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Republic of the Philippines


P. del Rosario St., Cebu City 6000

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY,AND SOCIETY:Interconnections, Innovations, and Issues

1stSEMESTER S.Y.2020-2021

Name: Date: ______

Course: _____________________ Group #/Schedule: ____________

Direction: Read and comprehend the questions and statements below. Answer diligently with

NOTE: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited! Automatic 5.0 if held liable!

A. Identify, illustrate (paste picture) and describe at least three different ways societies have
utilized to get water from the ground. Explain the diversity of such technologies. Use the spaces
provided below.

Spring Well
Numerous people group find near a free-streaming spring
where they get their water. Water emerging starting from
Mechanical Systems the earliest stage (as a rule) great drinking water since it is
sifted by the earth. Be that as it may, spring water sources
may should be shut off and shielded from outside toxins,
for example, creature and human pollution. A decent
source or "eye" can be fixed with a concrete spring box,
empty square dividers, metal/fiberglass compartments,
and the sky is the limit from there. After these
frameworks are shut off and secured, we as a rule
introduce an outlet for assortment at the "container" or
line the water to a dissemination guide nearer toward the
target community . In the event that the network is lower
in height than the spring, gravity and lines can accomplish
the conveyance work with no outside wellspring of
intensity. These frameworks are typically modest,
powerful, and effective. An expression of caution: we do
need to give approaches to test the nature of the water
caught in a spring framework to guarantee that it is ok for
human utilization.
Burrowing or boring wells is another regular method to
assist individuals with getting water. They can be shallow
or profound relying upon the water table level in a given
territory. They can be anything but difficult to burrow (in
delicate, non-rough soil) or hard (rough layers). They can
be hand burrowed with digging tools and nearby devices,
a drill type instrument, or straightforward custom made
effect type apparatuses. They can be machine burrowed
Pumps legitimately situated into or almost a wellspring of
water can be "pumps" to a network to help tackle their
water issues. There are non-energy devouring pumps, for
example, water powered smash pumps yet they just work
in exceptional circumstances. Remotely controlled
siphons (non-renewable energy source based or
electrical) can be utilized. Water quality should be tended
to in these sorts of water frameworks
B. Paste a picture on the space below the kitchen in your household. Identify the kind of
implements, tools, or appliances (as a representation of technology)present. Specify their
corresponding uses or functions.

Cleaning -a physical removal of visible soil and food.

Kitchen -a room especially set apart and containing the necessary utensils for cooking food.
Refrigerators/Freezers- are necessary in
preventing bacterial infections from foods. Most
refrigerators have special compartment for meat,
fruits and vegetables to keep the moisture content
of each type of food.
Blender- are used to chop, blend, mix, whip,
puree, grate, and liquefy all kinds of food. A
blender is a very useful appliance. They vary in
the amount of power (voltage/wattage). Others
vary and do not do the same jobs.
C. Get information regarding the current situation COVID-19 pandemic from various sources: (a)
government websites; (b) news networks; and (c) online blogs. Compare the type of information
taken from these different sources.
News network Government
Some individuals who survive COVID-19 are likely to The COVID-19 crisis has also brought new needs
have significant long-term complications, including for digital government services and more
respiratory, cardiac, and mental health disorders, and demand on existing services. Developers in
may have an increased risk of premature death. Data governments were mobilized and engaged in
from survivors of COVID-19 suggest that long-term designing new apps and services to help in the
impairment occurs for approximately one-third of fight against COVID-19. Some of these new
survivors with severe or critical disease.4 Because services include delivering food and other
there are approximately 7 times as many survivors essential items to those most in need by
from severe or critical COVID-19 disease as there are optimizing the entire supply chain via digital
COVID-19 deaths, long-term impairment might affect government services. Some Member States
more than twice as many people as the number of recorded an increase in the usage of online
people who die. Given the predominance of services such as digital ID and digital signature,
respiratory complications among COVID-19 survivors, due to the spikes in applications for
affected individuals may be like those with moderate unemployment and other social benefits.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which has During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has also
been estimated to have a quality-of-life disutility of been a wave of fake news and viral hoaxes.
approximately −0.25 to −0.35. Assuming a total Users with ill objectives or inadequate
reduction in quality-adjusted life expectancy, including knowledge contribute to the spread of fake
length as well as quality of life, of 35% and taking into news and create further panic in society.
consideration the assumed value of a year of life yields Thousands of COVID-19 scam and malware sites
an estimated loss from long-term complications of have emerged on a daily basis, such as the sale
$2.6 trillion for cases forecast through the next year. of counterfeit surgical masks, fake self-testing
Even individuals who do not develop COVID-19 are kits and so on. The World Health Organization
affected by the virus. Loss of life among friends and has categorized this as the secondary issue of an
loved ones, fear of contracting the virus, concern infodemic “an overabundance of information—
about economic security, and the effects of isolation some accurate and some not—that makes it
and loneliness have all taken a toll on the mental hard for people to find trustworthy sources and
health of the population. The proportion of US adults reliable guidance when they need it.” In
who report symptoms of depression or anxiety has response, some governments have launched
averaged approximately 40% since April 2020; the response units or campaigns to coordinate the
comparable figure in early 2019 was 11.0%.5 These fight against online misinformation about
data translate to an estimated 80 million additional COVID-19.
individuals with these mental health conditions
related to COVID-19. If, in line with prevailing
estimates, the cost of these conditions is valued at
about $20 000 per person per year and the mental
health symptoms last for only 1 year, the valuation of
these losses could reach approximately $1.6 trillion.
D. Choose a specific technology and describe how this technology relates to other aspects of
society and culture. Discuss how this technology has affected social relations and norms. Make a
concept map.





E. According to Aristotle, there are four causes in the Principle of Causality. To inform the existence of a
thing, cite an example by posting a picture that explain its four causes and why you chose that thing.


-the material [causa materialis] – WOOD

-formal [causa formalis] – DESIGN (itschairness)

-efficient [causa efficiens]– CARPENTER

-the material [causa finalis]– FURNITURE

The Material Cause  TV is made from glass and metal and plastic.
The Formal Cause –TV is not just a piece of glass but glass and metal
arranged in a certain way and programmed to work as it does.
The Efficient Cause –TV exists because someone has the idea to build one
and put all the parts together to make it work.
The Final Cause – We depend on TV for entertainment, news, education,
culture, weather, sports—and even music, since the advent of
music videos.

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