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uman Welfare
Chapter Analysis w.r,t. Lost 3 Ye
ars' Boord Exams
The analysis given here gives you an ana
lytical picture of this chapter and will help
concepts of the chapter that are to be focu you to identify the
ssed more from exam point of view.
Number of Questions asked in las
1 -- -- - - ------ t 3 years
-- -
- --
De lhi All Ind ia De lhi
- ~--- ---- ---
All India De lhi All India
- - Very Sho rt An swe r ( l ma!_k)

Sho rt An swe r Type I (2 ma rks
Sho rt An swe r Type II ( 3 ma rks
) I
) ' IQ

IQ IQ -- lQ IQ
~ - -Long- An -
swe r ( 5 ma rks )
-- -- -
l Q I IQ _,_ _ lQ lQ
Value Based Qu esti ons (4 ma - '-- -- - -- ·---- -·•-- ·-··-
rks ) I

\. In 2015, one question of2 marks bas I

ed on Sewage Treatment, one question of
Microorganisms and one question of5 ma 3 marks
rks based on BOD and Biocontrol Agents based on
• In 2016, same pattern as in 2015 obs were asked.
• In 2017, in Delhi set, one question of
2 marks
based on Application ofFungal Genus wer based on Sewage Treatment and one question of3 marks
e asked.
o,, the basis ofabove analysis, it can be said
that from exam point of view Sewage Tre
most important concepts ofthe chapter. atment and BOD are t}it
[TOPIC 11 Microbes in Household Product
Industrial Products and Sewage'
Microbes are the major components of biological Dough
systems on the earth. They are present It is formed by the fermentation caused by
everywhere, i.e. in soil, water, air, inside our body bacteria.
and those of other animals and plants. They can (i) Dough that is used to make bread, is
also be found deep inside the geysers ( thermal fermented using baker's yeast (Saccharomyces
vents with temperature around 100° C), deep in cerevisiae).
soil, under the layer of snow and in highly acidic
(ii) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) released during the
environments. process of fermentation gives the fluffy
Microbes are so, minute that they cannot be seen appearance to dough.
by naked eyes. Various types of microbes are (iii) It is also used to make foods like idli, dosa,
protozoan, bacteria, fungi, virus, viroids and in addition to different types of breads.
prions (proteinaceous infections agents), etc.

1.1 Microbes in Household It is .a traditional drink of Southern India. It is
made by the fermentation of sap from palm trees
Products by bacteria. It is a refreshing drink which can be
The common products obtained by the use of used for producing vinegar, jaggery or palm sugar.
microbes are curd, dough, toddy, cheese, etc.
Curd It is made by the partial degradation of milk using
It is formed by adding bacteria such as different microbes.
Lactobacillus and Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) (i) Swiss cheese is made by a bacterium
in milk. Propionibacterium shermanii. The large holes
(i) A small amount of curd is added to the in this cheese are due to the production of
large amount of CO2 by the bacterium.
fresh milk as starter, which contains
millions of LAB. (ii) Roquefort cheese is made by the ripening
with fungi, Penicillium roqueforti to obtain a
(ii) LAB at suitable temperature multiply and
specific flavour. It is the best known cheese
convert milk into curd, which also improves
made from sheep's milk.
its nutritional quality by increasing the Camembert cheese employs Penicillium
content of vitamin-B12 . camemberti for ripening.
(iii) During growth, LAB produce acids that
coagulate and partially digest the Other Products
milk proteins. Microbes are also used to ferment fish, soybean
(iv) LAB also check disease causing microbes and bamboo shoots to make food.
in the stomach.
roducts obtained Nobel ~ ~rl l i
tcd beverages, (v) Antibiotics are also used to
adds, alcohol, enzymes and diseases such as plague, whoo
, etc. For the production of diphtheria and leprosy.
on dustrial scale from raw
s are grown in very large vessels
entors. Organic Acids
These are produced by the microbial metabolic
nted Beverages action. Important ones are
these are wine, beer, whisky, brandy and rum. (i) Citric acid-Aspergillus niger (fungi)
(i) These are obtained by fermenting malted (ii) Acetic acid -Acetobacter aceti (bacteria)
cereals and fruit juices with Saccharomyces (iii) Butyric acid- Clostridium butyricum (bacteria)
cerevisiae or brewer's yeast to produce
(iv) Lactic acid - Lactobacillus (bacteria)
ethanol on commercial scale.
CJl 120 6 ~ 2 CJ{50H + 2 CO 2 Enzymes
(ii) Variety of alcoholic drink depends on the
Enzymes used in various fields are also produced
type of raw material used for fermentation
by microbes as given below
and the type of processing (with or without
distillation). (i) Lipase is used in detergent formulations
(iii) Wine and beer are produced without and helps in removing oily stains from the
(iv) Whisky, brandy and rum are produced by (ii) Pectinases and proteases are used for
the distillation of the fermented broth. clarifying bottled juices because these
enzymes digest the pectin fibres present in
Antibiotics the fruit wall and juices. The bottled fruit
juices bought from the market are clearer as
(Anti-against and bios-life) compared to those made at home.
These are chemical substances, which are (iii) Streptokinase is produced by the
produced by some microbes and can kill or retard bacterium Streptococcus. It is modified by
the growth of other (disease causing) microbes. genetic engineering and is used as a 'Clot
( i) Penicillin was the first antibiotic buster' for removing clots from blood vessels
discovered by Alexander Fleming. of patients, who have undergone myocardial
infarction leading to heart attack.
( ii) Fleming discovered penicillin while
working on Staphylococcus bacteria. Bioactive Molecules
He observed a mould growing in one of his
unwashed culture plates around which Bioactive molecules produced by microbes are
Staphylococci could not grow. (i) Cyclosporin-A It is produced by the
He found that it was due to a chemical fungus Trichoderma polysporum. It is us~d as
produced by the mould. He named it immuno- suppressive agent in
penicillin after the mould Penicillium organ-transplant patients. It acts by
notatum. inhibiting the activation of T-cells.
b estero
hy competitively
e responsible for the Bloch
cholrsterol, e.g. pravastatin, the effluent.
etc. (iv) When BOD of the ~as.tM'f
effluent is passed into s•J:_JM~•-,:.
crobes in Sewage (v) The bacterial floes are allowed to
the tank and the sedhn#J\~is ~
treatment activated sludge.
(vi) A small amount of activated sludge ts
~ is the municipal waste water containing
pumped back into the aeration tank tb serve'.
ioainlY human excreta. It contains large quantity
as the inoculum.
of organic matter and pathogenic microbes.
11terefore, before discharging into natural bodies, (vii) The remaining major part of the sludge is
~e needs to be made less polluting and this pumped into large tanks called anaerobic
process employs the use of microbes. Sewage sludge digesters.
treatment is carried out in Sewage Treatment (viii) In anaerobic sludge digesters, other kinds of
plants {STPs) using hetero trophic microbes, bacteria, which grow anaerobically, digest
naturally present in the sewage. the bacteria and fungi in the sludge. During
this process, bacteria produce a mixture of
This treatment is carried out in following steps:
gases, such as methane, hydrogen sulphide
and the carbon dioxide, which form biogas.
Primary Treatment of Sewage {It can be used as source of energy as it is
(i) This step involves the physical removal of inflammable.
large and small particles from sewage (ix) The effluent from secondary treatment is
through filtration and sedimentation. generally released into natural water bodies
(ii) Floating debris is removed by sequential like rivers and streams.
filtration by passing the sewage water
through wire mesh screens. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
(iii) After this, the grit {soil and small pebbles) BOD refers to the amount of the oxygen that
is removed by sedimentation in settling would be consumed if all the organic matter in
tanks. The sediment is called primary one litre of water is oxidised by bacteria.
sludge and the supernatant formed is
(i) BOD measures the rate of uptake of oxygen
called primary effluent. by the microbes in a sample of water.
(iv) The primary effluent is then taken for Indirectly, it measures the organic matter
secondary treatment. present in the water.
(ii) More ~OD of water indicates more polluting
Secondary Treatment potential.
(Biological Treatment)
(i) Primary effluent is passed into large River Action Plans
aeration tanks with constant mechanical (i) ~ue ~o the increasing urbanisation, sewage
agitation and air supply. is bemg produced in larger quantities.
(ti) This allows vigorous growth of useful S?, the ~ntreated sewage is often discharged
aerobic microbes into floes (masses of duectly mto the rivers leading to their
acteria associated with fungal filaments to P?llution and increase in water bome
mi mesh-like structures). diseases.
0 Chopterwise CBSE Solved P

(ii) The Ministry of Environment and Forests 6 Write the scientific name of the
has initiated Ganga Action Plan and • used for fermenting malted cere
Yamuna Action Plan to save the major fruit juices. Delhi 2011
rivers of our country from pollution. 7. Mention the information t~at the h
Under these plans, building of a large workers derive by measuring BOD 0
number of sewage treatment plants is water body. All India 2010
proposed, so that only treated sewage can
be discharged in the rivers. a. Why is sewage water treated until t~e
BOD is reduced? Give a reason. ~
9. BOD of two samples of water A and B
were 120 mg/Land 400 mg/L,
PREVIOUS YEARS' respectively. Which sample is more

0 2 Marks Questions
0 1 Mark Questions
10. Distinguish between the roles of flocks
1. Why do we add an inoculum of curd to
and anaerobic sludge digesters in sewage
milk for curdling it? Delhi 201sc treatments. Delhi 2016
Or Why is 'starter' added to set the milk into
curd? Explain. All India 2014c 11. List the events that reduce the Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD) of a primary
Or Name the nutrient that gets enhanced effluent during sewage treatment. ~
while curdling of milk by Lactobacillus?
All India 2014C
Or During the secondary treatment of the
primary effluent, how does the significant
2. How is lactic acid bacteria beneficial to us
decrease in BOD occur? Delhi 2009
other than helping in curdling the milk?
All India 2015C 12. Explain the different steps involved
Or Milk starts to coagulate when Lactic Acid during primary treatment phase of
sewage. All India 2015
Bacteria (LAB) is added to warm milk as
a starter. Mention any other two benefits 13. Mention a product of human welfare
LAB provide. All India 2009 obtained with the help of each one of the
3. Give the scientific name of the source following microbes.
organisms from which the first antibiotic (i) LAB
was produced. Foreign 2014 (ii) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
4. Name the gas released and the process (iii) Propionibacterium shermanii
responsible for puffing up of the bread
dough when Saccharomyces cerevisiae is (iv) Aspergillus niger Delhi 201&
added to it. All India 2013C 14. Bottled fruit juices are clearer as
5. Which of the following is the baker's yeast compared to those made at h
. ?
used in fermentation. 15.
microbial activity
. . . . . . .el
~ Whkfl grow anaerobically
matftlal produce large amount
along with CO 2 and ff 2. These
~ called methanogens (one of
die <Dmmon bacterium is Methanobacten·wn).
) Metbanbaens are commonly found in the
anaerobic sludge during sewage treatment
and arc also present in the rumen (a part of
stomach) of cattle.
(rv) In rum~ methanogens help in the
breakdown of cellulose anaerobically
thereby releasing CO 2 and H 2 . This process
plays an important role in the nutrition of
cattle. The excreta of cattle called gobar, is
rich in these bacteria. Therefore, cow dung
can also be used to produce biogas,
commonly called gobar gas. 2.2 Microbes a~
Blogas Production Agents
(i) The biogas plant consists of a concrete tank ( i) Biocontrol refers
( 10-15 feet deep) in which bio-wastes are methods for contri
collected and a slurry of dung is fed. and pests.
(ii) A floating cover is placed over the slurry, (ii) The insecticides an
which keeps on rising as the gas is produced useful for field Q
in the tank due to microbial activity. and extremely
(iii) The plant has an outlet, which is animals becaus
connected to a pipe to supply biogas to environmen
nearby houses. (iii) Biocontrol a
(iv) 1be spent slurry is removed through control o
another outlet and may be used as fertiliser. than·
(Y) In rural areas, cattle dung is availabl_e ~
~ So more biogas plants are built m
fa ·
dle,e areas to produce biogas for cooking
__,,~ --•·tvelop tit
the webs of ln~a~

~ d of organisms that
c field fauna and flora. (d)
the view that the eradication of insects••
tutts ~hat arc often described as • Majorltyofba
is undesirable because without the as biocon~agmU..,_,
beneficial predatory and parasitic m, genus- Nutltop0lyWrwlna
s would not sun,ive. • These are spedes spedftc, namw,
e approaches for biological farming are spectrum insectiddes.
(a) Familiarity vvith various life forms • They do not harm plants, mammals,
birds, fish and other non-target inJCdS
inhabiting the field.
• Baculoviruses are beneficial in
(b) Understanding of their life cycles, Intergrated Pest Management (1PM)
patterns of feeding and preferred programme, in which beneficial insects
habitat of predators and pests. are conserved.
(c) Greatly reduced dependency on toxic
chemicals and pesticides by the use of
biocontrol measures.
2.3 Microbes as Biofertilisers
(d) Instead of eradicating the pests Microbes as biofertilisers enrich the nutrient
completely, they are kept at manageable (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) quality of the soil.
levels by a complex system of checks The main sources of biofertilisers are bacteria,
fungi and cyanobacteria.
and balances within a living and vibrant
ecosystem. ( i) Bacteria as biofertilisers
(a) The nodules on the roots of leguminous
(vi) Examples of biocontrol agents include
plants are formed by the symbiotic
(a) The ladybird and dragonflies are useful association of Rhizobium bacteria.
to get rid of aphids and mosquitoes,
These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen
respectively. into organic forms, which is used by the
(b) The bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensi~ (Bt) is plants as nutrient.
used to control butterfly catterpillars as (b) Other bacteria, such as Azospirillum and
follows Azotobacter, fix atmospheric nitrogen
• Dried spores of Bt ( available in sachets) while free-living in the soil. They enrich
are mixed with water and spra~ed onto the nitrogen content of the soil.
vulnerable plants such as brass1cas and (ii) Fungi as biofertilisers
fruit trees, where they are eaten by the
(a) Fungi form symbiotic association with
insect larvae. plants (mycorrhiza).
• In the gut of the larvae, the t_oxin is
(b) Many members of the fungus genus
released and the larvae get killed.
Glomus form mycorrhiza.
• The bacterial disease will kill_ the
( c) The fungal symbiont absorbs
catterpillars, but leave other msects
phosphorus from the soil and passes %
to the plant.
• B. thuringiensis toxin genes are .
introduced into plants by genetic_ (d) Mycorrhiza shows the following
engineering. Such, plants are resistant to benefits
& attack by insect pests, e.g. Bt cotton. • Resistance to root borne pa9'J~ ~
0 Chaf)teFWl5e CBiE

. he presence of cyant)b
• Tolerance to salinity and drought. Or How isdtd fields beneficial to ricl
the pa Y
• Overall increase in plant growth and
O ne symbiont, which se
(iii) Cyanobacteria as biofertllisers 6. Name '.'11:Y Mention it's specific role
biofert111ser. ~
(a) Cyanobacteria are autotrophic microb_es
and many of them can fix atmospheric . h 0 f the following is a free-living
nitrogen. 7. Whic . that can fix nitrogen in the soil?
(b) Examples of cyanobacteria are Anabaena, ba~terli_a Azospirillum and Sonalika ·
Nostoc, Oscillatoria, etc. Spiru ina, ..,.
(c) Blue-green algae also add organic matter . ~ (21
to the soil and increase its fertility. . h of the following is a cyanobacteriu111
8. Wh IC •
. 't ? 20
that can fix atmospheric m rogen.
Uses of Biofertiliser Azospirillum, Oscillatoria and Spirulina. _
A number of biofertilisers are available All India~ 21
commercially in the market. Farmers use them in
9 _ Name the group of organisms and_the
fields to replenish soil nutrients and to reduce substrate that act on to produce b1ogas.
dependence on the chemical fertilisers. These
biofertilisers do not allow the pathogens to
flourish and these are non-polluting. 22.
0 2 Marks Questions
10. How does the application of the fungal
genus, Glomus, to the agricultural farm 23
PREVIOUS YEARS' increase the farm output? Delhi 2017
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 11. How does the application of cyanobacteria
help to improve agricultural output?
TOPIC 2 Delhi 2017
12. Name a genus of baculovirus. Why are
0 1 Mark Questions they considered good biocontrol agents?
All India 2016
1. Name the type of association that the
13. What are methanogens? Name the
genus Glomus exhibits with higher
plants. All India 2014 animals in which methanogens occur and
the role they play there. Delhi 2014
2. State one reason for adding blue-green
algae to the agricultural soil. Delhi 2D14C 14. Draw a labelled sketch of a typical biogas
plant. Delhi 2014C
3. What makes the Nucleopolyhedrovirus a
desirable biological control agent? 15. Explain the significant role of the genus
All India 2013C; 2012C Nucleopolyhedrovirus in an ecological
sensitive area. All India 2014
Or What is the significance of Nucleopoly-
hedrovirus in pest management? 16. How do mycorrhizae act as biofertilisers?
Explain. Name a genus of fungi that
4. Mention the role of cyanobacteria as
forms a mycorrhizal association with
biofertilisers. All India 2012 plants.Delhi 2012
5. Mention two advantages of adding Or How do plants benefit from having
blue-green algae to paddy fields.
mycorrhizal symbiotic association?
All India 2011c

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