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 Why is he / she your favorite athlete?

Every time I see a falcao I feel identified because while he was injured in the knee I also read
myself and he was my motivation to get out of this difficult situation. In my case he is also my
favorite athlete for his values and family principles, although he is famous he has never been
involved in scandalso

 How did he / she turn into an athlete?

His father was a professional soccer player and he taught Falcao, although his beginnings were not
the best, he traveled to the river as a ball catcher since he saw the opportunity to show himself,
even if nothing happened. He showed himself to the team and they made him a professional
contract and his career began there, although it is said that the pope falsified his age and put him
two years younger than he really haso

 What has he / she achieved in his / her professional life?

Only if we start to investigate, we will realize that he has been a great soccer player, being the
Colombia's top scorer, being the champion of the Euro Cup and champion of different teams he
has been in, until he became the best 9 of a time, being in the 11th world ideal. Before he was
injured he was at his best and it was there that he got most of the trophies and awards. After he
returned from injury, he has regained the level to stay in the elite, but due to his age he does not
have the same level as before, if he had not been injured he would still be the best 9 in the world

 What obstacles has he / she run into and how has he / she dealt with

them?He has gone through two hard situations, the first when he injured his cruciate ligaments in
his knee and missed the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, they gave him the best therapies with the best
medical services, but he did not recover to attend the World Cup. In any case, he recovered with
the help of his wife and children and with faith in God.
The second situation was the death of his father a short time ago, it was a very sad situation for
Falcao, but he has been overcoming it

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