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Q1. What was the early morning call about? What tells us that Reeta cared deeply for Grandpa?

Ans. The early morning call was about Reeta’s Grandpa who had met with an accident. Reeta cared deeply for her
Grandpa because as soon as she heard about his accident she jumped out of her bed and was ready to go to hospital
to see Grandpa.

Q2. Name two of Reeta’s favourite friends.

Ans. Two of Reeta’s favourite friends were her Grandpa and Latika.

Q3. What would Reeta share with Grandpa despite their age difference?

Ans. Reeta shared almost everything with Grandpa because he used to listen to her with great attention. She could
even complain about her mother being unfair to her.

Q4. Grandpa could not see, yet he was quite independent. Give two examples which show Grandpa did not depend
on others to take care of him.

Ans. Grandpa did not depend on others to take care of him. This is clear because he lived in his room with Simon by
his side. Inspite of the fact that he couldn’t see he would go for walks and shopping with Simon who used to
accompany him.

Q5. ‘Because I have to do what Simon says.’ Why would Grandpa joke about the Simon says game?

Ans. Grandpa joked about the Simon Says game because his German Shepard dog Simon guided him where ever he
went. Since he could not see, Simon would show him the path and he would simply follow him.

Q6. Why did Simon seem depressed?

Ans. Simon looked depressed he did not see Grandpa around him. He felt lonely and missed him too much. He
thought grandpa had left him.

Q7. What was Reeta shocked to see during her visit to hospital?

Ans. Reeta reached hospital, she was shocked to see grandpa with a tube in his nose, bandages all over, and he was
completely still.


Q1. Why had Simon led Grandpa into the path of a vehicle? How did Reeta realise it?

Ans. Simon had led Grandpa into the path of a vehicle he as almost deaf and could not hear the vehicle that came
near them. Reeta realised it because one day when she called his name, he did not answer. She called loudly, only
then he came running to her and responded happily.

Q2. ‘He seemed to have given up the struggle for himself’. Who was Reeta referring to? Why had he given up?

Ans. Reeta was referring to Simon. Simon seemed to have given up struggle for himself because he had not seen
Grandpa for many days and he missed him and felt depressed.
Q3. Why does Reeta feel Simon Says was the best game in the world?

Ans. Reeta felt that Simon Says was the best game in the world because it showed the bond of friendship and trust
between her Grandpa and his dog Simon. Both were happy in each other’s company. At the end of the story Simon
was leading Grandpa once again as usual.

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