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NARRATOR: Once upon a time, there was a town of poor painters on a hill. Sue and
Johnsy were both training to be painters. They lived in a little brick house at the edge of
the town. Johnsy had come down with pneumonia and stayed in bed, feeling very ill.
Sue(IZZA): The wind is so col. Winter is coming. (talks to johnsy) How are you? Have you
taken your medicine?
Narrator(ISHI): Johnsy was too weak to respond. Johnsy and Sue were very poor to afford
food and medicine. All they could do was try to sell some of their paintings.
Sue(IZZA): What are you looking at?
Johnsy(NORREN): Just leaves. They are just like me
Sue(IZZA): Stop looking at them! You are nothing like them. *close the curtains*
Johnsy(NORREN): Don’t do that! I want to see the leaves
Narrator(ISHI): Sue ignored johnsy’s protest and close the curtains anyway
Johnsy(NORREN): When the last leaf falls, I will die too
Sue(IZZA): I don’t know what to say!
Sue(IZZA): What do you think doctor? Is she will get better?
Doctor(JHEZER): She must believe that she can live and get better. The best you can do is
give her hope, that’s the only medicine that can help her now.
Sue(IZZA): I understand.
Johnsy(NORREN): 8,7 oh one more has fallen…6
Sue(IZZA): What are you doing!
Johnsy(NORREN): Only six left when the last leaf falls, I will die too
Sue(IZZA): Please be strong the doctor says you will be alright
Narrator(ISHI): Sue and Johnsy had a neighbor called Mr. Behrman. He was a painter too
Mr. Behrman(KRISTEL): Tell me Sue. How is Johnsy?
Sue(IZZA): She is so ill and weak. She all want to do is stare at the leaves.
Narrator(ISHI): Mr. Behrman wanted to find a way to help Johnsy. So he decided to paint
a leaf in the middle of cold and rain all night. THE NEXT MORNING
Sue(IZZA): Johnsy are you up already?
Johnsy(NORREN): The leaves must all be gone now right? Sue please open the curtain and
let me see them
Sue(IZZA): No I cant! Don’t as me!
Narrator(ISHI): Sue didn’t want to open the curtains, but when she saw the tears to
johnsy’s eyes, she knew she had no choice.
*sue open he curtains, Johnsy and Sue were both stunned*
Johnsy(NORREN): Look at that Sue! The last leaf has survived! I will be like that. I will
get better. I will have the will to live.
*Doctor comes*
Sue(IZZA): Thank you so much Doctor!
Doctor(JHEZER): It’s not me, You know your neighbor Mr. Behrman? He was bought to
the hospital this moment. His hands were stained with paint.
Sue(IZZA): Why would he be out painting in the pouring rain? But how is he? Tell me.
Doctor(JHEZER): He didn’t make it. Sorry
Sue(IZZA): Oh no!
Johnsy(NORREN): I hope Mr. Behrman can find his strength in this painting
Narrator(ISHI): Sue looked again at the last leaf, and suddenly realized that it wasn’t
moving in the wind. She began to cry quietly, mourning for Mr. Behrman and his sacrifices


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