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The lesson I created for my kahoots involved the concepts of foundational math.

The central focus of the lesson is mathematical terms and definitions which are used in
everyday math such as commutative property, associative property, counting numbers,
factors, quotient, whole numbers and many more. The learning objective is for every
student to get 17 out of 20 questions correct on the kahoot. Getting a score of 17/20 will
show that the students understand the mathematical concepts and terms being taught
to them.
I began designing the first kahoot by simply asking questions about definitions
where the students would have to choose the correct term or I would give the student
the term and they would have to choose the correct definition of the term. I selected the
content for my assessments based on what I have been learning in my Concepts of
Foundational Math course this semester. We have learned the terms and why students
should know them and their meanings. These terms are important as they are needed
to allow the students to further develop math skills in the future.
Modifications for one of the kahoots targeted assisting students who are below
grade level and the other targeted assisting students who are ESL students with
spanish as their native and/or primary language. For both modified kahoots, I made the
amount of time the student is given to answer the question longer than the standard one
with the thoughts that struggling students might take more time to read the questions
and answers or simply to remember what a term or definition means. Mastery for these
two kahoots might either be the same as the original kahoot (17/20) or I might make it
(15 or 16/20 instead). My expectations for the students, I feel, shouldn’t be much lower
than the students at grade level or who are native english speakers if they are given the
extra assistance they receive in the two modified kahoots.
In order to make the kahoot suitable for students who are below grade level, I
added photos to almost all of the slides giving them hints that might help them with the
terms and/or their definitions. I chose to make a kahoot for students who are below
grade level because it might be a good kahoot for all students to begin with to help them
become more familiar with the terms and definitions by giving them visuals to think
about in the future even when they are not given the photos to help them. To create the
pictures for this kahoot. I wrote out the hints on a white board, took the pictures with my
phone, then cropped and uploaded them on my macbook. This process was really easy
and I encountered no problems.
For the kahoot suitable for ESL students, I added the important parts of the
questions in spanish with the hopes that it might allow students who speak spanish as
their native language and english as a second language to begin to recognize the math
terms and definitions in english better if they are able to read it in both languages. For
this kahoot, I used google translate to translate the parts of the questions that I wanted
from english into spanish. The only problem I have with the spanish is that I don’t speak
it fluently enough to know if the spanish makes sense for each problem or not. Making
this kahoot involving spanish might be helpful because, for native english speakers, it is
no different if they ignore the spanish within it meaning that all students, not just ESL
students would be able to use this kahoot.
Using these kahoots will allow me to see what terms and definitions students are
struggling with most. Once I know which terms and definitions the students are having
trouble with, I can create lessons which focus on those specific terms and definitions
more. If the students are not reaching expectations on this assessment, I might try to
instruct the content to them a different way than I did before. If the students are scoring
what I expect them to (17/20) or higher I will know that they understand the terms and
definitions and I will move on with new terms and definitions or another topic in the

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