Antiviral Drugs PDF

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• Viruses are intracellular parasites that take part in metabolism of host cells. They
are formed of protein mass (nucleic acid RNA or DNA) covered with a coat.
Antiviral drugs may inhibit viral replication and may also injure host cells.

Classification and Mechanism of Action of Antiviral drugs

1. Drugs preventing uncoating and virus penetration: - Amantidine, Alpha-


2. Inhibitors of DNA synthesis: - Zidovudin, Ribavirin, Acyclovir and Idoxuridine.

3. Inhibitors of RNA synthesis: - Zidovudin, Ribavirin, Interferons.

4. Inhibitors of synthesis of late proteins: - Indinavir.

5. Inhibitors of assembly (maturation) and release of viral particles: - Rifampicin.

Mechanism of Action of Antiviral drugs

(-) Amantidine
Penetration Uncoating (-)

Nucleic acid synthesis

Zidovidin Zidovidin
Ribavirin (-) DNA RNA (-) Ribavirin
Acyclovir Interferons
Idoxuridine transcriptase

protease (-) Indinavir

Mature infectious viruses


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Individual Antiviral Drugs

1) Amantidine:
Indications: - Influenza-A (Prophylaxis and treatment).
- Parkinsonism.

Side effects: - Headache, dizziness, ataxia and confusion.

2) Acyclovir:
Indications: - Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster.

Side effects: - Local irritation, GIT upsets, headache, transient renal dysfunction.

3) Ribavirin:
Indications: - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
- Acute Hepatitis-B and C.

Side effects: - Transient anemia, increased bilirubin, teratogenic.

4) Zidovudin:
Indications: - Treatment of AIDS.

Side effects: - Bone marrow depression, GIT upsets, Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis.

5) Indinavir:
Indications: - Combined with Zidovudin in treatment of AIDS.

Side effects: - GIT upsets, Enzyme inhibition, Nephrotoxic.

6) Interferons: - A group of proteins produced by intact animal or cultured cells in

response to virus infection.
- Interferons inhibit viral replication by inhibiting translation of mRNA into
Proteins. They are species specific i.e. active in species in which they are
- Types of interferons:
Ø Interferon-Alpha
Ø Interferon-Beta
Ø Interferon-Gamma
Therapeutic uses:
1) Chronic active Hepatitis.
2) Disseminated Herpes in fetus.
3) AIDS.
4) Anti-tumor in lymphomas.
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Adverse effects:
- GIT upsets, flu-like syndrome, headache, dizziness, confusion, and
- Arrhythmias, alopecia
- Bone marrow depression.

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