 . 34 113 68 1 . 26 113 73 1.18 113 77 1 . 08 113 81 0.99 113 86 tzl
0.50 1.47 119 67 1 . 39 1 19 72 1 .31 119 76 1.23 119 80 1.14 119 85 1.04 119 89 �
1 . 00 1 .52 126 71 1 .4 4 126 75 1.37 1 26 80 1 . 29 1 26 84 1.19 125 88 1.11 126 93 tzl
1 . 57
2.00 1 32 75 1 .4 9 1 32 79 1 .42 133 84 1 . 34 132 88 1 .2 5 1 32 92 1.17 1 32 96 t:I
4.00 1.62 140 80 1.55 1 40 83 1.47 140 88 1.40 140 92 1 . 32 140 96 1.23 140 101 "C
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. tzl
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. :Xl

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Table 5(q)
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life

55 ° C Rise, Forced-Air-Cooled (OA/FA/FA) Transformers Over 133% of Self-Cooled Rating 0
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 100% of Maximum Nameplate Rating �

Ambient °c til

30 c::
0 10 20 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· To - y Peak Hot· Top- Peak Hot· Top· Peak Hot· Top- ...,
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oi l Load Spot Oil ....
T� mp
( C)
e C)
( C)
C C)
C C)
(C )
( C)
T� mp
( C)
T'6m p
( C)
Normal 1.91 138 59 1.79 1 36 65 1 . 63 132 71 1 .06 99 68 <:
1 .8 0 1 57 1 .63 152 91 >
0.25 2.15 162 67 2.05 161 73 1 . 93 160 80 86
0.50 1 . 50 151 97
1 .00
4 . 00
Normal 1 .7 2 131 65 1 .6 1 1 30 70 1.47 125 74 1 . 06 99 68 °

0.25 1 . 93 -
156 75 1.83 -
1 54 80 1 .73 153 85 1 .62 150 90 1 . 45 144 93 n
0.50 1 . 57 156 98 1 . 3 -1 143 98 0
1 1 .00 1 .5 1 1 59 105 · �
2.00 a>
4.00 01
01 °
CO n
Normal 1.56 124 67 1.46 1 22 71 1 . 34 118 73 1 .03 97 68
0.25 1.74 147 79 1 . 66 1 46 83 1 . 56 1 44 87 1.46 142 91 1 .31 135 92 >
147 1.22 135 97 <:
0.50 1 . 80 155 83 1.71 153 87 1 . 63 152 91 1 . 54 151 95 1 .42 98
1 . 38 1 06

2 1 . 00 1 . 50 157 103 152
2.00 >
4 . 00 0
Normal 1.45 115 64 1.35 113 68 1 . 24 110 71 1 .02 96 67
0.25 1.61 1 37 77 1.53 136 81 1.45 135 84 1 . 34 1 32 87 1.22 1 28 89
0.50 1 . 66 143 81 1 . 58 143 84 1.50 142 88 1 .41 141 92 1 .30 138 95 1.14 1 29 94
4 1 .00 1.71 151 85 1 .63 1 50 89 1.56 1 50 93 1 .48 1 49 97 1 .38 146 100 1.27 1 43 102 9
2.00 1 . 54 157 101 Z
4 . 00 0

Normal 1 .1 7
1 . 37 1 06 60 1.28 105 64 103 67 1 .0 1 95 67
0.25 1.52 126 71 l.45 1 26 76 1 .36 125 79 1 . 27 1 24 83 l .1 6 121 86
0.50 1.57 133 75 l.49 1 32 79 1 .41 132 83 1 . 33 131 87 1 . 23 129 90 1 .09 1 24 92
8 1 . 00 1 .62 140 79 1 . 55 1 40 83 1.46 1 39 87 1.38 1 38 91 1 . 30 137 95 1.19 135 98
2.00 1.67 147 83 1 . 60 1 47 88 1.52 147 92 1.45 1 46 96 1 . 36 146 1 00 1 .27 144 103
4 . 00 1.73 156 88 1.65 155 92 1 .58 1 54 96 1 . 50 1 54 100

Normal l . 28 95 54 1.19 95 58 1.10 95 62 1 .00 95 67

0.25 1 .4 2 113 64 1 . 34 113 68 1 .2 6 113 73 1.17 113 77 1 .08 113 81
0.50 1 .47 1 20 68 1 . 39 1 19 72 1.31 119 76 1.23 119 80 1.13 118 84 1 .04 118 89
24 1 .00 1.52 126 71 1 .44 126 75 1.37 1 26 80 1 . 28 1 26 84 1 . 20 1 25 88 1.10 1 25 92 01 )-
2.00 1 . 57 1 33 75 1 . 49 132 79 1 .4 2 133 84 1.34 133 88 1 .25 92 1.16 132 96 :-' Z
([) tIl
� .....
4.00 1 . 62 140 79 1 . 54 1 40 83 1 .4 8 140 88 1 . 39 140 92 1 . 31 139 96 1 .23 1 39 100
, �
.... .....
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5.2 . 2 .4 ), are given to ([) l:IJ
assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. oo l:IJ
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. .... l:IJ

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
0 ;'-
Table 5(r) "" Z
;--1 00
Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life \0 ....
� -;::.
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers ' t<J
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 50% of Maximum Nameplate Rating �

Ambient aC
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours % Peak Hot - To y- Peak Hot- Top- Pea k Hot- To y - Peak Hot- Top- Peak Ho t - To p- Pea k Hot- To p -
of Loss Load Sp ot Oi Loa d Spot Oil Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil
Peak of �Per T� mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Tsmp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp
Load Life t: n i t ) ( C) (C) Unit) ( oC ) t C) U n it ) ( C) t e) Unit) t e) t e) Unit) (C) ( oC) U n it) ("C ) eC )
Nor ma l 2.00 1 37 52 1.95 140 59 1.85 140 66 1.74 1 :39 72 1 .62 1 38 78 1 . 50 137 84
0.25 2.16 165 68 2.07 163 74 1.97 1 63 80 1.87 163 86 1 .76 161 92
1 . 00
2 . 00

Nor mal 1.80 1 36 64 1.71 1 35 69 1 .62 134 74 1 . 52 1 33 78 1 . 42 132 83 1.30 131 88

0.25 1.97 1 58 75 1.90 1 58 80 1.81 157 85 1.72 156 90 1 . 64 156 95 1 . 53 155 99
0.50 t<J
1 . 00 t<J
2 . 00 t<J
4 . 00 0
en Normal
0 tl
1 .59 1 28 69 1.51 1 28 73 1.43 1 27 77 1.33 1 26 81 1 . 24 1 24 85 1.13 1 22 88
0.25 1.74 1 50 82 1.67 1 50 86 1.60 149 90 1.51 148 94 1 . 43 1 48 98 1 . 34 147 102 t<J
0.50 1 . 65 157 94 1.57 156 98 1 . 49 155 102
2 1 . 00 0
2.00 ..,
4 . 00
Nor m al 1 . 44 118 68 1.37 1 18 71 1 .29 117 75 1 . 20 116 79 1.11 115 82 1 .0 0 1 14 86
0. 2 5 1.59 140 81 1.52 1 39 84 1 .44 1 38 88 1 . 37 138 91 1 . 29 137 95 1 . 20 1 36 98 tl
0.50 1.63 146 85 1 . 56 145 88 1 . 50 145 92 1 .42 1 44 95 1 . 34 1 44 99 1 . 26 143 !N Z
1 . 00 1 .68 1 54 89 1.61 1 53 93 1 . fi 4 153 97 1.47 152 1 00 1 . 39 151 103
4 0
4 . 00 ......
Normal 1 .35 1 08 62 1 . 28 1 08 66 1 . 20 107 70 1.11 107 74 1 .0 2 106 78 0.91 105 81 t<J
0.25 1.49 1 28 74 1 .4 3 1 28 78 1 .3 5 127 82 1.27 126 85 1.19 1 26 89 1.11 126 93 ..,
0 . 50 1 .54 134 79 1.47 1 34 82 1 . 40 1 33 86 1 .32 133 89 1 . 24 133 93 1.16 132 97 ;.-
1 . 00 1 . 58 141 8 :3 1 .5 1 141 86 1 .4 5 141 90 1 .38 141 94 1 . 30 1 40 97 1 .2 2 1 40 101
2 . 00 1 . 63 149 87 1.56 1 48 91 1 .50 148 95 1 .4 2 147 98 1.35 1 48 --
102 ....
4.00 1 .6 8 157 92 1.61 � 96 1.55 1 56 100 1 .48 156 1 03 t"'

1 . 26 95 55 1.18 96 59 1.10 95 63 1.01 95 67 0.91 95 71 0.80 95 75 �s::
1.40 1 14 66 1.32 113 70 1.25 114 74 1.17 1 14 78 1.08 113 82 0.99 113 86
0. 5 0 1.44 1 20 1.37 74 119 77 1 20 1 . 05 t<J
70 1 20 1 . 29 1 .2 2 81 1.13 119 85 120 89
24 1.00 1.48 1 26 74 1.41 1 26 77 1 . 34 126 81 1 .27 1 26 85 1.19 126 89 1 . 10 126 93 00
2.00 1.53 1 33 78 1.46 133 82 1 . 39 133 85 1.32 133 89 1 . 24 133 93 1.16 132 97 t<J
4 . 00 1.57 140 82 1.51 140 86 1 .44 140 90 1 . 37 140 94 1 . 30 140 97 1.22 139 101 tl
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyo nd recommended
% loss of lifeis in addition to normal loss of life.
limits ( see ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �
'"Actual water temperature should be 5 aC lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3 .5 ) , and m ust be above zero a C . ..,

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(8) �

Capability Table for Normal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life
55 ° C Rise, Forced-Oil-Cooled (Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transformers
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 70% of Maximum Nameplate Rating 0

Ambient °c t'i
10 20 30 40 50 �

Hours % Peak Hot- Top- Peak H ot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- To r- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- e:::
Spot Spot Oil Load Spot "C
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Oil Load Oi Load Spot Oil Load Spot

Peak of �Per Tsmp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per T8mp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp (Per Temp Temp
(C) 0
Load Life nit) ( C) (0C) Unit) t C) (0C) Unit) ( C) t C) Unit) tC ) (oC) Unit) (C) Unit) (C) (0 C ) f-'
Normal 1 .99 141 56 1.89 1 40 62 1.79 139 68 1.67 138 74 1.54 136 80 1.35 129 84 0
0.25 2.21 165 65 2.11 163 71 2.02 163 77 1 .9 2 163 83 1.81 162 89 1 . 69 160 95 is:
0.50 <:
! 1 . 00 »

4 . 00

Normal 1.76 1 34 65 1.67 1 33 70 1 .58 133 75 1 . 47 131 79 1 . 36 129 84 1.19 1 23 86 ::c

1 54 1.18 152 100 01
0.25 1 .95 1 58 77 1.87 1 58 82 1.78 156 86 1 . 68 155 91 1 . 59 96
0.50 °
1 1 . 00 C1
2.00 0
4.00 �
Normal 1.57 127 69 1 .49 1 26 73 1 .40 125 77 1.31 1 24 81 1.20 122 84 1 . 05 116 86 01
m 101 °
f-' 0.25 1 . 66 86 1 . 58 90 148 94 1.41 146 97 1.31 144
1.73 150 83 149 148 1.50
0.50 1.71 1 57 91 1 . 63 1 56 94 1.55 155 98 1.47 1 54 1 02
1 . 00 »
4.00 t'i

Normal 1 . 44 117 67 1.36 117 71 1.28 116 74 1.19 115 78 1 .09 113 81 0.95 109 83 Cl
0.25 1.58 139 80 1.51 138 84 1 .44 138 87 1 .36 137 91 1 . 28 136 94 1.19 135 98 t'i
0.50 1 . 63 146 85 1.56 145 88 1 .49 144 92 1.41 1 44 95 1 . 33 143 98 1.25 142 � ::is
1 .47
4 1 . 00 1 . 6R 1 54 89 1.61 152 93 1.54 152 96 152 1 00 1 . 39 1 51 1 03
4.00 t:l
Normal 1 . 35 107 62 1 .28 107 66 1.19 107 70 1.10 1 06 73 1 .0 1 105 77 0.88 102 80 Cl
0.25 1 . 49 127 74 1 .42 127 78 1.35 1 27 82 1.27 1 26 85 1.19 1 26 89 1.10 125 93 �
0. 5 0 1 . 54 1 34 78 1 .4 7 1 33 82 1.40 133 86 1.32 133 89 1 . 24 133 93 1.15 132 97
8 1 . 00 1 . 58 141 83 1.51 141 86 1. 44 140 90 1.37 140 94 1 . 29 139 97 1.21 139 101 t'i
2.00 1 . 63 149 87 1.56 1 48 91 1 . 50 148 95 1.43 148 98 1 . 35 147 1 02
·1 . 0 0 1.67 156 92 1.61 1 56 96 1.55 156 1 00 1.48 155 103

Normal 1 . 26 95 55 1.18 95 59 1.10 95 63 1 .0 1 95 67 0.91 95 71 0.80 95 75

0.25 1 .40 114 66 1 . 33 114 70 1.25 113 74 1.17 113 78 1 . 08 113 82 0.98 113 R6
0.50 1 .44 120 70 1.37 1 19 73 1 .29 119 77 1.21 1 19 81 1.13 1 20 85 1 .04 119 89
24 1.00 1 . 48 1 26 74 1.41 1 26 77 1 . 34 126 81 1.27 1 26 85 1 .1 9 1 26 89 1 .1 0 1 2 1) 93
2.00 1 . 53 1 33 78 1.46 133 82 1 . 39 133 85 1.32 133 89 1 . 24 1 33 93 1.16 133 97
4.00 1 . 57 140 82 1.51 140 86 1.44 140 90 1 . 37 1 40 94 1 . 30 140 98 1.22 140 101 Q»
:-' Z
a;> 00
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. t-:> ......
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. � j::;;
"Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero °c. a;> t'i
ao trl
f-' t'i

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
C"l >
O1 Z
Table 5(t) :-" 00
co .....
Capability Table for Nonnal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life "" ;:;
55 C Rise, Forced.()il·Cooled (Non.Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transfonners ':' gJ
g; t:EJ
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 90% of Maximum Nameplate Rating ....

Ambient °c
0 10 20 30 40 50

Hours %
Peak Hot·
Peak Hot · Top· Peak Hot· y
To - Peak Hot· To r - Peak Ho t · Top· Peak Hot· Top·
of Load Spot Spot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Spot Oil
Peak of {lnit)
er Tsmp Temp �Per
(Per Tsmp Temp (Per Tg mp Temp (Per Temp
(Per T5mp Temp
Load Life ( e) (oC) nit) (o C) ( e) Unit) ( e) tc) Unit) ( e) (o e ) Unit) (oC) (o e ) Unit) ( C) tC )
Normal 1 .9 2 139 60 1.81 1 38 66 1.70 137 72 1 .54 1 32 77 1 .03 103 73
0 . 25 2. 1 4 163 69 2.04 1 63 75 1 .9 4 161 81 1.83 1 60 87 1.71 158 92 1 .54 152 96

2 1 . 00
2 . 00
4 . 00

Normal 1.71 133 67 1 .6 2 1 32 72 1.52 1 30 76 1 . 38 1 26 79 0.97 99 73

0.25 1.91
1 57 79 1.82 1 56 83 1.73 154 87 1 .6 3 1 53 92 1 . 52 151 96 1.36 144 98
0.50 1.48 156 104
1 1.00 t:EJ
4.00 0

t-:) Normal 1.55 126 70 1 .4 6 124 73 1 . 36 122 76 1 . 24 119 79 0.93 97 72 t:I
0.25 1.71 148 82 1.63 147 86 1 . 55 147 90 1 . 46 145 93 1 . 36 143 96 1 . 23 137 98 t:EJ
0.50 1 .76 156 87 1 . 69 1 55 91 1 . 61 154 94 1.52 152 98 1 . 43 151 101 1 .31 147 103 "2j
2 1 .00 0
2.00 �
4 . 00 t"
Normal 1 .43 116 1 . 34 1 .26 73 76 96 >
67 115 70 114 1.15 110 0.92 72
0.25 1 . 57 1 37 80 1 . 50 137 83 1.42 87 1 . 34 135 90 1 .2 5 133 93 1.12 128 94
0 . 50 1 . 62 145 84 1.55 144 87 1.48 143 91 1.40 142 94 1 .31 141 97 1.21 138 100
4 1 . 00 1 . 67 152 89 1.60 -
151 92 1 .5 3 -
151 96 1.45 1 50 99 1.37 148 --
102 (.)
2.00 s::.
4 . 00
Normal t:EJ
1 .35 107 62 1.27 106 65 1 . 18 105 69 1 .08 103 72 0.91 95 71

0.25 1 .4 9 1 27 74 1.42 1 27 78 1.34 1 26 81 1 . 26 125 85 1.18 1 24 88 1 . 05 1 20 90 >
0.50 1 . 53 134 78 1.46 1 33 81 1 . 39 1 32 85 1 .3 1 132 89 1.23 131 92 1.13 1 29 95
8 1 . 00 1 .58 140 82 1.51 1 40 86 1.44 1 39 89 1 .37 139 93 1 .29 1 38 97 1 . 20 1 38 1 00

2 . 00 1 .6 2 148 87 1.56 1 48 91 1 .49 147 94 1.42 147 98 1 . 34 1 46 101
4 . 00 1 .6 7 156 92 1.61 1 55 95 1 . 54 155 99 1.47 1 54 1.Q£
Normal �
1.26 95 55 1.18 95 59 1 . 09 95 62 1 . 00 94 66 0.90 94 71
0.25 1 . 40 1 14 66 1.32 114 70 1 . 24 113 73 1.17 113 78 1 . 08 113 82 0.99 113 86 tzJ
0.50 1.44 1 20 70 1.36 119 73 1 . 29 120 77 1.21 119 81 1.13 119 85 1 . 04 119 89
24 1 .00 1.48 126 73 1.41 1 26 77 1 . 34 1 26 1 . 26 85 1 .18 89 1.10 125 93 �
81 126 1 26
2.00 1 .53 133 78
1.46 133 82 1 . 39 132 85 1.31 132 89 1 . 24 132 93 1.16 132 97
4.00 1 . 57 140 82 1 40
1.51 86 1 . 44 140 90 1 . 37 140 93 1 . 29 1 40 97 1 .2 2 140 101
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 .2.2.4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. �
% loss of life is in addition to nonnal loss of life. t."l
'" Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero ° e. �

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. Downloaded on June 26,2014 at 21:59:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 5(u) >-3

Capability Table for Nonnal and Moderate Sacrifice of Life >
55 °c Rise Forced-Oil-Cooled ( Non-Directed Flow - FOA, FOW*, and OA/FOA/FOA) Transfonners z
Equivalent Load Before Peak Load 1 00% of Maximum Nameplate Rating "1j

Ambient °c tz:J
10 20 30 �
0 40 50 00

% To y - To y - Hot- To y - Hot- e::

Hours Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Top- Peak Hot- Peak Hot- Peak Peak Top- "d
of Loss Load Spot Oil Load Spot Oil Load S pot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oi Load Spot Oil >-3
Peak of T�mp Temp 0
Load Life !lnit)
( C) (0C) Jnit)
Per Temp
( C)
( C)
T� mp
( C)
(P e r
T!5 mp
( C)
( C)
( C)
ee) .....
Normal 1.61 1 33 73 1.06 99 68 0

1.88 1.76 137 68
1 39 62
0.25 2.10 --
162 71 2.00 77 1 . 89 lQQ. 83 1 . 77 157 88 1 . 59 151 92
1.47 150 98
2 1 . 00
2.00 :::;:J
N or m la 1.44 75 1.03 97 68 ::.:
132 1 . 58 125
- -
1 . 68 67 72 01
0 . 25 1 . 88 156 79 1.79 155 84 1.70 154 88 1 .59 151 92 1 .4 4 145 95 01
0.50 1 . 54 156 1 00 1.31 142 99
1 1.00 1.49 160 !Ql 0
2.00 0
4 . 00 �
m Normal 1.53 124 69 1.44 123 73 1.31 118 74 1 .0 3 97 68 ""
w 0.25 1 .69 147 82 1.61 146 86 1 . 53 145 89 1 .44 143 93 1 . 30 136 93
0.50 1.74 -
155 87 1.67 -
154 91 1. 5 9 -
153 94 1.50 150 97 1 . 39
1 05
1. 34
2 1 . 00
2.00 tz:J
4.00 �
Normal 1.42 115 66 1.33 114 69 1 .23 110 71 1.02 96 67 C)
0.25 1.57 137 80 1.50 1 36 83 1.41 135 86 1.33 133 89 1.21 1 28 90 tz:J

0.50 1.61 144 84 1.54 143 87 1.46 142 90 1.38 140 93 1 .29 1 38 96 1.14 130 95
4 1 . 00 1.66 152 89 1.59 151 92 1.52 150 95 1.45 149 99 1.35 147 101 1 .25 143 103

2 . 00 1 .50 158 1 04
4.00 0

Normal 1.34 106 61 1.26 1 05 65 1.16 103 67 1.01 95 67 C)

0.25 1.49 1 27 74 1.41 126 77 1 . 34 1 25 81 1.25 124 84 1 .1 4 120 86 �
0.50 1.53 133 78 1.46 132 81 1 . 38 1 :3 2 85 1 . 30 131 88 1 .21 1 29 91 1 . 09 124 92
8 1 . 00 1.58 140 82 1.51 140 86 1 .44 1 39 89 1.36 1 38 92 1.27 137 96 1.17 1 34 98 trl
2 . 00 1.62 1 48 87 1.55 147 90 1.49 147 94 1.41 146 97 1 . 34 145 101 1.25 144 104
4.00 1.67 1 56 92 1.61 155 95 1 .54 155 99 1.47 1 54 �
Normal 1.26 95 54 1.18 95 59 1 .09 95 63 1.00 95 67
0.25 1.39 113 66 1.32 113 69 1.24 113 73 1.16 113 77 1 . 08 113 82
0.50 1.44 119 69 1.37 1 19 73 1.29 119 77 1.21 119 81 1 .13 118 85 1 . 04 119 89
24 1 . 00 1.48 126 73 1.41 1 26 77 1 . 34 1 26 81 1 . 27 1 26 85 1.18 125 89 1 . 09 1 25 93
2 . 00 1.53 132 77 1.46 133 82 1.39 133 85 1.31 132 89 1.23 132 93 1 . 16 132 97 0
4.00 1.58 140 82 1.51 1 40 86 1 .4 4 140 89 1.37 1 39 93 1 . 29 1 39 97 1.21 1 39 101 01 >
:-> z
NOTE: Underlined values, though beyond recommended limits (see 5 . 2 . 2 . 4 ), are given to assist in interpolation of the maximum limit. "" --
co 00
. �
% loss of life is in addition to normal loss of life. ....
co trl
• Actual water temperature should be 5 °c lower than the ambient temperatures shown above (see 3.5), and must be above zero D C . oo trl
.... trl

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6. Calculation of Temperature and Loss of line so determined and the vertical line through
Life for Short-Time Loads above the intersection of line for the desired time
Transformer Rating (2 h ) and time constant ( 3 . 5 h), determine the
top-oil temperature rise ( 54 ° e) at the end of
The calculations shown in this section are for the short-time period (2 h).
65 ° C rise transformers. These methods can be
6.3 Hottest-Spot Conductor Rise to Top Oil -
used for 5 5 ° C rise transformers.
Gradient. On Fig 9(a), start at percent load
6.1 General. Short-time loads above the rating ( 1 67%) on the horizontal scale and go up the
which use up different amounts of insulation curve for full-load hottest-spot conductor rise
life for transformers having the characteristics (30 o e). Go to the left and read hottest-spot
shown in Table 2 are given in Tables 3 (a)-3(u). conductor rise over top oil (68 ° C) for the
Transformers which have other characteristics short-time load.
will have different load capabilities than those
6.4 Hottest-Spot Conductor Temperature. Ob­
indicated in this guide. Section 6 gives informa­
tain the hottest-spot conductor temperature
tion from which similar values can be derived
by adding ambient temperature (30 ° e) , top-oil
for those transformers.
rise ( 54 ° C) and hottest-spot rise over top oil
Where a graphical solution is desired, use may
(68 ° e ) giving 1 5 2 ° C .
be made of Figs 6-9. As an example of the use
of these figures, consider an OA transformer 6.5 Percent Loss o f Life. From Fig 3, obtain
with a short-time load of 167% for 2 h follow­ the loss of life (0.19%) for the hottest-spot
ing a 33% load. Assumed transformer char­ temperature ( 1 52 °e) and the duration of the
acteristics at nameplate rating are : load (2 h). In using this simplified procedure, it
is assumed that the hottest-spot temperature is
Ratio of losses (R) 3.2 constant at its final value throughout the peak
load period. When this assumption is made, the
Top-oil rise over ambient
loss of life during the cooling period and during
temperature at rated load 50 ° C
the period prior to the peak load can be
Time constant 3.5 h ignored . This is only a convenient and sim­
plified procedure for approximating the loss o f
Hottest-spot conductor
life for short-time loading conditions. A more
rise over oil 30 ° C
mathematically precise procedure was used in
n (oil exponent) 0.8 preparing the values in Tables 3(a)-3(u) and
5(a)-5(u), wherein a computer program used
m (winding exponent) 0.8
the 24 h hottest-spot conductor temperature
profile developed from various two-step load
cycles, the transformer characteristics and am­
6.2 Top-oil Rise Determination
bient temperatures shown in these tables.
( 1 ) On Fig 6(a), start at initial percent rating
( 33%) and move horizontally to the ratio of 6.6 Method of C onverting Actual to Equivalent
losses curve (R =3. 2). Go down to the line for Load Cycle
full-load oil rise ( 50 ° C). Move horizontally to 6.6.1 Permissible loading as obtained from
read initial oil rise ( 2 1 ° C). Tables 3(a)-3(u) and 5 (a)-5(u) is a function
( 2 ) Determine the ultimate top-oil temper­ of the initial load and the peak load and their
ature rise for the short-time load ( 167%). On durations. Each loading combination in the
Fig 8(a), locate 167% on right side o f the graph tables is the result of a simple two-step load
and m ove horizontally across to the ratio of cycle consisting of a constant initial load of
losses curve (R = 3. 2). Move down to the 50%, 70%, 90% or 1 00% of rating followed by
fUll-load oil-rise curve (50 ° C). Move horizon­ a rectangular peak of the magnitude and
tally and read the ultimate oil rise (99 ° C) at duration given in the table. The assumed
left of graph. loading for the calculations in the tables is
(3) On Fig 7(a) , set a straight edge at the illustrated by Fig 10.
initial oil-temperature rise on the left scale 6.6.2 Ordinarily the daily load cycle is not so
(21 ° C) and at the ultimate top-oil rise on the simple but is like the cycle represented by the
right scale (99 ° C). At the intersection o f the solid line in Fig 1 1 consisting of load fluctua-


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140 - ....f-
'BO �2
V .- .,-i-":

-+�- -+-
- - +----j-+--T':.6.:l�-t--1 - 4 .7
- --
7!" ./" ./ VV
,..,.- V
I---+--+--I---- +i-+--+- -+--+---+--,.ti,j�-I
z V V /"
.. 1 Hy' 5 /V
y,- 4
y 'V 2
1 10

- --t
"' V / VlJ V
/ VV
1-- --+--+--+_+_
1- ....
90 120 - ,! 8

80 I---+- -+--f- -+
100 - 10 r- '-
j V Vvr. / / V

50 1---+--+--- '¥I'-¥--+t-- +-+--o

- -
-- - - - .,.l- ,
-- I

30 f--+ ---t----I'--t-i; 40
- I

O �� ����-L-LL-�-L�L-�_�-L� o
o 30 40 o
70 80 90
10100 1 1 0
20 50 60 o
2 " .. � g g � � g
PERCENT OF FULL-LOAD OIL RISE o 6 o o 6 0 0 6 6 -

( -t)l -e T

(a) (a )


140 r--f-- f-I- .-f.- ;::::

/': 180 f-- 2
V I--'
.,- "/I--':

V /' V ,./f-',..,.- // /
120 - - r- - f- f- •
1 60
V ,..,.- ,/
! ��JP Z / V /'
;! Rj � k.-" ' '''- 5V V 8 'V 16 2
1 10 IH
f- �
- - --
I ,
/ V/ V /I
� , ! "'
'" B
V /
I 1 20 t- ....
BO f--- � � -T ! � !
/ I Vj V
/ j
AfJ;11"/ I f- 'a

, 1 'i<4&/'

$/ V I I

" �� _ f:J� 0(, BO


/.W( ,j �V L�:::-- I <:>


I.���.- i -
. �
50 I

' -�� ���;>--�


40 .�-= _ �\J" I
t;cj . 1\, i
30 40 +
f- .5'
-f- '; ., ...e% ���__f-"
� F-

f::: ::= 20


a �� i I a
I "
g iil 8 888
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 1 0 1 20 130 140 '2 � f5 f2 � � g N
N rt'l 'Ct1n

n = 1.0 t

(b) (b)

Fig 6 Fig 7
Initial Oil Rise Top-Oil Temperature at End of Specified Load �eriod


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180 ,..--..--..-----.--..,.---.---...... 180 r--'----,---,r---,

� � �--+---�---+---4----r-� 160

= 140 1--+---+----1I--+-I-� � 140 1--+--�-_+--+_��

o �
Q. ..J

� 1 20 1--+---+----11---1 � 120 1--+---+---t--hH-l

a: :::
lLI '"

� 100 1--+---+---11-- � 100 1--+---+---t-

lLI w
(f) Ul

a: 80 1--+--+--+ it 1---+---+-----1
I­ Q.
o '"
-+-�"4-�.f-:If-��"""7I � I---+---+_-
c:' 60 �-+- '"
I­ ...
(f) ...

� 40 1--+--�����4 � 40 1---+--+��f7��-�


o ���--�--�
40 80 120 160 200 240 40 80 120 160 200


m = 0.8 m = 1 .0
(a) (b)

Fig 9
Hottest-Spot Conductor To
Top-Oil Gradient






O L-____L-____�_____�____�
12 6AM 12M 6PM 12


Fig 1 0
Assumed Load Cycle


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° ° C57.92-1 981


o L-________�________�__________�________�
12 6 AM 12M 6PM 12


Fig 1 1
Actual Load Cycle

tions throughout the day. There is usually one respective durations of

period in the daily load cycle when the load these loads
builds up to a considerably greater value than
any reached at other times. Generally, the 6.6.4 Equivalent initial load is the rms load
maximum value or peak load is not reached obtained by Eq 2 over a chosen period pre­
and passed suddenly, but builds up and falls off ceding the peak load. Experience with this
gradually. method indicates that quite satisfactory results
6.6.3 To use the loading recommendations, are obtained by considering only the 12 h
the actual fluctuating load cycle should be period preceding the peak in determining the
converted to a thermally equivalent two·step equivalent initial load. Time intervals ( t ) of 1 h
load cycle such as is represented by the dashed are suggested as a further simplification of the
line in Fig 1 1 . A transformer supplying a equation which, for a 1 2 h period, becomes
fluctuating load generates a fluctuating loss, Eq 3.
the effect of which is about the same as that of
an intermediate load held constant for the Equivalent initial load =

same period of time. This is due to the heat

storage characteristics of the materials in the 0.29 J LI 2 + L2 2 + L3 2 + . . . LI
2 ( Eq 3 )
transformer. A constant load which generates
losses at the same rate as the average rate where :
caused by the fluctuating load is an equivalent
L1 , L , . . . L12 = average load by inspection
load from a temperature standpoint. Equiva· 2
for each 1 h interval of
lent load for any part of a daily·load cycle may
be expressed by Eq 2. the 12 h period preced­
ing peak load
Equivalent load or rms value =

6.6.5 Equivalent peak load of a load cycle is

the rms load obtained using Eq 2 for the
) L 1 2 t l + L2 2 t + L3 2 t3 + . . . Ln 2 tn
2 limited period over which the major part of the
tl + t2 + t3 + . . . tn
actual irregular peak seems to exist. The
( Eq 2 )
estimated duration of the peak has consider­
able influence over the rms peak value. If the
where :
duration is overestimated, that is, if the time
LI , L , L3, etc = various load steps in %, per period to which Eq 2 is applied is too long, the
unit, or in actual kV A or rms peak value may be considerably below the
current maximum peak demand. To guard against


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overheating due to brief, high loads during the T() thermal time constant of transformer
peak period, the rms value for the peak load for any load L and for any specific
period should not be less than 90% of the tem perature differential between
integrated h alf-hour maximum demand. the ultimate top-oil rise and the
6.6.6 The above method may be used to initial top-oil rise, or
convert an irregular load cycle as shown in
To = C (8 u - 8 i ) /P
Fig 11 to a two-step load cycle . In this case the
continuous part is 7 0% and the peak 1 4 0% of Th s hottest-spot time constant
rated load. Table 3(b) shows that in a 30 D C
P change in total loss in watts due to
ambient temperature the permissible 1 h load
change in load
following 70% load is 1 7 2%, therefore, the
transformer can carry this load cycle daily Tr time constant of transformer for
without sacrifice of normal life expectancy. rated load beginning with initial
temperature rise of zero D C
6.7 Equations for Calculating Transient Heat­
ing of Oil-Immersed Transformers P{l total loss in watts at rated load
6.7 . 1 General. The loading tables in this
C thermal capacity of transformer
guide are based on average characteristics of a
(Wh t c )
wide range of transformer ratings. Tables 2 and
4 give the characteristics used in calculating the
6 .7.3 Temperature De termination Equations
loadings in the Tables 3(a)-3 (u) and 5(a)-
5(u). When the characteristics of a particular Hottest-spot temperature :
transformer vary appreciably from those in the
(Eq 4 )
tables or when more accurate loading capa­
bilities are desired, the basic equation s in this
section may be used. Transient heating equation for top-oil rise over
6.7.2 List of Symbols. Unless otherwise ambient temperature :
expressed, all temperatures are in D C and all
times are in hours. 80 = (8u - 8d (1 - e ;t� + 8i ( Eq 5 )

8a ambient temperature
Ultimate top-oil rise for load L :
8g hottest-spot conductor rise over top-
oil tern perature 8u =
f(K2 R + 1
L (R + 1 )
l] n
( Eq 6 )

8g (fl) = hottest-spot conductor rise over top­

oil temperature at rated load Ultimate hottest-spot conductor rise over top­
oil for load L :
8 hs hottest-spot winding temperature
( Eq 7 )
top-oil rise over ambient temperature

top-oil rise over ambient temperature 8g (fl) = average conductor

at rated load rise over top oil6 + 1 5 °C7 ( Eq 8 )

initial top-oil rise for t = 0 m 0.8 for OA, OA/ F A, OA/F A / FA and
non-directed FOA, FOW, OA/FAj
ultimate top-oil rise for load L
K ratio of load L to rated load m 1.0 for directed flow FOA, FOW
n = 0.8 for OA
L load under consideration, in any
n 0.9 for OA/F A, OA/F A/F A

R ratio of load loss at rated load to 6 At rated

kV A from manufacturer's test.
no-load loss 7 conductor rise over averagl' con­
ductor rise is assumed to be 1 5 C for 65 c rise
e 2 . 7 1 8 2 8 (base of natural logarithm) ° °
transformer, 1 0 C for 55 c rise transformers. (Values
are usually lower than the 15 ° C and 10 0 C, but may be
t duration of load in hours higher for a few designs).


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n = 1.0 for FOA, FOW, OA/F A/FDA, OAf ature rise and ultimate temperature rise. If n is
FOA/FOA not unity , the percentage varies and is a func­
n = the exponential power of total loss tion of both i nitial temperature rise and
versus top-oil temperature rise ultimate temperature rise . In particular, if n
m the exponential power of winding loss equals 0 . 8 , the percentage of 67 if the initial
versus winding temperature rise temperature rise is zero .
If the initial temperature rise is greater than
Time constant at rated kVA : zero, the percentage is lower than 67 and
decreases as the initial temperature rise ap­
_ C8 n
Tr - p ( Eq 9) proaches a given ultimate temperature rise. If
n the initial temperature is approximately equal
to the final temperature, whether just above or
For non-directed flow transformers : just below it, the percentage is approximately
C = 0.06 (weight of core and coil assembly 63. If the initial temperature is greater than the
in pounds) + 0 . 04 ( weight of tank ultim ate temperature, the percentage is less
and fittings in pounds) + 1.33 (gal­ than 6 3 .
lons of oil) Since evaluation of the exact percentage for
cases where n is not unity and where the initial
For directed flow transformers : temperature rise is not zero becomes very
laborious, it is frequently advisable to use the
C =
0 .06 (weight of core and coil assembly in approximate value of 63%. In the more fre­
pounds) + 0 .0 6 (weight of tank and fittings in quently encountered cases where n is approxi­
pounds) + 1.93 (gallons of oil) mately 0.8, the error resulting from this
6.7.4 Equation Corrections. Theoretically, procedure is not large compared to the ex­
several corrections should be made when using pected error in input data.
the foregoing equations in calculating transient If n =1.0, Eq 9 is correct for any load and
oil rises, such as corrections for change in : any starting temperature . If n or m is less than
( 1 ) Time constant for load above rating 1 .0 , Eq 9 holds only for full-rating starting
( 2 ) Ultimate conductor loss at end of load cold . If n is less than 1 , the time constant for
period any load and for any starting temperature for
( 3 ) Oil viscosity either a heating cycle or cooling cycle is given
In making general calculations based on in Eqs 10 and 1 1 .
assumptions of transformer characteristics and
maximum hottest-spot conductor temperatures
which generally have a large factor of safety,
results close enough for all practical purposes
are obtained if all of these corrections are ( Eq 10)
omitted, and the simpler formulas are used.
Using these corrections implies greater ac­
curacy than is present in the basic data,
therefore the load values shown in Tables If starting cold, as 8 ; = 0, Eq 10 reduces to :
3(a)-3(u) and 5(a)-5(u) were calculated using
(1 _ ! )
the equations without corrections. n
( Eq 1 1 )
6.7.5 Time Constant. The time constant is
the length of time which would be required for
the temperature of the oil to change from 6.7.6 Winding Loss ( Load Loss ) . As the
initial value to the ultimate value if the initial resistance of the winding for ultimate condi­
rate of change were continued until the ulti­ tions is greater when the temperature is greater
mate temperature was reached. for loads above rating than it is for rated load
If n (the exponential power of total loss conditions, a resistance correction factor may
versus top-oil temperature rise ) equals unity , be applied to Eqs 6 and 7 . The correction
63% of the temperature change occurs in a factor is a multiplier to be applied to the K2 in
length of time equal to the time constant each equation to reflect the change in winding
regardless of the relationship of initial temper- loss due to the increase in winding resistance.


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The values of the exponents, m and n, used in top-oil rise, hottest-spot rise, and time con­
the equation may not be correct when resist­ stant, all at rated load), (2) the aging curve
ance corrections are applied . The manufacturer constants for the insulation system (from
should be consulted when such corrections are Fig 1 ) , ( 3) ambient temperatures, ( 4 ) initial
to be included. continuous load, ( 5 ) peak load durations and
6.7.7 Viscosity of Oil. The ultimate temper­ the specified daily percent loss of life.
ature rise of oil for a constant heat input The loss of life indicated in the tables is
decreases slightly as the temperature of the oil based on a 24 h load cycle. For 65 °c units it is
increases. This is due to a decrease in the the loss in excess of the 0.0369% per day
viscosity of the oil. The viscosity change tends produced by continuous operation at 1 1 0 ° c.
to offset the effect of increased resistance. For 55 ° C units it is the loss in excess of the
0. 0369% per day produced by continuous
operation at 95 ° C.
A systematic convergence process is used to
7. Method Used for Computer Calculation obtain the highest allowable peak load. An
of Loading Capability Tables initial trial is made with an assumed peak load
midway between the minimum (continuous)
The methods and calculations described in load and the maximum permitted peak load
6.6.3 through 6 . 7 . 5 were used in developing a (200%). Using this peak load, aging calculations
computer program designed to provide more are made at varying time intervals (depending
accurate values for Tables 3(a)-3(u) and on the time duration of the peak load) during
5(a)-5(u) than would be possible using the the 24 h, to determine the total daily insula­
hand method covered in 6 . 2 - 6 . 5 of this tion aging, imposed by the load cycle. A
guide. See ANSI/IEEE C57.91- 1 9 81 [ 4 ] for a comparison is made between the calculated and
more complete explanation of the computer the specified percent loss of life.
program . Depending on the results the peak value is
changed and the calculation repeated until the
The program computes and prints the max­ calculated value of total percent loss of life is
imum peak load that can be impressed on a within ±4% of the desired value. At this point
power transformer and meet specified loss of the peak load and corresponding values of peak
life limitations within a ±4% tolerance . hottest-spot temperature, peak top-oil temper­
Input to the program consists of the follow­ ature, total percent loss of life, and the
ing: ( 1 ) transformer characteristics (loss ratio, specified percent loss of life are printed out.


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(Th is Appendix is not a p art of ANSI/IEEE C 5 7 .92-1 981 , IEEE Gu ide for Loading Mineral-O il-Immersed Power
Transformers Up To and Including 1 00 mVA with 5 5 ° C or 65 ° c Average Wind ing Rise . )

Unusual Temperature and Altitude Conditions

Table Al
Maximwn Allowable Average Temperature. of Cooling Air for Carrying Rated kVA

1 000 Meters 2 000 Meters 3000 � 4 000 Meters

Method of Cooling Apparatus (3300 Feet ) (6600 Feet) (9900 Feet) ( 13 200 Feet)

Degrees C
Liquid -Immersed Self-Cooled 30 28 25 23
Liqui d-Immersed Forced-Air-Cooled 30 26 23 20
Liquid-Immersed Forced-Oil-Cooled
with O il-to -Air Cooler 30 26 23 20

* It is recommended that the average temperature o f the cooling a ir be calculated by averaging 24 consecutive
hourly read ings. When the outdoor air is the cooling me dium, the average of the maximum and minimum daily
temperatures may be used. The value o btained in this manner is usually sl ightly h igher, b y not more th an 0 . 3 °C,
than the true daily average.

At . Unusual Temperatures and Altitude NOTES: ( 1) See ANSI/IEEE C57.1 2.00- 1 98 0, 4 . 3 . 2

for transformer insul ation capability at altitudes a bove
Service Conditions 3300 ft ( 1 000 m).
( 2 ) Operation in low ambient temperature with the
top liquid at a temperature lower th an -20 ° C may
Transformers may be applied at higher ambi­ reduce dielectric strength between internal energized
components below design levels.
ent temperatures or at higher altitudes than
specified in ANSI C57.12 .00-1980, but perfor­
mance may be affected and special considera­
tion should be given to these applications. A4. Operation at Less than Rated kVA

Transformers may be operated at altitudes

greater than 3300 ft ( 1 000 m) without exceed­
ing temperature limits, provided the load to be
A2. Effect of Altitude on Temperature Rise
carried is reduced below rating by the percen­
tages given in Table A2 for each 330 ft ( 1 00 m )
The effect of the decreased air density due to that the altitude i s above 3300 ft (1000 m ) .
high altitude is to increase the temperature rise
of transformers since they are dependent upon Table A2
air for the dissipation of heat losses. Rated kVA Correction Factors for Altitudes
Greater than 3300 ft (1000 m )

Derating Factor
A3. Operation at Rated kVA Types af Cool ing (% )

Liquid-immersed air-cooled 0.4

Transformers may be operated at rated kVA Liquid-immersed water-cooled 0.0

at altitudes greater than 3300 ft ( 1000 m) with­ Liqu id-immersed forced-air-cooled 0.5
out exceeding temperature limits, provided Liquid·immersed forced -l iquid-cooled
the average temperature of the cooling air does with l iquid·to-a ir cooler 0.5
not exceed the values of Table Al for the re­ Liquid-immersed forced -liquid -cooled
with I iqu id·to-water cooler 0.0
spective altitudes.


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