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3. Wear glove.

 Never leave containers open; close

SAFETY IN THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY 4. safety shoes them immediately after using them.
 Keep away from any source of ignition
C. Work safely in the laboratory the flammable products.
A. Risk prevention in the laboratory. 1. Hygienic standards. D. Specific precautions in a chemical
Any laboratory operation in which chemical • Do not eat or drink or chew gum.
• Always wash your hands after doing a 1. Glass handling.
products are handled always presents risks. experiment and before leaving. • Never force a glass tube. To insert glass tubes
• No smoking. in plugs moisten the tube and the hole with
• Never inhale directly from a container. water or silicone
To eliminate or reduce them significantly, it is • Do not suck on objects that have been on and protect your hands with rags.
the table. • The hot glass should be pushed aside until it
convenient, before carrying out any operation: 2. Work with order and cleanliness. cools down.
• Never use glass equipment that is cracked or
 make a critical reading of the • Keep the work area tidy. broken.
• Keep tables and display cabinets clean. 2. Handling of chemical products.
• Clean up spilled chemicals.
procedure to follow • Clean material and appliances after use. • Chemicals can be toxic, corrosive, flammable
3. Act responsibly. or explosive.
 make sure you have the right • Remove chemical reagents from the
• Work without haste, with materials and lighter. Do not heat liquids flammable with a
reagents organized. lighter. Close the lighter key and gas bypass
• Read the practice script carefully. when not in use.
• Do not joke, run, play, push, etc. • Do not inhale chemical fumes. She works in a
 always handle the minimum amount of • Do not touch those equipment and facilities extractor showcase.
that they do not belong to your practice. • Pipetting reagents by mouth is prohibited.
chemical 4. Health • Avoid contact of chemical products with the
skin. Wash your hands often.
If you have any incompatibility with any • Always read the safety label of the reagents
 wear appropriate protective clothing
product chemical, pacemaker, or pathology that you are going to us
that seems relevant to you
and accessories for the course of a practice inform the teacher 3. Transport of reagents.
before perform the.
 Have a plan of action in case of The bottles are always transported by holding
 Do not use or clean any bottle of them at the bottom, never from the
reagents you've lost your label. plug.
incident or accident.
 Never replace a product chemist for 4. Heating of liquids.
another in an experiment.
B. Protection  Never use a device or equipment Never heat a fully closed container. Always run
without knowing how it works the mouth of the container in the opposite
1. Take care of your eyes. Wear safety direction to yourself and others
glasses close people
2. How to be dressed in the laboratory. Wear a
4. Cuts.
E. Waste disposal.
Wash with plenty of running water, for 10 “INSTITUTO SUPERIOR HONORIO
Broken glass. In containers intended for this
Observe and eliminate the existence of crystal
Papers and other waste: In the trash.
Chemical wastes.
5. Splashes and Projections
Toxic products: special containers. Don't throw
• In liquid transfers, use funnels and
directly to the sink products that react with
perform the operation at slow speed.
water (sodium, hydrides, amides, acid halides),
• If you mix acid and water, do it: acid on
flammable (solvents), sulfur derivatives,
tear gas (benzyl halides, halo ketones), or not
• Do not remove acids with metal objects.
biodegradable (polyhalogenates: chloroform).
• Do not heat any closed container.
F. What to do in the event of an accident:
6. Spill of chemical products on the skin.
first aid
Wash immediately with plenty of water, 15
Routes: Inhalation, dermal, digestive and
7. Action in case of skin corrosion.
1. Fire in the laboratory. PROFESSIONAL CAREER:
By acids. Cut the clothes. Wash with plenty of
water. Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate for
Small fires: and located, put it out using a INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
about 20 minutes.
suitable extinguisher, or covering the fire with a
By alkalis. Wash with plenty of water and rinse
container to drown it. Remove the products
with a saturated boric acid solution or with a EDUCATIONAL UNIT: BUSINESS
nearby flammable chemicals. Don't use
solution 1% acetic acid.
never water to extinguish a fire caused by the
inflammation of a solvent.
8. Action in case of eye corrosion. COMMUNICATION
Flush eyes with plenty of water for about 15
Large fires: Isolate the fire. Use the fire
extinguishers suitable. If the fire can't be
Wash under the eyelids. Never rub your eyes.
controlled quickly, trigger the fire alarm, notify
It is necessary to receive medical assistance.
the firefighting service and evacuate the
9. Action in ingestion of chemical products.
Do not ingest chemicals.
2. Fire in the body. STANDARDS
If your clothes catch fire, yell for help. Stretch
10. Acting on inhalation of chemical
on the ground and roll on yourself to turn off
products. SURNAMES AND
The inhalation dose of a chemical agent
3. Burns
depends on the environmental concentration NAMES :YOSELIN MAMANI JOYA
Small first degree burns, produced by hot
and the exposure time.
material, baths, plates or heating blankets, etc.,
• Do not smell or inhale chemicals.
are treated by flushing the area with cold water
• Use the extraction cabinets, without inserting AREQUIPA – 2020
for 10-15 minutes. The most serious burns
the head inside.
require immediate medical attention

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