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• PIPELIQ is an EcosimPro solution for engineers, used to calculate pressure drop and
flow distribution in liquid pipe networks.
• The PIPELIQ toolkit provides a set of components to build 0D/1D simulation models of
liquid flow networks like cooling and heating loops including the control system
• PIPELIQ library is based on the FORTRAN code called SBAL that was developed by
EAI in the 90s.

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FEATURES EcosimPro 6.0

Type of Calculation:
– Off-design calculation of the steady state conditions of a non-compressible fluid system.
– Dynamic calculation due to variation of the boundary conditions or thermal transients.
Working fluids:
– The working fluid is a non-compressible fluid (liquid)
– A extensive database of refrigerant and thermal fluid is included in the library.
Fluid Properties:
– The temperature dependence is taken into account in the calculation of fluid properties
Component Features:
– The pressure losses in pipes and fittings are calculated using stationary correlations of
pressure drop. The transition between laminar and turbulent flow is taken into account.
– Reverse flow
– Thermal accumulation of the fluid and the walls of the components.
– Thermal delay by convective transport can be simulated by means of the node discretization
of pipes in several control volumes.
– Natural circulation and hydrostatic pressure difference are considered.

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The library does not consider the following phenomena:

– Two phase flow due to evaporation or fast depressurization.
– Pressure transient/surge (water-hammer)
– Cavitation in valves and orifices
– Cavitation in pumps and pipes (a warning message is displayed when the cavitation
conditions in these two components are reached)

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UNITS EcosimPro 6.0

The library only Works in the International System of Units with temperatures in Celsius
centigrade and pressures in bar

Mass flow rate: kg/s

Pressure: bar
Temperature: ºC
Velocity: m/s
Volume flow rate: m3/s
Heat flow: W
Specific enthalpy: J/kg
Length: m

Nominal Diameter (DN) in pipes are in inches.

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Boundary Conditions:
Bound, Bound_M, Bound_Ps, Bound_Ps_M,
Bound_Pt, Bound_Pt_M, FixedMflow,
Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, Col7, Col8,
Col9, Col10
Tank1, Tank2, Tank3, Tank4, Tank5
Pipe, PieBends, ZeroLossPipe
ZeroLossJun, ZeroLosJunDz
ReducerSA, ReducerSudden, PressLoss
FlowMeter, Psensor, Tsensor
Heat Exchangers:
HexCounterFlow, HerxParallelFlow
Valve, CheckValve

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• Calculation of balance of pressures and mass flow rate of hydraulic/liquid systems.

• Calculating pressure drops in piping networks
• Support in the sizing and selection of equipment (pumps, valves, pipes, etc.)
• Heat balances in non-compressible circuits.
• Transient studies in temperature caused by variation in the operating or boundary
• Analysis of the operation sequence and control system of liquid circuits.
• It can be used for modelling different type of systems:
– Open and closed loops.
– Pumping systems with different configurations.
– Systems with pressure and mass flow control valves.
– Systems with closed valves and switched-off pumps.
– Systems with heat exchangers or equipment that require to remove heat.
– Others.

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EXAMPLE: Essential service water system of a Nuclear Power Plant EcosimPro 6.0

Model called from MS Excel Spreadsheet

– Calculation of the hydraulic balancing of
the essential service water system to
fulfil the required refrigeration of every

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EXAMPLE: Optimization of the heat sink of a combined cycle power plant EcosimPro 6.0

– Predicting the operating points of the heat sink and the LP turbine under different
environmental conditions and the activation of auxiliary equipment (circulating water pumps
and fans of the cooling towers).
– Optimization of the operation of the system to maximize the net power output.
– Connection of the model to an App to support the operators and engineers to operate the
system optimizing the net power output of the plant using the information of the weather
forecast and the expected power production.

Operation on January days


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EXAMPLE: Auxiliary feed water System of a Nuclear Power Plant EcosimPro 6.0

– Study of the operation of the turbo-pump of the Auxiliary Feed Water System (AFWS)
Model called from MS Excel Spreadsheet EcosimPro Model



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Steps for simulating a Model in EcosimPro EcosimPro 6.0

1. Building the schematics of the model:

 Create o use a library of your cases/examples
 Create a new schematics in EcosimPro ->
 Add components (Drag & Drop) from the library palettes
and proper connecting them
 Customize the input data of the components using the
attribute editor of every component
2. Generation of the math model (partition)
 The Boundary conditions and the Algebraic Variables are
specified to solve the mathematical model
 A model can have several mathematical models in

3. Creation of the simulation cases (Experiments)

 Specify the value or time law for the boundary
conditions, the initial guess of the algebraic variables
and the calculation options.

4. Model Simulation (Batch o Monitor)

 View and generate results (files, plots, etc.)

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Exercise 1: Description EcosimPro 6.0

 System:
 Pipe network where the inlet pressure and the outlet mass flow rate are set. There are two branches
and a control valve in one of them.
 Objective:
 Calculation of the position of the valve so that the only 10% of the total flow pass across that branch.

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Drawing of the model schematic EcosimPro 6.0

 Steps:
1. Create a new schematic
2. Select the library PIPELIQ in the library tree and click on the tab of symbol palette.
3. Drag and drop every symbol in the working area of the schematics. You can copy and paste
components within the schematics.
4. Connect the components using either the following shortcut: pressing the Shift key and moving the
mouse over a port till an anchor is displayed, or using the Draw connector button.
 Connection Rules:
 Connection Pipe – No Pipe – Pipe – No Pipe….
 The only components that are exceptions to this rule are the WorkingFluid and sensors components
that have to be placed between a Pipe component and a No Pipe or vice versa
 Every fluid loop needs a WorkingFluid component
 Use Boundary Condition components in order not to leave any port unconnected.

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Connecting components EcosimPro 6.0

Connect the components using the shortcut pressing Shift key and moving the mouse over the port till
an anchor appears or using the Draw Connector button.

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Port fluid EcosimPro 6.0

• Ports are the connectors that allow the

exchange of variable information between
– Relative total pressure and relative
static pressure (Pt & Ps)
– Mass flow rate (m)
– Upstream and downstream enthalpies
– Temperature (T)
– Area (A)
– Elevation (z)
– Working fluid
• In addition, other auxiliary variables are
– Absolute pressure (PtAbs & PsAbs)
– Total piezometric head (Ht)
– Density (rho)
– Velocity (v)
– Enthalpy (h)

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Component Pipe EcosimPro 6.0

• Stationary flow
• Discretization in several control volume using the
parameter “nodes” to take into account thermal delay
• Option for calculating thermal accumulation (TempConst)
in the fluid and in the walls (two temperatures). If
TempConst = TRUE, the temperature of the fluid and the
wall is constant and equal to To
• Specification of the elevation and the cross area of the
components of type “no pipe” connected to it.
• The diameter and thickness of the pipe can be specified in
two ways:
– Data D_out and e when DN = DN_NONE and schedule =
– Data DN and Schedule when their values are different to
DN_NONE y SCH_NONE respectively.
• Pressure drop due to fittings (valves, elbows, branches,
• Pressure losses at given operating conditions.
• Heat transfer between the pipe walls and the environment
if the parameter TempConst = FALSE and the value of the
input datum h_outside > 0.

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Component WorkingFluid EcosimPro 6.0

• Definition of the working fluid for each loop

• There is an extensive list of working fluids:
Cooling fluids, heat transfer fluids, fuels, etc.
• It is mandatory to include a component
WorkingFluid in every fluid loop. Otherwise, a
warning message will be displayed during the
• It is checked that there is only one WorkingFluid
for every fluid loop.
• This component has a port of type IN
(f_non_pipe) to be connected to a component of
type No Pipe and a port of type OUT (f_pipe) to
be connected to a component of type Pipe.

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Components Bound EcosimPro 6.0

• They are used to sugest boundary

conditions in different points of the system:
– Relative pressure (Total or static)
– Mass flow rate
– Volume flow rate
– Temperature

• The components FixedMFlow and

FixedQflow allows to specify the flow rate
(mass or volume) in an intermediate
location of the system.

• The fluid port (connection) is of the OUT

type so the sign of the flow in the flow
boundary conditions acting as sinks must
be negative and positive if they act as a

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Components Valve EcosimPro 6.0

• Formulation of a incompressible fluid

without cavitation.
• The flow coefficient of the valve that must
be specified is Av (m²)
Av = Cv * 24e-6

• The flow characteristic response of the

valve is specified by a 1D look-up table that
represents the relationship between the
Av/Avo ratio and the position of the valve.

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Components Header (ColX) EcosimPro 6.0

• These components are headers for splitting

or mixing the flow of several pipes.
• The thermal accumulation of the fluid can
be taken into account if the input parameter
TempConst = FALSE, otherwise the fluid
temperature is constant and equal to To.
• The fluid volume in the header is calculated
as follows:

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Data Input EcosimPro 6.0

 The attribute editor of the components is opened when doublé clicking on the
 It is possible to edit the input data of several components at the same time:
 Select the symbols of several components in the schematic using the Cntrl key
 Double click in the symbol of one of the selected components
 You can also select all the components of the same type by the context menu of the
schematic (right mouse button) and selecting the option "Select by Type

Button for grouping in the same

column the data of the
components of the same type

A yellow background colour

means that the default value of
the datum has been modified.

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Generation of the mathematical model (partition) EcosimPro 6.0

1. Compilation of the model to check that the format of the input data and the connections between
components are correct.
2. Generation of the mathematical model of the new topological component (simulation model). The same
model can have several mathematical models.
These two steps can be carried out in one using the button “Generate Model”. Using this option, The default
mathematical model will be generated, which in most cases is the desired one. Besides, it will always be
possible to edit it once it has been generated. Select the model, Button for
Button of compilation right click button of compiling the model
of the schematic the mouse and New and generating the
Default Partition default partition

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Partition Wizard EcosimPro 6.0

• If the user generates a “New Custom Partition”, it is necessary to go through the different
mathematical wizards to close the mathematical model:
– Boundary Wizard: The number of model variables is usually greater than the number and equations,
so it is required to select a set of variables whose values are to be additionally specified in the
experiment in order to calculate the simulation model.
– Algebraic Wizard: Selection of the set of variables to solve the non-linear boxes (implicit). It is
necessary to specify a initial value of those variables in the experiment as initial guess of the iterative
resolution process of the algebraic boxes.

Buttons for
Buttons for For other boundary selecting some
selecting some conditions, select the algebraic variables
variables or all option “Able to be or all

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Generation of simulation scenarios (Experiments) EcosimPro 6.0

 A partition can have multiple associated simulation cases (experiments)

 The experiment is used to specify the value or time law of the boundary conditions, the inital
guess of the algebraic variables and the calculation options.
 To generate and experiment, select the partition of the model, right click of the mouse to
display the contextual menu and select the option New -> Experiment
 A new window will be launched where the user must specify the calculation type and the name
of the experiment.
 A template of the selected experiment type will be created. This template can be modify to
create more complex calculations. Select the calculation type Experiment template that
Steady or Transient you can modify both the
Select the partition values of the boundary
and right click on it conditions and the BODY
to display the to generate more complex
contextual menu reports or calculations

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Parts of the Experiment EcosimPro 6.0

• Declaration of the auxiliary variables used in
the experiment
• Initial guess of the algebraic variables

• Value o time law of the boundary conditions

• Sequential sentences
• Creation of result reports
• Calculation options of the mathematical solver
• Redefining data values
• Definition of the calculation types (steady,
transient, parametric)
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Simulation of the Model EcosimPro 6.0

 There are two option for simulating the experiment:

 Batch Simulation (Directly from EcosimPro GUI) -> F5
 Interactive Simulation using the EcosimPro simulation tool called Monitor -> F6

• Calculation of a steady state (STEADY())

• Running the experiment (BODY sentences)
• Results tables
• Different types of plots
• View of value of model variables
• Modifying the data of the model and
recalculating the scenario. (tab Input of the
window Watch Variables)
• Importing graphical configuration of other
experiments. Navigate to the directory of the
experiment whose settings you want to import
and select the file *. cfg.xml

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Calculation and Results EcosimPro 6.0

 Calculate the position of the valve [0, 1] in order to the flow across that branch be 10% of the
total mass flow rate (5 kg/s)
 Add the variable valve.s_pos.signal[1] in the Inputs tab (Watch variables->Inputs)
 Create a table with the mass flow rate across the pipes of the system. Use the filter p*.m y v*.m
 Run the simulation and modify the position of the valve in the Watch window depending on the
value of the mass flow rate across the valve.
 Calculate a new steady state with the new valve position
Calculate a
Steady State


New Table

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Results: Name of the variables EcosimPro 6.0

 To filter in the Monitor the name of the most meaningful variable of the model, we suggest the following
filters. The format of the names of the variables is ComponentNameInSchematics.VariableName.

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Advanced options: Customized Partition EcosimPro 6.0

 Create a new partition specifying the mass flow rate across the valve as a boundary condition
instead of the valve position.
 Edit the partition of the previous case (double click on the partition) and rename it.
 Unselect the variable valve.s_pos.signal[1] as boundary condition
 Select in Categories the option Able to be selected, filter and select the variable valve.m or its
equivalent variable (p2b.f1.m). Generate the partition.
 Create a new experiment of “Steady” type and specify the mass flow rate across the valve to 5 kg/s.

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Advanced Options: Parametric Calculation EcosimPro 6.0

 Create a new experiment from a default partition where a parametric calculation is calculated
changing the position of the valve.
 Simulate the experiment in the Monitor and create a plot Y vs X where the Y is the mass flow
rate across the valve (valve.m) and X is the position of the valve (valve.s_pos.signal[1])

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User Manuals of the Library EcosimPro 6.0

 The manuals of the PIPELIQ library in chm or pdf format (reference manual and user manual)
can be consulted in the Help Menu of EcosimPro.

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Tips (I) EcosimPro 6.0

 Be careful with data units and boundary conditions. Remember that pressures in boundary
conditions and on the surface of tanks are relative (barg).
 Be careful with the sign of the mass flow rate specified in the mass flow boundary conditions.
If it is a source the sign of the flow must be positive. If it is a sink, the sign of the flow must be

 The component WorkingFluid is mandatory in every fluid loop. It is necessary to connect it

between a component Non-pipe and a component Pipe or vice versa.

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Tips (II) EcosimPro 6.0

 To view and report the values of the mass flow rate, it is better to use
the internal flow variables of the components
(NombreComponente.m) instead of the flow variables of the ports to
avoid misunderstanding in the result analysis.
 If the calculation does not converge, try to better initialize the
algebraic variables. You can check the evolution of the calculation
especially if it is a stationary calculation in the log file of the
simulation (contextual menu of the experiment -> View Log)
 In very large models it is advisable to build it in parts and simulate
each part to facilitate fault identification
 The flow coefficient of a valve (Av) can be calculated for a certain
operating conditions specifying a big value for Avo and setting the
mass flow rate across the valve. The tool will calculate the position of
the valve and the Av for those conditions.

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Exercise 2: Description EcosimPro 6.0

 Calculation of the flow distribution and pressure drop in the following pipe network

Schematics ejemplo1.eds in the library COURSE_PIPELIQ

Characteristic curve of the pump

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Example 2: Partition and Experiment EcosimPro 6.0

 Compile and Generate the default partition  Create an experiment and modify the value of the
boundary conditions

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Example 2: Results EcosimPro 6.0

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Example 3: Description EcosimPro 6.0

 Calculation of the flow distribution and pressure losses in the pipe network that consists of 7
pipes with a downstream pressure regulating valve that reduces the pressure down to a
constant value of 8.6527 psig.
Schematic ejemplo2.eds in the library COURSE_PIPELIQ

Input data of the characteristic

curve of the pump

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Example 3: Partition and Experiment EcosimPro 6.0

 Compile and Generate a “New Custom  Create a new experiment and modify the values of
Partition” the Boundary Conditions
Select all the proposed boundary
conditions excepting the variable
Valve_1.s_pos.signal[1] that will
be replaced by P8.f1.Pt for setting
the pressure regulated by the
To replace it, change the
Category option to “Able to be
selected” and search the variable

Select all the proposed

algebraic variables.

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Example 3: Results EcosimPro 6.0

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• PIPELIQ library is an excellent and user-friendly tool for helping engineers in the
design and better understanding of the performance and operation of liquid piping
• Thanks to the powerful features of the EcosimPro/PROOSIS experiment, the user can
easily perform advanced calculations:
– Parametric studies for evaluating the influence of a operation or size parameter on the
performance of your system.
– Operation sequence where the user can vary the valve line-up, turn pumps on or off,
vary the fluid boundary conditions or specify a failure in the control elements.
– Estimation of the value of an input parameter of the system that better fulfills the
requirements of operating conditions.
• The user can easily and quickly display values or graphs of flow, pressure,
temperature and many other parameters of the piping model in the EcosimPro Monitor
Tool or in the Schematic Simulation View.
• The simulation models can be easily exported to MS Excel using the EcosimPro Excel
Add-in where the user can easily report analyses changing operational parameters of
the system like positions of the actuators or fluid boundary conditions.

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