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1.Article I. It is stated in this article that Spain surrendered their claims over Cuba. U.S. victory in the war
produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to relinquish claims to Cuba. Upon Spain's
departure, Cuba was to be occupied by the US, which would assume and discharge any obligations of
international by its occupation.

2. Article II. Spain have surrender sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United
States. The once-proud Spanish empire was virtually dissolved as the United States took over much of
Spain’s overseas holdings.

3. Article III. It is stated in Article III that US should pay within three months an amount of $20, 000,000
to Spain after the treaty’s sanction. The main focus of the first three articles is on Spain’s relinquishment
of its claims over its former colonies countries.

4. Article IV. US kept up that in a time of ten years after the deal's sanction, it would concede Spanish
ships and stocks with similar terms as that of American products and vessels.

5. Article V. US authorities assured Spain that all Spanish soldiers taken as prisoners of war will be freed
and sent back to their nation. It is also stated there that any land or property that was taken during the
war from British loyalists would be returned to them.

6. Article VI. This article specified that both nations held assurance that the two governments would free
prisoners of war, in particular insurgents of Cuba and the Philippines, at their own expense. Any further
future confiscation of assets from loyalists will be avoided by the United States.

7. Article VII. In addition of Article VI, without taking any American citizens, Great Britain agreed to
withdraw all troops from the United States.

8. Article VIII. This article made it clear that surrender could not prejudice the privileges belonging to the
peaceful possessions of the provinces, counties, public and private institutions of the ceded territories.
Spain's relinquishment of records and archival materials which may be found in the ceded territories or
in Spain has also been extended.

9. Article IX. This emphasized that Spanish subjects and natives residing in the ceded territories may
remain in the territories and retain their allegiance to Spain but before a record of court. Failure to do so
within one year of the ratification of the Treaty would make them adopt the nationality of the territories
in which they reside.

10. Article X. It is stated here that both countries agreed to ratify the treaty within six months and
freedom of religion was given weight.

11. Article XI. This confirms that spaniards declare the territories will be the middle subject matter of the
courtroom and in addition to in which pursuing the equal route as citizen of the US to which it belongs
or implemented.

12. Article XII. Rules and different decisions were explained on this article. It is stated that judgements
supplied by both civil must understood among people and shall be done with authority. Criminal moves
have to go through jurisdiction until the final judgement.
13. Article XIII. This article makes a speciality of the rights of belongings secured in way of means of
copyrights carried out of Spaniards in the Islands of Cuba, Porto Rico, Philippines and even other
different ceded territories. It is primarily based totally at the creative works that shall preserve admitted
loose responsibility for often.

14. Article XIV laid down the right of Spain to create consular offices and officers in the ports and certain
areas of the ceded territories.

15. Article XV. This article is quite similar to what is included in Article III, it emphasized that the free
dues and charges would only be honored for ten years.

16. Article XVI. The federal government cleared that its obligation to Cuba is restricted solely throughout
its occupancy and upon its termination; the government within the country ought to assume
responsibility. It is also laid down the right of Spain to create consular offices and officers in the ports
and certain areas of the ceded territories.

17. Article XVII. It is stated in the last article that both countries agreed to ratify the treaty within six


1. Is the Police Force Bribed? (The Independent, June 09, 1917) – This caricature is relevant today
because it shows light to us Filipinos that corruption not only happens on government but also on
police authorities. Corruption often occurs at stages where the public cannot see it. When police are
corrupt, it impacts society more than corruption of other government agencies because of their role
as the gatekeeper of the justice system and authority.

2. Where The Mosquito Is King, Donde El Mosquito Es Rey (Free Press, 16 April 1921) - This caricature
represents the current condition of our country and we can somehow relate on it. The pandemic
that we are facing today and how our government responds to it, how their response affect our
society in far more profound ways than the effects of the actual pandemic will.

3. The Latest—Lo Ultimo (Philippines Free Press, October 14, 1933) - This caricature shows how the
first US Law passed setting a process and a date for the Philippines to gain independence from the
United States. It gives us a glimpse of happenings in the society of our country and this serves an
apparatus to the understanding what happened before between US and Philippines. These
caricatures were more than just a mirror images for the state of the Philippines was in before.

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