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INTRODUCTION: A liquid does not have a definite shape; it takes the shape of its
container. whereas every solid particle has a specific shape of its own. Thus, whenever we
handle any system involving solid particles, which we encounter quite often in chemical
process industries, for defining the system, first we have to specify the size and shape of the
particle involved and if mixture is present, then side distribution, this task however is not an
easy one. Solids in general are more difficult to handle than liquid and gases. In processing
solid appear in variety of forms- angular pieces, continuous sheets, finely divided powder
etc. They may be hard or abrasive, tough and rubbery, soft or fragile, dusty, cohesive, free
flowing or sticky. Whatever forms they are found to occur, has to be manipulated and if
possible their handling characteristics.
Solid particles are characterized by their size, shape and density. For regular particles like
sphere, cube the size and shape are easily specified, but for irregular particles the term size
and shape are to be defined. The particle Technology deals with the properties, characteristics
behaviour and application of particles.
Particle Size and Shape: If a particle confirms to the standard configuration which we are
familiar with such as spherical, cubicle, cylindrical etc then its size can be easily specified.
For example, the size of a spherical particle is nothing but its diameter, and a cubicle particle,
the length of its sides. However, many of the particles commonly encountered in industries
do not confirm to any of these standard configurations. We can call them in general irregular
particles, the question arises to define the shape and size of irregular particles.
During early stage of development of particle technology, number authors proposed empirical
definition particle size, for example Martin (1931) define the size of an irregular particle as
the length of the line bisecting the maximum cross section area of the particle. Similarly
Feret(1929) define particle size as a distance between the two most extreme points on the
particle surface. The limitation of such definitions obvious, for instance, if the distance
between farthest edge on the particle surface remains the same but rest of its configuration
changes, then its feret's diameter shall remain unaltered. obviously, such definition cannot
describe the actual size or shape of an irregular particle.
It was in the later year, the latest system of defining particle size by comparing with standard
configuration (normally comparing with spherical particle) got developed. Thus, we will
utilize what is called "equivalent size are equivalent diameter" of an irregular particle, which
can be broadly defined as the size of a spherical particle having the same controlling
characteristics as the particle under consideration. Naturally to apply this definition, we must
first specify what is this" controlling characteristics". This depends on the system and the
process in which the particles is involved, for example a catalyst particle, the surface area is
the most controlling parameter, therefore for defining the size of a catalyst particle, we can
use the surface diameter (ds) which will be thus be defined as the diameter of a spherical
particle having the same surface area as the particle under consideration. If Sp is the surface
area of the particle then Sp=π ds 3

or ds=
√ π
For the gravitational free settling velocity of a particle in a liquid is very much controlled by
the mass of the particle( or for a given density, is volume), we can therefore define the
particle size of such a case by the volume diameter (dv) which is once again defined as the
diameter of a spherical particle having the same volume as a particle under consideration.

π 3 6 Vp
Thus, if Vp is the volume of a particle then Vp= dv
or dv = ( )

The dynamics of a gas bubble in a liquid or that of liquid drops in a liquid or gas depends not
only on the bubble or drop volume but also on the inter-facial tension at the gas liquid or
liquid interface. Thus both the volume as well as the surface area of the bubble or drops are
controlling parameters, hence, in such a case the bubble size or drop size is defined using
the volume- surface diameter or more commonly called Sauter diameter (dvs).This is
accordingly defined as the diameter of a spherical particle having the same specific
surface( surface area per unit volume) the particle( bubble or drop) under consideration.
πd vs 2 6 6
Specific Surface = Sp= π = or dvs= where Sp is specific surface
d vs 3 dvs Sp
of particle.
once the controlling characteristics is specified, we can define the size of any irregular particle
using the above methodology. another popularly employed definition of a particle size is the
screen size or screen average size (davg), this in fact is the aperture size office standard screen to
which the particle just passes or more correctly The arithmetic average of the aperture size of two
successive standard screens, one of which lets the particle pass through where as other retains it

Once we have defined the particle size, now let us see how the particle shape can be defined.
again, the exact shape of a irregular particle is difficult to specify. one of the methods of
defining particle shape is by using the term" Sphericity"(ɸ). it is defined as" the ratio of
surface area of a spherical particle having the same volume at the particle to the surface area
of the particle". since the diameter of a spherical particle having the same volume as the
particle is dv. ɸ is independent of particle size.
π dv 2
ɸ= area of sphere having the same volume of particle / area of particle =
let Ss-surface area of sphere (having equal volume of particle), Vp-volume of particle
or(volume of sphere) Dp-dia of particle
Ss π Dp2 6
= = 6 Vp
consider Vp π Dp 3
Dp therefore Ss=
Ss 6 Vp 6 Vp
ɸ= = =
But Vp Dp SpDp
It must be noted that since sphericity compare the surface area of the particle to that of the
equivalent spherical particle, it defines only the particle shape and is independent of particle
size. Sphericity of a spherical particle is obviously 1.0. The sphericity office cubicle particle
of side' a' can be determined as follows.
volume of a cube is equal to a x a x a=a3=Vp
from above equation volume diameter of a cubical particle
6 Vp 13 6 a 13
dv = ( ) ( )
=1.24 a

From equation of sphericity

π dv 2
ɸ= Sp -surface area of the cube = 6a2
π (1.24)2 a2
There fore ɸ= =0.806 -sphericity of a cube
6 a2
Similarly the value of sphericity of a cylindrical particle of length equal to diameter will be
0.87 4. typical value of sphericity of some common material are given as under
Material Sphericity
Sand (rounded) 0.83
Fused flue dust 0.89
Tungsten powder 0.89
Sand (angular) 0.73
Pulverised coal 0.73
Coal dust 0.65
Mica flake 0.28
Berl saddle and rachet ring 0.3 avg

Every mineral has a given Crystallographic structure, thus a given shape or configuration and
therefore specific sphericity.
the reciprocal of sphericity is commonly called shape factor or more precisely called

surface shape factor thus λs=
Another shape factor, designated as volume shape factor (λv) is sometimes used for
calculating the volume of an irregular particle. we know that the volume of a spherical
particle is proportional to the cube of its diameter. If we assume same is true for irregular
particle as well then Vp α d 3avg or Vp= λv d 3avg where λv is the propensity constant is called

“volume shape factor”. Its value is for spherical particle. However, in strict sense λv is not
constant (though designate as shape factor) but is a function of the particle size. for a number of
cases is variation with particle size is not very large average value of λv could be used for
number of process calculation.
Particle Size: Diameter is specified for any equidimensional particle, particles that are not
equidimensional ie. that are long in one direction than in other are often characterized by" second
largest major dimension". for n if needle like particle the diameter refers to the thickness of
particle not the length. Expression of particle size
Particle units
Course Inch,mm, mesh
Fine Screen size(aperture size)
Very fine Micrometer,nanometer
Ultra fine Surface area/unit mass
Mixture of particles: In earlier discussion, we have considered the case of a single particle
only. however, in actual industrial practice we normally come across mixture of particles of
different sizes, in such a case, the mixture can be separated into number of fractions, each
fraction consisting of particles of given size.
in a sample of uniform particle of dia. 'Dp', the total volume of the particle is m/(ρ p), where
m is the mass of a sample and (ρ p) is the density of the particle. Since the volume of one
particle is(Vp) the total number of particle in a sample is N.
There fore N= . If Sp is the surface area of one particle then the total surface area of
ρ p Dp

6 Vp 6 Vp
the mixture is =NSp, we know that ɸ= or Sp=
SpDp ɸ Dp
m 6Vp 6m
Surface area = NSp = A = =
ρ p Dp ɸ Dp ɸ DpSp
To apply above equation to mixture of particles having various size and dimensions, the
mixture is sorted into fractions, each of constant density and approximately constant size.
Each fraction is then weighed , individual particle in it can be content or measured by
microscopic method. The above equation can be applied to each fraction and then result is
Specific surface area of a mixture: If particle density( ρp) and its sphericity ɸ are known,
the surface area of a particle in each fraction can calculated by using the above equation
6m m
Surface area A = If M is the total mass then =x is the weight
ɸ DpSp M

6 xi
fraction of that individual fraction then A = where Dpi is the average dia. Of
ɸρ pDpi
particle of ith fraction and the result of all fractions are added to give total surface area “Aw”
if ɸ and ρ premains constant then
6 xa 6 xb −∓6 xn
Aw= + +…−
ɸρ pDpa ɸρ pDpb ɸρ pDpn
6 xi
Therefore Aw= ∑ by differentia analysis
ɸρ p i=1 Dpi
where i - is individual increments
xi-mass fraction in a given increment
n -number of increments
Dpi-Average particle size (dia.)(Arithmetic average of smallest and largest particle an
6 xi
Similarly Aw= ∫ by cumulative analysis
ɸρ p 0 Dpi
The integration may be conducted by graphical method. The area per unit mass of sample
then Aw is called specific surface area.
Average particle size: The average particle size for a mixture of particles may be defined in
several ways. One average is the volume-surface mean diameter Ds is related to specific
surface Aw, and defined by the equation
Ds= this is called Sauter diameter dvs
ɸ ρ p Aw
6 xi
We know that Aw= ∑ substituting in above equation for Aw we get
ɸρ p i=1 Dpi
6 1
Ds= n n
6 xi =
ɸρp ∑ ∑ xi
ɸρ p i=1 Dpi i=1 Dpi
Volume surface mean diameter = Ds = xi
∑ Dpi

If number of particles in each fractions Ni are known instead of mass fraction Ds is given by

∑ ¿ Dpi3
the equation Ds= i=1

∑ ¿ Dpi2

averages are some times useful. Arithmetic mean diameter Dn is used and given by
n n

∑ ¿ Dpi❑ ∑ ¿ Dpi❑
Dn= i=1 n
= i =1 Where NT is the number of particles in the entire sample.

The mass mean “Dw” is calculated by the equationDw=∑ xi Dpi and


[ ]
Dv= n
The Volume mean is found by the equation xi
∑ Dpi 3

For the samples consisting of uniform particle the average diameter will be same for all. For
the mixture containing particles of various sizes, therefore average diameter may differ
widely from one another. Length mean diameter is another type of expressing the mean
diameter of the entire mixture. "Length mean diameter " DL

∑ ¿ Dpi2
DL= i=1

∑ ¿ Dpi❑

Number of particles in a mixture: To calculate from the differential analysis, the number of

particles in a mixture N= is used to calculate the number of particles in each fraction
ρ p Vp
and Nw the total population in one Mass unit of a sample is obtained by summation over
all fraction. For a given particle shape, the volume of any particle is proportional to its
diameter cube Vp= λv D 3p where λv is a shape factor and assuming λvis independent of size

m xa xb −∓xn
and using N= we get Nw= + + …−
ρ p Vp λv ρ pDpa λv ρ pDpb λv ρ pDpn
1 xi 1
Nw= ∑ =
λv ρ p i=1 Dpi λv ρ p Dv3

Determination of particle size: The size of a particle or the size distribution of a mixture of
particles can be determined using a number of methods, such as screening( best applicable
for particle size above 40 microns), gravity sedimentation( for size 1- 100 microns),
centrifugal sedimentation( for size 0.005- 3 microns), elutration under Gravity ( for sizes 5-
100 Micron), under centrifugal field of sophisticated technique such as ultra-
microscopy( for size 0.005- 0.2 microns), electron microscopy (for sizes 0.005- 5 microns),
light scattering microscope(for size 0.1- 10 Micron) and x ray scattering microscope(for
sizes 0.005 - 0.05 Micron) are used when high Precision is required in the particle size
distribution. We shall confine our discussion to screening which is one of the cheapest and
easiest method of particle size analysis.
The importance of particle size analysis in industrial practice need not have to be
overemphasized. particles must be separated according to their size before using them for any
industrial operation since the process efficiency vary much depend on particle size employed.
For example, the effectiveness of a catalyst particle which dependent on their surface area
which in turn depends on their size. The hiding power of a paint pigment controlled by the
projected area of the pigment particles which again is the function of their size. The setting
rate of Portland cement and the final strength of the concrete depends substantially on the
uniform size of cement dust and the size of sand and gravel used to prepare the concrete mix.
In the combustion of solid fuel like coal, uniformity of fuel bed is very critical parameter.
Even in practice like carbonization it is absolutely necessary that and gasification it is
absolutely necessary that coal bed is composed of particles of uniform size to ascertain
satisfactory yield of quantity of products. so, screening offers to be one of the easiest and
most rapid method of particle size analysis and separation.
(i) A method of separating solid particles according to size alone is called screening.
(ii) Screening is an operation for separating solids on the basis of size alone.
(iii) It refers to the separation of solid materials on the basis of size using screens of
(iv) Screening is the separation of a mixture of solid particles of various sizes into two or
more fractions by means of a screening surface.
In screening, a mixture of solid particles of various sizes is dropped on a screening
surface/screen (a surface provided with suitable openings) which acts as a multiple go and
no-go gage. The material that passes through a given screen/screening surface is called the
undersize or minus (-) material while the material that remains on the screen/screening
surface is called the oversize or plus ( +) material.
A single screen can make a single separation of the material charged into two fractions. These
are called unsized fractions as only the upper or lower limit of the particle sizes they contain
is known and the other limit is not known. The material can be separated into sized fractions
i.e. the fractions in which both the maximum and minimum particle sizes are known, by
passing it through a series of screens of different sizes. Screening is much more commonly
adopted for dry particulate solids and occasionally for wet particulate solids.
Materials for Screens: Industrial screens are made from metal bars, woven wire cloth, silk
bolting cloth, perforated or slotted metal plates. Many varieties and types of screens are
available for different purposes but we will discuss few representative types.
Necessity of or reasons for carrying out screening operation/importance of screening
operation: The screening operation is industrially carried out in order to
(i) remove the fines from a feed material before a reduction equipment such as jaw
ball mill or rod mill,
(ii) prevent an incompletely crushed material (oversize) from entering into another unit
(iii) produce a commercial or process-grade material to meet specific particle size limits,
(iv) remove the fines from a finished product prior to shipping.
Comparison of Ideal and Actual screens: The objective of a screen is to accept a mixture of
various sizes of grains and separate it into two fractions, namely an underflow and overflow.
The underflow is the one that is passed through the screen and the overflow is the one that is
rejected by the screen.
An ideal screen is the one which sharply separates the feed mixture in such a way that the
smallest particle in the overflow is just larger than the largest particle in the underflow. The
ideal separation defines a cut diameter Dpc (a typical particle dimension) which makes the
point of separation between the undersize and oversize fractions and is nearly equal to the
mesh opening of the screen.
Fig. 1 (a) shows the performance of an ideal screen in terms of the screen analysis of the feed.
The point 'C' in the curve is a cut point. The fraction A consists of all particles larger than cut
diameter (Dpc) while the fraction B consists of all particles smaller than cut diameter.

Figure. 1 Ideal Screen Vs Actual Screen

Material A is the overflow and material B is the underflow. Fig. 1 (b) shows the screen
analysis of the ideal fractions A and B. The first point on the curve for B and the last point on
the curve for A have the same abscissa, and there is no overlap of these curves.
Actual screens do not yield a sharp separation. With actual screens, the screen analysis of the
overflow and underflow are similar to those shown in Fig. 1 (c). The overflow is found to
contain the particles smaller than the cut diameter, and the underflow is found to contain
particles larger than the cut diameter. The curves for A and B overlap.
With standard testing screens, it is possible to get the closest separations in case of spherical
particles. In this case also there is some overlap. In case of needle like, fibrous particles or
particles which have tendency to aggregate into clusters, the overlap is of a higher magnitude.
Commercial screens usually give poorer performance than testing screens of the same mesh
handling the same feed mixture.
Comparison of Ideal screen and Actual screen
Ideal screen Actual screen
1. Yields sharp separation. 1. Does not yield sharp seperation
2. Efficiency of the screen is 100%. 2. Efficiency of the screen is less than 100%
3. Such screens do not found in 3. Such screens are available in practice.
practice reality.
4. The overflow will contain only 4. The overflow may also contain particles
particles large than the cut diameter. small than the cut diameter.
5. Underflow will contain only particles 5. Underflow may also contain particles
smaller than the cut diameter larger than the cut diameter.
Types of Standard Screen Series: Most particulate systems which are of practical interest
consist of particles of a wide range of sizes. A number of methods of particle-size
determination are available but most particle-size determinations are made by the screen
analysis when the particles are within the size range that can be measured by screens.
Usually, for carrying out the analysis, standard screens of either the Tyler standard screen
series, U.S. sieve series or Indian standard sieves are used. The testing sieves with square
openings are constructed of woven wire screens, the mesh and dimensions of which are
standardised. Every screen is identified in meshes per inch.
In coarse screens, the term mesh refers to the distance between adjacent wires or rods. While
in fine screens, the mesh is the number of openings per linear inch counting from the centre
of any wire to a point exactly one inch distant (e.g., a 200- mesh screen will have 200
openings per linear inch).
The minimum clear space between the edges of the opening in the screening surface is
termed as screen aperture or screen-size opening.
The Tyler standard screen series is based on a 200-mesh screen with a wire 0.0053 mm
(0.0021 in) in diameter, giving a clear opening of 0.074 mm (11200 - 0.0021 = 0.0029 in).
The screens coarser than a 200-mesh screen have their mesh and wire diameter so
adjusted that the area of opening in any one screen is approximately twice the area of the
opening in the next finer screen. This means that the ratio of the linear size of the openings in
any screen to that in the next finer screen is '√2 = (l.41). Therefore, a 150-mesh screen will
have an opening of 0.104 mm ('√2 x 0.0029 = 0.0041 in) with a wire of 0.064 mm (1/150-
0.0041 = 0.0026 in) diameter. Testing sieves of the Tyler standard sieve series are used to
determine the efficiencies of screening equipment’s and work of crushing and grinding
The Indian Standard test sieves satisfy requirements of IS: 460 (Part-I) for the wire cloth test
sieves and IS: 460 (Part-m for the perforated plate test sieves with respect to widths of
aperture, wire diameter and screening areas. The sieves from 22 micron to 5.6 mm size have
woven wire cloth fixed in spun brass frames. The sieves of size 5.6 mm to 125 mm are of
woven wire cloth or perforated sheet in GI frames.
Type of Screen Analysis: There are two methods of reporting screen analysis (1)
Differential analysis, (2) Cumulative analysis.
Differential Analysis: The screen analysis in which the weight fraction of the material
retained on each screen is reported in a tabular or a graphical form as a function of the mesh
size/screen opening is called differential analysis.
Cumulative Analysis: The screen analysis in which the cumulative weight fraction of the
material retained ( cumulative oversize) or passing through ( cumulative undersize) each
screen is reported in a tabular or a graphical form as a function of the screen opening is called
cumulative analysis.
The fine particles are generally specified according to their screen analysis. A screen analysis
of a material is carried out by using testing sieves. A set of standard screens is arranged
serially in a stack in such a way that the coarsest of the screens is at the top and the finest of
the screens is at the bottom. An analysis is carried out by placing the sample on the top screen
and shaking the stack in a definite manner, either, manually or mechanically, for a definite
length of time. The material retained on each screen is removed and weighed. For reporting
the screen analysis, the amount of material retained on each screen is expressed as the weight
fraction of the total sample.
The screen analysis of a sample is reported either in a tabular form or as graphs. The results of
a screen analysis can be reported in a tabular form to show the weight fraction of the material
retained on each screen as a function of the mesh size. As the particles retained on any one
screen are passed through the screen immediately above it, two numbers are needed to specify
the size, one for the screen through which the fraction passes and the other for the screen on
which that fraction is retained. Hence, the notation 10/14 means through 10 mesh and on 14
mesh (i.e., the material is such that it passes through the screen of mesh number 10 and
collects on the screen of mesh number 14). An analysis reported in a tabular form in this
manner is called a differential analysis.The material that is retained on the screen is the
oversize or plus ( +) of that screen and the material that passes it is the undersize or minus
(-). Thus, a - 10 + 14 fraction means the fraction of the material that passes through a 10-mesh
screen but is retained on a 14-mesh screen.
Table 1 shows a typical differential screen analysis.
The average particle size of the material retained on any particular screen ( cited in Table 1) is
calculated as the arithmetic mean of two screen openings used to obtain the fraction.
The second method of reporting screen analysis is a cumulative analysis. The cumulative
analysis is obtained from the differential analysis by adding cumulatively, the individual
weight fractions of material retained on each screen, starting with that retained on the largest
mesh, and tabulating or plotting the cumulative sums against the screen opening of the
retaining screen under consideration.
Then, the cumulative analysis is the relation between xn and screen opening. The quantity xn
is the weight fraction of the sample that consists of particles larger than the screen opening.
For the entire sample, the value of xn is unity. The cumulative analysis corresponding to the
differential analysis of Table 1 is shown in Table 2.
Table 2 shows a typical cumulative screen analysis
The cumulative analysis is also reported by incorporating a cumulative fraction passing
through the screen as shown below
CAPACITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF SCREEN: The capacity and effectiveness are
measures of the performance in industrial screening. The capacity of a screen is the mass of
material that can be fed per unit time to a unit area of the screen. Capacity and effectiveness in
screening operations are closely related. For obtaining maximum effectiveness the capacity
must be small, and the large capacity is attainable only by reduction in the effectiveness. As
the capacity and effectiveness are opposing factors, a reasonable balance must be done
between them in actual practice.
One can control the capacity of a screen simply by varying the mass flow rate of feed to the
screening equipment. For a given capacity, the effectiveness that can be achieved depends
upon the nature of the screening operation. For a given undersize particle, the overall chance
of passage through the screen is a function of the number of contacts between the particle and
the screen surface, and the probability of its passage in a single contact. When the screen is
overloaded, the number of contacts is small and the probability of passage on contact is
reduced due to the interference of the other particles. The effectiveness is improved by
reducing the capacity since then there will be more contacts per particle and better chance for
passage on each contact.
The factors which tend to reduce the capacity and lower the effectiveness are blinding,
cohesion of particles to the screen surface, oblique direction of approach of the particles to the
screen surface and interference of bed particles with the motion of anyone.The moisture
content of the feed adversely affects the screening operation as the damp particles are prone to
stick to the screen surface and to each other.
Blinding of screen : It refers to the phenomenon wherein elongated, sticky, etc. particles
become wedged into the openings during screening and thus prevent the other particles from
passing through it. Thus, the blinding of a screen means the plugging of the screen with solid
particles.Due to blinding an appreciable fraction of the screen becomes inactive. The blinding
tendency is more pronounced with fine screens than with coarse screens.
Derivation of Effectiveness of a Screen
Material Balances over a Screen :
Consider that the feed to a screen consists of materials A and B, where A is the oversize and
B is the undersize material. Out of the total materials fed to the screen, some part of it is
removed as overflow and remaining part of it is collected as underflow.
Let F be the mass flow rate of feed, (kg/h)
D be the mass flow rate of overflow, (kg/h)
B be the mass flow rate of underflow, (kg/h)
xf- be the mass fraction of material A in feed.
xd- be the mass fraction of material A in overflow
xb- be the mass fraction of material A in underflow
The mass fractions of material B in feed, overflow and underflow are 1 - Xf, 1 - xd, and 1 - xb
Overall material balance over a screen is F = D+B ... (1)
Material balance of 'A' over a screen is F xf =D xd + B xb …(2)
From Equation (1), we have F-B = D…..(3) Substituting the value of D from Equation (3)
into Equation (2), we get xf.F = xd (F-B) + xd.B …..(4)
xf.F = xd.F -xd.B + xb.B……(5)
B xd −xf
= ……7
F xd−xb
Similarly, elimination of B from Equations (2) and (3) gives
D xf −xb
= …….8
F xd− xb
The effectiveness of a screen (screen efficiency) is a measure of the success of the screen in
closely separating undersize and oversize materials. In the case of a perfectly functioned
screen, all the oversize material 'A' would be in the overflow and all the undersize material
would be in the underflow.
The screen effectiveness based on the oversize material is the ratio of the amount of oversize
material A that is actually in the overflow to the amount of oversize material A in the feed.
Screen effectiveness D.xd Quantity of oversize in the overflow
= EA= ----------------------------------------------------------------
based on material A F.xF = Quantity of oversize in the feed
Similarly, the screen effectiveness based on the undersize material is given by
EB= …9
F (1−xf )
he overall effectiveness of a screen can be given by E =EA. EB…10
where E is the overall effectiveness of a screen.
Substituting the values of EA and EB from above Equations into Equation (10), we get
DB xd (1−xb)
E= 2 ….11
F xf (1− xf )
Substituting the values of D/F and B/F from Equations (8) and (7) into Equation (11), we get
( Xf − Xb)( Xd−Xf ). Xd (1−Xb)
E= ….12
( xd −Xb)2 (1−Xf ) Xf
Factors Affecting Performance of Screens
There are many variables in a screening operation that can be very easily changed. The best
combination of these variables results into the excellent performance of a screening
1. Method of feeding : In order to obtain the maximum capacity and efficiency, the
screening equipment must be fed properly. The material should be spread evenly over
a full width of the screening surface and should approach the screening surface in a
direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the screen and must be fed at a low rate.
2. Screening surfaces : Use of single-deck screens in series results into the most
efficient operation as in case of multiple-deck screens lower decks are not fed so that
their entire area is not used and each separation requires a different combination of
angle, speed, and amplitude of vibration for the best performance.
3. Screen slope : As the screen slope increases, the rate at which the materials travels
over the screening surface increases and at the same time, it reduces the bed thickness.
The increase of rate of travel means an increase in the quantity passing over the screen
per unit time. Reduction in the bed thickness allows the fines to approach the screen
surface and pass through it. However, the slope cannot be increased beyond a certain
value because beyond that value (limit) the material will travel down the screen much
faster without getting screened and the screening efficiency reduces drastically.
4. Vibration amplitude and frequency : One has to select the proper amplitude of
vibration to prevent blinding of the screening cloth and for long bearing life. The
frequency of vibration affects the capacity of the screening equipment by regulating
the number of contacts between the material and the screening surface.
5. Moisture in feed: The moisture associated with the feed material adversely affects the
screening operation and should be removed.
Screening equipment’s can be classified on the basis of size of material as the screens may be
required to pass grains ranging from several mm in diameter down to 200- mesh.
1. Grizzlies (fixed inclined screens) are used for the coarse screening of large lumps.
2. Trommels (revolving screens) are generally used for fairly large particles.
3. Shaking and vibrating screens are used in a coarse range and also for fine sizing.
Construction : A trommel is a revolving screen consisting of a cylindrical frame surrounded
by wire cloth or perforated plate (which acts as a screening surface). It is open at one or both
ends and inclined at a slight angle to the horizontal so that the material is advanced by the
rotation of the cylinder. These units revolve at relatively low speeds of 15 to 20rpm.
A trommel is a mechanically operated screen cons1stmg of a slowly rotating perforated
cylinder (or cylindrical frame) surrounded by wire cloth or perforated plate) with its axis at a
slight angle to the horizontal. The perforations in the screening surface may be of the same
size throughout (i.e., over the whole length of the cylinder) or may be of different size in
which case the small size perforation section is near the feed end. It is driven at the feed end
through a gear mechanism. It has a feed point at the upper end, an undersized product
discharge below the screening surface and a oversize discharge at the opposite end (lower
end). Below Fig. shows a schematic diagram of trornrnel having sections of different size

Fig. Trommels with screen of different opening

Working: The material to be screened is fed at the upper end and gradually moves down the
screening surface towards the lower end. In doing so, the material passes over the apertures of
gradually increasing size (as the single cylinder is provided with · perforations ranging from
the finest desired at the feed end to the coarsest at the discharge end).
If the single cylinder is provided with the screen having three different size perforations then
we get four fractions. The finest material is collected as the underflow in the compartment
near the feed end and the oversize material (coarsest) is withdrawn from the discharge end.
Such type of arrangement is usually used for smaller capacities. With this type of trornrnel,
there is a tendency of blockage of the apertures by the large material and the screen with the
finest opening being the weakest it is subjected to the largest wear.
The operating speed of a trommel is 30 to 50% of the critical speed (the critical speed is the
one at which the material is carried completely round in contact with the screening surface).
Various trommel arrangements: For separation of a given material into several size
fractions, several trommels are operated in series. The first trommel of a series may have the
coarsest perforations so that it produces the coarsest finished product which is delivered to the
next trommel and so on. In such a case, it is most convenient to place the trommels one above
the other as shown in Fig.(a).
When the first trommel of the series has the smallest perforations, the oversize material passes
to the next trommel and so on. In such a case, it is most convenient to put the screens in line,
end to end as shown in Fig.(b)
If the screening equipment of this type is put into service for finer separations then the
cylinder may be covered with a fine wire or silk cloth instead of a perforated plate or coarse
wire screen. Such an equipment is usually called a reel.
Fig. (d) shows several concentric cylinders. The innermost is the longest and has coarsest
perforations. The outer ones are successively shorter and have finer perforations.In this
arrangement, maximum load is given to the strongest screen but the construction is
complicated and expensive.

Fig.: Trommel arrangements

(a) One-size screen to each trommel, coarsest trommel first; (b) One-size screen to each
trommel, finest trommel-first; (c) Single trommel with different perforations;
(d) Concentric trommels with coarsest trommel inside; (e) Trommel with single-size
Example 1 : A dolomite mixture having the following screen analysis is screened through a
standard 100 mesh screen. Calculate the effectiveness of the screen and the mass ratios of
overflow and underflow to feed.

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