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Student Name Munazza Ather

School Name Sawgrass Elementary
Grade Level(s) -5th grade
Class Size 9
Subject Area(s) Science
Lesson Plan Title Phases of the moon
Time Frame 30 min science block – 3 day lesson
CT’s Name Mrs. Anderson
Learner Profile (Describe the composition of the class to include general education, English Language Learners (ELL) and
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students. List unique characteristics of learners such as eligibilities, ability levels, etc.)
4th – 5th grade autism cluster

1st, 2nd, 3rd student – third grade reading level, second grade math standards.

4th, 5th ,6th, 7th student – on access points, first grade reading level, second grade math

8th & 9TH Student – NON-VERBAL, Access points, 1st grade math and reading level.

(All students receive accommodations and modifications)

Florida Standards and/or Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

(visit to select the appropriate standards for this lesson.)
SC.K.E.5.4 Observe that sometimes the Moon can be seen at night and
sometimes during the day.
SC.4.E.5.2 Describe the changes in the observable shape of the moon over the
course of about a month.
WIDA Standards (visit; then see Page 3 Select all that apply
☐ WS1: For Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting.
☒ WS2: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
☐ WS3: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.
☒ WS4: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
☐ WS5: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.

Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do. Align outcomes with the standards identified above.)

Student will be able to identify the phases of the moon.

Student will be able to create a moon cycle model
Students will be able to identify vocabulary related to the moon phases

lunar eclipse
new moon
full moon
Instructional Materials and Technology (List everything needed in order to implement this lesson.)
Powerpoint presentation – presented on teams
Interactive science notebook
Crayons (black and gray)
Moon phases worksheet

Youtube Videos: (phases of the moon) (why does the moon change)

Entry Event (Describe your opening activity that will activate prior knowledge and engage students.)

15 mins.

Ask the students the following questions:

1. What shape is the moon?

2. Do you see the moon changing?
3. Can you see the moon every night?
4. Does the moon always look the same?

Have an open-ended discussion with the students (activating background knowledge)

before showing the students both of the videos: phases of the moon & why does the moon

Direct Instruction (Describe how will you present the concept/skill to students.)

30 mins.

Using the gradual release model,

1. Introduce each phase of the moon (picture + definition)

2. Have students independently draw or shade each moon shape
3. Have students write down the definition of all eight moon phases with each picture
Experiential Learning (Describe the activities the students will complete with teacher support and/or peer collaboration to
reinforce concepts presented during direct instruction.)

30 mins

Students will take the moon phases worksheet and eight oreos and open the oreos and
scrape the white or cream part to make it like the moon shape and glue it or place on the
worksheet to complete the moon phase cycle.

(work samples included below)

Closure (Describe the reflection methods and reinforcement strategies you will use to conclude the lesson.)

Please provide a narrative of how you will conclude the lesson.

Students will take a 10 question quiz on canvas regarding the different moon phases
and earths rotation.

Evaluation and Monitoring

Accommodations and/or Modifications (Describe how you will accommodate students with special needs.)

Please include any accommodations your students require for the lesson to be
implemented effectively in bullet form.

· Extra Time
· Checking for comprehension
· Modeling
· Chunking work
· Verbal Prompts
· Repeated Directions

ELL Strategies (List specific strategies you will use to support ELLs.)

Please include any accommodations your students require for the lesson to be
implemented effectively in bullet form.

· Dictionary in student’s native language

· Partner-work
· Chunking article or work
· Modeling

Differentiated Instruction (Describe how you will tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.)

Below level students: Students are allowed to give oral responses or can draw pictures in
the worksheet instead of writing definition

On level students: Lesson plan can be implemented as written.

Above level students: Students will be able to go one step further and write and research
facts about space, the moon, and how the moons rotation around the earth affects us.2
21st Century Competencies (Describe how students will demonstrate 21 century competencies throughout the lesson.)

Critical Thinking: Collaboration: Creativity: Communication:

Students will have to use Whole group oreo activity Students will have to draw and Answer open ended questions
critical thinking to answer create the phases of the Group discussion
informal questions. moon., Whole group work

Integration of Literacy (Describe how you will integrate reading, writing, and oral language skills in the lesson.)
Reading: Writing: Oral Language:

Reading the vocabulary words in the Writing down vocabulary and different Answering questions orally.
moon phases. phases of moon

Assessment (Describe how you will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives.)
Formative: Summative:

Describe how you informally assess students during your Describe how you will formally assess students on mastery of
lesson. the identified standards.

Multiple choice quiz on canvas after lesson.

Oreo worksheet activity and verbal confirmation of
understanding through questioning about the moon
phases and earths rotation before, during, and after video

Extension (Describe how you will re-teach, remediate, and enrich after lesson implementation.)
Re-Teach: Remediate: Enrichment:
How are you teaching this again to How are you teaching this again to
everyone. the students who do not understand.

Creating a lunar calendar on a poster

Showing physical models and more
visuals for students.
Using a PowerPoint to visually show
vocabulary and words.
Reflection (Evaluate student learning outcomes and reflect upon your experiences. How would you modify this lesson?)
After you implement the lesson, complete the reflection component and then upload to Livetext within one week of being

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