TEST ID: 510: ACE Engineering Academy

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TEST ID: 510

ESE- 2020 (Prelims) - Offline Test Series Test-20


01. Ans: (d) autonomy and Hong Kong people's civil

02. Ans: (d)
05. Ans: (b)
03. Ans: (a) Sol: The Kartarpur Corridor was first proposed in
Sol: Officials said the merger of the two UTs, early 1999 by Atal Bihari Vajpayee and
located along the western coast near Gujarat, Nawaz Sharif, the prime ministers of India
will be done for better administration and and Pakistan respectively, as part of the
check duplications of various work. So far, Delhi–Lahore Bus diplomacy.
both the Union Territories have separate
budgets and different secretariats even 06. Ans: (a)
though they are just 35 km apart. Dadra and Sol: Sri Lanka’s former wartime defence Chief
Nagar Haveli has just one district while Gotabaya Rajapaksa, part of the country’s
Daman and Diu has two. most powerful political dynasty, has been
elected president.
04. Ans: (c)
Sol: The 2019 Hong Kong protests, also known 07. Ans: (d)
as the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment
Bill (Anti-ELAB) movement, is an ongoing 08. Ans: (c)
series of demonstrations in Hong Kong Sol: GAFA tax was introduced by France.
triggered by the introduction of the Fugitive
Offenders amendment bill by the Hong 09. Ans: (b)
Kong government. If enacted, the bill would
have empowered local authorities detain and 10. Ans: (c)
extradite criminal fugitives who are wanted Sol:
in territories with which Hong Kong does  The French Government has invited
not currently have extradition agreements, India to visit the Al Dhafra air base in
including Taiwan and mainland China. This UAE where the Rafale aircrafts are on
led to concerns that the bill would subject active operations. The base is currently
Hong Kong residents and visitors to the executing Operation Chammal.
jurisdiction and legal system of mainland
China, which would undermine the region's

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet

:2: General Studies & Engineering Aptitude

 Operation Chammal is a French 13. Ans: (c)

Military operation in Syria and Iraq to Sol: Union Government is planning to set up a
contain the expansion of Islamic State. new rocket launch pad near
The operation also supports Iraq army. Kulasekarapattinam in Tamil Nadu. At
The name of the operation comes from present, the Indian Space Research
the north westerly wind that blows over organisation (ISRO) has two launch pads at
Persian Gulf and Iraq. Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDCC) in
Sriharikotta, Andhra Pradesh.
11. Ans: (a)
Sol: British natural historian and television 14. Ans: (b)
presenter David Attenborough will receive Sol: China now has more diplomatic posts across
the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, the world than United States in 2019. China
Disarmament and Development for 2019. has overtaken United States with 276
Attenborough was selected for spending his embassies and consulates worldwide, which
life revealing the wonders of the natural is 3 more than US (both countries have an
world and tirelessly working to make human equal number of embassies but China has 3
beings realise the importance of preserving more consulates). After China and US next
and protecting the biodiversity on our three spots are occupied by France, Japan,
planet.. and Russia respectively. India was ranked
12. Ans: (a) 12th among the 61 countries.
ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet
:3: ESE - 2020 (Prelims) Offline Test Series

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet

:4: General Studies & Engineering Aptitude

15. Ans: (c) 16. Ans: (d) are special occasion ones made from Pat
17. Ans: (b) 18. Ans: (d)
28. Ans: (d) 29. Ans: (b)
19. Ans: (a) 20. Ans: (c) 30. Ans: (a)
Sol: The Pension Fund Regulatory and
21. Ans: (b) 22. Ans: (d) Development Authority (PFRDA) has added
one more category of investors who can
23. Ans: (c) 24. Ans: (b) invest in the National Pension System.
PFRDA has stated that now Overseas
25. Ans: (a) Citizen of India (OCIs) can enrol to invest in
Sol: In New Delhi, the Good Air Summit (GAS- NPS tier-1 accounts.
2019) has been organized by the Integrated
Health and Wellbeing Council (IHWC) 31. Ans: (b)
under the theme 'Making India Breathe'. Sol: SECURE Himalaya project was launched by
Over 2,000 students took the pledge to make the Indian Government to ensure the
environment greener and pollution-free at conservation of forest resources, land and
the summit. biodiversity with local and global
significance on the inaugural day of the
26. Ans: (c) Global Wildlife Programme (GWP)
Sol: Predatory pricing is the act of a market conference. It covers the high Himalayan
leader lowering its prices below its costs to Ecosystem spread over Uttarakhand,
gain an unfair advantage. The predator Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal
incurs short-term losses to hurt other players Pradesh.
and drive them out of the market. Later, with
fewer competitors, the predator can raise 32. Ans: (d)
prices to recoup losses. Such behaviour is
considered anti-competitive and can be 33. Ans: (b)
taken up by competition or industry Sol: Approximately 6000-7000 Rohingya
regulators for review. refugees have agreed to be relocated to the
Predatory pricing should not be confused newly built camp on the Bhashan Char
with normal, competitive price wars. For Island.
instance, a firm that reduces costs below that The Bhashan Char is an uninhabited island
of its competitors could offer products with around 30 kilometre east of Hatiya island in
lower prices. the South East Bangladesh. Hatiya has a
population of 600,000. Bhashan Char island
27. Ans: (a) was formed about two decades ago on the
Sol: The Gamosa is an article of great mouth of river Meghna.
significance for the people of Assam.
It is generally a white rectangular piece of
cloth with primarily a red border on three
sides and red woven motifs on the fourth (in
addition to red, other colors are also used).
Although cotton yarn is the most common
material for making/weaving gamosas, there
ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet
:5: ESE - 2020 (Prelims) Offline Test Series

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet

:6: General Studies & Engineering Aptitude

34. Ans: (c) of Satish Dhawan Space Centre into a sun

Sol: The New Arrangement to Borrow is the fund synchronous orbit of 509 kilometers.
mobilization arrangement of the IMF to
mobilise additional funds through borrowing 38. Ans: (b)
from member countries. Under NAB, Sol: As per CRY report, Uttar Pradesh and
member countries and institutions can stand Madhya Pradesh have topped the list of
ready to lend to the Fund. The NAB is States for overall crimes against children.
structured as a set of credit arrangements Both stood at 14.8% with over 19,000 cases.
between the IMF and 38-member countries
(can be changed) and institutions. 39. Ans: (c)
Sol: To support diversification of jute sector,
35. Ans: (c) National Jute Board in collaboration with
Sol: National Institute of Design and has opened
 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan Jute Design Cell at Gandhinagar. The
Yojana (PM-KMY) is an old age government has also taken up the promotion
pension scheme for all land holding of Jute Geo Textiles and Agro-Textiles with
Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) in State Governments particularly that in North
the country. It is a voluntary and Eastern region and also with departments
contributory pension scheme for the like Ministry of Road Transport and
entry age group of 18 to 40 years. Ministry of Water Resources.
 A monthly pension of Rs. 3000/– will
be provided to them on attaining the 40. Ans: (d) 41. Ans: (a)
age of 60 years. The spouse is also
eligible to get a separate pension of 42. Ans: (d)
Rs.3000/- upon making separate Sol: An international team of astronomers
contributions to the Fund. announced they directly detected water
 The farmers will have to make a vapor in Europa's atmosphere for the first
monthly contribution of Rs.55 to time. As detailed in a paper published in
Rs.200, depending on their age of Nature Astronomy, this method of detection
entry, in the Pension Fund till they is strong evidence that liquid water exists
reach the retirement date i.e. the age of beneath the surface of Europa.
60 years.
43. Ans: (a) 44. Ans: (c)
36. Ans: (c)
Sol: The European parliament has declared a 45. Ans: (c)
global “climate and environmental
emergency” as it urged all EU countries to 46. Ans: (a)
commit to net zero greenhouse gas Sol: In the latest quarter, India’s GDP grew at the
emissions by 2050. slowest pace in the last 7 years. The fall in
consumption and investment impacted the
37. Ans: (a) industry segment in the latest quarter.
Sol: PSLV C47 carrying Cartosat-3 was Theonly component which saw a steep rise
launched on 27 November 2019 at 03:58 was the public administration and defence
UTC using XL variant of Polar Satellite services which were mostly fuelled by the
Launch Vehicle from the second launch pad government.
ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet
:7: ESE - 2020 (Prelims) Offline Test Series

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet

:8: General Studies & Engineering Aptitude

47. Ans: (b) 48. Ans: (a) efforts by India, France and USA, as world
leaders came together in Paris to undertake
49. Ans: (a) ambitious efforts to combat climate changes.
Sol: Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is a Mission Innovation (MI) is a global
payment system launched by National initiative of 24 countries and the European
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). It Union to dramatically accelerate global
facilitates the fund transfer between two clean energy innovation. As part of the
bank accounts through a smartphone. It initiative, participating countries have
converts multiple bank accounts into a committed to double their governments’
single mobile application (of any clean energy research and development
participating bank), merging several banking (R & D) investments over five years, while
features, seamless fund routing & merchant encouraging greater levels of private sector
payments into one hood. investment in transformative clean energy
It may also be used for Utility Bill technologies. These additional resources are
Payments, Over the Counter Payments and expected to dramatically accelerate the
Barcode (Scan and Pay) based payments. availability of the advanced technologies
that will define a future global energy mix
50. Ans: (a) that is clean, affordable, and reliable.
Sol: Mission Innovation was announced on
November 30, 2015 due to pioneering

ACE Engineering Academy Hyderabad|Delhi|Bhopal|Pune|Bhubaneswar|Lucknow|Patna|Bengaluru|Chennai|Vijayawada|Vizag|Tirupati|Kukatpally|Kolkata|Ahmedabad | Kothapet

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