Lab Activity 2V - Laptop Batteries Khai

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Lab Activity 2V- Laptop Batteries

Print and complete this activity.

In this activity, you will use the Internet, a newspaper, or a local store to gather information and then enter
the specifications for a laptop battery onto this worksheet.

1. List the specifications for a laptop battery. Please ask your instructor for the laptop model to research.

- ASUS Notebook K32SJ,K43SV Series

2. Shop around, and in the table below list the features and cost for a generic and a laptop battery from
the manufacture of the laptop.

Battery Specifications Generic Manufacturer

Voltage requirements 11.1 V 10.8 V

Battery cell configuration- 6-cell 6-cell

ex: 6-Cell, 9-Cell
Compatibiltiy 100% oem compatible Asus K53

Dimensions 5200 mAh 5200 mAh

Hours of life 56 Whrs 56 Whrs

Approxmate cost Rm 55.90 Rm 150.00

3. Based on your research, which battery would you select? Be prepared to discuss your decisions
regarding the battery you select.

- based on observation I would like to choose generic because it can save cost.


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