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Submitted By:


Roll No. AR-14-19
B.Architectural Design
SESSION: 2014-2019

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of B.Architectural Design (5-Years) Program in
Multan College of Arts
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan


Energy Efficient and Ecofriendly Houses

Table of Contents
List of Tables .................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... iv
List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ vi
Dedication ........................................................................................................................ vii
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................... viii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ ix
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Rationale and Background ....................................................................................... 2
1.2 Statement of Problem .............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Significance of the Study ......................................................................................... 4
1.4 Aim and Objective .................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Methodology ........................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Definition of housing development systems ................................................ 6
1.5.2 Housing development system models .......................................................... 8
1.6 Limitations .............................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 ......................................................................................................................... 11
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Interpretive Ideas ...................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Academic context ..................................................................................... 12
2.2 Discuss Parameters................................................................................................ 13
2.3 CASE STUDIES ................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Case Study of Energy Efficient Architecture ............................................. 17
3.3.2 Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB): A Case Study of Net Zero Energy Home
in Pakistan........................................................................................... 23
2.3.3 Dubai Sustainable City.............................................................................. 34
2.4 FINDINGS ........................................................................................................... 39
2.5 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 40
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................................... 41
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................... 41
3.1 Data Collecting ..................................................................................................... 42
3.1.1 Secondary Data ......................................................................................... 42
3.2 Research Tools ...................................................................................................... 42
3.2.1 Assessment Tools ..................................................................................... 42
3.2.2 Assessment tools for housing .................................................................... 42
3.2.3 Consultation on the current Code for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Homes
............................................................................................................ 43
3.2.4 Pakistan Green Building ........................................................................... 43

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3.3 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................ 44

3.3.1 Strategy for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Affordable Housing ............. 44
3.4 Formulation of Study ............................................................................................ 45
Chapter 4 ......................................................................................................................... 47
DATA COLLECTION AND SITE ANALYSIS ............................................................ 47
4.1 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................ 48
4.2 Design Brief .......................................................................................................... 52
4.2.1 Energy efficient and ecofriendly Building Principles ................................. 53
4.2.2 Energy Conservation ................................................................................. 58
4.3 Technical concepts and methods ........................................................................ 61
4.3.1 Energy consumption of buildings .............................................................. 61
4.3.2 Indoor Comfort ......................................................................................... 62
4.3.3 Passive House ........................................................................................... 64
Low Exergy Systems ......................................................................................... 67
4.4 Site Details ............................................................................................................ 69
4.4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 69
4.4.2 Climate of Multan ..................................................................................... 69
4.4.3 Location of the Project Site ....................................................................... 72
4.5 Consideration for Ecofriendly Design .................................................................... 73
4.5.1 Significance of Daylight: .......................................................................... 75
4.5.2 Significance of Ventilation........................................................................ 76
4.5.3 Thermal Comfort ...................................................................................... 77
4.5.4 Passive Cooling ........................................................................................ 77
References ....................................................................................................................... 79

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List of Tables
Table Page
No. No.
1.1 Affordability criteria of energy used 10

2.1 Model sustainability indicators 16

2.2 Potential energy conservation areas 27

2.3 Reduced temperature and improve thermal performance 29

3.1 Guiding Matrix for Assessment of Environmental Sustainability 45

4.1 Energy efficient and ecofriendly building issues. 54

4.2 Principles of energy efficient and ecofriendly development. 56

4.3 Typical Ventilation Requirements. 63

4.4 Technical Index of Passive House 66

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List of Figures
Figure Page
No. No.

1.1 Housing development assessment methodology 6

1.2 The complex housing development system 7

1.3 Framework of interrelated models for housing development 8

sustainability assessment

2.1 The Sustainability Scale 14

2.2 Cumulative distribution of mains water use exceeding the 15

sustainability threshold level.

2.3. Mains water use frequency distribution and the sustainability 15

threshold level.

4.1 Window overhangs: using passive lighting and active shading. 50

4.2 Framework for implementing sustainability in building 58


4.3 Stages of energy input during the life of a building. 59

4.4 Heat exchanges of human body. (Source: Szokolay S.V. 63

Introduction to Architectural Science, the Basis of Sustainable
Design, p16)

4.5 Principle of a ventilation system. (Source: City of Hannover, 64

Hannover Kronsberg Handbook – Planning and Realisation,

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4.6 Mean average temperature of Multan, Pakistan (Source: 70

Meterological Station, Lahore)

4.7 Average Relative Humidity of Multan, Pakistan (Source: 71

Meterological Station, Lahore)

4.8 Average Wind Velocity of Multan, Pakistan (Source: 71

Meterological Station, Lahore

4.9 DHA Multan Road Map 72

4.10 Key Plan of DHA Multan 72

4.11 Selected Sector(R) for Ecofriendly Houses 73

4.12 Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Balance In A Space 74

4.13 Climate Responsive Design Solution for Warm Humid Climate 74

with High Diurnal Range

4.14 Elements of Passive Solar Design. 76

4.15 Single Sided and Cross Ventilation 76

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List of Abbreviations

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

KAI Kick Against Indiscipline

CDA Makoko Community Development Association

NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations

CBOs Community-Based Organisations

PB Participatory Budgeting

ILO International Labour Organization

UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

CAP Community Action Planning

ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States

UN United Nation

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I dedicated this thesis

To My Parents


My Elder Brother
Muhammad Faisal Nawaz

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This study would not have been possible without the guidance and help of several
individuals who in one way or the other contributed towards the completion of this
study. I am highly indebted to all and would like to acknowledge them.

First, my utmost gratitude goes to my design supervisor Dr. Mahmood Hussain whose
useful comments and suggestions saw me through to the completion of the study. I
also want to say thank you to Ar. Anum Aleha, Ar. Sharaiz and Ar. Gohar Murad for
his useful comments at different stages of the thesis writing.

I am sincerely grateful to my brothers for always being there for me at the most
difficult times of this thesis writing and to my Parents and my sisters I say thank you
for your unalloyed support.

Wali Ahsan Nawaz

Roll No. BA-14-19
B. Architecture Design

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This study investigates the importance of energy efficient and ecofriendly housing
development practices in accommodation businesses in Multan. Research and
industry initiatives mainly focus on environmental measures while ignoring the
economic and socio-cultural dimension of sustainability. Recognizing the importance
of a holistic understanding to define energy efficient and ecofriendly housing
practices for the accommodation industry, this research includes all dimensions of
sustainability. It intends to examine relationships between attitudes and actions as well
as differences in attitudes and actions related to the business‘ characteristics. A mixed
method approach was chosen and the results of the quantitative questionnaire and the
qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews were integrated to ensure a more
complete understanding of the data. The results showed that the general attitude
towards sustainability was very positive for all businesses. No relation was found
between the general attitude and the actions taken. It can be summarized that higher
classified, medium size, society, and businesses that were part of a corporate chain
took significantly more actions compared to low classified, micro size, houses, and
businesses that were owner managed. A high implementation of energy efficient and
ecofriendly business practices correlated with a high level of benefits perceived, more
strategic planning and a less intense perception of barriers. The greatest barrier
reported was the lack of support and information and the difficulties with obtaining
permissions and subventions. Also the awareness and demand from guests for energy
efficient and ecofriendly business practices were perceived as low. Consequently the
study shows that the communication between public and private sector as well as the
awareness raising and marketing of sustainability to consumers need to be improved.

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Chapter 1


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1.1 Rationale and Background

Energy efficient homes reduce unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas
emissions and demands for nonrenewable resources. They simultaneously provide
healthier living conditions and offer homeowners significant money savings over
conventional homes.

Why Energy Efficiency is So Important. There are many benefits to using less energy
in your home. Energy efficiency helps our local economy. Instead of importing
natural gas and electricity from outside of your community, domestic and local
companies can provide energy efficiency services and equipment.

In the United States, the green building movement began in the 1970s, after the price
of oil began to increase sharply. In response, researchers began to look into more
energy efficient systems. Many organizations were founded in the 1990s to promote
green buildings. Some organizations worked to improve consumer knowledge so that
they could have more green homes. The International Code Council and the National
Association of Home Builders began working in 2006 to create a "voluntary green
home building standard".

The Energy Policy Act was enacted in 2005, which allowed tax reductions for
homeowners who could show the use of energy efficient changes to their homes, such
as solar panels and other solar-powered devices.

The building with minimum negative environmental impact and lowest running
energy cost is an energy efficient building. According to Majumdar (2001) energy
efficiency in buildings can be achieved through an approach involving adoption of bio
climatic architectural principles responsive to the climate of the particular location;
use of materials with low embodied energy, reduction of transportation energy,
incorporation of efficient structural design, implementation of energy efficient
building systems and effective utilization of renewable energy sources to power the
building. Energy efficiency in buildings broadly implies three aspects (Agarwal,

1. Minimize energy waste due to unwanted and non-judicious use of electrically

operated gadgets.
2. Development of energy efficient appliances.

3. Optimum utilization of non-conventional sources of energy through judicious

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planning and building design.

Ralegaonkar and Gupta (2010) explained about passive techniques with the context of
cooling of buildings in hot- dry and warm-humid climates, which aim towards
reduction in heat penetration through building envelope and provision of inducing
desired natural ventilation indoors. Designing and enveloping new buildings based on
sound concepts of sustainability and applying suitable options to existing buildings
could substantially improve the energy use efficiency in the building sector. An
‗integrated approach‘ to building design which involves judicious use and application

- Efficient materials and construction practices.

- Bio-climatic/Solar-passive architectural principles.

- Efficient systems and equipment.

- Renewable sources of energy.

- Efficient waste and water management practices.

I incorporating above features in a holistic manner in any building, would impose a

minimal impact on the environment along with enhancing user comfort and
productivity (Figure1) (Majumdar: 2001).

1.2 Statement of Problem

 Lack of active energy sources in our country.

 Population of Low or middle class are more than the population of upper class in
our country they can‘t afford luxury Houses.

 Need to promote the green areas rather than the hardscapes (Ecofriendly

 Energy efficient and ecofriendly development is new era of the today‘s world
even UNO has set the goals relative to energy efficient and ecofriendly housing as
energy efficient and ecofriendly cities and communities. All these is being done to
save the resources for the future and to reduce the pollution which is becoming a
nightmare for the mankind.

 The resources that are being exploited.

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 Habitat for Humanity knows that a safe, decent, affordable home is fundamental
to a family forging a path out of poverty.

 We see all over the world how decent and affordable shelter is intricately woven
into better opportunities for children and their parents.

 In a Habitat house, families find better health, more financial freedom,

independence, and a stability and security that far too many families simply can‘t
achieve without a helping hand.

 The need for affordable energy efficient and ecofriendly housing is immense, and
the lasting impact it can have on homeowners and their families and environment
is undeniable.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The complexity of nature-society systems such as those of urban housing
developments makes the understanding and consequent sustainability assessment of
these systems difficult. A large proportion of research into energy efficient and
ecofriendly development over the past fifteen years has attempted to assess various
components of system sustainability without due respect for the complex
interrelations between the components, which can have a significant effect on overall
system behaviour (Clark and Dickson, 2003). This has led to an incomplete
understanding at government and policy making levels of what is required to achieve
energy efficient and ecofriendly development for all communities. A consistent
framework for sustainability assessment is therefore required for decision-making
purposes (Nishijima et al., 2004).

A review of current literature into the assessment of the sustainability of housing

developments (Daniell et al., 2004), found that:

 Governments and planning authorities worldwide require more holistic methods

for sustainability assessment in order to develop future planning strategies (Tweed
and Jones, 2000);

 Due to the narrow focus of current assessment tools, decision makers find it
difficult to make judgments which are consistent with sustainability goals for
development (Macoun et al., 2001);

 Current sustainability assessment tools do not adequately represent the temporal,

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spatial and behavioural aspects of sustainability;

 There is no common methodology which relates measures of resource use and

other variables (referred to as indicators) to a measure of sustainability; and

 There is a specific need for a methodology that can be used to assess the
sustainability of complex housing development systems (Deakin et al., 2002).

In order to address the shortcomings outlined above, a new methodology for the
assessment of the sustainability of complex housing development systems is
developed in this research using multi-agent simulation. The methodology couples
complex systems modelling and sustainability assessment, and provides a decision-
making tool that can be used by policy makers, governments and planning authorities.
The application of the methodology to a case study example, Christie Walk, an
Australian eco-development, is also presented, with a special focus on determining
the impacts of human behaviour on the housing development‘s sustainability.

1.4 Aim and Objective

Energy efficient and ecofriendly building refers to a structure and using process that is
environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building‘s life-cycle:
from sitting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and
demolition. This requires close cooperation of the design team, the architects, the
engineers, and the client at all project stages. The Energy efficient and ecofriendly
Building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of
economy, utility, durability, and comfort. (Energy efficient and ecofriendly affordable
housing, 2014)

In recent years a number of studies have been undertaken that aim to establish
people‘s views on climate change and whose responsibility it is to address the
required reduction in carbon emissions. Studies suggest that community based
programmes may be most effective in bringing about energy efficient and ecofriendly
behaviours; as social support is integral to the approach. Such community based
programmes include the use of workshops and forums to provide education and

The aims and objectives of the research were four-fold. To establish:

 An understanding of social housing end users‘ perceptions and awareness of

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energy efficient and ecofriendly behaviours in the home;

 An understanding of social housing design team members‘ perceptions and

awareness of energy efficient and ecofriendly housing;

 An understanding of expected adaptations required for end-users to live in CSH

Code four or above; and

 An understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced when achieving CSH

level 4 and above.

 This was achieved through two questionnaire surveys and two facilitated focus
groups. (Energy efficient and ecofriendly Homes – December, 2010)

1.5 Methodology
The proposed methodological framework for the sustainability assessment of housing
developments is presented in Figure 1 and explained in detail throughout this paper.

Figure 1.1: Housing development assessment methodology

1.5.1 Definition of housing development systems

A housing development is a system that can be defined, and its sustainability

assessed, if the definition of sustainability presented by Gilman (1992) is adopted.
Gilman stated that sustainability is:

“The ability of a society, ecosystem, or any such on-going system to

continue functioning into the indefinite future without being forced into
decline through exhaustion or overloading of key resources on which
the system depends.”

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Using this Gilman definition, Foley et al. (2003) outline that for a system to be energy
efficient and eco friendly, all of the resources upon which the system relies must be
managed appropriately, including: natural; financial; social; and man-made
(infrastructure) resources. Appropriate management requires knowledge relating to
the system boundary, system resources, interactions between adjacent systems and
allowable limits, or thresholds, for each resource. Each of these elements will be
unique to the particular system under consideration, and each system must be assessed
on its own merits. However, the process of assessment should be consistent for every

This general systems approach to sustainability can be applied more specifically to an

urban development by viewing each urban housing development as a unique system.
An example of such a system with its resources and interactions is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1.2: The complex housing development system

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To assess the sustainability of a housing development, all of the resources and their
interactions represented in Figure 2 (both within and external to the system) need to
be determined as specified in the methodology presented in Figure 1. As outlined by
Foley et al. (2003), if each resource in the housing development is considered as a
state variable xi, at any time t j, the state of the system can be expressed for n state
variables in vector form as:

x(tj) = { x1(tj),x2(tj),…,xi-1(tj),xi(tj),…,xn(tj) } (1)

The changes to each state variable or resource can then be modelled over each
specified time interval where t j+1= tj + ∆tj.

1.5.2 Housing development system models

Considering a complex urban housing development system as outlined in Figure 2,

the key resources, processes and interrelations of a housing development can be
defined in terms of six interrelated models, namely: water; carbon dioxide (CO 2);
waste; ecosystem health; economic; and social. All of these models are affected by
human behaviour and are represented in Figure 3. The role of human behaviour is
discussed further in Section 2.4.

Figure 1.3: Framework of interrelated models for housing development sustainability


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In figure 1.3

 The water model incorporates all the water related processes of the development,
including rainfall-runoff, infiltration and potable and non-potable water use;

 The CO2 model accounts for both embodied and operational energy use,
calculated as an equivalent mass of CO2, which incorporates the effects of
building materials, infrastructure, electricity and gas use as well as occupant
transport use;

 The waste model accounts for all solid and liquid waste, both produced on site,
and leaving the site, including: sewage; compost; waste to be recycled; and waste
sent to landfill;

 The ecosystem health model encompasses environmental aspects of the

development such as biodiversity and land use changes, as well as air and water

 The economic model accounts for both the microeconomic processes of each
household based on income, expenditure and corresponding levels of debt, as well
as the macroeconomic processes which affect the housing development, such as
inflation and interest rates; and

 The social model incorporates levels of occupant satisfaction relating to comfort,

living conditions, access to services (transport, health, education, shopping),
employment, as well as equity amongst occupants.

Following the methodology presented in Figure 1, for each of these models an

indicator representative of the model processes and consequent sustainability must be
chosen for assessment purposes1.

1.6 Limitations
The following research is based on current economic factors with in the Cairngorms,
whilst assuming that economic and political conditions do not change during the
research period. Since current market conditions within the Cairngorms are used, it is
assumed that the analysis result could theoretically be employed within other similar
areas of the United Kingdom, after situating it within context. Furthermore, this
research is a purely academic exercise which looks at literature and arrives at
personal analysis, conclusions and opinions without having first hand experiences

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with the case studies involved. It is also to be understood that this body of work
will not completely solve affordable housing but should significantly help in
progressing it further.

Table 1.1: Affordability criteria of energy used

Affordability Criteria Use of Criteria

Access To determine if there are sufficient access to

employment, services and amenities. As well as sufficient
transportation opportunities.

Availability To determine sufficient availability of various typologies

and home ownership and rental opportunities.

Cost To determine whether initial cost and long term costs are
preferable to the user. This will include site costs,
construction costs and running costs.

Energy Efficiency To determine if there are suitable energy efficiency


Quality To determine whether there is a quality of design and

construction to ensure the longevity of the project.

Safety To determine whether there are sufficient safety design

elements and that the neighborhood is safe and has low
crime rates.

Adaptability To determine whether the project has the capacity to

change the building‘s built-environment in order to
respond and fit to the evolving demands of its users/
environment maximizing value throughout its lifecycle.

Course: (Affordability Criteria) 2010

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Chapter 2


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2.1 Introduction
There are many issues that need addressing within 21st century housing including
community, sustainability, density, accessibility, tourism and a sense of place.
However, affordability is the issue that is at the forefront of debates across the world.
With some leading intellects claiming that ‗affordable housing‘ to be essential for
individual, family and community wellbeing‖ (Senate Select Committee on Housing
Affordability in Australia, 2008, p. 29) and others claiming the definition of
affordability has been wrongly defined (Mulliner & Maliene, 2011). Affordability in
regards to architecture and more importantly to housing has always been defined and
measured by cost (Bogdon & Can, 1997).This paper will identify a wider definition of
affordability within architecture in regards to housing and examine foreign examples
through their design elements, methods and strategies then translating the findings
into a Scottish rural context. There are numerous precedents for affordable housing
within urban and suburban landscapes; however, very rarely are there precedents of
sufficient quality that address the modern need for affordable housing within the rural

The aim of the research is to define a broader more appropriate definition for
affordability and using this to critically analysis design elements, methods and
strategies of precedents concluding with an evaluation of these design principles thus
proposing an outline that could be translated into a rural Scottish setting.

2.1.1 Interpretive Ideas

The main question is can the profession, as architects, learn from other foreign
examples through their successes and failures no matter how different the social,
cultural and political agendas are and provide meaningful affordable housing in an
unforgiving environment.

2.1.2 Academic context

Affordable housing has been a hotly debated topic for many years with original
definitions seen as outdated and ultimately shortsighted. Firstly, the significance of
defining affordability within architecture will be invaluable as architects, planning
departments and governments will be able to all work towards the same goal,
ultimately helping those in need of affordable housing rather than ignoring or
disagreeing over the correct definition. This freedom from defining the term will lead

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to expeditious social, cultural and political decisions. Lastly, the significance of

critically analyzing and evaluating celebrated precedents from abroad and translating
the design elements, methods and strategies into a rural context should greatly help to
deal with the complicated problem of creating affordable housing fit for people in
rural environments.

Rural areas are less populated for a number of differing reasons, however; can we
inform a way to make a meaningful impact on the existing and potential residents of a
given rural area by providing affordable housing that will be resilient to present and
possible future challenges and lifestyles? Historic background to the topic of
affordability within architecture and more importantly housing is critical in
understanding where and how affordable housing has been characterized as well as
what affordable housing means at present and in the future. There is plenty of
discussion on the topic of affordability by architects, local authorities, intellects,
politicians and public forums creating a vast array of opinions on how to deal with the
urgent need for affordable housing schemes. Understanding the social and cultural
aspects of affordable housing will greatly improve the chance of finding a reasonable
solution complying with all the relevant aspects of daily living.

Through research undertaken previously, the National Park Authority showed the
importance of affordable housing within the local development plan of the
Cairngorms stressing the lack of availability to existing residents and newcomers to
the region (Cairgorms National Park Authority, 2013).

2.2 Discuss Parameters

Once indicators are selected, it is important to determine the conditions under which
an indicator is to be considered energy efficient and eco friendly. Available
assessment techniques for housing developments reviewed by Daniell et al. (2004a)
use indicators that predominately present and collate resource use or resource quality
data. There is little attempt to assess the adequacy of the data with respect to the level
or condition of the resources available to the system under consideration. Foley and
Daniell (2002) recognised that the use of a sustainability satisfaction scale for
indicators could allow the comparison of indicators not only against each other but
also against sustainability criteria. This approach, together with the system
sustainability conditions outlined in Foley et al. (2003), was further developed by

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Daniell et al. (2004c) to create the ―Sustainability Scale‖ for indicators, which is
presented in this section.

The Sustainability Scale is based upon a probability of exceedance of the ultimate

sustainability threshold level, threshold(xij), for each resource, xi(tj),

Figure 2.1: The Sustainability Scale

The sustainability threshold level is the resource level at which the system is deemed
to be able to meet the requirements of the system while managing the resources within
the system at an appropriate level, without compromising the ability of adjacent
systems to be energy efficient and eco friendly. The Sustainability Scale ranges from
0 to 10, where 0 is considered as energy efficient and ecofriendly resource usage, and
the values between 0 and 10 represent increasingly unenergy efficient and ecofriendly
resource use. In other words, for a housing development system‘s resource use to be
considered energy efficient and eco friendly, Eq. 2 must be satisfied:

Individual Sustainability Scale Ratings (SSRs) for indicators are based on the
cumulative probability distribution of current resource usage at a larger system scale
exceeding the energy efficient and ecofriendly threshold level (i.e. a probability of
threshold exceedance between 0 and 1).

The larger system chosen will depend on the purpose of the sustainability assessment.
For example, a housing development might need to be compared to other
developments within a local council area or to other housing developments in a larger
metropolitan area.

Once this larger system scale has been chosen, a distribution of the resource use of the
indicator to be assessed must be developed. An example of a cumulative distribution
function (in this case where the indicator is mains water use in the metropolitan
Adelaide area), from which the Sustainability Scale can be derived, is represented in
Figure 2.3.

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Figure 2.2: Cumulative distribution of mains water use exceeding the sustainability
threshold level.

In order to create the cumulative distribution used to derive the Sustainability Scale, a
number of steps need to be undertaken, dependent on the form of data available. The
example of mains water use in the Adelaide metropolitan area shown in Figure 5 will
be expanded upon here to demonstrate the process.

Step 1: The frequency of people corresponding to each level of estimated mains water
usage in the Adelaide metropolitan area needs to be plotted, as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.3: Mains water use frequency distribution and the sustainability
threshold level.
A literature review was carried out in order to ascertain current thinking of topics
pertaining to the subject which included: behaviors and perceptions of energy

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efficient and ecofriendly living, programs to encourage environmentally responsible

behavior, designing energy efficient and ecofriendly housing, energy saving
strategies, renewable energy usage including micro renewable, water saving
strategies, material use and Construction techniques as well as a discussion on current
assessment tools being used by the industry.

Based on the results of the literature review, the research methodology outlined below
was developed.

A sustainability indicator for each of the water, CO2, waste, economic and social
models created for the Christie Walk housing development was then chosen as the
next step in the methodology as shown in Figure 1. These indicators and the
equivalent measures used in the construction of the Sustainability Scales are presented
in Table 1.

Table 2.1: Model sustainability indicators

Model Sustainability Indicator Equivalent Measure

Water mains water use, xw(tj) litres / person / day

CO2 mass of equivalent CO2 , xc(tj) tonnes / person / year

Waste waste sent to landfill, xl(tj) kg / person / week

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2.3.1 Case Study of Energy Efficient Architecture

Dr. Shakeel Quraishi’s Residence

Architect: Dr. Shakeel Quraishi

Location: Lahore (Model Town)
Program: Residence
Foot print Area: 2361 square feet (10 Marla)
Floor Count: Double Story (4 bed rooms)
Status: Constructed

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Architect’s Objective:

Developing countries are brain washed into rejecting traditional values and adopting
industrial methods of modern day. Tradition has been made synonymous to
backwardness which has changed the man o nature relationship badly.

Heritage buildings are energy efficient, do not use air conditioning; and are
environmental friendly with the use of local material an indigenous techniques. Dr.
Shakeel Quraishi

Negative aspects of modern building include being energy intensive and environment
degrading with the use of imported and industrialized materials.

To restore man nature relationship, we need to adopt sustainability, which means to

meet the needs of the present without compromising the abilities of future generation
to meet their needs. Dr. Shakeel Quraishi

Sustainability comes through green architecture; which is reverting to heritage

architecture. Historical buildings are reservoirs of traditional wisdom in architecture.

Sustainability Features:

In order to control energy loss through walls and openings, spaces have been planned
of creepers that also prevent direct sunlight from reaching living spaces.

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Energy losses through the roofs are controlled by the help of roof gardens, which
provided the insulation.

Green trees on the roof are connected with tone stair case. Intensive greenery protects
external wall and windows.

Cool air passes through the green terraces soothing the harsh heat of summer.

The air of the house is guided into a tube through pressure with the help of a fan, and
then recycled in all living rooms. As a result of this continuous process of recycling,
the air temperature of the house becomes the same, as exists ten feet underground.

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Section A:

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Section B:


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3.3.2 Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB): A Case Study of Net Zero
Energy Home in Pakistan
The common issue all the nations facing these days is the climate change. The entropy
of the environment is increasing with the passage of time which affects the ozone
layer and increases the global warming potential. The change in climate is mainly due
to the emission of Green-House Gases (GHGs) which are produces from emission of
gases and use of fossil fuels for generation of electricity in Pakistan. Most of the
energy is used in commercial buildings as well as in residential buildings. It is the
requirement of the hour that buildings are constructed in such a way that they
consume lesser amount of energy due to efficient design and generate on-site energy
for own utilization as well as to export extra energy to the utility. These Net Zero
Energy Buildings (NZEB) use energy from utility only when these sources are
unavailable. NZEB play a vital role for sustainable energy utilization, energy security
and being environment friendly. This paper gives a comparative analysis of electricity
consumption in a conventional building and a NZEB. The concept of smart metering
is also used to analyze the advantages of NZEB.

Introduction The crucial need of life is energy and it is basic element to boost up the
economy of a country. Pakistan is facing severe shortage of energy, depending upon
the foreign energy sources although it is rich in renewable energy sources [1]. In
1947, Pakistan had only 60MW of energy at the time of dependence. In the beginning
the energy sector of Pakistan had made some remarkable growth but this progress
would not continue in positive manners [2]. Pakistan is heavily populated and
underdeveloped country and it needs a critical revolution in education sector [3]–[5].
To keep the Pakistan on progressive path and give its citizens the standard liv es,
the country requires the constant source of energy. On the other hand, the country is
facing a severe energy crisis and incapable to accomplish the requirements of
domestic energy [6]–[10]. There is a huge electricity outage in the country. The
country is thrown into darkness by the electricity shortage for more than 10 to 12
hours a day. This demand supply gap is not suddenly appeared. The main causes of
this tragedy are inattentiveness, poor planning and negligence [11]. For the growth of
industry and the socioeconomic progress of a country, the electricity is very important
as a backbone. Worldwide the production of electricity is increasing due to the fast
growth in inhabitants and the use of modern technology in every field of lifePakistan

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mainly depends on the fossil fuels (natural gas and imported oil) to generate
electricity. The global warming and air pollution are increasing day by day due to the
use of these fossil fuels in the thermal power plants [6]. This imported oil is a burden
on the economy of a country. Pakistan has huge renewable energy sources (solar,
wind, biomass etc.) to generate electricity [13]. Advances in solar, wind and wave
energy technologies have reduced renewable, and alternative energy sources cost as
compared with fossil fuels [14]. The practical proof of a country is its per capita
consumption of energy which tells about the standards of living of its people. The
residential or commercial buildings consume a large amount of energy in the scenario
of total energy consumption. In this way the energy consumption plays a vital role in
climate change, which cannot be controlled by using less energy. Nevertheless a
method called NZEB, should be adopted to overcome this problem [15]. The best
option is NZEB because these buildings are linkage of efficient technology of energy
and renewable energy exploitation. The policy makers and concerns focus on NZEB
because these are energy efficient and environmentally welcoming. These buildings
can store energy and sell the excess energy to the national grid or nearby building by
smart grids and smart metering [16]. In a NZEB the energy used by it totally depends
on RES (Renewable Energy Sources), which is created from wind, geothermal or
solar etc. It means that the energy consumption in a NZEB is zero logically. The
NZEB does not increases the GHG in the atmosphere and not responsible for climate
change. These buildings take some amount or total amount of energy from grid and
return the energy to the grid at the other time. Some buildings produce extra energy
throughout the year is called ―energy- plus buildings.‖ The concept of zero energy is
that the energy produces and remains conserved [16]. The construction of NZEB is
very important because the energy demand and pollution are increasing day by day.
Any individual can easily implement the NZEB because there is no political risk to do
that. In Pakistan, there is a huge potential of wind and solar energy. Wind may not be
available throughout the country, but solar energy is abundantly available. In this
paper, solar energy is utilized to make the buildings energy efficient. In Pakistan solar
systems in use are not cost effective and energy efficient. As solar systems have a
high capital cost but electricity generation is almost free from it because there are no
fuel charges for it. For cloudy days batteries are used to save the energy and provide
backup. If government wants to manage the electricity shortfall, then it must give the
subsidies to the investors or owners on the Net Zero Energy Buildings. This paper

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provides the feasibility study and analysis of NZEB in Pakistan. This study discusses
the materials used in the buildings that can manage the temperature of the building
according to the weather requirements. Firstly the energy consumption of
conventional building according to demand side management is calculated and its
results are described. Secondly energy production and consumption of NZEB are
calculated and finally results are compared with conventional one. This research paper
gives n outlook, recommendation and guideline to implement the NZEB along

Background To make ―Politecnico di Milano University‖ in Italy a nearly zero energy

building, some improvements were done in building envelope to save energy and
reduce GHG emissions. Results showed the possibility to reduce energy demand and
emissions of gases [17]. In Bangkok, a residential house was designed on the bases of
zero energy utilization. The proposed model used a stand-alone solar system to fulfil
its energy demands [18]. In Ireland, build NZEB case studies were explained which
give the importance of NZEBs, life cycle budget and investigations of environment
[19]. The parametric optimization and mathematical modeling of a net zero energy
building (NZEB) was proposed on different parameters and methodologies on Fuzzy
Cognitive Maps (FCMs). The proposed model explains how we can reduce the
consumption of electricity inside the building, improvement in energy efficiency and
energy management etc. are key features of successful operation [20]. Five, three
story NZEBs are designed and simulated in a software in Spain. The case study
consists on offices, schools, shopping centers and hospitals. Thermal, domestic hot
water and electrical energy demand were calculated for five provinces. PV arrays
were used to produce electricity for the buildings. Author also performed the
economic analysis to study the feasibility of the systems [21]. Different parameters
were estimated for a net zero energy building (NZEB) in 2014. Author explained the
outline of definitions and energy efficiency measurements in research [22]. A net zero
energy home was built in US in 2005. PV system was used to generate electricity for
this home. The home was monitored for ten years. For four years it had achieved net
zero energy (NZE) status. Some variations are done in solar system to achieve
maximum efficiency. Pakistan is relying mostly on fossil fuels to generate electricity
which play a dynamic role in the change of climate. According to latest economic
survey of FY 2017 of Pakistan, share of fossil fuels is 64%, hydro 30% and nuclear

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6% to generate energy in the energy mix of 2017 as shown in Fig. 1. In this energy
mix, generation of electricity from renewable energy resources is not noticeable
because it is equal or less than 1%. Only Quaid-e-Azam solar park produces 400MW
of electricity as Pakistan has a large potential of solar energy according to its weather.
In Fig. 2, sector wise energy consumption is shown. It is clear from figure that the
share ofhousehold is 50%, commercial 8%, industry 26% and agriculture 10% in
energy consumption for FY-2017. The utilizing of renewable energy resources and
reduction of GHG emissions provides the energy security of reasonable prices and
sustainability of energy sources for energetic applications of energy and energy
supplies [23]

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In order to meet the demand of electrical energy and keep environment clean, the
energy generation from renewable energy sources is the best choice. In the coming
years the solar photovoltaic energy will have the best impact to electrical energy
generation [25]. It is clear from the economic survey of Pakistan that most of the
energy is consumed by the residential buildings. So, we must construct the buildings
in such a way that they are energy efficient. They can produce self-energy and do not
play a role in climate change. The best possibility in managing the growing of energy
demands and GHG emission is to make the buildings the ―Net Zero Energy
Buildings‖. III. Materials and Methods A. Design & Construction of NZEB In
Pakistan buildings are designed and constructed in such a way that they are energy
inefficient. The materials used and design of buildings should be adopted in such a
way that they become energy efficient. Table 1 shows the potential energy
conservation areas. Design and construction of any building depends upon the place,
number of family members and the required rooms. In a building, energy is consumed
for lightening, home appliances, HVAC and heating water. The building is
constructed in such a way that at day time, most of the sunlight is used to illuminate
the house especially the master bathroom, kitchen and main hall. These specified
areas should be naturally ventilated. The materials of the house should be used that it
has less affected by the weather.

Table 2.2: Potential energy conservation areas

For the construction of NZEB following parameters should be under considerations; i.

Lighting: The house should be constructed in such a way that the whole house is

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illuminated by the skylight or used the solar tubes techniques which 100% illuminate
the house at day time as shown in Fig. 2. Solar charging lights may also be used.
Incandescent lamps or tube lights must not be used otherwise they consume more
power and produce the heating effect. LED lights or energy savers should be used to
minimize the energy consumption

ii. Water Heating: In modern living standards, the people use the hot water to take
bath, for washing clothes and utensils. For this purpose, the water is heated by
conventional methods e.g. from natural gas, wood residue or by electric rod. But in
NZEB solar water are used to heat the water. iii. HVAC: Out of total end energy
usage, 40% alone is utilized in building sector in urbanized states. Two third of this
energy is used for warming water, space heating or cooling and ventilation purposes.
Whereas space heating inside buildings quest for 50% of this total usage [27]. The
weather in the country is almost hot for eight months around a year. For natural
ventilations, there should be windows and ventilators in all the rooms. The inner
temperature of the building depends upon the external weather. Instead the residents
consume energy in cooling and heating equipment, the roof and walls should be made

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of such materials and procedures that are temperature efficient. Insulating materials
can maintain the inner temperature of the building up to comfort level. The materials
of walls and roof top should also be used which are energy efficient and isolative.
Reflective and radiant techniques are used to improve the rooftops thermal
performance. Proper insulation of roof top (use mud) is required and mix the mud in
paint to enamel it on walls and roof for making building envelop more energy
efficient. Table 2 provides details of different materials used for temperature

Table 2.3: Reduced temperature and improve thermal performance

Methodology We want to construct a building which is illuminated at day time by sky

lights, so solar tubes are used in it at day time. For ventilation systems natural
ventilators are required in the building. This building produces its own electricity with
PV system installed. If at any time it takes energy from the utility, at the other time
throughout a day it gives back the excessive energy to the utility. So, the net energy
on annual bases must be zero. A concept of smart metering is also used in this paper
that how much energy demands are fulfilling by the building on-site renewable energy
source, how much energy it takes from the nearest grid in any time and how much it
returns back the energy to the grid. To fulfill the energy demand in the building a

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solar system is designed. A case study is under consideration to analyze the saving
potential of energy. In this system sunlight shines on solar panel which converts this
light into electrical energy. Surplus energy produced is exported to the utility system
as shown in the Fig. 4. At night time and in case of bad weather the house depends on
utility. But the net energy remains zero means the energy imports and exports must be
equal throughout the year

Case study of conventional building Consider a house of 6 Marla for 6 residents in

Lahore city, Pakistan. The detail of electrical and electronic loads in this house is
given below: First of all, we calculate the loads of these appliances and will see how
much power is required to run this system, then we make this building NZEB, design
a solar system for it and finally will compare the results how much power we can be
saved by using NZEB. 1. 05 fluorescent tubes 40 W (one in TV lounge, three for
bedrooms and one for drawing room) 2. 10 energy servers 24W (three for bathrooms,
one for balcony, two for kitchen, one for dressing room, one for stairs, one for roof,
one for verandah) 3. 06 ceiling fans 100W (two for TV lounge, three for bedrooms,
one for drawing room) 4. 04 exhaust fans 50W (three for bathrooms, one for kitchen)
5. 01 refrigerator 1000W 6. 01 electric iron 1000W 7. 01 washing machine 500W 8.
01 water pump 600W 9. 01 television 200W Now from the above assumptions we can
calculate the power usage of each month. The total annual load of a conventional
house for day and night is 10915.2 kWh. The under-consideration city is Lahore. As
we have suggested solar system for this building because it a cheapest source of
generation of electricity. D. Case study of NZEB Now consider the NZEB of same
capacity that depends upon solar system. The materials used in the roof top and walls

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are temperature efficient. We have designed such a building which is totally airy and
having natural light in every room, kitchen and bathroom. This building is totally
naturally ventilated and lightened, so less amount of electricity is used in it as shown
in Fig. 5. As we have designed solar system for it so it will become energy efficient
and environmentally friendly building. The total annual energy for a NZEH is 9841.8
kWh which is less than the normal house. This house saves 9.8% of energy. So, we
must build such types of houses. A comparative graph of energy saving in a net zero
energy home (NZEH) by month is shown in Fig. 6.

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Design of Solar System for NZEH To fulfill the requirement of such buildings, a
system is designed as follows; Annual load = 5761.2 kWh Energy required per day =
5761.2 / 365 = 15.78 kWh/day = 15.78×1000 =15780 Wh/day Here for panel energy
Wh/day quantity is multiplied by a constant 1.3 which is actually a solar multiplier.
Panel energy (Capacity) = 15780×1.3 = 20514 Wh/day The PGF (Power Generation
Factor) for Lahore is 3. So, for peak power for panel energy is multiplied by PGF.
Peak panel power (Wp) = panel energy / PGF = 20514 / 3 = 6838 Wp Now we can
calculate how much panels are required for this type of home. Number of panel
required = (@ 245 W) = Wp / panel size = 6838 / 245 = 28 panels The arrival rate of
solar radiation in a day on earth is 5 to 6 kWm2 [29] and Pakistan receives 4.45 kW2
solar radiations in most area of the country in a day. Lahore, the under consideration
city receives sun shines hours up to an average 250 hours in a month. If a solar
photovoltaic system tilts at an angle equal to the latitude of the area, then maximum
solar intensity is received. The under-consideration city of Pakistan, Lahore is situated
at latitude of 31.330. The latitude varies towards North by 10 after every 66 km. From
the above discussion we have concluded that we should design such a building in
which the photovoltaic panels are placed on the inclined roof to reduce the cost of
solar system instead of using extra framing. The rooftop on which solar plates are
mounted facing towards south to get maximum solar radiation. If rooftop has less area
then the south face windows can also be used to mount the photovoltaic modules
having same angle. This system can also be mounted on the frames but initial cost of
the system will be increased. F. Net metering The net-metering scheme permits to sell
extra energy to the utility. The consumers either commercial or residential who are
producing own electricity by some means e. g from solar system [28]. As the
consumers of electricity are increasing day by day, they are also producing their own
electricity by the solar photovoltaic system. The technique of net metering is a
connection between the owner of generation and utility that may equalize the
consumption of electricity from solar system and utility. Through net metering as
shown if Fig. 7, we can know how much energy is delivered to the utility produced by
solar panels and how much energy the house uses provided by the utility. By this
technique we can measure electricity in and out of the house and easily compare the
energy produced and consumed by this NZEB.

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Due to energy crisis and increase in global warming, it is requirement of the time to
construct such buildings which are energy efficient and environment friendly. The
best choice to minimize the above-mentioned problems is the construction of NZEBs.
Electricity can be produced by renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. Some
of them are depleting day by day, some are costly. The NZEBs are important because
they are able to fulfill their own energy requirements by some sources. Electricity can
be produced by renewable energy resources such as the hydel power plant, wind
mills, biomass, tidal energy or solar system. Water, wind pressure and tides are
although cheap sources of electricity but not available in every part of country.
Electricity from biomass can be produced but it is not environment friendly sources to
generate electricity. So, the best source to produce electricity for such buildings is
solar systems, because it is green in nature, cheapest source to generate electricity and
easily available everywhere throughout the country and the whole year. Further
advantages of these buildings are that they reduce monthly cost in terms of exemption
from bills and uninterrupted energy is available at every time. V. Conclusions No
doubt the initial cost of NZEBs is very high but there are a lot of advantages of these
buildings as listed above. If authorities at government level offer subsidies and
incentives for the investors, energy crisis and environmental changes can be
controlled. If there is a community of more than one building and all the buildings are
NZEBs, then there must be extra energy which can be utilized by another
conventional building or sold to the utility. This is the best method to overcome the
energy crisis in the state. As there is remarkable raise in population of Pakistan,
energy utilization has increased significantly.

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2.3.3 Dubai Sustainable City

With experience in several development projects in Dubai over the past decade,
cognizant of the emerging trend in sustainable development and in line with His
Highness, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid‘s initiative towards a ―green economy for
sustainable development‖, Diamond Developers sought to envisage a project that
would fit the needs of the people living in urban Dubai while respecting the country's
heritage and environment.

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As a result, Diamond Developers' inspiration for this project follows from two very
distinct communities: Al Bastakiya, Dubai and UC Davis' West Village, California,

Dubai Sustainable City is approximately 46 hectares in area and is located in the heart
of Dubailand between Mohammad Bin Zayed Road and Dubai Bypass / Emirates
Road which is approximately 25min away from Mall of the Emirates by car.

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Project Highlights – List

 A total of 500 residential units over 5 Clusters.

 A Resort comprised of 43 bungalows and 100 units.
 Institute campus to withhold a capacity of 600 students.
 Educational facilities comprised of a Primary School, Kindergarten, Nursery and
playground, all of which share common sports facilities.
 On- grade mixed use activities comprised of Retail shops, Plazas, Apartments,
Offices, Country Club and Mosque with underground parking level
 Open spaces, buffer zones and cycling/walking trails
 Productive agricultural landscapes and biodome greenhouses
 Equestrian Centre offering horse-riding classes and an equestrian trail running
along the perimeter of the city.

Dubai Sustainable City will build an enduring legacy for Dubai, by developing a first-
of-its-kind fully-sustainable community from the environmental, economic and social

In this context we see Sustainable Development as a mode of human development in

which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so
that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

Sustainable Development:

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 70% of the development planned as green

open space.
 30meter-wide ‗green belt‘ all around the city
including leisure track.
 City‘s central spine dedicated organic farming
land with biodome greenhouses.
 Buildings will consume 30% less energy
when compared to conventional residential
houses in the region.
 Extensive use of solar panels that will be used
on the residential units and expected to
produce around 50% of each household's
required energy.
 Potable water treated and used for irrigation.
 A 'low-carbon' community development with
several designated ―vehicle-free‖ zones.


 Every unit owner, will automatically be

assigned shares in the commercial zone.
 The annual dividends from the operating
profits of the mixed-used / commercial space
are expected to compensate for any
maintenance costs and part of the household's
DEWA bill.
 Residential homes, institute, school, offices,
and the resort will be provided with the
following to meet the target of 30% reduction
in energy consumption:
- Solar water Heater;
- LED lights;
- Energy star home appliances.

 Subsidized electric car for unrestricted vehicular access throughout the city.

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Investing in DSC:
The agreed selling prices will include:

- Green appliances

- Rooftop solar panels

- Dedicated parking lot

- Subsidiary for electrical car

- Electric golf car

- Rooftop garden area

- VRV HVAC systems

- LED lighting design

- Community ownership share 1/1000.

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1. Energy efficiency measures for buildings are approaches through which the
energy consumption of a building can be reduced while maintaining or
improving the level of comfort in the building. They can typically be
categorized into:

a. Reducing heating and cooling demand;

b. Reducing energy requirements for ventilation, lighting and heating water;

c. Reducing electricity consumption of equipment and appliances

2. Buildings surveyed from colonial period are equipped with more energy
efficient elements and are more comfortable than the buildings from
contemporary period.

3. Buildings in which no passive elements had been used were made

comfortable through active means of thermal comfort by excessive energy

4. Issues of thermal evaluation regarding energy optimization are not fully

considered during the design, in most cases. These issues rely on the holistic
understanding of building thermal behavior, which depends on the interaction
of building elements with outside and inside variable conditions.

5. In subjective approach of research it is found that human body tends to adjust

with the local climate by using adaptive mechanism to achieve their desired
comfort conditions much earlier than the logical calculated physiological
comfort values. This point is further supported by Adaptive Mean Vote
(AMV) of this area.

6. In objective approach of thermal comfort, AMV5 is closer to the required

comfort levels, as compared to standards of Predictive Mean Vote (PMV)6,
confirmed through questionnaire survey.

Field studies clarify that results from local climatic setup are different from
generalized standards and are more economical and acceptable by users.

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1. Thermal standards for buildings that can promote use of some simple passive
energy efficient elements should be formulated. If buildings are designed and
built to incorporate the right mix of these characteristics, the occupants will be
able to make themselves comfortable in these buildings using minimum

2. The governmental department should improve the legislative system,

mechanism and legal system of energy efficiency in the buildings.

3. Establish and improve the technology on energy efficiency in building

through research on energy saving technology and new materials combined
with the local climatic characteristics.

4. Use of local resources and materials should be optimized to design buildings

based on the principles of thermal comfort.

5. Monitoring and evaluating the energy efficiency in newly-built buildings.

6. Promoting the energy efficiency measures in large public buildings.

7. Enhance research to develop energy saving strategies in buildings and

disseminate its application.

8. Building designers should estimate the indoor temperature that building

occupants find comfortable and creative ideas should be applied to provide
comfortable indoor environments with minimal energy usage.

Further studies can be performed considering other aspects of user comfort and
energy efficiency considering different energy efficient elements separately.

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Chapter 3


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3.1 Data Collecting

3.1.1 Secondary Data

Secondary data is a type of data that has already been published in books, newspapers,
magazines, journals, online portals etc

3.2 Research Tools

Books, online portals etc.

3.2.1 Assessment Tools

One third of the homes we will be residing in by 2050 are not yet built. This offers
potential for us to significantly reduce long term emissions through construction
methods, today and over the coming years (CLG, 2009). Environmental rating
systems have been introduced to encourage the construction industry to reach this
potential. Use of environmental rating in construction projects has increased rapidly
during the last decade with the development of systems such as BREEAM in the UK
and LEED in the USA. As such systems develop, architects around the world have to
make a decision as to which rating tool to use. An incorrect choice can lead to
increased cost and reduced design quality whereas a correct decision can enhance
design quality, environmental impact and occupant health (Julien, 2005).

The weightings in many assessment tools are comparable but the criteria differ
significantly. Due to the differing standards on which the rating tools are based, the
award of a credit in one will not guarantee credit in the other. For example, a building
which receives a high BREEAM score will not necessarily receive a high LEED score
(Julien, 2005).

3.2.2 Assessment tools for housing

The UK roadmap to zero carbon is one of the world‘s most ambitious programmes in
terms of carbon reduction (NHBC, 2009). In response, a specific rating tool for
housing has been developed. The Code for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Homes
aims to be a single guideline for the UK housing industry. It sets out to improve the
overall sustainability of new homes and give homebuyers improved information
about potential running costs and the environmental impact of their new home (CLG,

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The Code for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Homes assesses the sustainability of a
home across nine categories including; water, energy, minerals, surface run-off,
waste, pollution, health and well being and, management and ecology. There are
minimum requirements for each level of the Code (Bailey et al., 2007). A star rating
system is used to communicate the overall sustainability of a home, from one star to
six stars. Factors affecting the overall rating are; building fabric and heat loss; lighting
efficiency; low/zero carbon technologies; work and live opportunity; water
consumption; material specification; flood risk; recycling facilities; construction
waste; day lighting; sound insulation; private space; flexibility in design for a lifetime
home; home user guide; security; and, ecological impact (CLG, 2009).

3.2.3 Consultation on the current Code for Energy efficient and ecofriendly

There has been uncertainty and concern over the definition of zero carbon homes,
especially the definition within the Code for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Homes.
In response to the concerns within the industry, in 2008 Communities and Local
Government (CLG) conducted a consultation on the definition of zero carbon homes
(ZCH, 2009). The main concern within the industry was underlined by the UK Green
Building Council who indicated that level six of the Code for Energy efficient and
ecofriendly Homes included a definition of zero carbon which would be unattainable
for as many as 80 per cent of new homes.

3.2.4 Pakistan Green Building

Building and construction sector are responsible for almost 40% of global greenhouse
gas emissions.

And that is only today by 2060, the floor area of buildings will be double, adding
more than 230 billion m2 in new building construction.

Buildings account for about a third of C02 emissions, and will continue to rise under a
business-as-usual scenario. To play its part in limiting global temperature increase to
2 degrees, the sector must reduce emissions by 84 GtC02 by 2050.

Green Building is the solution.

Cost-effective, it generates wide economic, health, and social benefits for all. We -
World Green Building Council, national Green Building Councils and member

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companies - commit to mobilising a global market transformation in order to advance

by 2030 and achieve by 2050 two fundamental goals:

1. Net Zero carbon new building

2. Energy efficiency and deep refurbishment of existing stock

3.3 Data Analysis

3.3.1 Strategy for Energy efficient and ecofriendly Affordable Housing

Meeting housing demand is one of the main policy priorities in Mexico, as the acute
housing deficit in the country is estimated at 8.9 million homes – more than a third of
the existing stock (Maes et al., 2011). To respond to this challenge, government
launched an ambitious National Housing Programme (NHP) to facilitate the delivery
of six million affordable homes during2008-2012. However, the National Housing
Commission (CONAVI) estimated that this new housing stock would accumulate
considerable CO2 emissions (33 Mton above the baseline within a decade). A set of
measures were consequently designed to mitigate this effect. Apart from developing
green regulations and standardization for new developments, CONAVI and the
Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT), the
major mortgage provider in the country, launched the Hipoteca Verde (Green
Mortgage) programme in 2007.The programme provides additional affordable
mortgages and 20% subsidies to qualifying households to buy homes equipped with
the so-called Basic Package of pre-approved eco-technologies (energy-efficient
lighting, solar water heaters, thermal isolation and reflective paint and coating on
roofs and walls, separated solid waste containers, energy efficient gas water heaters,
as well as water-saving toilets and taps). The idea is that the eco-technologies will
provide savings to the households who can therefore afford taking a larger loan, while
the initiative also overcomes the barrier of the higher initial cost of the eco-
technology. According to CONAVI, each home in question has saved 1-1.5 tons of
CO2 emissions per year. CONAVI has also started providing additional 20% Basic
Package subsidies within its Ésta es tu Casa (This is Your House) programme, which
already includes 20-25% subsidies for families who earn less than 2.6 minimal wages
and who do not normally qualify for a green mortgage(Maes et al., 2011).14 national
agencies joined efforts to promote the Integrated Energy efficient and ecofriendly
Urban Developments certification (DUIS), which assists private projects in building
new towns where employment, infrastructure, transportation, social services

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and utilities, and the environmental considerations are holistically addressed. The
DUIS are planned in conjunction with large-scale projects for new employment
centres; more than a million inhabitants are expected to occupy them in 20 years.
Because of access to cheap finance and further government assistance, these projects
achieve high economy of scale, while government-subsidised mortgages ensure stable
demand for the new-built housing. However, the sustainability of the new housing
policy depends upon continuing political will in Mexico. Critics also argue that many
new communities are planned far from the existing centres of growth and may
eventually be left abandoned or otherwise encourage motorized commuting.
Furthermore, the affordable housing programmes are yet to reach the majority of the

Table 3.1: Guiding Matrix for Assessment of Environmental Sustainability

3.4 Formulation of Study

 Mainstreaming refers to the support we can give governments as they incorporate
the agenda in their national and local strategies, plans, and budgets, and strengthen
their data systems.

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 On acceleration, we can help identify the obstacles and bottlenecks in the way of
making progress on goals and targets, and to identify actions which could speed
up progress on multiple targets at the same time. We draw on many successful
examples from the use of a specific MDG acceleration tool in more than fifty
countries in recent years.( Framework in March 2016)

 On policy support, we can provide coordinated and demand-driven advice and

technical assistance across many Goals, drawing on the great depth and breadth of
knowledge and programme experience gained by the UN over many decades.

Across the three components of MAPS, we will seek to build and facilitate
partnerships, improve data, and deepen accountability.

The sheer breadth of the agenda, plus the welcome call to leave no one behind, means
that we will have to change the way we work with governments and other partners to
produce, make available, and analyze data. We hear the call of Secretary Balisacan in
his UNGA statement ―for official statistics to be more disaggregated, frequent, timely,
and accessible‖. We need the information to avoid the risk of leaving the most
vulnerable behind and not properly addressing new challenges that impede
development and harm our planet.

The Philippines is privileged to have Statistician Dr. Lisa Bersales who co-chairs the
Inter-agency and Experts Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG), and we are
confident that, under her able leadership and with the invaluable inputs of all
participants, the outcome of this work will be satisfactory leading to the SDG
Indicator( Framework in March 2016).

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Chapter 4


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4.1 Data Analysis

Energy efficiency in housing the generation of energy is the main contributor to CO2
emissions and climate change and it also results in many other forms of
environmental pollution. Housing is responsible for as much as a quarter of the global
operational energy demand (embodied energy used in construction notwithstanding).
This energy is used for space and water heating and cooling, cooking, lighting, and
operation of other energy-consuming activities within homes. The use of this energy
is in fact a necessary condition to support life and social activities in houses. Yet, as
discussed above, millions do not even have access to clean energy or struggle to
afford it in sufficient quantities because of the cost (leading to the phenomenon of
―energy poverty‖). Improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy is a way
to address this complex knot of environmental and social problems. It is widely
acknowledged that the cost of investing in the hosing energy efficiency is commonly
smaller than gains achieved over a medium-term period from resultant energy
savings. Energy savings also mean avoided energy and CO 2 generation. This also
makes the residential sector one of the most cost effective (in fact, profitable)
mechanisms for the reduction of CO2 emissions. To reduce energy demand and
carbon footprint from residential buildings a range of solutions may be used
(Golubchikov, 2009):

 Planning and optimising the orientation and interrelation of buildings in space, as

well as optimising walls‘ and roof‘s albedo (by paint or greening), in order to use
the opportunities offered by passive heating, lighting and active shading.

 Better insulating the structural elements of houses - walls, windows, doors, roofs -
in combination with a better ventilation (allows keeping houses warmer in cold
periods and colder in hot periods).

 Installing energy efficient appliances for heating, cooling, cooking and lighting
and ventilation.

 Improving the efficiency of utilities supplying houses with electricity, gas, water,

 Developing local low-carbon power plants servicing housing (e.g. district heating
and cooling based on combined heat and power generation, renewable electricity

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 Equipping houses with renewable electricity or heat generating installations


 Reducing energy-intensive building materials and technologies used in


 Incentivizing and disciplining households through energy metering and billing.

 Capacity building activities to raise awareness of the importance of energy

savings and how it can be achieved. These solutions are equally applicable to both
cold and warm environments, although climatic considerations affect the use and
priority of particular building techniques. For example, thermal insulation and
solar gains need to be augmented in colder climates, while a greater role is given
to passive cooling, shading and wind tunneling in hotter climates.

How about indoor air quality in energy efficient houses? Modern highly energy-
efficient houses are characterized by high levels of air tightness to stop warm or cold
air losses. This requires extra measures to ventilate houses. Commonly used is
mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. It operates by electricity and recovers heat
or cold from the used air indoor and exchanges it with the fresh incoming air, thus
providing good air quality and comfort. The installation of such systems is, however,
unaffordable for the majority in developing countries. And yet, it is not even
necessary to have so high levels of insulation. A knowledgeable use of traditional
materials and thermal mass, combined with natural ventilation systems (e.g. wind-
driven cross ventilation or stack ventilation), may be sufficient to protect the house
from a cold or hot climate and to considerably reduce its energy demand, while still
allowing the house to ―breathe‖ naturally. In any case, it is the imperative that indoor
air quality must prevail over energy consideration, as inadequate ventilation may
damage the health much more than poor insulation – particularly if ―dirty energy‖ or
smoking is practiced indoor. Building codes, model designs, and related monitoring
should include indoor air quality considerations alongside energy.

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Winter Summer Summer

Source: Hendler and Thompson-Smeddle, 2009:14

Figure 4.1: Window overhangs: using passive lighting and active shading.

Embodied (embedded) energy The amount of energy used in buildings during their
full lifecycle is not only due to their direct energy consumption (energy-in-use), but
also due to energy used during construction and demolition. Concrete and steel
manufacturing, extraction of raw materials, and transportation of construction
materials contribute to the energy use and carbon footprint of a building. It is often the
case that buildings that are allegedly ‗low-energy‘ are built without due consideration
of these ‗embodied‘ forms of energy consumption. Although they consume little
operational energy, their embodied energy is such that over their lifecycle, their
carbon footprint can still be larger than that of the buildings with a lower operational
efficiency but built in a energy efficient and ecofriendly way and using local materials
with low embodied energy. The choice of materials and their transportation is among
major considerations for both construction and refurbishment. An analysis of the
relationship between embodied energy and energy-in-use helps ensure a better choice
of building materials. There is, for example, a variety of energy modeling software
tools that can assist architects and engineers in optimising the building design for
reduced energy demand (with the caveat that all models have their own limitations
and never fully predict real life situations). A house designer needs to understand the
environmental effect of all aspects of a house, including the delivery cost of building
materials, and the possibility of disassembling building elements for refurbishment
and recycling. An optimal way to save embodied energy (and to reduce the cost) is to
ensure that residential buildings last longer – through, for example, integrating
features from the outset to reduce the need for costly and wasteful repairs and retrofits

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over the medium term. One technique that has been experimented with is integrating
local traditional energy efficient and ecofriendly and durable materials into
prefabricated construction

Water efficiency Water efficiency at construction sites, in the manufacturing of

building materials and in completed houses is a crucial element in achieving energy
efficient and ecofriendly housing, given both the depletion of fresh water resources
globally and shortages of clean fresh water supply in many socially challenging
environments. The residents of poor areas and slums in many developing cities,
especially women, spend a lot of time of their life in collecting water from remote
sources, while also often having to pay disproportionably high to the suppliers of
potable water compared to their compatriots enjoying a centralised water supply. As
regards to residential buildings, water is typically used for the following purposes:

 Bath and shower

 Toilet

 Laundry

 Cooking

 Cleaning

 Gardening

 Water losses due to leaks.

The following energy efficient and ecofriendly practices are commonly implemented:

 Minimisation of water losses and leaks,

 Rainwater and snowmelt harvesting systems,

 Re-use of water,

 Water efficient installations in houses,

 Waterless and low-flow technologies,

 The installation of water metering systems (for incentivizing water saving).

These systems may range from highly sophisticated and high-tech to low-cost
that can be particularly appropriate to improve.

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4.2 Design Brief

The building industry is a vital element of any economy but has a significant impact
on the environment. By virtue of its size, construction is one of the largest users of
energy, material resources, and water, and it is a formidable polluter. In response to
these impacts, there is growing consensus among organizations committed to
environmental performance targets that appropriate strategies and actions are needed
to make building activities more energy efficient and eco friendly. With respect to
such significant influence of the building industry, the energy efficient and
ecofriendly building approach has a high potential to make a valuable contribution
to energy efficient and ecofriendly development. Sustainability is a broad and
complex concept, which has grown to be one of the major issues in the building
industry. The idea of sustainability involves enhancing the quality of life, thus
allowing people to live in a healthy environment, with improved social, economic
and environmental conditions. A energy efficient and ecofriendly project is
designed, built, renovated, operated or reused in an ecological and resource efficient
manner. It should meet a number of certain objectives: resource and energy
efficiency; CO2 and GHG emissions reduction; pollution prevention; mitigation of
noise; improved indoor air quality; harmonization with the environment. An ideal
project should be inexpensive to build, last forever with modest maintenance, but
return completely to the earth when abandoned.

Building industry practitioners have begun to pay attention to controlling and

correcting the environmental damage due to their activities. Architects, designers,
engineers and others involved in the building process have a unique opportunity to
reduce environmental impact through the implementation of sustainability objectives
at the design development stage of a building project. While current sustainability
initiatives, strategies and processes focus on wider global aspirations and strategic
objectives, they are noticeably weak in addressing micro-level (project specific
level) integrated decision-making. Paradoxically, it is precisely at the micro-levels
that sustainability objectives have to be translated into concrete practical actions, by
using a holistic approach to facilitate decision making. Although new technologies
such as Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
(BREEAM), Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES),
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) etc., are constantly being

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developed and updated to complement current practices in creating energy efficient

and ecofriendly structures, the common objective is that buildings are designed to
reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural

This paper therefore compliments existing research in the field of sustainability by

reporting the development a conceptual framework for implementing sustainability
objectives at the project-specific level in the building industry from a life-cycle
perspective. The framework contributes to the industry and sustainability research
by demonstrating the scale of the issues involved, beginning with an assessment of
the environmental challenges the industry faces. It puts forward strategies and
methods to mitigate the environmental impacts of construction activities, thereby
facilitating the sustainability of building projects.

4.2.1 Energy efficient and ecofriendly Building Principles

It is estimated that by 2056, global economic activity will have increased fivefold,
global population will have increased by over 50%, global energy consumption will
have increased nearly threefold, and global manufacturing activity will have
increased at least threefold. Globally, the building sector is arguably one of the most
resource-intensive industries. Compared with other industries, the building industry
rapidly growing world energy use and the use of finite fossil fuel resources has
already raised concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy resources and
heavy environmental impacts—ozone layer depletion, carbon dioxide emissions,
global warming, climate change. Building material production consumes energy, the
construction phase consumes energy, and operating a completed building consumes
energy for heating, lighting, power and ventilation. In addition to energy
consumption, the building industry is considered as a major contributor to
environmental pollution, a major consumption of raw materials, with 3 billion tons
consume annually or 40% of global use and produces an enormous amount of waste.

The principal issues associated with the key energy efficient and ecofriendly
building themes has been mapped out and collated in the Table 1.

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Table 4.1: Energy efficient and ecofriendly building issues.

Improved productivity; Consistent profit growth; Employee satisfaction; Supplier

satisfaction; Client satisfaction Minimizing defects; Shorter and more predictable
completion time; Lower cost projects with increased cost predictability; Delivering
services that provide best value to clients and focus on developing client business.

Minimizing polluting emissions; Preventing nuisance from noise and dust by good
site and depot management; Waste minimization and elimination; Preventing
pollution incidents and breaches of environmental requirements; Habitat creation and
environmental improvement; Protection of sensitive ecosystems through good
construction practices and supervision; Green transport plan for sites and business

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Energy efficient at depots and sites; Reduced energy consumption in business

activities; Design for whole-life costs; Use of local supplies and materials with low
embodied energy; Lean design and construction avoiding waste; Use of
recycled/sustainability sourced products Water and Waste minimization and
management Provision of effective training and appraisals; Equitable terms and
conditions; Provision of equal opportunities; Health, safety and conducive working
environment; Maintaining morale and employee satisfaction;

Participation in decision-making; Minimizing local nuisance and disruption;

Minimizing traffic disruptions and delays; Building effective channels of
communication; Contributing to the local economy through local employment and
procurement; Delivering services that enhance the local environment; Building long-
term relationships with clients; Building long-term relationships with local suppliers;
Corporate citizenship; Delivering services that provide best value to clients and
focus on developing client business.

Energy efficient and ecofriendly building approach is considered as a way for the
building industry to move towards achieving energy efficient and ecofriendly
development taking into account environmental, socio and economic issues, as
shown in Table 1. It is also a way to portray the industry‘s responsibility towards
protecting the environment. The practice of energy efficient and ecofriendly building
refers to various methods in the process of implementing building projects that
involve less harm to the environment—i.e., prevention of waste production,
increased reuse of waste in the production of building material—i.e., waste
management, beneficial to the society, and profitable to the company. Hill and
Bowen state that energy efficient and ecofriendly building starts at the planning
stage of a building and continues throughout its life to its eventual deconstruction
and recycling of resources to reduce the waste stream associated with demolition.
The authors then describe energy efficient and ecofriendly building as consisting of
four principles: social, economic, biophysical and technical. Amongst the published
work relating to the principles of energy efficient and ecofriendly building are
collated in Table 2.

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Table 4.2. Principles of energy efficient and ecofriendly development.

In general, there is a consensus that the breadth of the principle of energy efficient
and ecofriendly building mirrors those of energy efficient and ecofriendly
development, which is about synergistic relationships between economic, social and
environmental aspects of sustainability. Each of these three pillars (and their related
principles) is over-arched by a set of process-orientated principles, including:

1. The undertaking of assessments prior to the commencement of proposed

activities assists in the integration of information relating to social,

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economic, biophysical and technical aspects of the decision making


2. The timeous involvement of key stakeholders in the decision making process;

3. The promotion of interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder relations (between

the public and private sectors, contractors, consultants, nongovernmental)
should take place in a participatory, interactive and consensual manner;

4. The recognition of the complexity of the sustainability concept in order to

make sure that alternative courses of action are compared. This is so that the
project objectives and the stakeholders are satisfied with the final action
implemented; the use of a life cycle framework recognizes the need to
consider all the principles of energy efficient and ecofriendly construction
at each stage of a project‘s development.

5. i.e., from the planning to the decommissioning of projects);

6. The use of a system‘s approach acknowledges the interconnections between

the economics and environment. A system‘s approach is also referred to as
an integrated (design) process;

7. That care should be taken when faced with uncertainty;

8. compliance with relevant legislation and regulations;

9. The establishment of a voluntary commitment to continual improvement of

(energy efficient and eco friendly) performance;

10. The management of activities through the setting of targets, monitoring,

evaluation, feedback and self-regulation of progress. This iterative process
can be used to improve implementation in order to support a continuous
learning process; and

11. The identification of synergies between the environment and development.

These principles will form a framework for achieving energy efficient and
ecofriendly building that includes an environmental assessment during the planning
and design stages of building projects, and the implementation of energy efficient
and ecofriendly practices. It will be used to guide the process of construction at all
levels and within all disciplines. From them, it is possible to extrapolate an endless
series of project- or discipline-specific principles and guidelines, which can assure

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that decisions taken follow the road of energy efficient and ecofriendly

Building construction practitioners worldwide are beginning to appreciate

sustainability and acknowledge the advantages of implementing energy efficient and
ecofriendly principles in building projects. For example, the concept of energy
efficient and ecofriendly building costs lower than conventional method and saves
energy as demonstrated by Hydes and Creech. This was further supported by
Pettifer, who added that energy efficient and ecofriendly buildings will contribute
positively to better quality of life, work efficiency and healthy work environment.
Pettifer explored the business benefits of sustainability and concluded that the
benefits are diverse and potentially very significant.

1. Resource conservation

2. Cost efficiency and

3. Design for Human adaptation

Sustainable building objectives and strategies


Resource conservation Cost efficiency Design for Human adaptation


1. Energy conservation 1. Initial cost (Purchase cost) 1. Protecting Human health and
2. Material conservation 2. Cost in use comfort
3. Water conservation 3. Recovery cost 2. Protecting physical resources
4. Land conservation

Figure 4.2. Framework for implementing sustainability in building construction.

4.2.2 Energy Conservation

Energy use is one of the most important environmental issues and managing its use
is inevitable in any functional society. Buildings are the dominant energy

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Buildings consume energy and other resources at each stage of building project from
design and construction through operation and final demolition. According to
Lenzen and Treloar, the kind and amount of energy use during the life cycle of a
building material, right from the production process to handling of building
materials after its end life can, for example, affect the flow of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) to the atmosphere in different ways over different periods of time. Their
consumption can be largely cut back through improving efficiency, which is an
effective means to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and slow down depletion of
nonrenewable energy resources. With this realization, increasing more attention is
being paid to the improved energy conservation in building sector over the years,
partly because the sector harbours a considerable potential of primary energy saving
and reduction of emissions, having a negative impact on the environment.

Energy use in a life cycle perspective includes energy needed for both operational
and embodied energy. The operational energy requirements of a building can be
considered as the energy that is used to maintain the environment inside that

Figure 4.3: Stages of energy input during the life of a building.

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As the energy needed for operation decreases, more attention has to be paid to the
energy use for the material production, which is the embodied energy. The
embodied energy of a building is the total energy required in the creation of a
building, including the direct energy used in the construction and assembly process,
and the indirect energy that is required to manufacture the materials and components
of the building. This indirect energy will include all energy required from the raw
material extraction, through processing and manufacture, and will also include all
energy used in transport during this process and the relevant portions of the energy
embodied in the infrastructure of the factories and machinery of manufacturing,
construction and transport. The energy life of a building can therefore be considered
to be made up of numerous inputs of operational and embodied energy throughout a
building life cycle as shown in Figure 3.

Therefore the main goal in energy conservation is to reduce the consumption of

fossil fuels, as well as increasing the use of renewable energy sources. This could be
achieved by the consideration of the following methods.

1. Choices of materials and construction methods are important to reduce energy

consumption of a building through reduced solar heat gain or loss, thus reducing
air-conditioning loads. Choosing materials with low embodied energy will help
to reduce energy consumed through mining, processing, manufacturing and
transporting the materials. For instance, aluminium has a very high embodied
energy because of the large amount of electricity consumed to mine the raw
material. True low energy building design will consider this important aspect
and take a broader life cycle approach to energy assessment.

2. Insulating the building envelope is the most important of all energy conservation
measures because it has the greatest impact on energy expenditure. A well
designed and installed insulation can reduce the amount of heat lost through the
building envelope by at least half [48]. Draughts and heat loss will be eliminated
with an air-tightness strategy, where existing vents and chimneys will be
blocked, floors and ceilings will be insulated, and walls will be coated with
modified plaster. Heat recovery in high temperature areas such as kitchens and
bathrooms, will achieve optimum energy efficiency through a mechanical
ventilation unit that takes heat from these areas and uses it elsewhere in the

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3. Designing for energy efficient deconstruction and recycling of materials cut

energy consumption in manufacturing and save on natural resources. Buildings
designed for deconstruction will include the disentanglement of systems, and
reductions in chemically disparate binders, adhesives or coatings—or thermal/
chemical/ mechanical means to better separate constituent materials [49]. They
will include a construction blueprint and also a deconstruction blueprint. They
will have bar codes for materials so that the deconstruction contractor will have
―handling‖ instructions for the material or component upon removal. These
buildings will have self-supporting and self-stabilizing components, component
accessibility designed in, and built- in tie-offs and connection points for workers
and machinery. Most importantly, buildings that facilitate reuse and recycling
will use non-hazardous materials, bio-based materials, high quality and highly
recyclable materials. Design for deconstruction offers possibilities for the design
of buildings that will close the loop of materials-use in building, and help make
the transition towards a zero-energy building industry.

4.3 Technical concepts and methods

4.3.1 Energy consumption of buildings
The energy consumption of buildings could be discussed in narrow sense or broad
sense. In narrow sense, energy consumption means the energy that a building
consumes during its operating period, which usually includes four sectors: space
heating and cooling, household electricity, ventilation, and hot water. In a general
condition, space heating and cooling will consume most of the energy and have
close relation with building design. Household electricity and hot water are both
independent systems, whose energy consumption depends on themselves and has
less relation with architectural design. Mechanical ventilation consumes the least
energy. Therefore in more narrow sense, the energy consumption of house mainly
means space heating and cooling.

In broad sense, energy consumption should be discussed in LCA perspective, which

should include the energy consumption during the whole life cycle of a building, not
only in its operating period, but also its material production, transportation,
construction, and demolition periods. The LCA principle has been adapted in most
modern environmental assessment methods, as well energy consumption
assessment. E.g. from a LCA perspective, aluminium is not recommended even if it

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has good physical characteristic, because of its high energy consumption in

production phase.

However, less than 10% of energy is consumed in construction phase and most of
energy is consumed in the operating phase of the buildings. Hence the article mainly
discusses the energy consumption in narrow sense.

4.3.2 Indoor Comfort

Energy consumption is the external reflection of human activities. If the residents

did not use heating and cooling facilities, did not use electrical appliances, all
buildings would be ―energy efficient‖. Unfortunately, it is impossible in the modern
societies, which means indoor comfort is the precondition of the energy efficient
buildings. Indoor climate includes thermal environment, luminous environment, and
sonic environment. Above all, thermal environment is the basic factor.

The human body continuously produces heat by its metabolic processes. This heat
must be dissipated to the environment, or else the body temperature will increase.
The body‘s thermal balance can be express as:

M ± Rd ± Cv ± Cd – Ev = ΔS


M = metabolic heat production

Rd = net radiation exchange

Cv = convection (incl. respiration)

Cd = conduction

Ev = evaporation (incl. in respiration)

ΔS = change in stored heat.

A condition of equilibrium is that the sum (ΔS) is zero and such equilibrium is a
precondition of thermal comfort at the 50% RH and less than 0.15m/s airflow speed
(Figure 7). However, comfort is defined as ―the condition of mind that expresses
satisfaction with the thermal environment, it requires subjective evaluation‖. This
clearly embraces factors beyond the physical / physiological. (Szokolay, 2004)

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Figure 4.4: Heat exchanges of human body. (Source: Szokolay S.V. Introduction to
Architectural Science, the Basis of Sustainable Design, p16)

To keep the indoor fresh air it is necessary to exchange air with outdoor, which is
the main function of ventilation system (Table 2).

Table 4.3: Typical Ventilation Requirements. (Source: Szokolay S.V. Introduction

to Architectural Science, the Basis of Sustainable Design, p264)

Function Air changes per hour

Kitchen, other than domestic 20
Kitchen, domestic 10
Laundry, boiler room, operating theatre 15
Canteen, restaurant, dance hall 10 ~ 15
Cinema, theatre, lavatory 6 ~ 10
Bathroom, bank hall, parking station 6
Office, laboratory 4~6
Library 3~4
Staircase, corridor (non-domestic) 2
All other domestic rooms 1
Air inhaled: at sedentary activity 0.5m3/h
at heavy work, up to 5m3/h Limitation: CO2
content, absolute limit 0.5%
markedly ‗used air‖ effect 0.15%

A problem of ventilation system that should be solved is the thermal loss. The
difficulty of house‘s ventilation system is the building‘s small space, which requires

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a relatively simple system. The most rational solution should be ventilation systems
with chimney effect instead of large-scale central ventilation systems applied in
commercial buildings (Figure 8).

Figure 4.5. Principle of a ventilation system. (Source: City of Hannover, Hannover

Kronsberg Handbook – Planning and Realisation, p99)

4.3.3 Passive House

Comfort and energy conservation are two aspects to describe building characters.
They are related and restricted each other. In a general logic perspective, to improve
the indoor comfort will consume more energy. But the energy efficient buildings try
to provide the high indoor comfort with the low energy consumption. In the last
twenty years various so-called ―energy saving‖ measures have been conceived,
developed, and implemented in building envelope systems and also their associated
environmental control systems such as lighting, heating, and cooling systems.
Those measures can be categorised into two groups: those for ―passive‖ systems and
those for ―active‖ systems (Mia Ala-Juusela, VTT, 2003).

―Passive‖ systems are building shell systems using various potentials in the
environment such as the sun, wind, and others to illuminate, heat, ventilate, and cool
the indoor climate. The evolution process of passive systems has emerged with the
human civilization. The capability of building envelope increased continuously with
the development of material science and construction technologies. However, the
best passive system still has a disadvantage: relying on the surrounding natural
environment but lack of the ability of active adjustment when the situation may be
extremely tough.

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―Active‖ systems are equipments which can adjust the temperature, humidity, air
flow, brightness and other elements of indoor climate. They may be old fireplaces or
modern air conditionings, old candles or modern electric bulbs. Whatever, active
systems need the external energy to drive. In the most occasions, the external energy
is fossil fuels. Most of the active systems are independently working and do not
necessarily work with passive systems.

Passive systems usually do not consume energy, so they are the total energy efficient

The term ―Passive House‖ refers to a construction standard, which is a refinement of

the Low- energy House (LEH) standard (Table 3). The main point of LEH standard
is that no more than 65 kw/m² of energy may be used for heating purposes.
Application of this standard would reduce the consumption of oil for heating
purposes from 12-15 litres to 6.5 litres per square metre heated (European
Commission). To get the LEH standard, the house should have better heat
insulation: not less than 14cm thickness of insulation material, no heat bridge,
windows with double glazing and good air tight frames.

"Passive Houses" are buildings which assure a comfortable indoor climate in

summer and in winter without needing a conventional heat distribution system (Feist
et al. 2001). The heat insulation of Passive Houses is so good that the heat radiation
from human bodies and house appliances can meet the heating requirements. The
house heats itself, so it is called ―zero-energy house‖ too. For European passive
construction, prerequisite to this capability is an annual heating requirement that is
less than 15 kWh/(m²a), and the combined primary energy consumption of living
area may not exceed 42kWh/(m²a) for heat, hot water and household electricity.
With this as a starting point, additional energy requirements may be completely
covered using renewable energy sources (Passive House).

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Table 4.4. Technical Index of Passive House (Source: Passive House homepage)

Items Requirements
Measure Specification
Passive Passive solar gain Optimized south- Close to 40% contribution to
solar facing glazing space
gain heating demand
Super-glazing Low-Emissivity U-value 0.75 W/(m²K),
triple glazing solar transmission
factor 50%
Super-frames Super-insulated U-value 0.8 W/(m²K)
window frames
Super- Building shell Superinsulation U-value ca. 0.15 W/(m²K)
insulat Building element Thermal-bridge- (linear thermal
ion junctions free construction transmittance, exterior
dimensions) < 0.01 W/(mK)
Air-tightness Airtight building less than 0.6 air changes per
envelope hour at n50
Combining Hygienic ventilation Directed air flow Around 30 m³ per hour and
efficient through whole person
heat building; exhaust
recovery air extracted
with from damp rooms
supplemen Heat recovery Counterflow air-to- Heat transfer efficiency
tary air heat 80%
supply air exchanger
heating Latent heat recovery Compact heat Max. heat load 10 W/m²
from exhaust air pump unit
Subsoil heat Fresh air Fresh air temperature 8°C
exchanger preheating
Electric efficiency means Through fitting the Passive Houses with efficient
efficient appliances household appliances, hot water connections for
washing machines and dishwashers, airing cabinets
and compact fluorescent lamps, electricity
consumption is also slashed – by 50% compared to
the average housing stock, without any loss of
comfort or convenience.
Meeting the remaining energy Cost-optimized solar thermal systems should meet
demand with renewable about 40–60% of the entire low-temperature heat
demand. Over the annual balance, the remaining
energy consumption (for space heating, domestic
hot water and household electricity) is offset
completely by renewable sources.

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Advantages of Passive House

 Low primary energy consumption.

 Simple concept.
 Developed constructions and productions.

Shortcomings of Passive House

 Difficult to obtain the highest indoor comfort.

 High costs for buildings.

Low Energy Systems

The active systems need energy to drive. Energy can be grouped into two kinds: low
valued energy and high valued energy.

Energy is a kind of energy that is entirely convertible into other types of energy
(Ala-Juusela, 2003). High valued energy such as electricity and mechanical
workload consists of pure energy. Low valued energy has a limited convertibility
potential, for instance, heat close to room air temperature. Low energy heating and
cooling systems allow the use of low valued energy, which is delivered by
sustainable energy sources, for instance, by using heat pumps, solar collectors, either
separate or linked to waste heat, energy storage etc. Common energy carriers like
fossil fuels deliver high valued energy. Actually, what we talk about is saving
energy, not energy.

Both a 12V/2.3Ah car-battery and 1 kg water at a temperature of 43 °C in an

ambient temperature of 20 °C have 100kJ energy. But it is obvious that the battery
is more useful, easier to transform into something useful for us, than the water. So
the battery has more energy than the water (Ala-Juusela, 2003).

High valued energy is easy to be used, but most of them are generated from fossil
fuels. Low valued energy source is difficult to utilize, but most of them are
sustainable, for instance, geothermal energy, wind energy, industrial waste energy,
etc. Future buildings will be planned to use or to be suited to use low valued energy
sources for heating and cooling. The development of low temperature heating and
high temperature cooling systems is a necessary prerequisite for the usage of
alternative energy sources.

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High valued energy was widely used in heating and cooling because of its high
energy. But high temperature heating and low temperature cooling systems also
have some problems: the large difference in temperature between heat exchangers
and air leads indoor temperature inhomogeneous in space; the low temperature of
cooling system is easy to dew; the facilities and tubes should be able to endure high
temperature; soft water is preferred to avoid sediment incrustation. The development
of LowEn systems can exactly solve these problems (Ala-Juusela, 2003).

LowEn systems use low temperature difference between cooling or heating media
and the inside on the building. Due to the heating and cooling media temperature is
close to the air temperature, the indoor temperature is high comfortable and
homogeneous, tubes are hardly to incrust or dew, and the facilities need not be heat-
resistant. The low temperature requirement makes it realistic to utilize low valued
energy, for instance industrial waste heat, river / lake waters, solar energy, wind
energy etc. All of them are difficult to be used in general occasions because of their
low energy, but they also have a couple of notable advantages: low costs, wide
distribution, and eco-friendly.

LowEn technologies can be grouped into five sets: Surface Heating and Cooling (S),
Air Heating and Cooling (A), Generation / Conversion of Cold and Heat (G),
Thermal Storage (T), and Distribution (D) (Ala-Juusela, 2003). The first two sets are
more related with architecture design while the last three sets are more related with
energy subjects. Surface Heating and Cooling is applicable to active indoor thermal
adjustment and Air Heating and Cooling is applicable to heat recovery. Here the
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are not only the
accessories of buildings, but also the parts of constructions. So it should be
considered during the architecture design overall.

Advantages of LowEn systems

 High indoor comfort compared with Passive House.

 Energy efficiency.

 Wide applicability.

 Space efficiency.

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Shortcomings of LowEn systems

 Not more energy efficient than Passive House.

 Complicated constructions.

 High costs.

It should be emphasized that either Passive House or LowEx is not a single technical
method, but a group of a series of relative technical methods. Both of them include
tens of techniques and some of them are repeated.

4.4 Site Details

4.4.1 Introduction
In Pakistan, most of the areas come under hot composite climate zone in which hot
season dominates with the variation in climate. Nicol and others (1999) concluded
that as a result of overheating, there is usually a diurnal temperature variation. Multan,
located in Southern Punjab, features an arid climate with very hot summers and mild
winters, represents hot composite climate zone. The building construction practices in
Multan are an amalgam of building methods and design solutions that range from
traditional techniques, materials and spatial patterns to advanced industrial materials
and hybrid new building forms. Traditional use of masonry architectural construction
in local materials were experienced and they proved to be the reliable solutions to
basic building design, construction methods and techniques. But due to colonial
construction practices and post colonial socio-economic realities, this tradition has
been disintegrated.

The objective of the study is to evaluate architectural design elements of energy

efficiency and investigate user perception of comfort in public buildings of hot
composite climate of Multan. The study will help the building professionals,
authorities, policy makers and concerned citizens to understand the appropriate
building design approach with reference to thermal and user comfort.

4.4.2 Climate of Multan

Generally, climate has been classified into six major zones: cold and sunny; cold and
cloudy; warm and humid; hot and dry; composite and moderate. The climatic
elements are the variables which affect the building performance. The variables which
directly affect thermal comfort are temperature, humidity, solar radiation and air

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- Air temperature, measured in degree Celsius, determining the requirement of

heating or cooling and varied by other climatic parameters of wind speed and

- Air humidity, usually termed as Relative Humidity is a measure of the amount

of moisture present in the air and it is expressed as;

• American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Absolute Humidity (AH)
RH = ——–––——–––—— x 100%
Saturation Point Humidity (SH)

Figure 4.6: Mean average temperature of Multan, Pakistan (Source: Meterological

Station, Lahore)


- AH is amount of moisture actually present in unit volume of air, in terms of g/kg

or g/m3.

- SH is the maximum amount of moisture that a unit volume of air can hold at that

- Solar radiation, which falls upon the area during each season and determines
the temperature.

- Wind speed, measured in m/s by anemometer while the wind direction is

measured by a wind vane.

The climate of Southern Punjab has been classified as ‗warm composite climate‘ in
which hot dry, hot humid and cold prevail (SABDSP, 2005). Meteorological

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Department Lahore (2008) observed the maximum (hot) /peak temperature of Multan
in June – July and minimum in Dec – Jan (Figure 7), the relative humidity is lowest
during May – June and highest in Dec – Jan (Figure 8)

Figure 4.7: Average Relative Humidity of Multan, Pakistan (Source:

Meterological Station, Lahore)

and the normal wind velocity is 3.5 to 5.2 km/h.; also wind storms are frequent during
March to August generally from west to south or north to east (Figure 9).

Figure 4.8: Average Wind Velocity of Multan, Pakistan (Source: Meterological

Station, Lahore

The interior comfort level recommended for interior environment has been
determined as 28°C for higher limits and 20°C for lower limit. The relative humidity
limit ranges from 20% to 80%.

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4.4.3 Location of the Project Site

Figure 4.9: DHA Multan Road Map

Figure 4.10: Key Plan of DHA Multan

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Figure 4.11: Selected Sector(R) for Ecofriendly Houses

Selected Plots

Four Plots are selected for Energy Efficient and Ecofriendly Houses Design All are
same in Size and Different in Orientations

4.5 Consideration for Eco friendly Design

The immense increase in built environment has added the concept of climate
responsive design. Krishan et al (2001) defined the climate responsive design as an
approach to building design that uses the building architecture to minimize energy
consumption and improve thermal comfort (Figure 2). Buildings affect the climate by
their presence, process of construction and use. Orientation is necessary to avoid
direct exposure to solar radiation of maximum building surface. Provision of
courtyard or open space inside the building prevents exposure of walls from direct
sun. The movement of sun and wind helps to keep the building comparatively cool
during the day and to receive cool air in the night from above.

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Figure 4.12: Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Balance In A Space (Source:
Abaza, H. (2002) An Integrated Design And Control Strategy For Energy Efficient
Buildings, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D. Thesis,
Blacksburg, Virginia)

Figure 4.13: Climate Responsive Design Solution for Warm Humid Climate with
High Diurnal Range (Source: )

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Location and optimum thickness of insulation on walls and roof can reduce the space-
conditioning load by about 15 – 20% (Sozer, 2010). In hot climates, insulation facing
exterior of the walls is recommended. Proper roof treatment depends upon the
climatic needs. Roof insulation is imperative to prevent heat gain into buildings
especially in hot climates and is achieved by using materials with low conductivity
which reduces almost 70% of heat gain. Use of hollow brick constructed roofs and
double roofs are effective as thermal barriers (Devgan, et al. 2010). Mathur and
Chand (2003) suggested that an appropriate thermal insulation and air cavities in
walls reduce heat transmission into the building, especially in hot regions.

By using sun shades and screens the effect of solar radiation can be reduced. Vertical
shades are most effective to protect from direct sun on west and east directions.
Verandahs located on south provide necessary protection from the hot summer sun
and provide suitable sunny space in winters. Traditional use of wooden screens allows
a cross air flow and has low thermal co-efficient (Devgan, et al 2010). Effective size
of openings also prevents solar penetration into interior spaces of building. Louvers,
overhangs or awning with optimum dimensions lined on windows help to control
direct sun entry into the building especially during summer (Schiavon, et al 2010).

The choice of materials also helps to reduce the energy contents of buildings and
maximize indoor comfort. Use of building material with low embodied energy i.e.
energy used in the manufacture of the building material help in reducing energy cost
as well as green house gases created by manufacturing processes; for example straw
fired brick kilns are more environment friendly as compared to coal fired kilns
(Lombard, Ortiz and Pout, 2008). Use of local materials reduces transportation energy
consumption levels, reducing environmental degradation.

4.5.1 Significance of Daylight:

Sustainable architecture makes an efficient use of lighting through control

mechanisms and appropriate design and layout by maximum use of natural daylight in
the buildings (Okeil, 2010).

According to Mahdavi and Doppelbauer (2010), Day lighting design approaches

include four concepts:

- Penetration: collecting natural light inside the building.

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- Distribution: homogenous spreading of light into the spaces.

- Protection: reduction of direct penetration of sun into the building, by shading.

Control: controlling light penetration to avoid visual discomfort.

Figure 4.14: Elements of Passive Solar Design.

(Source: Givoni, B. (1994) Passive And Low Energy Cooling Of Buildings, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York)

Figure 4.15: Single Sided and Cross Ventilation

(Source: Mikler, V. and others (2008) City of Vancouver: Passive Design Toolkit –
Best Practices, LEED ® AP, Canada)

Passive solar designs (Figure 3) reduce energy consumption and are managed
effectively after occupancy (Ralegaonkar and Gupta, 2010).

4.5.2 Significance of Ventilation

Dissipation of accumulated heat in buildings can be achieved by introducing cool air

flow through proper ventilation (Figure 4). Buildings with mechanical systems to
supplement natural ventilation and reduce environmental impact by providing

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comfortable conditions for occupants, create thermally comfortable indoor


By optimizing window size and location, energy can be conserved in most effective
way (Givoni, 1994). Ventilators also help to reduce air motion as hot air rises and
flows through the ventilators. Schiavon et al (2010) discussed about the openings in
the roof which help to induce air movement devoid of windows. Tall shafts with
opening on the top help in sucking up the hot air during day and catch cool night air.
Wind towers can also be used to control wind in a bio climate house and very
effective in hot and dry climate where diurnal variation is high.

4.5.3 Thermal Comfort

According to ASHRAE1, ―thermal comfort is the condition of mind which expresses

satisfaction with the thermal environment‖. Thermal comfort is a series of conditions
in which given population neither feel very hot nor very cold. Comfortable conditions
in mechanically ventilated buildings depend on six variables: air temperature, radiant
temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, occupant‘s activity level and occupant‘s
clothing insulation (Figure 5). All conditions effect bodily heat gain by convection
and heat loss by evaporation. ASHRAE defines a comfort zone based on these
variables where the majority of occupants feel comfortable (ASHRAE, 2004).

There are several models to measure thermal comfort in which two most relevant
models are the Fanger Model and Adaptive Models based on ASHRAE Standards.
The Fanger Model is most commonly used for typical buildings and defines comfort
in terms of air temperature and humidity because these parameters are easy to
measure and control. Mikler et al (2008) described the Adaptive Model to measure
thermal comfort as function of the building is to provide the occupant with the means
to make them comfortable. The current research is based on these two models to
assess the thermal comfort in terms of temperature and humidity of buildings and
energy efficiency by its function with reference to the provision of comfortable means
given in the buildings.

4.5.4 Passive Cooling

Passive cooling is a low energy-intensive method of keeping a building cool by
relying on architectural design. Passive cooling system often utilize the same building
materials found in conventional structures that operate with little or no mechanical

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assistance and are very unlikely to malfunction. Other key aspects of passive cooling
technology described by Givoni (1994) shown in (Figure 6) include the use of
insulating materials that retard heat flow, air infiltration, radiant heat transfer barriers
under the roof, window design, desiccants for moisture reduction and new types of
high performance glass. There is a variety of passive ventilation techniques such as
solar chimneys, trombe walls, wind towers and roof vents. Domed roofs resist solar
gain and improve ventilation. (Chan et al 2010).

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