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Employee Departure Checklist Tool

An exit checklist should be used in all cases of employee departure, both voluntary and involuntary, to keep track of offboarding activities and to
ensure offboarding consistency. The Employee Departure Checklist acts as a control mechanism, ensuring that the organization is protected from
loss and risk. Use this tool to:

- Keep track of the departing employee's termination dates, including resignation date, last date of employment, and termination effective date.
- Determine and assign an owner for each termination activity.
- Keep track of the activity start and end date, activity status, and the name of the person who completed the activity.

For acceptable use of this tool, refer to Info-Tech's Terms of Use. These documents are intended to supply general information only, not specific
professional or personal advice, and are not intended to be used as a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Use this document either in
whole or in part as a basis and guide for document creation. To customize this document with corporate marks and titles, simply replace the Info-
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Voluntary Employee Departure Checklist

Carry out the following activities for employees departing voluntarily. The table below offers additional guidance for who is typically responsible for carrying out each activity.

Fill out the required information in the remaining columns based on the specifics of your organization and circumstances.
Best Practice: Print a copy of the completed checklist and add it to the departing employee's personnel file.

Employee Name:

Date Notice Given:

Last Day of Employment:

Scheduled Scheduled Activity

Activity Owner
Activity Activity Start Activity End Activity Status Carried Out By
Date Date (Name)

Stage 1 - Upon notice of departure

Notify HR of employee departure and last day of work Manager
List co-workers that must be notified Manager
List clients and/or business partners that must be notified Manager
Plan co-worker notification, including timing and key messages Manager
Plan client/business partner notification, including timing and key messages Manager
Fill out "Employee Change of Status" form and submit to HR Manager
Notify IT of account deactivation time/date Manager
Notify Facilities of security access deactivation time/date Manager
Notify Payroll/Finance of employee departure and last day of work HR
Review and document status of projects and work in progress Manager
Plan reallocation of work Manager
List all company property/equipment to be returned by employee Manager/IT
List all files to be transferred by the employee Manager

Stage 2: Prior to departure

Communicate final financial payout (compensation, vacation, severance) HR
Communicate benefits termination dates and extension provisions HR
Review non-disclosure and/or non-compete agreements Manager
Send co-worker and client/business partner communication. Manager
Confirm employee's forwarding contact information HR
Notify employee of property/equipment to be returned Manager
Have employee disclose location of all files and work-related documents Manager
Book time for exit interview HR
Arrange for forwarding of emails and phone calls to supervisor or alternate Manager/IT
Conduct exit interview HR
Confirm all equipment returned Manager
Confirm deactivation of IT accounts Manager
Confirm deactivation of facilities security access Manager
Have employee remove personal items from workspace Manager
Involuntary Employee Departure Checklist

Carry out the following activities for employees departing involuntarily. The table below offers additional guidance for who is typically responsible for carrying out each activity.

Fill out the required information in the remaining columns based on the specifics of your organization and circumstances.
Best Practice: Print a copy of the completed checklist and add it to the departing employee's personnel file.

Employee Name:

Date Notice Given:

Last Day of Employment:

Termination Effective Date:

Scheduled Scheduled Activity

Activity Owner
Activity Activity Start Activity End Activity Status Carried Out By
Date Date (Name)

Stage 1 - Prior to termination

Prepare "Notice of Termination" letter HR
Plan termination meeting, including timing and key messages Manager
List co-workers that must be notified Manager
List clients and/or business partners that must be notified Manager
Plan co-worker notification, including timing and key messages Manager
Plan client/business partner notification, including timing and key messages Manager
Review and document status of projects and work in progress if possible Manager
Plan reallocation of work Manager
List all company property/equipment to be returned by employee Manager/IT

Stage 2: At time of termination

Deliver termination Manager
Have employee read and sign termination letter Manager
Communicate final financial payout (compensation, vacation, severance) HR
Communicate benefits termination dates and extension provisions HR
Review non-disclosure and/or non-compete agreements Manager
Fill out "Employee Change of Status" form and submit to HR Manager
Notify IT of account deactivation time/date* Manager
Notify Facilities of security access deactivation time/date* Manager
Notify Payroll/Finance of employee departure and last day of work* HR

Stage 3: Prior to departure

Send co-worker and client/business partner communication Manager
Confirm employee's forwarding contact information HR
Notify employee of property/equipment to be returned Manager
Have employee disclose location of all files and work-related documents Manager
Arrange for forwarding of emails and phone calls to supervisor or alternate Manager/IT
Confirm all equipment returned Manager
Confirm deactivation of IT accounts Manager
Confirm deactivation of facilities security access Manager
Have employee remove personal items from workspace Manager
Arrange for abandoned personal items in workspace to be returned or discarded Manager

* If the employee will be departing immediately following termination meeting, notifications to IT, Facilities, and Payroll/Finance should be completed prior to termination.

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