Case On Lincoln Hospital: Third-Party Intervention and Ben and Jerry's Team Development

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Case on Lincoln Hospital: Third-Party Intervention and Ben and

Jerry's Team Development

1. If you had been called by Lincoln’s president to help resolve the problems described in the case, how
would you have carried out the contracting and diagnosis stages? What would you have done differently
than what the OD consultant did?
2. Is third-party intervention an appropriate intervention in this case? Other possible OD interventions?
3. How effective was the third-party intervention? Next steps?

Ans to Question No. 01

After perusing the legally binding side of the case, I think the OD professional did

a extraordinary work expressing that no steps ought to be taken until the interviews with Mary and Wear had
been conducted. It was clear to the OD called in that this was the most thing of the issue, in any case I think
that fair meeting those two alone would have as it were bubbled down to said sort of debate. I think the OD
practitioner did a successful job in interviewing other interested parties in the diagnosis of the issues, however I
would have like to have seen more than just the OR head nurses interviewed and really gotten down to the
trenches and interviewed some of the actual nurses who were instrumental in the performance of the OR.

It was clear through the interviews with Mary and Don that neither one really like each other because both of
them at time resorting to name calling rather than bringing up factual presentation of evidence to substantiate
their reasons for anger. The interviews also revealed that Mary was an effective OR Nurse Director if only just
abrasive. The nursing staff supported her in her effectiveness and the doctors interviewed also stated that Mary
was an effective nurse however showed that they were loyal to Don in his Dr. Role by stating it was Mary’s job
to ensure the doctors remained happy. So, the divisiveness was more than just between the two in play but had
effectively reached all levels of the OR and its participants whether they believed in the effectiveness of either
Don or Mary. It appeared this conflict was between the two groups rather than just two individuals.

It also seemed as though the Surgeons who did not think the scenario as one sided were the ones who were not
part of the clique of the right Dr.’s who people saw as diva’s and used to getting their own way, one of those
Dr.’s in question during the interview stating he was embarrassed to say he worked in the OR in this town due to
the perceived outlook on the practicing dr.’s. I was very impressed that the OD took the time to meet
individually again with the parties involved to make sure that they were committed to making things different
and wanted to work together to make their working relationship better.
Ans to Question No. 02

In this case Lincoln Hospital, I think third party intervention used was most appropriate. Having a third-party
intervention is most definitely the appropriate way to handle things. At times like these, a third-party
professional is more capable of analyzing and understanding the severity of the issue on such kind and along
with that, help the individual’s compromise and come up with a solution. However, prior to having the two
come in and discuss the problem, it is important that the third-party listens to each side of the story
independently and after that, follow it with a consultation with the both, that way it is better to identify the
problem clearer. Also, rather than analyzing the issue more carefully, the practitioner simply listened to what
Don and Mary had to express and didn’t come up with a valid diagnostic.

This intervention needs in Lincoln Hospital because Mary and Don have a biggest crisis, and nobody in that
hospital was removed enough to intermediate. So, if a manager chooses to avoid acting when an intervention is
necessary, the conflict can actually escalate. Based on third party intervention, they recommend next steps
necessary for Lincoln Hospital to identify in the right direction that involve shifting the focus from organizational
leaders to lower and mid-level staff members These hospital staffers include the OR nurses and surgeons who
have multi layered issues with other groups, as well as existing challenges within their department . It is very
important, that these challenges can be resolved as both groups play key roles in the productivity, patient
experiences and overall success of the OR within the Lincoln Hospital.

Answer to Question No. 03

In general, it shows up that the viability of the intercession was effective. I enjoyed that there were take

after up gatherings with each of them within the consequent year time outline. Not together, but secretly to
see on the off chance that genuine advance had been made. The OD specialist did a extraordinary work at going
back to the list of commitments that each had made to the other and to see on the off chance that they had
kept these commitments. It expressed that in nearly each of the occurrences the commitments had been kept. I
think that there must be a few sort of positive support of activities that have been taken to encourage the
successfulness of the program.

Name: Md. Thouhidul Hasan Rafi

ID: 18241093
Sec: A

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