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Web Programming I — Week 1

Mikheil Rukhaia

International Black Sea University,

Tbilisi, Georgia

August 27, 2018

Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


1 Introduction

2 Hyper Text Markup Language

3 HTML5 Basics

4 Laboratory Work

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

History of WWW

I In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee proposed an idea of web for better com-

munication between CERN computers.

I In 1990 Robert Cailliau proposed to use hypertext to link and ac-

cess information.

I On 6 August 1991 Tim Berners-Lee released first web page on a

web server.

I On 23 August 1991 external users accessed the page. (official

birthday of W3)

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

First components of WWW

I URL: Uniform Resource Locator (by Tim Berners-Lee)

I HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language (by Tim Berners-Lee and

Robert Cailliau)

I HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (by Ted Nelson)

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

How web works?!

(The picture is taken from

I Client side: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

I Server side: PHP, Perl, etc.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

We will learn

I HTML5: latest version of HTML, used to describe the structure

of web pages.

I CSS3: latest version of CSS, used to control document style and

how it should appear.

I JavaScript: used to add interactivity to the web pages (the

browser side), and related techniques such as jQuery and Ajax.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Evaluation schema

I Midterm Exam, Attendance/Activity, and Course

Project/Presentation — 60%.

I Final Exam — 40%.

I Final grade: ME × 0.3 + AA × 0.15 + CP × 0.15 + FE × 0.4

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Course project

I Groups of max. 2 persons (you can do it alone as well).

I Think yourself what you want to do and write 1 or 2 pages

proposal (sooner you do so, more time you have to implement it).

I Each member of the group must participate in the final


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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Take in mind

A good web site should:

I Support as many web browsers and media types as possible.

I Be usable: easy for users to get around (or navigate).

I Be accessible: available to people with disabilities.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


Rob Larsen.
Beginning HTML and CSS.
Wiley Publishing Inc., 2013.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Hyper Text Markup Language

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

What is HTML?

I HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.

I To use HTML5 it is mandatory to use <!DOCTYPE html>

declaration at the beginning.

I Without the declaration browser switches to quirks mode,

allowing some funky rules from the old versions of HTML.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Basic skeleton

I The basic skeleton of HTML document becomes:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> web page title </title>
The body of the web page

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Backward compatibility

I Internet Explorer 8 and older versions cannot recognize HTML5

tags and CSS rules are not applied to them.

I Thus web page looks simply wrong in these browsers.

I To solve this problem, there are several libraries like

html5shiv and modernizr.

I You can include them in the document using the following links:
// or
// modernizr/2.6.1/modernizr.min.js">

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


I Comments have the following syntax <!-- text -->.

I To avoid problems, comments cannot be:

Placed in an hierarchy
<!-- an <!-- incorrect --> comment -->

Placed inside tags

<Tag <!-- misplaced comment --> attrib=’123’>

End with a minus sign

<!-- incorrect comment --->

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

The <head> element

I <base> to specify a base URL for a page.

I <link> to link to an external file, e.g. CSS.

I <style> to include CSS rules inside the document.

I <script> to include script in the document.

I <meta> to include meta-information, such as keywords,

description, etc., which are helpful for search engines.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

The <title> element

I It should be always specified and must be descriptive.

<title>Mikheil’s personal web page </title>

I It is used:
At the very top of a browser window.
As the default name for a bookmark.
By search engines to help index pages.

I Should contain only text, no other elements.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

The <body> element

I Contains body content: what you actually see in a browser.

I (Almost) All tags you learn in the course are written inside the
<body> element.

I All elements inside the <body> element can have:

Core attributes: id, class, title, and style.

UI events: onclick, ondoubleclick, onmouseover, onkeypress, etc.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Core attributes

I id: uniquely identify any element within a page (should start

with letter or underscore).

I class: list of classes where element belongs to; used with CSS.

I title: title of the element; displayed as a tooltip or while the

element is loading.

I style: used to specify CSS rules within the element.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

UI attributes

I Associate events with scripts.

I The names are self-descriptive.

I Common events: onclick, ondoubleclick,

onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover,
onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown,

I Form events: onfocus, onblur, onsubmit, onreset,

onselect, onchange.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

HTML5 Basics

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Basic rule

I HTML is white space collapsing: consecutive spaces, empty

lines and tab characters are displayed as a one space.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Common elements

I Headings <h1>-<h6>, paragraphs <p>, preformatted sections

<pre>, line breaks <br />, and addresses <address>

I Grouping elements: <div>, <header>, <footer>,

<hgroup>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <span>

I Presentational elements: <b>, <i>, <sup>, <sub> and <hr>

I Phrase elements: <em>, <strong>, <abbr>, <dfn>,

<blockquote>, <q>, <cite>, <code>, <kbd>, <var>,
and <samp>

I Lists: unordered <ul> and <li>; ordered <ol> and <li>; and
definition lists <dl>, <dt>, and <dd>

I Editing elements: <ins> and <del>

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


I <h1>, <h2> and <h3> are larger than the default text size.

I <h4> has the same size as the default text.

I <h5> and <h6> are smaller than the default text size.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


I Paragraphs should be written inside <p> element.

I Browser usually inserts a new line before the next paragraph and
adds a little bit of extra vertical space.

I Use <br /> for line breaks.

I Whitespace is important: if you omit it, older browsers won’t

handle it.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Escape sequences

Entity Character
&amp; &
&gt; >
&lt; <
&apos; ’
&quot; ”

I These entities are used in the text to avoid mismatch errors with
the markups.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Preformatted text

I Any text in the <pre> element will preserve the formatting.

I Browser will display it with monospaced fonts by default.

I Usually it is used to represent computer source code.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Grouping elements

I Grouping of elements have no effect on their own, but very

important for CSS.

I <div> groups block-level elements.

I <span> groups inline elements only.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Grouping elements (ctd.)

I <header>: used to mark up headers for pages, articles and the


I <hgroup>: used to group together multiple levels of headings

having some logical connection.

I <footer>: used to mark up footers; commonly used for legal


I <nav>: used to represent a navigation section of the page,

containing links to other pages or sections within the page.

I <section>: used to represent a section of a document.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Grouping elements (ctd.)

I <article>: used to mark up “independent content”; it can be

shared without the rest of the site context (e.g. a blog post, a
movie review, a news article, etc.).

I <aside>: used to mark up related content to the surrounding

one (e.g. sidebars, ads. and the like).

I <figure> and <figcaption>: used to mark up figures or

illustrations and their labels (mainly used around <canvas>).

I <mark>: used to mark text like a highlighter in a paper book.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Presentational Elements

I <b>: display bold text, but not necessarily using boldface font.

I <i>: display italicized text, but not necessarily using italicized


I <sup>: display superscript; font size is the same, but may create
a taller gap between lines.

I <sub>: display subscript; font size is the same, but may create a
taller gap between lines.

I <hr />: creates a horizontal rule.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Phase elements

I <em> and <strong> are almost the same as <i> and <b>.

I <blockquote> creates separate block of text indented from

the left and right edges.

I <q> quotes text within sentence.

I <cite> used for citations.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Phase elements (ctd.)

I <abbr> indicates abbreviation. title attribute can be used to

specify full version of abbreviation.

I <acronym> indicates acronyms. title attribute can be used

to specify full version of acronyms.

I <dfn> indicates special terms. Typically it is used when a key

term is introduced for the first time.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Phase elements (ctd.)

I <code> indicates computer source code; unlike <pre> it does

not preserve whitespaces.

I <kbd> indicates keyboard input.

I <var> indicates variables in the code.

I <samp> indicates sample output from a program, script, etc.

I <address> indicates snail-post address.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Editing text

I It is usually a good practice to keep track of the changes you

make in text (like, e.g., MS Word’s Track Changes does).

I <ins> to add text (underline).

I <del> to delete some text (strikethrough).

I With CSS it is possible to show and hide the inserted and deleted
content as required.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work


I Unordered lists: list of bullet points.

I Ordered lists: list of enumerated points.

I Definition lists: list of terms and definitions.

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Unordered lists

I <ul> creates unordered list.

I <li> creates list item.

I Example:
<li>Bullet point number one</li>
<li>Bullet point number two</li>
<li>Bullet point number three</li>

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Ordered lists

I <ol> creates ordered list.

I It has type and start attributes to change enumeration style.

I It is recommended instead of these attributes to use CSS.

I Example:
<ol type="i" start="4">
<li>Point number one</li>
<li>Point number two</li>
<li>Point number three</li>

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Ordered list style

Value for type Description Example

1 Arabic numerals (default) 1,2,3,4,. . .
A Capital letters A,B,C,D,. . .
a Small letters a,b,c,d,. . .
I Roman numerals I,II,III,IV,. . .
i Small roman numerals i,ii,iii,iv,. . .

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Definition lists

I <dl> creates definition list.

I List item consist of <dt> and <dd> elements, referring to the

term and its definition respectively.

I Example:
<dt>Unordered List</dt>
<dd>A list of bullet points.</dd>
<dt>Ordered List</dt>
<dd>A list of enumerated points.</dd>
<dt>Definition List</dt>
<dd>A list of terms and definitions.</dd>

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Introduction Hyper Text Markup Language HTML5 Basics Laboratory Work

Block and inline elements

I Block-level elements start on their own new line, and anything

that follows them appears on its own new line, too.
<p>, <h1>-<h6>, <ul>, <ol>, <dl>, <pre>,
<hr />, <blockquote>, <address>

I Inline elements appear within sentences and do not have to

appear on their own new line.
<b>, <i>, <u>, <em>, <strong>, <sup>, <sub>,
<big>, <small>, <li>, <ins>, <del>, <code>,
<cite>, <dfn>, <kbd>, <var>

I Block-level elements can contain inline elements, but not vice


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Laboratory Work

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I Create a web page containing important information about you

(a short CV).

I Use as many text formatting elements as possible.

I Use different kind of lists.

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