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National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) Module 6 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation |. Specific Objectives: At the end of the class students must: A. Discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation B. Select appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures C. Verify best practices in solid waste management and greening program ll. Leaming Materials Presentation material by OCD/DOST Film/video Case Studies Awardees on Best Practices on CCA Resource Persons ICT Tools Ill. References IV. Strategies * Lecture by Resource (Plenary) * Film Showing on Climate Change Adaptation “ Case Analysis * Lakbay Aral /Benchmarking * Symposium * Compilation Readings for Module 6 “CLIMATE What is climate change? DRRM initiatives could not be separated from the efforts to address the adverse effects of climate change. Have you noticed the change in intensity of rainfall and flooding in recent years? How about experiencing heavy rainfall even during nontyphoon months? Or the extremely hot temperature and diminishing water sources and supply during summertime? These are indicators of rapidly changing climate. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defines National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) "Climate Change- as the deviation from the normal trend of climate variables (such as temperature, humidity) which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to the natural climate variability over comparable periods of time’. What causes rapid climate change? There is mounting evidence that the earth is rapidly getting warmer and much of this is caused by human activities (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2012). What causes this rapid rise in global temperature? The presence of too much greenhouse gasses (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) in the earth’s atmosphere which traps the sun’s heat is blamed for this. This natural phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse Effect Let us imagine the clothes we're wearing right now. Imagine them as the earth's atmosphere. It has the right amount of greenhouse gases that keep the heat emitting out of your body trapped. But it's all WHAT CAUSES RAPID CLIMATE CHANGE? right since they are | VAT not too thick. Your body can handle the warmth. What if we add more layers + Greenhouse effect which results in rapid rise in global temperature * Presence of excessive of clothes and cover greenhouse gasses -- you with five thick carbon dioxide, methane, blankets? What will nitrous oxide, etc. in the happen to earth's atmosphere which traps th 's hea you? That's what the sLcdeeean eoba greenhouse gasses do. Because there are just too many of National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1* Semester) them in the atmosphere, they make the planet warmer. WHAT CAUSES RAPID CLIMATE CHANGE? Car ena Pat a ia etter) Greenhouse gases absorb energy from the sun by trapping it in the atmosphere, to warm the earth: this Is the Greenhouse Lffect What are the human activities that result in increased risk of clirmate change? Greenhouse gases result from various natural and human activities. The accelerated build-up of greenhouse gases is due to high level of human activities related to: Burning of fuels such as coal, oil, and gas « Industrial processes which generate human-made gases * Agricultural production such as raising farm animals and use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers Land use changes especially deforestation of tropical forests What ave the effects and impact of climate change? Ice melts in the arctic making sea level rise. Moreover, sea water warms and evaporates 60 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) more rapidly, which leads to the increase in number and intensity of typhoons, hurricanes, and all tropical storms. Extreme weather patterns are experienced (too hot or too cold, too much rains or too much dryness). Hence, we experience the growing unpredictability and intensity of typhoons, floods, and drought. Rising seas and extreme weather conditions affect our: * Agriculture and food security (decrease in or destruction of crop yields and livestock, higher demand for irrigation) * Health (weather-related deaths, infectious diseases, mosquito-bite or parasiterelated ailments, air quality-respiratory illnesses) * Coastal Areas (erosion of beaches, inundated coastal lands, cost to defend coastal communities) * Forest (change in forest composition and coverage) * Species and natural areas (loss of habitat and species, shift on ecological zones) * Water Resource (change in water supply and quality, increased competition for water), (Climate Change Commission, no date) The impact of climate change has caught many communities unprepared. As world temperature rises, we will continue to experience extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and severe drought. Climate change is exposing areas previously not experiencing floods and drought to such. Hence, more communities are becoming even more susceptible to disaster risks. 61 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) WHAT ARE THE MEASURES TO ADDRESS THE EFFECTS AND IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE? Cc ee What are the measures to address the effects and impact of climate change? DRRM programs should integrate measures that help communities adapt to climate change and its effects. Activities and technology can be modified to reduce the production of greenhouse gases, which in turn, will reduce or slow down the rise in temperature and the resulting effects. Since we cannot stop climate change, we should learn to adapt and change our ways so that its negative effects could be reduced and positive impact could be taken advantage of. 62 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) What CCA/M measures can we do as ordinary people or as a community? Since our activities result in the production of greenhouse gases which when become excessive and accumulate contributes to the increasing global temperature, we need to modify the way we live. We can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases through the following efforts: * Change your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). + Turn off lights when not in use. Whenever possible, bring natural sunlight into your home. + Have your cars regularly checked for efficient engine performance. * When traveling short distances, just walk or use a bicycle. When going to work or to some distant places, take the public transport. * Clean your refrigerator regularly. Do not set the thermostat higher than necessary. * Minimize or avoid the use of home appliances that eat up too much energy such as water heaters, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers. + Use solar panels installed in your home to provide some of your electricity needs. Use electricity coming from renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind or geothermal energy if these are available in your area. * Buy recycled products and actively create a market for them. Before you buy an item, check if the product or its packaging is recyclable. * Buy less, use less and re-use as much as possible. DRRM and CCA/M endeavors should come from us, from ordinary community members, LGU officials, along with the most vulnerable sectors of our community. What can youth do to help reduce the effects of climate change? Youth play a role in reducing the effects of climate change and in reducing the production of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Youth can: Conserve water + Conserve electricity © Recycle (recycling projects) 63 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) * Help in waste segregation at home and in school * Inform peers and their family regarding climate change and how to mitigate its effects. “ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (ESWM)” Defining Terms: ™ Solid waste — also called garbage, trash, rubbish, or junk. It’s the stuff we throw from our homes, schools, offices, factories, malls, and hospitals. This includes construction debris, furniture and appliances, waste from market and farms, and special and hazardous wastes from hospitals and factories. Ecological Solid Waste Management ™ A way of handling wastes to reduce its amount to the barest minimum and recovering discarded materials for reuse, recycling or composting and ali other waste management activities which do not harm the environment. Republic Act 9003 - 2000 ™ Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of the Philippines @ It requires: > Solid wastes must be reduced at source. » Recyclable materials must be recovered. > The remaining wastes, after recyclables and bio- degradable materials have been separated and used, must be disposed of properly. Factors that contribute to the solid waste management problem: Spiraling Population growth rate Rapid Urbanization Municipal Solid Waste Changing Lifestyles National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) Consumption Patterns Public indifference Environmental impacts of improper solid waste handling and disposal 1, Leachate contamination of ground waters 2. Land Pollution/ reduced value 3. Depletion of Ozone Layer/ Global Warming 4. Water pollution and flooding Decomposition Rates (Source: Penn State Univ/ Segregation at Source Solid waste management practice of separating, at the point of " origin, different materials found in solid wastes. Paper 2-4 weeks Leaves 1-3 months Orange Peel 6 months Milk Carton 5 years Plastic Bag 10-20-years Plastic Containers 50-80 years Aluminum Cans 80 years Tin Cans 100 years Plastic soda bottle 450 years Glass bottle 500 years Styrofoam Never (petroleum based) 6s National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) ‘WHY SEGREGATE? 1. We cannot depend on landfills indefinitely: ~ we are running out of space - we are running out of time - WASTE CARRYING CAPACITY 2. Each of us are waste generators ¢ Promote the 3R’s of solid waste management Reduce o @ Re-use — Recycle 4. Resource conservation, recovery and promotes livelihood \ 5. Its mandatory under RA 9003 CLASSIFICATION OF HOUSEHOLD SOLID WASTES ™ 1. Compostable/Bio-degradable Wastes ™ 2. Recyclable/Non-Biodegradable Wastes ™ 3. Non-Recyclable/Residual Wastes @ 4. Toxic/Hazardous Wastes BAWASAN ANG BASURANG ITIMATAPON! 1. COMPOSTABLE/ BIODEGRADABLE WASTE (Green) pe SEGR ~ Garden and Kitchen wastes , " » S ee 2. RECYCLABLE/NON-BIODEGRADABLE x A WASTE (Gray) ae . & NABUBULOK PUWEDEN( LRECYCLE National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1* Semester) - Metals, glass, dry leather/feather, hard shells, recyclable plastics, rubber, tin/aluminum cans, dry paper/boxes/cardboard 3. NON-RECYCLABLE/ RESIDUAL WASTES (Black) - Candy and junk food wrappers, coffee/shampoo sachets, cellophanes / soiled plastics, foils, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, styrofoams 4. SPECIAL/ HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE (Red) - Paints, thinners, batteries, spray canisters, tires, worn-out/broken appliances, empty fabcon/chlorine/ muriatic acid containers SEGREGATION USING COLOR-CODED WASTE RECEPTACLES Hazardous/ & i =) Recyclable Wastes Special Wastes Biodegradable Wastes WASTE REDUCTION Do | really need it?” Do | really need this much?” REDUCE - Avoid over-packaged goods - Avoid or limit the use of disposables - Buy in bulk - Buy durable, refillable, re-usable, repairable, & recyclable products 67 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1" Semester) RE-USE - Maintain & repair durable products - Borrow, rent, or share items that are not used frequently - Sell or donate goods instead of throwing them out RECYCLE ~ Patronize recycled & recyclable goods - Promote recycling programs ESWM Laws at the local level ¢ SP Ordinance 2380-2002 (Solid Waste Management Ordinance of Butuan City and an adoption of RA 9003) ¢ SP Ordinance 2385-2002 (Requiring all owners & operators of business establishments to undergo half day seminar on solid waste management prior to renewal of business/mayors permits) e Executive Order No. 90-2004 - Set forth guidelines for the proper implementation of the ESWM Program Waste Segregation guidelines ° Executive Order 161-2007 Setting up of Waste Collection Points in every barangay and the mandatory backyard composting in every household for bio-degradable wastes ‘SP Ordinance No. 1052 & 1053-94 The Anti-Littering Ordinance * Littering in public places/vehicles % Urinating, defecating or spitting in public places _ 68 National Service Training Program (NSTP) MODULE (1* Semester) ** Vandalizing public properties * Failure to provide functionally covered garbage receptacles in schools other public places * Failure to maintain cleanliness of Premises/surroundings in public buildings Butuan City ESWM Profile = Serviced Barangays ~ 38 (11 Rural & 27 Urban) * Waste Generation/day - 65-70 tons * Waste Generation/cap. - 32kg Urban .20kg rural * Waste Characterization (2003) Bio-degradable - 57.98 % Non-Bio/Recyclable - 16.08 % Non-Bio/Residual ~ 25.36 % Special/Haz. Wastes- .58 % 6

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