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1. Why is research important?

Research is very important for us people because it is our way to gather data and expand our
knowledge. This knowledge that we acquired can be use to make a solution to problems, to discover or
invent something new to improve our life and make it easier and most important is it help us to
understand how to survive and preserved not only the humanity but also everything in this world.

2. When can you say that your topic is researchable?

I can say that the topic is researchable when the topic is feasible. You need to consider the
expenses, materials and time that will be used in the process to successfully conduct your research. The
topic should be strongly interest you because somehow you might get bored conducting the research if
you don’t choose topic that interest you and that can affect your research. Then the topic should prove
something after the research. The topic should be also relevant to our society not just for the present
but also on the future use.

3. Discuss the criteria of a good research.

The criteria of good research

 Define purpose - first of all, the purpose of the research should be clearly defined. What do you
want to prove or what do you want to talk about. It should be cleared for the researcher so
there no confusion when conducting the research.
 Research Method - Research Method or procedure must also be described for the future
researchers who want to repeat the research for advancement.
 Highlights limitations and assumptions - The researcher should report complete frankness
flaws in procedural designs estimate their affect upon the findings.
 Research design - Research design should be carefully planned so the result will be objective as
 Sufficient data – The analysis of data should always be sufficient to reveal its significance and
the method of analysis used should be appropriate. The validity and reliability should also be
carefully checked
 Confine conclusion – Conclusion should be confined to those justified and supported by the data
of the research and limited to those for which the data provide an adequate basis.
 Integrity and Commitment – Of course you have to be committed to your work to insure the
success of your research.

4. What did you learn from the videos and the reading provided?
What I learned from the videos and on what I read is basically what is the purpose of the research
and why it is important to our live. Also the characteristic and the criteria of a good research.

5. Formulate at least three (3) research problem with sub-problems for submission and
presentation. Consider the criteria discussed in this lesson.

How the teacher affects the academic performance of the learners?

 Teacher personalities
 Educational attainment
 Age Gap

How personal affair/relationship enhance the performance of the learners?

 Academic
 Emotional
 Socialization skills

How sufficient are the resources of the government to support the online class?

 Facilities
 Instructional Materials
 Financials

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