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Lately, in the 21st century, internet has become an amazing resource, with lot of

advanced technology, which have made significant changes to my life. Internet has made

my lifestyle no longer as it used to be. It has revolutionized every aspect of my life. For

instance, I could finish my assignments easier using the internet. But somehow,it changed

the way I carry the work and the way I interact with people. Now, it is also community

preferred medium of everyday communication. The question is,how exactly the internet has

affected my life?

Internet has made my life easier through its convenience where I still can stay in

touch with those I loved from moment to moment regardless whenever and wherever I am at

that time. I can communicate with them through social media by using skype, whatsapp or

imo. For instance, when my parents were at Macca , we get in touch with each other through

an application called imo. With this medium, both my mom and my dad able to tell me about

their experiences in Macca and shared some information about the places they were visiting.

Little by little, my longing for them disappeared. I’m so thankful to have internet because of

this. But, through the internet also, my personal relationship with those around me slowly

start to alter. It changed the way I interact with those around me such as my parents, friends,

siblings, and the lecturers. This can be clearly seen in my everyday life. For example, when

we sit in a table, all of us were too focused on the thing in our hands-smartphones. It is true

that those innovation provided can connected us in a simpler and more accessible way

where we can conduct part of our personal relationship using laptops, smartphone and

tablet. But somehow, unlike face to face communication, interact through online is severely

limited in the sense impressions. Without the sense impressions, one’s conversation can

lead to misunderstanding and give the opportunities for someone to lie.

In the aspect of education, the internet has made my life easier by giving me

information regarding my assignments at its full speed. I’m not only use the internet during

the assignment weeks. I am also use the internet to find and access information without

taking much effort to look for the hard cover books. In early days, only certain people could

published and maintained the content. And I’m sure the sources are limited but still can be

trusted. However, people nowadays can upload and download several fake news easily

without knowing its validity. This is not good as I might get wrong information about certain

things on the website that can be created for free. If I were asked to choose whether to live

in the old days without the internet or nowadays without the originality, for sure, I would

choose to live in the world nowadays. Because my life became easier as I can gain any

information just one click away. But, as a student, sometimes I find that the internet can be a

burden to me. It is indeed a major distraction to the students. As I Iook at the people around

me such as my friends, I can see their attentiveness drops drastically in the classroom when

they have their smartphones in their hands. The focus shifts from the lecturers to whatever

they are looking at, playing, or doing on their phones. I’ve been noticed the extent to which

students are glued to their mobile devices.From what I found in the internet, in one survey at

six different universities,college students reported using their phones an average of 11 times

per day in class. In another study, 92% of college students reported using their phones to

send text messages during class. Although I’ve already put aside my phone during the

class,I still get distracted by the person beside me in class if they play their phone.

In conclusion, internet has affected in both good way and bad way. It is up to us

whether to use it for our own importance without thinking the impact or vice versa. Overall,

internet has affected in my studies and my communication skills. Internet can be resulted

either for good or bad. That is why, although internet makes my life easier, I still should not

use the internet over the top. There is no doubt that the internet has changed my life. The

internet provides lot of opportunities and benefits, different people, making it one of the

essential service sought by everyone across the globe including me.

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