Nairobi Hospital Forensic Investigation - Summary Presentation October 2020 PDF

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@ GrantThornton ‘An instinct for growth” The Nairobi Hospital Forensic Audit Summary Report - October 2020 Grant Thornton Ait | Tax | Advisory Key Red Flags (1/10) B * Unexplained revenue diferences between amounts in the Kranium system and Navision system “There were liferences noted between biting and receipts (revenve) amounts posted in Kranium and Navision as at 31 December 2019. The total inpatient ‘and outpatient revenue recorded on Kranium for FY 2019 amounted to KES 12.8bn, The total revenue recorded on Navision amounted to KES 10.6bn resulting in an tunoxplained variance of KES 2:2bn This is equivalent to2 months + Review the interface between Kranium ‘and Navision to eneure data ls property recorded, * Duplicate user accounts exst on the system (Kranium) “The system allows duplicated users and we observed examples ofthese on the Kranium system. Dus to limitations in independently reviewig the transaction logs in Kranium we could not very ‘whether these accounts were being used ‘simultaneously inthe system 1 execute transactons, * Review the relevant policy, processes, procedures and plan documents to {ensure they are up to date and that they scope in all relevant systems and are relevant in terms of the expected ‘stops deserted therein, * Internal applications are accessible through the guest WF (Wireless network) “Ther is no network Segmentation ‘evidenced on the Local Area or Wide ‘Area Network and as such basie acoass to the guest Wi-Fi network allows access tothe hospital mission critical systems ‘such as Kranium and Navision that are ‘onthe network. ‘+ Segmentation shouldbe setup. This can be achieved by a combination of firewalls and VLANs (Virtua Local ‘Area Networks). Softyare-Defined "Networking (SON) can allow the Creation and management of micro- segmented networks. + Segmentation or “zoning” can provide effective contro to it further ‘movement across the network Key Red Flags (2/10) Commitee in 2019 Pago 221 Table 4 * Project price variations based on finance data amounted to | ~ Engage a technical consultant to + Projects with KES 2.8 B. Price variation orders were approved by CEO by | review project price variations to ees vation signing on change order letters. We reviewed the board minutes | determine whether there was value for Orders and noted that change orders were never discussed in board | money. ‘meetings except for one done on the ath Finance & Investment azarae] e037) 2a79e1a a2 Lack of project ~The following decuments were missing from project fies: Tender |~ Engage the project manager, architect, records documents and evaluation report, Award letters, Conract, Bil of | and the sub contractors to re create quantity; Architect crawings orginal and with change order; project documentation, {Quantity surveyors completion certificates; project progress. report; Change order approval; Snag ist Final accounts + Lack of projects * There ae no policies and procedures in place to guide Review and approved the craft project polices and execution of projects, ‘management policies and procedures procedures * Payments to| * Payments made to 16 projects without contracts amounted |~ Engage the project manager and the projects without to KES. 1,449,561,844.00, hese paymonts were memos arentectto re create documentation contracts between the Finance Director, Ag. CEO and payments fon projects handled between 2017 a contiates ‘and 2019, 20 + The Finance manager shouldbe the custodian ofall contracts as per procurement manual sub-section bar Key Red Flags (3/10 ) * Thvoo diferont There wor tree diferent project iat rom twee diferent souess |- Engage he project manager and the projet ists architect to recreate documentation ea Soar ey on projects handled between 2017 ‘nd 2019, Suppor 7.866207 513, 177.497.405 Projets 72073624703. 703.259 257 nance 6200557630 2.879.614 742 Project contracts ~ 25 ofthe 48 projects as pe the finance projec ist were Review contacto China Zhongaing awarded to one ‘awarded o China Zhongsing amounting to KES 2.435,560,747 | to ensure there arena conficts of supplier © un ate vell page 267 intrest to diversity concenraton rik * Change orders not ‘Change orders that were not approved by TNH amounted to | Engage a technical consultant approved by TNH KES 630 445 609. Page 221 Table 114 review project rie variations to + Non-compliance “Thar was a variance of Kshs 55 585,558.75 between the determine whether there was vale for wth procs budgeted amounts and amount pais of Kshs 79.530,193.18 and | "one. budgeted amounts Ken 225,053,108.21 Page 224 Table 113 > Uniair “TNH conducted competive bidding for si (6) vendors forthe | Appropriate dscpinary action where Procurement procurement of C-arm for Endoscopy Phipe East Arica Limited | tie determined thre wae nogigencs Practone- t nd Meste Sjtom Limted were recommend fer fancil | orcolsion Procurement of C- ‘valiaton. Procurement controler Jacinta Wanyag wrote tothe | Scere ener ‘Ar for Endoscopy ‘Ag. CEO and recommended the avard tobe gon ta Phys |" SineSang tise! uitelnes where East ica Liited as they had the lowest bid. After Smorihs. | Guy tne recommended supers tho Ag. CEO Dr. Chistopher Abo requested fora renegotiation | trite for pce netiatons se ‘of prices vith Meitec. The tender was eventualy awarded © | provided ferin procarement gudeling Mectoe Systems Limited who re tonderd vth te owost nae ‘amount, KES 37 2M. Appendix GTOOS and GT006 pages 264 ‘and 265, Key Red Flags (4/10 ) rn ed ‘Missing supple dve- ligonce information ‘and documentation Risk level ¢ Deseri During the review of supplies’ pre-quaifeation process, we noted that some of the service providers did not submit mandatory documents such as completed trade reference form, latest audted accounts, tax compliance certicate, completed ‘supplier code of ethics and signed affidavit on bidder Ktigation history for he last three (3) years In an interview with Mes. Jacinta Wanyagion 05 March 2020, she Slated that suppliers who dé not submit provide mandatory ‘documents were sent for regrets and a register maintained However, we noted that some service providers who were to receive regrets were awarded contracts by the Procurement department. Recomm \ded next steps Procurement, Stores and Disposal Manual must be strcly adhered to in ‘order to avoid intemal and external Influences into the process. regular Bidaing- ‘Companies wit the ‘Same directors bid for the same tender Procurement of Digital X- Ray machine was awarded to Nairobi X-Ray Supplies Ltd with an award latter dated 18th November 2019 amounting to KES 14,7M. There were six (6) bidders who ‘submitted the bids and three (3) had the same directors — NNatebi x Ray, Meditec and Vanguard. Table 38 page 125, In an emai dated 3° May 2019, Mr. Tom Simba (Head of Marketing) gave a ist of seven (7) vendors to participate in a Festicted bid. Out ofthe seven, Ogivy Arica and Scan Group who shared the same directors bid, They were invited contrary to procurement guideline 9.3.5 which requies that restricted Tendering is competiive . Express DDE won the tender amounting to 17.5M Appendix GTO17 page 276. +The procurement department should consider analysis of vendors dlrectorship to ensure that no vendors with same directorship are alowed to Paticipate in the same bid Lack of value for Money uring Procurement Procurement for supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and taining on use of Dialysis machines was awarded to Pulse Hoalthare Ltd with a 12 16 wooks lead time ata cost of KES: 12,905,000. $.7.11.4 page 99 Pulse HealthCare Limited got into fnancial crisis and were tunable to supply the machines. They were blackisted by TNH however it was noted that atoll of 14 POs wore subsequently raised amounting to KES 5,325,578 Table 14 page 100 ‘Non preforming vendors should be blacksted and the POs issued to them revoked. They should not be engaged by ‘TNH on farther work, Key Red Flags (5/10) Exposure Internal interference with the procurement process. Risk Dr Jennifer Nabaweesi (Chief Radiologist) wrote an ema Acecty to Meditec Systoms Limited asking for clarication of a quotation that was provided. Appendix GTO16 page 275 ‘Tom Simba ~ Head of Marketing in an email communication to Jacinta Wanyagi (procurement controler) provided a Ist of ‘seven (7) to participate in a request to tender. Appendix GTO17 age 276. TNH conducted compettive bidding fr six (6) vendors forthe procurement of C-arm for Endoscopy. Philips East Arca Limited and Moditoe Sytom Limited wore recommended for financial evaluation, Procurement. contolier Jacinta Wanyagi \wrote tothe Ag. CEO and recommended the award to be given {to Philips East Aca Limited as they hac the lowest bd, ‘After 3 months, the Ag. CEO Dr. Christopher Abeid requested for a renegotiation of prices wih Meditec. The tender was eventually awarded to Medtec Systems Limited who re tendered wit the lowest amount, KES 37.2M. Appendix GTOOS and GT006 pages 264 and 265, ‘Appropriate disciplinary acon should be taken against all officers involved in procurement interference. Procurement, Stores and Disposal Manual must be stricly adhered to in ‘order to avoid intemal and external Intuences Into the process, Key Red Flags (6/10) ‘Vendor prequalificaion “TNH contracted Aramex Kenya Limited from 01 Januery 2018 to December 31 2019 for provision of courier services a detailed in the contract agreement dated 01 November 2017 signed by former ‘CEO Nr. Gordon Odundo and Company Secretary Mrs. Mercy Noifve. During the period 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2019, Aramex, kenya Limteo were paid Kshs 24,127,280.34. ‘TNH engaged Savannah Informatics Limited for provision of Vito ‘Software License and debt collection fees. During the period 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2019 the vondor| was paid Kshs 13,901,697.77, We observed that in both instances the vendors were considered ‘and awarded contracts to provide services yet they are not pre- ‘qualified by TNH and no explanation or absence of pre-qualfication requirement was given to us ‘Appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against all officers involved in procurement interference. Procurement, Stores and Disposal Manual must be stricly adhered to in ‘order to avoid intemal and external Intuences Into the process, + Variances between ‘Trial Balance and the Ledger ‘We noted differences between the indvdual income ledger and the tial balance amounting to Kshs. 17.182,286.00 forthe period under ‘scope From our discussions with Mary Mugwe and Kenn Zarowiva stated that the end year closures and reconciiations have not been finalized hence postings are stil being done for 2019, same was ‘confrmed by Kenn Zarawiva in hie e-mail response to us dated 05 February 2019 when we questioned Further, repots for the same period printed at different times vill ‘ive different values since postings are stll ongoing. * Income ledgers and trial balance should be reconcies weekly to detect and resolve diferences, Key Red Flags (7/10) ero Areas of Exposure Risklevel__ Implication ees * Debtors + We obtained listing of cd debtors amounting to Kshs + TNH should perform reconciaton in ‘crcularization 2,831,470,316.68 as at 31 December 2019 and cicularizes the relation to recoverability of the high Value trade debtors (insurance, companies and organizations) | amounts owed to the hospital with total of Kshs 1,000, 000.00 and above to establish their ‘existence and reasonabily of amounts held in the hospital books. + We analysed based on a sample, the debiors’ balances with regard torecoverabliy ofthe amounts owed to the hospital. Out ofthe 25, \debiors circulaized, only one 1) Resolution insurance responded land disputed the debt as per TNH books Kshs 73,886,587.00 but {he customer confirmed a balance of Kshs 10,389, 502.00 resulting into a variance of Kshs 63,467,086.00. n our review, there is need toinvestgate credit balances in dpi and reconstruct the credit debtors account aesh + NHIF had a balance of Kshs 712,658,815.01 out ofthe total Kshs 2,831,470,316.68. NHIF poses a great risk to TNH as guided by the ‘recommendations by the taskforce formed to evaluate NHIF which ‘recommended an increase in the chargeable rate to keep the fund ‘oat. ‘+ Thattop 10 Insurance Companies had a total debt amounting to Kshs 1.469,722,867 33 a 52% of the total debt. This is exclusive of| Kshs 321,086 841.92 related to cash paying debtors. + Irour view, the debt menagementis not effective and TNH should ‘consider evaluating the credit worthiness ofthe deblors and ifneed 'be review the cre mis foreach, TNH should engage NHIF and ‘Seok to resolve the impasse since thay owo TNH the highest amounts Key Red Flags (8/10) ee + Unallocated Receipts Unallocated are made up of receipts against which remittance |- Engage insurance and corporates 1o + Note 9.56 page 164 schedules have not been received (or have been received and | help uncover the outstanding rat worked on) trom the insurance companies. or corporate | balances. The insurance companies schemes, These amounts received cannot be allocated against| and corporates should doa writen ‘specific invoices booked inthe system, ‘memo to TNH wih all the relevant + During our review, we noted that Kshs 774,505,861.46 relates to| details capturedto avoid instances {otal unatocated recep forthe year ended 31 December 2019 | of double payment and ballooning of + We requested for a summary of remittance advices trom the| standing balances credit control department. However, we were informed by Ms, Rose Wamu that the insurance companies usually delay in submission of corresponding remittance advices and this leads to _a mismatch of limp sum amount paid against amount invoiced. * Great Contoters We noted that recelvable accounts had 462 accounts maintained |- TNH management should ensure {and provision for bad by credit controllers amounted to Kshs 2,882.470,316.88., that al accounts are reconciled in a a + Upon interview with Mr. Francis Nyamal, we noted that the| _ timely manner by Credit Conroe, + Table 76 page 181 porfoso size per credit officer Is big and ls a challange when |» On the other hand, a carefully ‘comes. reconciliation therefore resulting into inaccurate) formulated policy forbad debts financial repors. provisioning which includes specific + Management curenty applies a general provision approach in| Provisions allows management to recognizing provisions for bad and doubt: debts, based on| — ®$8958 specific debtor accounts for pecpuied axon forthe your recoverability and thus make mare ‘accurate provisions. Iwi also allow ‘management to use actual past debt calecion experience to come up| with a provisioning policy that beter Feflcts the Hospital's business ‘model, customer profi and industry factors + This approach is subjective and may lead to misstatement ofthe bd debts provision given that projected income may not be the| best predictor of the total amount of debis that are doubtful or unrecoverable, Key Red Flags (9/10) + Cash patients ‘admit without placing a deposit + Note 10.4 page 1689 + Table 64 page 169, + Table 66 page 171 + During our review, we noted cash debiors without secury but signed agreement amounted to Kshs 77, 242:954.00 + No guarantee was provided for Kshs 08,448,680.85, this constituted 31% ofthe ence cash amounts + During the interview with the legal otficor Me ‘Maxwell Maina, we noted that some cash patents ‘would be released without provision of secutty 38, colateral after approval of Finance Director a8 the ‘custodian ofthe debtors’ register. This is after receiving recommendations from the credit contol ‘partment. b) There were no proper guidelines on the approval mis for cash patients released witout _pprova rom TNH. There was no evidence of ‘proper follow ups onthe outstanding balances. The ‘reit contol depariment only maintained an excel sheet from which they would occasionally folow up con cash debtors. + Implement more stringent procedures ound _amiting cash paying patients = Unallocated ‘econcng tems in the Bank Reconciliation + Table 80,81,82 and 83 page 186. * We noted payments in the bank statements and not In the cash book amounting to USD 19,964.45 and Kshs 15,282,498.95 + Receipts in the bank and not in the cash book ‘amounted to Kshs 51,957,609.30 and USD 180,110.60, + The large reconciting diferences indicate that the Hospital receivable and payables balances do not feflect a true picture of the accounts 3s these ‘amounts have been outstanding fora very long time fd it is not certain that the balances are either recoverable or payable + TNH management should ensure timely reconciliation are conducted in accordance with Finance policies and procedures. + As per the finance policy section 2.3.6 on Monthly ‘Bank Reconciliation Process. Sub saction 2.36 ‘Monthy Bank Reconciliation Process. + Toensure completeness and accuracy of the banking reco" (1), Colt bank statements, credit and debit. ‘608 forthe month in question from the Treasury Key Red Flags (10/10) * Cash patients (guaranteed by Corporates and jgovemments but with no agreements Signed, Table 65 page 171 + Repeat admission forpatints with significant balances Table 67 page 172 ‘We noted that corporates and governments had guaranteed Kshs | 20,264, 250.00 for cash patients dscharged especialy from Zambian High Commission, Kenya Police, Milman’ Court and Nairobi County | Government. From the review of cash debtors ksting forthe year 2018 and 2019, \we noted instances of repeat admission amounting to Kshs | 281639,193.00 of some ofthe cash debtors who had not cleared their previous balances. Some had secuny provided and others none. ‘This shows lack of attentive folow up and screening of patients records botore admission. This exposes the hospital to significant financial losses. + Implement more stringent procedures around admiting cash paying patents + Unplanned asset procurement 'A.CT Scan 128 slice Scanner was procured ata contract sum of KES 68,849,585.25 wit a 10-year maintenance cost of KES 60M, “The equipment was notin use. twas acquire from GE East Africa suppliers Ltd. Bod lifts wore procured forthe Peiatic Centre ata contract sum of KES13,018,000. The lfts were imported and ae stored in a storage Yard next to Anderson building. Partial payments were made towards the supply of these its ‘Thore are 2 Dental chairs in Klambu and Rosyinn outpatient Contre amounting to KES 6,132,000 that are notin use ‘A Reverse Osmosis plant woth KES 9,414,061.20 wass kept in open. cage pear the dumpsie atthe old school of Nursing “The Capital Centre outpatient Cente lit has not been installed since ihwas purchased and paid for. + Conduct a valve for money review of Procured assets. + Cafital Expenditure justifications should be accompanied by an ‘analysis ofthe expected future financial ows that wil be attributed to the asset in addition to avaiabliy of budget Appendix I: List of TNH Staff mentioned in Main Forensic Report Procurement findings: 1 Dr Chris Abeid 2.Mrs Jacinta Wanyagi 3 Mr. Samuel Musembi 4 Mr. Duncan Githige 5 Mr. Fred Kibet Bunel 6 Dr. Paul Makau 7 Mr. Wilfred Gitaari 8 Mrs, Rachel Nioroge 9 Mr. Harun Kibiru 110 Ms. Nancy Wachira 11 Mrs. Margaret Ngirita 12 Mrs. Norah Onyango 13 Mrs. Benta Omonge 14 Mr. Tom Simba 15 Mr. Frederick Noballa 16 Mrs. Christine Were 17 Dr. Mary Kisingu 18 Mr. George Oogo 19 Dr. Jeniffer Nabaweesi 20 Eng. Silas Mutuerandu 21 Mr. Gordon Odundo Human resource findings: 1 Ms. Mercy Mbijiwe 2 Mr. Tom Simba 3 Mrs Irene Gikemi ‘4 Mr. Samuel Musembi 5 Mrs Suzzane Wambugu 6 Mr. Francis Nyamai 7 Mrs Jacinta Wanyagi 8 Mr, Antony Mburu 9 Mr. Gordon Odundo 10 Mss. Ann Karoki 11 Dr Chris Abetd 12 Dr. Dorcas Kiai 13 Dr. Paul Makau Projects Findings: 1 Dr Chris Abeid 2 Fred Bunel 3 Mary Mugwe Financial management findings: 1 Mr. Timothy Mbithi 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Makori 3 Mr. Francis Nyamai 4 Mir. Kenn Zarowiwa 5 Mrs. Joan Murugi Kinuthia 6 Mr. Duncan Githige 7 Mr. Fred Kibet Bunel 8 Mrs. Collince Ngeno 9 Mr. Gordon Odundo 10 Mrs Martha Muth; 11 Dr Chris Abeid 12 Mr. Samuel Musembi 13 Ms.Noelle Tanyassis 44 Ms.Mary Mugwe 415 Mrs Jacinta Wanyag! 16 Mr.Michael Ndavi 17 Mr. Daniel Chuma 18 Ms. Rose Wairimu 19 Mr. Bartholomew Rwanda 20 Mr. Maxwell Maina 21 Mr-Michael Mulwa 22 Mr. Charles Gichohi 23 Ms. Lucy Nduta Wanjora 24 Mrs. Carolyne Mulanda 25 Mr.O.5 Paul 26 Eng. Silas Mutuerandu Appendix II: Lifting the Corporate Veil No ‘Company cRIZ ‘Company No Shareholders/Directors Philips East Africa Ltd Received 53544 Roolof Assies Jasper Asuerus Westerink Philips Radio B.V Koninklike Philips N.V Generics Africa Limited Received (c80508 ‘Alber Macharia Mburu Paul Munyua Nganga Jeremiah Nguru Kiiru Patrick Kamau Nganga Limeridge Pharma Lid Received ‘CPR/2010/30849 ‘Waweru Njoroge Betty Chelegat Sang Nerifa Holdings Limited Zephania Gitau Mbugua Ripple Pharmaceuticals Ltd Received 97088 + Pritesh Bhimjiani + Premal Ashok Sanghani + _ Kennedy Kidali Busisa China Zong Xing Construction Received 117530 + Jian Sheng Xu PIN ‘4003496599R + Xiangqun Wang PIN ‘4003494839 Kone Kenya Limited Received (CPRI2013/119207 Ruben Deep Singh Bilen ‘Smer Elie Halabi Finescal Oy Kone Holland BV Appendix II: Lifting the Corporate Veil No | Company cRI2 ‘Company No ShareholdersiDirectors 7 | siipsy Civil and Building Contractors | Received 86735 + Joseph Kimani Ngacha Limited + Mary Wanjiri Ngacha 8 | Accenture Systems Limited Received c10483 + Addah Nduta Ndambuki + Abhay Singh Pathania + _Devani Balkrishna 9 | Meditec Systems Limited Received C.55388 + Pankaj Manibhai Patel + Priten Bhupendra Patel + Bhupendra Manibhai Patel 40 | Nairobi X-Ray Supplies Received C. 2356 + Pankaj Manibhai Patel + Priten Bhupendra Patel + Bhupendra Manibhai Pate! 71 | Vanguard Limited + Pankaj Manibhai Patel + Priten Bhupendra Patel + Bhupendra Manibhai Pate! 12 | Express DDB Kenya Limited Received ©. 151825 + Mohan Singh Dhariwal + BDO East Africa Limited + Tanvinder Singh Dhariwal + _Urshila Dhingra 13 | Pulse Healthcare Limited Received C.129443, + Kennedy Odhiambo Sara + Philip Simiyu Wandibba Appendix II: Lifting the Corporate Veil No | Company cRI2 ‘Company No ShareholdersiDirectors 14 | Dimensions Data Limited Received C4246 + David Gichuki Wahome + Werner Kapp Gerhard + Barry Curtin John + Joseph Njogu Kairigo + Andile Ngcaba + Zellah Fuphe + Dimension Data Africa and Middle East (PTY) Limited 15 | Game Changer Company Limited | Received PRI2014/127958 | + Patricia Wangari Mbatia + Tom John Awando + Mohamed Shafique 16 | GEEastAfrica Services Limited | Received c.115127 + Brenda Jean Nottinghan + GE Power Netherlands B.V * GE holdings Luxembourg & COSARL + Deogratias Baylon Onyango + Felix Omondi Okwenda 17 | Physical Therapy Services Limited | Received C.53422 + dah Ngina Muthama + Nelson Muthama Nyamu 48 | Express DDB Kenya Limited Received ©. 151825 Mohan Singh Dheriwal BBDO East Africa Limited Tanvinder Singh Dhariwal Urshila Dhingra Rene nelle Il: Lifting the Corporate Veil ‘Company cRI2, ‘Company No ‘ShareholdersiDirectors 19 | Sclence Scope Limited Received c.15462 + Nalinkkant Vithaldas Hindocha + Chentankumar Jayantital Hindocha + Jayantial Vithaldas Hindocha + _Jayantilal V Hindocha 20 | Hearing Implants Limited Received PVT/2016/0830, + Serah Nyambura Ndegwa 21 | Symbio Healthcare Limited Received ‘CPRI2011/48658 | + Moses Peter Muiruri Nioroge + Stephen Hamilton Kamau Njoroge 22 | Medex East Africa Limited Received CPR/2011/39660 | + —Arunaben Vijaykumar Shah + Vijaykumar Jetha Bharwal Shah + Vivek Viaykumar Jetha Shah 23 | Labware East Africa Limited Received CPRI2015/175439 | + Labware Africa Limited + John Johannes Abuor 24 | Galaxy Pharmaceuticals Limited | Received C. 84539 + Dhanwanti Hitendra Hirani + Hitendra Shami Hirani Rene nels Il: Lifting the Corporate Veil ‘Company, cRI2 ‘Company No Shareholders/Directors 25 | Savannah Informatics Limited Received (CPR/2013/92684 + Octamed Healthcare Services Limited Otic Investments Limited Daniel Ngure Nyaga Paul Mutinda Nganga Justus Kilonzi Paul Rhoda Wairimu Karue Beatrice Wairimu Murage Isaac Muthure Macharia Irene Njoki Mukiri John Waithaka Muthee 26 | Octamed Health Care Services Received Cc. 94681 Limited Bernard Githae Munene Ngugi Niuguna Paul Michael Mugo Nguithi Festus Mwetu llako Jessie Nyokabi Githang’a Isaac Muthure Macharia Lucy Waceke Naugi David Githang'a Caroline Wanjru Githae Dunera Rahel llako ‘Ann Nyokabi Nguithi ‘Sophie Wangari Macharia Boerne Il: Lifting the Corporate Veil ‘Company cRI2 ‘Company No Shareholders/Directors 27 Otic Investments Limited Received C. 113910 Isaac Muthure Macharia ‘Alex Kihia Muthure: Job Kihia Muthure: Joy Gachamiu Muthure lan Muthure Macharia ‘Sophie Wangari Macharia John Apamo Ahodo e@ GrantThornton ‘An instinct for growth” rmthortan abs

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