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Chemistry 01

1. A neutral atom Atomic no.  1 consists of

(a) Only protons
(b) Neutrons + protons
(c) Neutrons + electrons
(d)Neutrons + protons + electrons

2. The size of nucleus is of the order of

(a) 10 12 m
(b) 108 m e
(c) 1015 m
(d) 1010 m

3. The electron is
(a)  -ray particle
(b)  -ray particle
(c) Hydrogen ion
(d) Positron

4. The ratio of charge and mass would be greater for

(a) Proton
(b) Electron
(c) Neutron
(d) Alpha

5. The increasing order of the first ionization enthalpies of the

elements, B,P,S and F (lowest first) is :
a. F<S<P<B
b. P<S<B<F
c. B<P<S<F
d. B<S<P<F
Chemistry 01

6. In which of the following arrangements the order is not according

to the properly indicated against it?
a. Li < Na < K < Rb increasing metallic radius
b. I < Br < F < CI increasing electron gain enthalpy (with negative
c. B<C<N<O increasing first ionization enthalpy
d. AI 3  Mg 2  Na   F  Increasing ionic size.

7. Identify the correct order of the size of the following

a. Ca 2   Ar  K   CI   S 2 
b. Ca 2   K   Ar  S 2   CI 
c. Ca 2   K   Ar  CI   S 2 
d. Ar  Ca 2    K   CI   S 2 

8. The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that

a. Zr and Y have about same radius
b. Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
c. Zr and Hf have about same radius
d. Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state

9. Assuming Hund’s rule is violated, the bond order and magnetic

nature of the diatomic molecule B2 is
(a) 1 and diamagnetic
(b) 1 and paramagnetic
(c) 0 and diamagnetic
(d)0 and paramagnetic
Chemistry 01

10. In which of the following pairs of molecules/ions, the central

atoms have sp2 hybridization?
(a) and H2O
(b) BF3 and
(c) and NH3
(d)BF3 and

11. In which of the following species the central atom has the type of
hybridization which is not the same as that present in the other
(a) Sb
(b) PCI5
(c) SF4

12. Which one of the following species does not exist under normal
(a) B2
(b) Li2

13. Thermos flask is an example a/an

(a) Open system
(b) Isolated system
(c) Closed system
(d)None of these
Chemistry 01

14. Boiling water in an open beaker can exchange with surroundings.

(a) Only energy
(b) Only matter
(c) Both these
(d)None of these

15. Water at its freezing point, in a closed insulated vessel, represents

(a) Open system
(b) Heterogeneous system
(c) Closed system
(d)Homogenous system

16. Which one of the following is not a state function?

(b) U
(c) H
(e) S

17. Which of the following is amorphous substance

(a) CuSOd5HbO
(b) NaCl
(c) gelatinous Al(OH)c

18. The characteristic features of solids are

(a) Definite shape
(b) Definite size,
(c) Definite shape and size
(d)Definite shape, size and rigidity
Chemistry 01

19. The constituent particles of a solid have

(a) translatory motion only
(b) rotatory motion only
(c) vibratory motion only
(d)all the above types of motion

20. Amorphous substances show (A) Short and long range order (B)
Short range order (C) Long range order (D) have no sharp m.p.
(a) A and C are correct
(b) B and C are correct
(c) C and D are correct
(d)B and D are correct

21. A solution is
(a) A mixture of two components
(b) A compound of two components
(c) A homogeneous mixture of two components
(d)All the above

22. Ionic compounds are readily soluble in polar solvents because

(a) They have high solubility in water
(b) Water molecule is polar in nature
(c) Ionic crystals are easily broken down in the polar solvents
(d)Of strong electrostatic forces of attraction between ions of crystals
and the polar solvent molecules.
Chemistry 01

23. In the solution of an ionic solute in a polar solvent, the ions are
(a) Hydrated
(b) Associated with water molecules
(c) Chemically combined with solvent molecules

24. Colligative properties of a solution are those, whose values

depend in
(a) No. of molecules present in it
(b) No. of ions present in it
(c) No. of particles present in it
(d)None of these

25. The root mean square velocity of an ideal gas at constant pressure
varies with density (d) is :
(a) d 2
(b) d
(c) d
(d) 1 / d

26. The value of gas constant R is :

(a) 0.082 litre atm
(b) 0.987 cal mol 1 K 1
(c) 8.3 J mol 1 K -1
(d)8 erg mol 1 K -1
Chemistry 01

27. Kinetic theory of gases proves :

(a) Only Boyle’s law
(b) Only Charle’s law
(c) Only Avogadro’s law
(d)All of these

28. For an ideal gas, the number of mole per litre in terms of its pressure
p, gas constant R and temperature T is :
(a) PT/R
(b) PRT
(c) P/RT

29. As compared to potassium sodium has

(a) Lower electro-negativity
(b) Higher ionization potential
(c) Greater atomic radius
(d)Lower melting point

30. The product obtained on fusion of BaSO 4 and Na 2 CO3 is

(a) BaCO3
(b) BaO
(c) BaOH 2
(d) BaHSO 4

31. Which is an ore of potassium

(a) Carnellite
(b) Cryolite
(c) Bauxite
(d)Dolo mite
Chemistry 01

32. In the case of alkali metals, the covalent character decreases in the
(a) MCI  MI  MBr  MF
(b) MF  MCI  MBr  MI
(c) MF  MCI  MI  MBr
(d) MI  MBr  MCI  MF

33. Aluminium chloride exists as dimer, Al 2 Cl 6 in solid state as well as

in solution of non polar solvents such as benzene. When dissolved
in water, it gives
(a) AIOH6 3  3HCI
(b) AIH2O6 3  3CI
(c) Al 3  3CI 
(d) Al 2O3  6HCI

34. Which of the following is only acidic in nature

(a) BeOH 2
(b) MgOH2
(c) BOH3
(d) AIOH3

35. Anhydrous AICI 3 cannot be obtained from which of the following

(a) Heating AICI 3 . 6H 2 O
(b) By passing dry HCI over hot aluminium powder
(c) By passing dry Cl 2 over hot aluminium powder
(d) By passing dry Cl 2 over a hot mixture of alumina and coke
Chemistry 01

36. When Al is added to KOH solution

(a) No action takes place
(b) Oxygen is evolved
(c) Water is produced
(d) Hydrogen is evolved

37 Knowing that the chemistry of lanthanoids (Ln) is dominated by

its +3 oxidation state, which of the following statements is
(a) Because of the large size of the Ln (III) ions the bonding in its
compounds is predominantly ionic in character.
(b) The ionic sizes of Ln (III) decrease in general with increasing
atomic number.
(c) Ln(III) compounds are generally colourless
(d)Ln(III) hydroxides are mainly basic in character

38 In context with the transition elements, which of the following

statements, which of the following statements is incorrect.

(a) In addition to the normal oxidation states, the zero oxidation

state is also shown by these elements in complexes.
(b) In the highest oxidation state, the transition metal show basic
character and form cationic complexes
(c) In the highest oxidation state of the first five transition elements
(Sc to Mn), all the 4s and 3d electrons are using for bonding
(d)Once the d 5 configuration is exceeded, the tendency to involve
all the 3d electrons in bonding decreases
Chemistry 01

39 ) Highest (+7) oxidation state is shown by

(a) Co
(b) Cr
(c) V

40 ) In a reaction the ferrous Fe   ion is oxidised to ferric Fe   ion.
The equivalent weight of the on in the above reaction is equal to
(a) Half of the atomic weight
(b) 1/5 of the atomic weight
(c) The atomic weight
(d) Twice the atomic weight

41 Which is used as hydrogen generators

(a) NaH 
(b) HI
(c) S 6 H 3
(d) none of these

42 Which pair does not show hydrogen isotopes

(a) Ortho hydrogen and para hydrogen
(b) Protium and deuterium
(c) Deuterium and tritium
(d)(d) Tritium and protium
Chemistry 01

43 Among the following, identify the compound which cannot act as

both oxidizing and reducing agents
(a) H2O2
(b) H2
(c) SO2

44 Which of the following reaction produce hydrogen

(a) Mg  H2 O
(b) BaO2 + HCl
(c) H2S4O8 + H2O
(d)Na2O2 + 2HCl

45 In which of the following compound sp 2 -hybridization is

(a) CH  C  CH  CH 2
(b) CH  C  CH2  CH3
(c) CH3  CH  CH2
(d) CH2  CH  CH2  CH3

46 Each carbon atom in benzene is in the state of hybridization.

(a) sp 3
(b) sp 2
(c) sp
(d) s p
Chemistry 01

47 Number of  bonds in CH 2  CH  CH  CH  C  CH is
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4

48 In which of the compounds given below is there more than one

kind of hybridization sp, sp2 , sp3  for carbon
(i) CH3CH2 CH2 CH3
(ii) CH3  CH  CH  CH3
(iii) CH 2  CH  CH  CH 2
(iv) H  C  C  H
(a) (ii) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii)

49 Which of the following shows a metal being oxidised

(a) 2Na  2H 2 O  2NaOH  H 2
(b) Cu  Cu 2  2e 
(c) Cu 2 2e  Cu
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Chemistry 01

50 When a sulphur atom becomes a sulphide ion

(a) There is no change in the composition of atom
(b) It gains two electrons
(c) The mass number changes
(d)None of those

1. (D) 11. (A) 21.(C) 31.(A) 41.( A)

2. (C) 12 ( D) 22.(D) 32.(D) 42.( A)
3.(B) 13.(B) 23.(D) 33.(B) 43.( B)
4. (B) 14 (C) 24.(C ) 34.(C) 44.( A)
5. (D) 15. (B) 25.(D) 35.(A) 45.(B)
6. (B) 16. (A) 26.(A) 36.(D) 46. (B)
7. (C) 17. (C) 27.(D) 37.(C) 47. (C)
8. (C) 18.(D) 28.(C) 38.(B) 48. (D)
9. (A) 19.(C) 29.(B) 39. (D) 49.( D)
10. (A) 20.(D) 30.(A) 40.(C) 50. (B)
Chemistry 02

1. The density of neutrons is of the order

(a) 10 3 kg/cc
(b) 106 kg/cc
(c) 109 kg/cc
(d) 1011 kg/cc

2. Which is not isoelectronic with the other three

(a) CO
(b) NO 
(c) CN 
(d) O 2

3. If W is atomic weight and N is the atomic number of an element,

(a) Number of e 1  W  N
(b) Number of 0 n 1  W  N
(c) Number of 1 H 1  W  N
(d)Number of 0 n 1  N

4. Which of the following are isoelectronic with one another

(a) Na  and Ne
(b) (b) K  and O
(c) Ne and O
(d) Na  and K 

5. Which of the following is the main cause of lanthanide contraction:

a. Poor shielding of one of 4f electrons by another in the subshell
b. Effective shielding of one of 4f electrons by another in the subshell
c. Poorer shielding of 5d electrons by 4f electrons
d. Greater shielding of 5 d electrons by 4f electrons
Chemistry 02

6. Of following sets which one does not contain isoelectronic species?

a. BO33 , CO33 , NO31
b. SO32 , CO32 , NO3
c. CN  , N 2 , C 22 
d. PO 34 , SO 24 , CIO4

7. Which one of the following sets represent isoelectronic species?

a. K  , CI  , Ca 2 , Sc3
b. Ba 2 , Sr 2 , K  , Ca 2
c. N 3 , O2  , F  , S 2 
d. Li  , Na  , Mg 2 , Ca 2

8. Which one of the following constitute a group of isoelectronic

a. N 2 , O2 , Na  , CO
b. C 22 , O 2 , CO, NO
c. NO  , C 22  , CN  , N 2
d. CN  , N 2 , O 22 , C 22 

9. The correct order of increasing bond angle in the following species

(a) CI2O < < CIO2
(b) < CI2O < CIO2
(c) CI2O < CIO2<
(d)CIO2< CI2O <
Chemistry 02

10. The bond order of CO molecule is

(a) 2
(b) 2.5
(c) 3

11. In which of the following molecules is hydrogen bridge bond

(a) Water
(b) Inorganic benzene
(c) Diborane

12. What type of orbital hybridization is considered on P in PCI5?

(a) sp3d
(b) dsp3
(c) sp3d2

13. Among the following, the state function(s) is/are

(b) G
(c) qrev / T
(d) both (b) and (c)

14. Which one of following groups includes all extensive properties?

(a) Volume, Energy, , entropy
(b) Energy, pressure, volume
(c) Pressure,, density
(d)Mass, volume, pressure
Chemistry 02

15. Which one of the following groups includes two intensive

properties and one extensive property?
(a) Mass, energy, volume
(b) Pressure, energy
(c) Surface tension, ,fpt
(d)Sp.heat, volume, mass

16. For an isothermal process,

(a) T = 0
(b) U = 0
(c) U  0

17. Which of the following is not a characteristic of crystalline solids?

(a) They have a regular geometry
(b) They have sharp melting points
(c) They are isotropic
(d) They undergo a clean cleavage

18. When molten form of crystalline solid is rapidly cooled, it changes

(a) crystalline solid
(b) amorphous solid
(c) insulator
Chemistry 02

19. Which among the following will show anisotropy?

(a) Glass
(b) Barium chloride
(c) Wood

20. Amorphous solids are

(a) Solid substances in real sense
(b) Liquids in real sense
(c) Supercooled liquids
(d)Substances with definite M.P.

21. The value of molal depression constant depends on

(a) Nature or solute
(b) Nature of solvent
(c) Amount of solvent
(d)Temperature of solution

22. Osmosis is the flow, through semipermeable membrane, of

(a) Solvent molecules from pure solvent to solution
(b) Solvent molecules from a solution of lower concentration to that
at higher concentration
(c) Solute molecules from a solution of higher concentration to that at
lower concentration
(d)Both a and b above
Chemistry 02

23. Osmotic pressure is defined as

(a) The excess pressure which must be applied to a solution to stop
(b) The excess pressure which must be applied to a solution to
increase its vapour pressure till it becomes equal to the vapour
pressure of pure solvent
(c) The decrease in pressure on the pure solvent to decrease its vapour
pressure till at becomes equal to the vapour pressure of solution
(d)All of the above

24. The isotonic solutions have same

(a) Molarities
(b) Osmotic pressures
(c) Temperatures
(d)Both b and c

25. As the temperature is raised from

20 o C to 40 o C , the average kinetic energy of neon atoms changes by
a factor of which of the following?
(b) 313/293
(c) 313/293

26. In van der Waals’ equation of state of the gas law, constant `b’ is a
measure of :
(a) Intermolecular repulsions
(b) Inter molecular attraction
(c) Volume occupied by the molecules
(d)Inter molecular collision per unit volume
Chemistry 02

27. Which of the following statements is not true about the effect of an
increase in temperature on the distribution of molecular speeds in a
gas :
(a) The most probable speed increases
(b) The fraction of the molecules with most probable speed increases
(c) The distribution becomes broader
(d)The area under the distribution curve remains the same as under
the lower temperature

28. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty

container at 25 o C . The fraction of the total pressure exerted by
oxygen is:
(a) 1/3
(b) ½
(c) 2/3
1 273
(d) 
3 278

29. Correct order of increasing activity is

(a) Cu, Mg, Na
(b) Na,Mg,Cu
(c) Mg, Na, Cu
(d)Cu,Na, Mg

30. The reagent commonly used to determine hardness of water

titrimetrically is
(a) Oxalic acid
(b) Disodium salt of EDTA
(c) Sodium citrate
(d)Sodium thiosulphate
Chemistry 02

31. Potash alum is a

(a)Complex salt
(b) Acid salt
(c) Double salt
(d) Normal salt

32. The most stable compound is

(a) LiF
(b) LiCl
(c) LiBr

33. Aluminium (III) chloride forms a dimer because

(a) Higher coordination number can be achieved by aluminium
(b) Aluminium has high ionization energy
(c) Aluminium belongs to III group
(d)It cannot form a trimer

34. Number of water molecules in Mohr’s slat is

(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 5

35. Al 2 O 3 can be converted to anhydrous AlCl 3 by heating

(a) A mixture of Al 2 O 3 and carbon in dry Cl 2 gas
(b) Al 2 O 3 with Cl 2 gas
(c) Al 2 O 3 with HCI gas
(d) Al 2 O 3 with NaCl in solid gas
Chemistry 02

36. Boron cannot form which one of the following aninous

(a) BF63
(b) BH 4
(c) BOH  4
(d) BO 2

37. Which of the following configuration is that of a coinage metal

(a) 2,8,1
(b) 2,8,18,1
(c) 2,8,8

38. Identify the incorrect statement among the following

(a) There is decrease in the radii of atoms or ion as one proceeds
from La to Lu.
(b) Lanthanoid contraction is the accumulation of successive
(c) As a result of lanthanide contraction, the properties of the 4th
series of the contraction element have no similarities with the 5d
series of elements
(d)Shielding power of 4f element of electron is quite weak.

39. Which ion has maximum magnetic moment

(a) V 3
(b) Mn 3
(c) Fe 3
(d) Cu 2
Chemistry 02

40. The general electronic configuration of transition elements is

(a) n  1d 15
(b) n  1d110 ns1
(c) n  1d 110 ns12
(d) ns2 n  1d10

41. The adsorption of hydrogen by metals is called

(a) Dehydrogenation
(b) Hydrogenation
(c) Occlusion

42. In context with the industrial preparation of hydrogen from water

gas CO  H 2  , which of the following caustic soda solution is
(a) CO is removed by absorption in aqueous Cu2Cl2 solution
(b) H2 is removed through occlusion with Pd
(c) CO is oxidized to CO2 with steam in the presence of a catalyst
followed by absorption of CO2 in alkali
(d)CO and H2 are fractionally separated using differences in their

43. Which is poorest reducing agent

(a) Nascent hydrogen
(b) Atomic hydrogen
(c) dihydrogen
(d) All have same reducing strength
Chemistry 02

44. Spin isomerism is shown by

(a) Dichloro benzene
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Dibasic acid
(d) n-butane

45. The number of  bonds in o-xylene is

(a) 6
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 18
46. Maximum bond energy of C  H bonds is found in the compound
(a) Ethane
(b) Ethene
(c) Ethyne
(d) Equal in all the three

47. The types of hybridization present 1,2-butadiene are

(a) sp, sp2 and sp 3
(b) sp 2 and sp 3
(c) sp 2 and sp
(d) sp and sp 3

48. Which one of the following does not have sp 2 hybridized carbon
(a) Acetonitrile
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Acetone
Chemistry 02

49. When P reacts with caustic soda, the products are PH 3 and
NaH2 PO 2 . This reaction is an example of
(a) Oxidation
(b) Reduction
(c) Oxidation and reduction (Redox)
(d) Neutralization

50. Which one of the following does not get oxidized by bromine water
(a) Fe 2 to Fe 3
(b) Cu  to Cu 2
(c) Mn 2 to MnO4
(d) Sn 2 to Sn 4

1. D 11. C 21. B 31. C 41. C

2. B 12.A 22. D 32. A 42. C

3. B 13. D 23. D 33. A 43. C

4. A 14. A 24. D 34. B 44. B

5A 15. B 25. C 35. A 45. D

6.B 16. C 26. C 36. A 46. C

7.A 17) b 27. B 37. B 47. A

8. C 18) b 28. A 38. C 48. A

9. B 19) c 29. A 39. C 49. C

10. C 20. c 30. B 40. C 50. C

Chemistry 02
Chemistry 03

1. Chlorine atom differs from chloride ion in the number of

(a) Proton
(b) Neutron
(c) Electrons
(d) Protons and electrons

2. The mass of an atom is constituted mainly by

(a) Neutron and neutrino
(b) Neutron and electron
(c) Neutron and proton
(d)Proton and electron

3. An atom has 26 electrons and its atomic weight is 56. The number
of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom will be
(a) 26 (b) 30 (c) 36 (d) 56

4. Which one of the following constitutes a group of the isoelectronic

(a) NO  , C 22 , CN  , N 2
(b) CN  , N 2 , O 22 , C 22
(c) N 2 , O 2 , NO  , CO
(d) C 22 , O 2 , CO, NO

5. The electronic configuration 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 represents:

a. Metal atom
b. Non metal atom
c. Non metallic anion
d. Metallic cation
Chemistry 03

6. In a given shell the order of screening effect is :

a. s > p > d > f
b. s > p > f > d
c. f > d > p > s
d. s < p < d < f

7. The correct order of electron affinity of the halogen atoms are :

a. F < CI <Br > I
b. F < CI ~ Br > I
c. F > CI > Br> I
d. F < CI > Br > I

8. Which of the following orders regarding ionization energy is

a. N > O > F
b. N < O <F
c. N > O < F
d. N < O > F

9. The bond order in ion is

(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 2.5

10. Unusually high B.P. of water is result of

(a) Inter molecular hydrogen bonding
(b) Intra molecule hydrogen bonding
(c) Both intra and inter molecular hydrogen bonding
(d)High specific heat
Chemistry 03

11. Which one of the following has one unpaired electrons?

(a) KO2
(c) BaO2

12. Which one of the following has minimum dipole moment?

(a) Butene – 1
(b) cis-Butene -2
(c) trans-Butene – 2
(d)2-methyl propene

13. q = -W is true for a process which is

(a) adiabatic
(b) cyclic
(c) isochoric

14. For a cyclic process

(a) Q = 0
(b) U  0
(c) W =0
Chemistry 03

15. Work done when one mole of gas expands from 5 lit to 20 lit at
constant pressure of 1 atm is
(a) 15 lit-atm
(b) -15 lit-atm
(c) 4 lit-atm
(d)0.4 lit-atm

16. A gas expands from 4 lit to 6 lit at a pressure of 76 cm of Hg. The

work done in joule is nearly
(a) 76  2
76  6
(c) 2
17. Which of the following is not a crystalline solid?
(a) Common salt
(b) Sugar
(c) Iron
(d) Rubber

18. Which of the following is a non-crystalline solid?

(a) CsCl
(b) NaCl
(c) CaFb
Chemistry 03

19. Amorphous solids

(a) poses sharp melting points
(b) undergo clean cleavage with knife
(c) do not undergo clean cleavage with knife
(d)possess orderly arrangement over long distances

20. A pseudo solid is

(a) Glass
(b) pitch
(c) KCl
(d) glass and pitch

21. The molarity of pure water is

(a) 55.55
(b) 18
(c) 100

22. The osmotic pressure ( )is given as equal to

(a) M/RT
(b) MR/T
(c) MRT

23. The plant cell will shrink when it is placed in

(a) A hypertonic solution
(b) A hypotonic solution
(c) An isotonic solution
(d)None of these
Chemistry 03

24. The molal evaluation constant is the ratio of the elevation of boiling
point to
(a) Molarity
(b) Molality
(c) Normality
(d)Mole fraction of solute

25. Critical temperature for A, B, C and D gases are 25 o C , 10 o C ,  80

C and 15 o C respectively. Which gas will be liquefied more easily?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C

26. `a’ and `b’; are van der Waal’s constants for gases, chlorine is more
easily liquefied than ethane because :
(a) a and b for CI 2 > a and b for C 2 H 6
(b)a and b for CI 2 < a and b for C 2 H 6
(c) a for Cl 2 < a for C 2 H 6 but b for
CI 2 > b for C 2 H 6
(d)a for Cl 2 > a for C 2 H 6 but b for
CI 2 < for C 2 H 6

27. The molecular velocity of any gas is :

(a) Inversely proportional to absolute temperature
(b) Directly proportional to square of temperature.
(c) Directly proportional to square root of temperature.
(d)Inversely proportional to the square root of temperature
Chemistry 03

28. When r,p and M represent rate of diffusion, pressure and molecular
r 
mass respectively. Then ratio of rates of diffusion  A  of two gases A
 rB 
and b, is given as :
(a) PA /PB . M B /M A 1 / 2
(b) PA /PB 1 / 2 M B /M A 
(c) PA /PB M A /M B 1 / 2
(d) PA /PB 1 / 2 M A /M B 

29. Alkali metals lose electrons in

(a) s-orbitals
(b) p-orbitals
(c) d-orbitals
(d) f-orbitals

30. The valence shell electronic configuration of alkali metals is

(a) ns2 np1
(b) ns 1
(c) n  1p6 ns2
(d) n  1d 2 ns 2

31. Alkali metals are strong reducing agent because

(a) These are monovalent
(b) Their ionization potential are very high.
(c) Their standard electrode potential are very much negative.
(d) These are metals.
Chemistry 03

32. In the Castner’s process for the extraction of sodium, the anode is
made of ……..metal
(a) copper
(b) Iron
(c) sodium

33. The function of fluorspar in the electrolytic reduction of alumina

dissolved in fused cryolite Na3AlF6  is
(a) As a catalyst
(b) To lower the temperature of the melt and to make the fused
mixture very conducting.
(c) To decrease the rate of oxidation of carbon at the anode
(d) None of the above

34. Borax is used as cleansing because on dissolving in water it gives

(a) Alkaline solution
(b) Acidic solution
(c) Bleaching solution
(d) Colloidal solution

35. Purification of aluminium done by electrolytic refining is known

(a) Serpeck’s process
(b) Hall’s process
(c) Baeyer’s process
(d) Hoop’s process
Chemistry 03

36. Heating an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride to dryness

will give
(a) AlCl 3
(b) Al 2 Cl 6
(c) Al 2 O 3
(d) Al OH Cl 2

37. Which is not amphoteric

(a) Al 3
(b) Cr 3
(c) Fe 3
(d) Zn 2

38. Which does not form amalgam

(a) Fe
(b) Co
(c) Ag
(d) Zn

39. The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is

(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
Chemistry 03

40. Identify the incorrect statement among the following

(a) d-block elements show irregular and erratic chemical properties
among themselves
(b) La and Lu have partially filled d orbitals and no other partially
filled orbitals.
(c) The chemically of various lanthanoids is very similar
(d)4f and 5f orbitals are equally shielded

41. Hydrogen can be fused to form helium at

(a) High temperature and high pressure
(b) High temperature and low pressure
(c) Low temperature and high pressure
(d)Low temperature and low pressure

42. Hydrogen can be prepared by mixing steam, and water gas at 500
C in the presence of Fe 3O 4 and Cr2 O 4 and C 2 O3 . This process is
(a) Nelson process
(b) Serpeck’s process
(c) Bosch process
(d) Parke’s process
43. Which of the following explanation is best for not placing
hydrogen with alkali metals or halogen
(a) The ionization energy of hydrogen is high for group of alkali
metals or halogen
(b) Hydrogen can form compounds
(c) Hydrogen is much lighter element than the alkali metals or
(d)Hydrogen atom does not contain any neutron
Chemistry 03

44. Hydrogen is not obtained when zinc reacts with

(a) Cold water
(b) Hot NaOH solution
(c)Conc.sulphuric acid
(d) Dilute HCl

45.  C  C  bond is found in

(a) Ethene
(b) Butene
(c) Ethyne

46. Which compound shows dipole moment

(a) 1,4-dichloro benzene
(b) 1,2-dichloro benzene
(c) Trans-1, 2-dichloro ethene

47. Compound which shows positive mesomeric effect

(a) CH 2  CH  Cl
(b) C6H5  N  Me 3
(c) CH 2  CH  CH 2 Cl
(d) C6H5  CH  CHCI

48. Which of the following is most reactive towards nucleophilic

substitution reaction
(a) CH 2  CH  Cl
(b) C 6 H5CI
(c) CH3CH  CHCI
(d) CICH2  CH  CH 2
Chemistry 03

49. In the course of a chemical reaction an oxidant

(a) Loses electrons
(b) Gains electrons
(c) Both loses and gains electron
(d) electron change takes place

50. H 2 O 2 reduces K 4 FeCN6

(a) In neutral solution
(b) In acidic solution
(c) In non-polar solvent
(d) In alkaline solution

1.C 11. A 21.A 31.C 41.A

2. C 12. C 22.C 32.C 42.C

3. B 13.D 23.A 33.B 43.C

4. A 14.B 24.B 34.A 44.C

5.D 15.B 25.A 35.D 45.C

6.A 16.D 26.D 36.C 46.B

7.D 17) D 27.C 37.C 47.D

8.C 18) D 28.A 38.A 48.D

9. D 19) A 29.A 39.B 49.B

10. A 20) A 30.B 40.D 50.B

Chemistry 04

1. An atom which has lost one electron would be

(a) Negatively charged
(b) Positively charged
(c) Electrically neutral
(d)Carry double positive charge

2. An element has 8 electrons in the valence shell

(a) It will lose electron
(b) It will gain an electron
(c) It neither gains or lose electron
(d)It will make bond with itself

3. Which of the following particles has more electrons than neutrons.

(a) C
(b) F
(c) O 2
(d) Al 3

4. Iso-electronic species are

(a) F  , O 2
(b) F  , O
(c) F  , O
(d) F  , O 2

5. Which are the following ions has electronic configuration Ar3d 6 ?

a. Fe 3 
b. Co 3 
c. Ni 3 
d. Mn 3 
Chemistry 04

6. The correct order of the decreasing ionic radii among the following
isoelectronic species is :
a. S2  , CI   K   Ca 2
b. K   , Ca 2  CI   S2
c. Ca 2  , K   S2  CI 
d. CI   , C2  Ca 2  K 

7. General electronic configuration of lanthanides is

a. n  2 f 1 14 n  1s 1 p 6 d 0 1 ns 2
b. n  2 f 10 14 n  1d 10 1 ns 2
c. n  2 f 0 14 n  1d 10 ns 2
d. n  2 d 0 1 n  1f

8. The correct order of first ionization potential among Be, B, C, N

and O is
a. B  Be  C  O  N
b. B  Be  C  N  O
c. Be  B  C  N  O
d. Be  B  C  O  N

9. The maximum number of hydrogen bonds a water molecule can

form is
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 3
Chemistry 04

10. Which one of the following pairs of molecules will have permanent
dipole moments for both members
(a) SiF4 and NO2
(b) NO2 and CO2
(c) NO2 and O3
(d)SiF4 and CO2

11. The correct order of bond angles (smallest first) in H2S, NH3, BF3
and SiH4 is
(a) H2S < SiH4< NH3< BF3
(b) NH3< H2S < SiH4< BF3
(c) H2S < NH3< SiH4< BF3
(d)H2S < NH3< BF3< SiH4

12. Which one of the following has the regular tetrahedral structure?
(a) XeF4
(b) SF4
(d) ( )

13. The work done when an ideal gas expands from 5dm3 to 15dm3
against a constant pressure of 200 kPa, is
(a) – 4 kJ
(b) 2000 kJ
(c) -2 kJ
(d)-5 k J
Chemistry 04

14. The process accompanied by no change in internal energy is

(a) isothermal
(b) Adiabatic
(c) Cyclic
(d) Both (a) and (c)

15. In an adiabatic change  U is equal to

(a)  PV
(b) W
(c) q

16. A gas absorbs 1000 J of heat when 600 J of work is done by the gas.
If initial internal energy of the gas is 200 J, its final internal energy
would be
(a) 600 J
(b) 400 J
(c) 200 J

17. If heat is supplied to a pure substance which is just beginning to

melt, the
(a) critical temperature will rise
(b) temperature will remain constant
(c) temperature will immediately rise
(d) temperature will fall
Chemistry 04

18. An example of a covalent crystalline solid is

(a) Si
(b) NaF
(c) Ar
(d) Al

19. ZnS is a example of

(a) Ionic crystal
(b) Covalent crystal
(c) Molecular crystal
(d) Metallic crystal

20. LiF is an example of

(a) Ionic crystal
(b) Metallic crystal
(c) Covalent crystal
(d) Molecular crystal

21. The factor Tb/Kb is equal to

(a) Molality
(b) Molarity
(c) Mole fraction
(d)None of these

22. Isotonic solutions have same

(a) Osmotic pressure
(b) Temperature
(c) Molar concentration
(d)All these
Chemistry 04

23. The relative lowering of vapour pressure in a dilute solution is

directly proportional to
(a) Molarity
(b) Molality
(c) Mole fraction of solute
(d)All these

24. In the case of osmosis, the solvent molecules move from the
solution of
(a) Higher V.P. to that of lower V.P.
(b) Higher concentration to that of lower concentration
(c) Lower V.P. to that of higher V.P.
(d)Higher O.P. to that of lower O.P.

25. According to the kinetic theory of gases, in an ideal gas, between

two successive collisions a gas molecule travels:
(a) In a circular bath
(b) In a way bath
(c) In a straight line path
(d)With an accelerated velocity

26. At STP, the order of root mean square speed of molecules H 2 , N 2 , O 2

and HBr is :
(a) H 2  N 2  O 2  HBr
(b) HBr  O 2  N 2  H 2
(c) HBr  H 2  O 2  N 2
(d) N 2  O 2  H 2  HBr
Chemistry 04

27. The average kinetic energy of an ideal gas per molecule in SI units at
25 o C will be:
(a) 6.17  1021 kJ
(b) 6.17  10 21 J
(c) 6.17  10 20 J
(d) 7.16  1020 J

28. Which is not correct of gases :

(a) Gases have no definite shape and volume.
(b) Volume of gas is equal to the volume of container confining the
(c) Confined gas exerts uniform pressure on the walls of its container
in all directions.

29. The alkali metals form salt-like hydrides by the direct synthesis at
elevated temperature. The thermal stability of these hydrides
decreases in which of the following orders
(a) NaH  LiH  KH  RbH  CsH
(b) LiH>NaH>KH>RbH>CsH
(c) CsH>RbH>KH>NaH>LiH
(d) KH>NaH>LiH>CsH>RbH

30. Sodium thiosulphate is used in photography

(a) To convert metallic silver into silver salt.
(b) AgBr grain is reduced to non metallic silver.
(c) To remove reduced silver
(d)To remove unrecompensed AgBr in the form of Na3 AgS 2 O3 2 
(a complex salt)
Chemistry 04

31. When sodium is heated with moist air, then the product obtained is
(a) Na 2 O
(b) NaOH
(c) Na 2 CO3
(d) Na 2 O 2

32. The solubility of the alkali metal carbonates

(a) Increase a first and then decreases
(b) does not show regular variation
(c) Increase as we go down the group
(d)decrease as we go down the group

33. Boron shows single oxidation state due to absence of

(a) Inert pair effect
(b) Screening effect
(c) Istope effect
(d) None of these

34. Which of the following is non-existent

(a) AIF63
(b) CoF63
(c) BF63
(d) SiF62

35. Carbon and silicon belong to (IV) group. The maximum

coordination number of carbon in community occurring
compounds is 4, whereas that of silicon is 6. This is due to
(a) Large size of silicon
(b) More electropositive nature of silicon
(c) Availability of low lying d-orbitals in silicon
Chemistry 04

(d) Both (a) and (b)

36. Which one of the following anions is present in the chain structure
of silicates
(a) Si 2 O 76
(b) Si 2O25 m
(c) SiO23 m
(d) SiO 44

37. A transition element X has a configuration Ar 3d 4 in its + 3

oxidation state. Its atomic number is
(a) 25
(b) 26
(c) 22

38. Zinc and mercury do not show variable valency like d-block
elements because
(a) They are soft
(b) Their d-shells are complete
(c) They have any two electrons in the outermost subshell
(d) Their d-shells are incomplete

39. Transition metals are related to which block

(a) s-block
(b) p-block
(c) d-block
(d)none of these
Chemistry 04

40. The electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d9 represents a
(a) Metal atom
(b) Non-metal atom
(c) Non metallic anion
(d)Metallic cation

41. Which position for hydrogen explain all its properties

(a) At the top of halogen
(b) At the top of alkali metals
(c) At the top of carbon family
(d) None of these

42. Which element forms maximum compound in chemistry

(a) O
(b) H
(c) Si

43. Which of the following statements concerning protium, deuterium

and tritium is not true
(a) They are isotopes of each other
(b) they have similar electronic configurations
(c) They exist in the nature in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3
(d)Their mass numbers are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3

44. Pure hydrogen is obtained by carrying electrolysis of

(a) Water containing H 2 SO 4
(b) Water containing NaOH
(c) BaOH 2 solution
(d)KOH solution
Chemistry 04

45. Strongest nucleophile is

(a) RNH 2
(b) ROH
(c) C6H5O
(d) CH3O

46. The order of decreasing reactivity towards an electrophilic reagent,

for the following
(i) Benzene
(ii) Toluene
(iii) Chlorobenzene and
(iv) Phenol would be
(a) A>B>C>D
(b) B>D>A>C
(d) D>B>A>C

47. Which one is a nucleophilic substitution reaction among the


CH 3  CH  CH 2  H 2 O 
CH3  CH  CH 3
(b) |
RCHO  R' MgX  R  CH  R'
(c) |
Chemistry 04

CH 3
CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2 Br  NH 3 
CH 3
CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2 NH 2

48. Which one of the following exhibits geometrical isomerism

(a) 1,2-dibromopropene
(b) 2,3-dimethylbut-2-ene
(c) 2,3-dibromobut-2-ene
(e) 2,3-dibromobut-1-ene

49. Following reaction describes the rusting of iron

4Fe  3O 2  4Fe 3  6O 2
Which one of the following statement is incorrect
(a) This is an example of a redox reaction
(b) Metallic iron is reduced to Fe 3
(c) Fe 3 is an oxidizing agent
(d) Metallic iron is a reducing agent

50. Oxidation involves

(a) Loss of electrons
(b) Gain of electrons
(c) Increase in the valency of negative part
(d) Decrease in the valency of positive part
Chemistry 04

1.B 11. C 21.A 31.A 41.D

2.C 12. C 22.D 32.C 42.B

3.C 13.C 23.D 33.A 43.C

4.A 14.D 24. A 34.C 44.C

5.B 15.B 25.C 35.C 45.D

6.A 16.A 26.A 36.C 46.D

7.A 17) B 27.B 37.A 47.D

8.A 18) A 28.D 38.B 48.AC

9. B 19) A 29.B 39.C 49.B

10. C 20 A 30.D 40.D 50.A

Chemistry 05

1. The nucleus of tritium contains

(a) 1 proton + 1 neutron
(b) 1 proton + 3 neutron
(c) 1 proton + 0 neutron
(d)1 proton + 2 neutron

2. Which of the following are isoelectronic and is structural

NO23 , CO23 , CIO3 , SO3
(a) NO3 , CO23
(b) SO 3 , NO 3
(c) CIO3 , CO23
(d) CO23 , SO3

3. Six protons are found in the nucleus of

(a) Boron
(b) Lithium
(c) Carbon
(d) Helium

4. The atomic number of an element is 35. What is the total number of

electrons present in all the p-orbitals of the ground state atom of that
(a) 6 (b) 11 (c) 17 (d)23

5. For electron affinity of halogens which of the following is correct?

a. Br  F
b. F  CI
c. Br  CI
d. F  I
Chemistry 05

6. Which of the following represents the increasing order of the

polarizing power of the cationic species, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Be2+?
a. Mg 2  Be 2  K   Ca 2
b. Be 2  Ca 2  Mg 2
c. K   Ca 2  Mg 2  Be 2
d. Ca 2  Mg 2  Be 2  K 

7. The ions O 2 , F  , Na  , Mg 2 and AI 3 are isoelectronic, their ionic radii

show :
a. A significant decrease from O 2  to AI 3
b. An increase from O 2  to F  and then decrease from Na  to AI 3
c. A decrease from O 2  to F  then increase from Na  to AI 3
d. A signification increase from
O 2  to AI 3

8. The correct order of first ionization potential among the elements Be

B,C,N,O is
a. Be  B  C  O  N
b. B  Be  C  N  O
c. Be  B  C  N  O
d. B  Be  C  O  N

9. The states of hybridization of boron and oxygen atoms in boric acid

(H3BO3) are respectively
(a) sp2 and sp2
(b) sp2 and sp3
(c) sp3 and sp2
(d)sp3 and sp3
Chemistry 05

10. Which one of the following species is diamagnetic in the nature?

(b) 2

11. In which of the following molecules/ions are all the bonds not equal?
(a) SiF4
(b) XeF4

12. Which one of the following sequences represents the increasing order
of the polarizing power of the cationic species, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Be2+?
(a) Ca2+> Mg2+> Be+< K+
(b) Mg2+< Be2+< K+< Ca2+
(c) Be2+< K+< Ca2+< Mg2+
(d)K+< Ca2+< Mg2+< Be2+

13. For an adiabatic expansion

(a) U  ve
(b) W  ve
(c) U  0
(d) T  0
Chemistry 05

14. A gas does 2 kJ of work on the surroundings by absorbing 2500 J of

energy. If its final internal energy is U, its initial internal energy in J
would be

(a) U + 150
(b) U
(c) U – 500
(d)U – 300

15. For an exothermic reaction the correct statement(s) is/are

(a) HRe ac tan t  HPr oducts

(b) Products are generally more stable than reactants
(c) Both these

16. Which one of the following is an endothermic reaction?

(a) Neutralist ion of a weak acid by a strong base

(b) Ionization of a weak acid
(c) Dilution of conc. H2SO4 with water

17. Graphite is an example of

(a) Ionic crystal
(b) Covalent crystal
(c) Molecular crystal
(d) Metallic crystal

18. Solid COb is an example of

(a) Ionic crystal
(b) Covalent crystal
(c) Molecular crystal
(d)Metallic crystal
Chemistry 05

19. Wax is an example of

(a) Ionic crystal
(b) Covalent crystal
(c) Molecular crystal
(d) Metallic crystal

20. Which of the following is an example of covalent crystalline solid?

(a) Si
(b) Al
(c) Ar

21. Vapour pressure of pure liquid is directly proportional to its

(a) Temperature
(b) Mole fraction
(c) Both these
(d)None of these

22. Ebullioscopy is concerned with

(a) Osmotic pressure
(b) Lowering of vapour pressure
(c) Elevation of
(d)Depression of

23. Cryoscopy is concerned with

(a) Osmotic pressure
(b) Lowering of vapour pressure
(c) Elevation of
(d)Depression of
Chemistry 05

24. The value of the colligative property depends on the no. of

(a) Molecules of solute
(b) Ions of solute
(c) Molecules and ions of the solute together
(d)Molecules and ions of the solute and solvent together

25. The density of a gas is equal to

(P = pressure, V = volume,
T = temperature, R = gas constant,
n = number of mole and
M = molecular weight):
(a) nP
(b) PM/RT
(c) P/RT

26. The value of R is SI unit is:

(a) 8.315 107 erg K -1 mol -1
(b) 8.315 JK -1 mol-1
(c) 0.0823 litre atm K -1 mol-1
(d) 2 cal K -1 mol -1

27. The pressure of a gas is due to:

(a) The collision of gas molecules against each other.
(b) The random movement of gas molecules
(c) The inter molecular forces of attraction between the gas
(d)The collision of gas molecules against the walls of the container.
Chemistry 05

28. If a gas expands at constant temperature it indicates that :

(a) Kinetic energy of the molecules decreases
(b) Pressure of the gas increases
(c) Kinetic energy of the molecules remaining the same
(d) Forces operating between its molecules are negligible.

29. When KI is added to acidified solution of sodium nitrite

(a) NO gas is liberated & I 2 is set free
(b) N 2 gas is liberated & HI is produced
(c) N 2 O gas is liberated & I 2 is set free
(d) N 2 gas is liberated & HOI is produced

30. When potassium ferrocyanide crystals are heated with concentrated

sulphuric acid, the gas evolved is
(a) Ammonia
(b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d)Carbon monoxide

31. Which of the following metal has stable carbonates

(a) Na
(b) Mg
(c) Al
(d) Si

32. Photoelectric effect is maximum in

(a) Cs
(b) Na
(c) K
Chemistry 05

33. Which one of the following statements is not correct

(a) Zinc dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution
(b) Carbon monoxide reduces iron (III) oxide to iron
(c) Mercury (II) iodide dissolves in excess of potassium iodide
(d)Tin (IV) chloride is made by dissolving tin solution in
concentrated hydrochloric acid

34. Which of the following glass is used in making wind screen of

(a) Crook’s
(b) Jena
(c) Safety
(d) Pyrex

35. Extraction of lead by reduction methods is done by

(a) Adding more galena into reverberatory furnace
(b) Adding more lead sulphate into reverberatory furnace
(c) Adding more galena and coke into the reverberatory furnace
(d)Self reduction of oxide from sulphide present in the furnace

36. Carborundum is
(a) SiC
(b) AlCl 3
(c) Al 2 SO4 3
(d) Al 2 O 3 .2H2 O

37. The element having general electronic configuration 3d 4 4s 1 is

(a) Noble gas
(b) Non – metal
Chemistry 05

(c) Metalloid
(d)Transition metal

38. The higher number of unpaired electrons are in

(a) Fe
(b) Fe 
(c) Fe 2
(d) Fe 3

39. Complex ion is shown by

(a) Ag
(b) Au
(c) Cu
(d)All of these

40. In which of the following metallic bond is strongest

(a) Fe
(b) Sc
(c) V

41. Which of the following gas is insoluble in water

(a) SO 2
(b) NH3
(c) H 2
(d) CO 2
Chemistry 05

42. The ratio C p / C v for H 2 is

(a) 1.40
(b) 1.67
(c) 1.33
(d)none of these

43. Hydrogen directly combines with

(a) Au
(b) Cu
(c) Ni

44. Chemical A is used for water softening to remove temporary

hardness. A reacts with sodium carbonate to generate caustic soda.
When CO 2 is bubbled through a solution of A, it turns cloudy. What is
the chemical formula of A
(a) CaCO3
(b) CaO
(c) CaOH 2
(d) CaHCO3 2

45. The isomer of diethyl ether is

(a) CH3 2 CHOH
(b) CH3 3 C  OH
(c) C3H7 OH
(d) C 2 H5 2 CHOH
Chemistry 05

46. Which is not found in alkenes

(a) Chain isomerism
(b) Geometrical isomerism
(c) Metamerism
(d) Position isomerism

47. The total number of possible isomeric trimethyl benzene is

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6

CH 3
CH 3  CH  C  CH
48. An IUPAC name of
(a) 2-Chlorobuta-1, 3-diene
(b) 3-Methylbut-1-ne
(c) NONE
(d) 3-Chloro-1-phenylprop-1-ene

49. When copper turnings are added to silver nitrate solution, a blue
coloured solution is formed after some time. It is because, copper
(a) Displaces silver from the solution
(b) Forms a blue coloured complex with AgNO 3
(c) Is oxidized to Cu 2
(d) Is reduced to Cu 2

50. In the following reaction, 3Br2  6CO23  3H2 O  5Br   BrO3  6HCO3
(a) Bromine is oxidized and carbonate is reduced
(b) Bromine is reduced and water is oxidised
Chemistry 05

(c) Bromine is neither reduced nor oxidised

(d)Bromine is both reduced and oxidised

1.D 11. D 21.A 31.A 41.C

2.A 12. D 22.C 32.A 42.A
3.C 13.A 23.C 33.D 43.D
4.C 14.C 24.C 34.C 44.C
5.D 15.C 25.B 35.A 45. B
6.C 16.B 26.B 36. A 46.C
7.A 17.B 27.D 37.D 47.B
8.D 18.C 28.C 38.D 48.B
9. B 19.C 29.A 39.D 49.AC
10. A 20. A 30.D 40.D 50.D

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