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I.D. 9-753-716

WORK: GRammar 1v
TEACHER: alnath Ruiz.

Write 5 indirect speech statement

1: He told me that I looked nice.
2: She said that she liked ice cream.
3: She said that she was living in London.
4: He asked why she was crying.
5: He told me that he had seen that movie.

Write 2 indirect command

1: have María put on the black dress.
2: I want you to get me the paper.

Write 2 indirect request

1: he asked for the newspaper.
2: she asked for three kilos of onions.

Write 2 “wh” indirect questions ( write the direct form too)

1: can you tell me where maria lives?
2:can you tell me why he is unhappy?

Write 2 yes/not indirect question

1: My mom can tell me if there is dinner in the house?
2: can you tell me if he is Spanish?

Write 2 do/does/did indirect question

1: do you know what time the bank opens?
2: Can you explain why you did that?

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